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Smelled the best BBQ in Texas this weekend (disco fries)

Decided to reconnect with the wife and the little kids this ...
Vengeful naked locale depressive
I personally do not enjoy barbecue that much. I have had som...
Razzmatazz water buffalo
Note that he does not deny licking the doors at UT. Odd case...
nighttime jewess
Could you be anymore of a shitty poaster?
charismatic blue base dragon
HOW am I a "BAD" poaster? I am one of the very bes...
Razzmatazz water buffalo
you're a fraud, decades of gluttony are not washed away by a...
Impertinent Talking Ladyboy Center
Oh, but they are. They actually are. That is the beauty of...
Razzmatazz water buffalo
yes, you now find all food, which you spent most of your lif...
Impertinent Talking Ladyboy Center
I don't understand your haters. You are bettering yourself...
Unhinged Garrison
indigo spectacular hospital coffee pot
I did the Franklin’s “tour” back in Novemb...
burgundy insane factory reset button potus
Are you 48? I just turned 48.
Vengeful naked locale depressive
burgundy insane factory reset button potus
Vengeful naked locale depressive
burgundy insane factory reset button potus
Vengeful naked locale depressive
disco flies

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Date: March 5th, 2023 12:05 PM
Author: Vengeful naked locale depressive

Decided to reconnect with the wife and the little kids this weekend after I realized I may in fact look like Drew Carey and that women may not voluntarily have sex with me (I went sarging at the bars but that didn’t go well, a story for another day). We drove from our home in San Antonio down to Austin to experience the sites and sounds. I heard CSLG was from there so I wanted to bask in his essence and walk the path he once walked. I licked the doors at U Texas Law school to be connected with my inner soul with my hero and future husband CSLG.

I’ve heard Austin has great BBQ which is amazing, so I took the family down to Franklin’s, which I’ve heard is the best locally. Of course, as I just started my newest fast 40 hours ago, we weren’t there to eat. My family and I got a spot on the patio, and ordered some waters. We sat outside savoring the sites and sounds, and most importantly the smells. My children started crying saying they were hungry. I showed them the quote from Kate Moss “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” and the little bastards calmed down a bit. I let them have a few sticks of celery I packed up just for this occasion.

All in all, Austin is a great city, but the food and obesity around the town make it a weekender, not a place I’d want to live.

Disco Fries out.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 12:18 PM
Author: Razzmatazz water buffalo

I personally do not enjoy barbecue that much. I have had some good brisket before, but it's not worth waiting in line for or spending $30+ on for a plate.

I'm also not a fan of the way it is served and the "sides," which are almost always gross things. Just serve it with a pickle instead of some candied yams or bacon mac n' cheese or whatever garbage those places have.

Yeah, I am definitely NOT a fan of the barbecue scene. Went to Kansas City and left Jack Stack's after they said there was a line. Who in their right mind waits in line for barbecue.

Barbecue afficiandos have lost thier damn minds.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 1:56 PM
Author: nighttime jewess

Note that he does not deny licking the doors at UT. Odd case.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 1:57 PM
Author: charismatic blue base dragon

Could you be anymore of a shitty poaster?


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:07 PM
Author: Razzmatazz water buffalo

HOW am I a "BAD" poaster? I am one of the very best poasters. Top shelf all the way. And, I have many supporters.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:08 PM
Author: Impertinent Talking Ladyboy Center

you're a fraud, decades of gluttony are not washed away by a few fasts


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: Razzmatazz water buffalo

Oh, but they are. They actually are.

That is the beauty of fasting.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: Impertinent Talking Ladyboy Center

yes, you now find all food, which you spent most of your life shoving down your gullet in prodigious amounts, so distasteful that you'll never be fat again


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Date: March 5th, 2023 6:41 PM
Author: Unhinged Garrison

I don't understand your haters. You are bettering yourself and they do nothing but try to drag you down. Stay strong king.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 1:55 PM
Author: indigo spectacular hospital coffee pot


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: burgundy insane factory reset button potus

I did the Franklin’s “tour” back in November and it was pretty interesting.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: Vengeful naked locale depressive

Are you 48? I just turned 48.


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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:22 PM
Author: burgundy insane factory reset button potus



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Date: March 5th, 2023 2:25 PM
Author: Vengeful naked locale depressive



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Date: March 5th, 2023 6:39 PM
Author: burgundy insane factory reset button potus



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Date: March 5th, 2023 4:43 PM
Author: Vengeful naked locale depressive


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Date: March 17th, 2025 11:04 AM
Author: disco flies
