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Tommy what race are the Andamanese?

They look black but are Indian or Asian? What is going on wh...
turquoise appetizing hominid
same race as 1/3 of indian DNA
Tantric concupiscible cruise ship dragon
and australian abos, and jomon (partially)
splenetic flushed area juggernaut
its all jewish lies, indians are 100% yamnaya
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
Tantric concupiscible cruise ship dragon
100% yamnaya or iranian ancient farmer
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
Ljl right
rose indirect expression half-breed
they are just furking niggas, SE asia was populated by nigga...
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
Wow I trust the science on this one. They do have more share...
turquoise appetizing hominid
GORGEOUS indus valley civ was before yamnaya even came, bird...
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
We had to colonize your genes so you would stop fuarking liz...
turquoise appetizing hominid
"WE" https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2c47...
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
modern 'negritos' are one of the offshoots of a very ancient...
Trip burgundy giraffe
oh what a negrito scholar! give me moar scholarship!!!
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
Taiwan ritual honors lost tribe of 'small people' XIANG T...
Trip burgundy giraffe
Taiwan is super interesting, supposedly the austroneasans wh...
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
marvelous amethyst stag film coldplay fan
How do you know all of this?
turquoise appetizing hominid
Isnt that hemi or whatever? He knows everything
marvelous amethyst stag film coldplay fan
it was when the original papers came out in the late-00's/ea...
Trip burgundy giraffe
It’s clear that an equatorial rainforest environment s...
swashbuckling incel karate
turquoise appetizing hominid
what a negrito scholarly treat!!
Citrine abusive volcanic crater
(based David Reich)
swashbuckling incel karate

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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:49 AM
Author: turquoise appetizing hominid

They look black but are Indian or Asian? What is going on why do they look African despite being so far from Africa?


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:51 AM
Author: Tantric concupiscible cruise ship dragon

same race as 1/3 of indian DNA


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:51 AM
Author: splenetic flushed area juggernaut

and australian abos, and jomon (partially)


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:52 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

its all jewish lies, indians are 100% yamnaya


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:56 AM
Author: Tantric concupiscible cruise ship dragon



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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:57 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

100% yamnaya or iranian ancient farmer


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Date: June 4th, 2023 9:55 AM
Author: rose indirect expression half-breed

Ljl right


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:52 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

they are just furking niggas, SE asia was populated by niggas like that historically, they still have some in TH, malaysia, indo, in HELLOSIRLAND on some island sometimes id see nigga looking creatures but they were HELLOSIRS

but ((scientiests))) claim they have totally diff DNA from niggas and more in common with SE asians


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Date: June 4th, 2023 12:59 AM
Author: turquoise appetizing hominid

Wow I trust the science on this one. They do have more shared DNA with SE Asians than Africans. Although Indians were probably improved by invaders as they mixed long ago.


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:01 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

GORGEOUS indus valley civ was before yamnaya even came, birdshit


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:05 AM
Author: turquoise appetizing hominid

We had to colonize your genes so you would stop fuarking lizards, your true nature. But we couldn't stop all the misbehavior.


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:20 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

"WE" https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2c47a57f7fbd90f945b9e11f33b9c4bd-pjlq


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:19 AM
Author: Trip burgundy giraffe

modern 'negritos' are one of the offshoots of a very ancient substrate population which seems to have spread across much of asia and austronesia. the substrate shows up in the japanese ainu to some extent, for example.

another branch probably helped to create the tamils, while another developed into a common ancestor of papuans, melanesians, and aboriginals, and another influenced the polynesians (which is probably how traces of negrito DNA ended up in south american tribes, via the polynesian/easter island routes).

some of the branches got dumber and less-capable over time, forgetting earlier skills like how to sail. this seems to have happened to the taiwanese negritos before they got genocided by the taiwanese aboriginals sometime in the 1200's. other negrito groups got pushed out of southern china and deeper into the jungles of the malay peninsula, where they became the 'orang asli.'

filipino negritos themselves branched off into different tribes, some of which got absorbed or cross-bred into various tribal groups, like the palawan natives. those guys aren't quite negrito, but they clearly have some negrito ancestry. the same with the aeta around luzon, though they do have a more coherent negrito core population remaining.

the andamanese are basically a stranded and inbred group of the original substrate population which devolved over time and mostly lost its ability to traverse the open seas.

the story with the abos and papuans is probably more complex due to all those weird little hominid species which developed in indonesia, like the homo floresiensis. there was probably intermixing with some of those, which helped to create the rather bizarre appearance of unmixed modern abos.

one of the open questions is the extent to which the substrate population helped to create east asians/chinese. there may have been a branch of the substrate which contributed some of their early DNA.


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:26 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

oh what a negrito scholar! give me moar scholarship!!!


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:29 AM
Author: Trip burgundy giraffe

Taiwan ritual honors lost tribe of 'small people'

XIANG TIAN HU, Taiwan - Chu Kuo-sheng danced for 24 hours in the cold mountain rain to draw attention to a seldom-discussed chapter of Taiwanese history. He linked arms with dozens of others, chanted and slowly shuffled across a field.

About 600 people performed the exhausting ritual last weekend that honors a pygmy-like people, skin as dark as those from equatorial Africa, who Chu's own tribe admits to exterminating in battle between 1,000 and 2,000 years ago.

The ceremony, called Pasta'ay, is a tribute to a lost tribe of pygmies, who may have numbered 90,000 at their peak and resembled tribes living today in Papua New Guinea. They disappeared, leaving no archaeological records that point conclusively to their existence. But anthropologists believe they were wiped out by other tribes like the Saisiyat, of which Chu is a member.

The ceremony is held every two years to thank the vanquished tribe for teaching its neighbors how to farm when they shared a steep, forested region of Taiwan just south of today's main high-tech district.

"It's a pact between us and the short people, when this time comes, to perform the ceremony, and to skip it would be a violation," Chu, 48, said at a boisterous dinner, its attendees dressed in traditional red and white robes and ready to dance. "According to information from our elders, they gave us what we needed to work, farm and get by."

Historians in Taiwan say the tribe was ethnically linked to short, dark-skinned people who still live in Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and the Philippines. Elsewhere in Asia, they are known as negritos.

The Saisiyat, who have lighter skin and Asiatic features, killed the last of the pygmies in battle over a classic issue among men, local elders say: The pygmies would pursue Saisiyat women, enraging the tribe.

The Saisiyat ultimately forced a battle, cornering so many pygmies on a bridge that the entire tribe drowned when warriors damaged the span, tipping it into a mountain river, said Chu Fung-lu, master of ceremonies at the second of Taiwan's two biennial Pasta'ay ceremonies that are held around Xiang Tian Hu, a village in mountainous northwestern Taiwan, whose name means "toward Heaven Lake."

Pygmies may have reached Taiwan from Madagascar via the islands of Southeast Asia, scholars say. The Taiwanese government's Council of Aboriginal Affairs acknowledges the dark-skinned tribe, called the "small people" in Mandarin Chinese.

"We may have only legends, but everyone knows the pygmies were around," said Pan Chiu-jung, a commissioner for the government of Miaoli county, where the Xiang Tian Hu ceremony took place.

Almost all the Saisiyat were expected to drop by one of two ceremonies, which ended Monday. The tribe is one of 14 recognized indigenous groups in Taiwan, where it would traditionally hunt in the island's high central mountains. Over the last 50 years, the Saisiyat have moved to cities for work, often forming an invisible underclass.

For the ritual's opening night in Xiang Tian Hu, ethnic Han Chinese from around Taiwan packed shuttle buses that rumbled up a curvy mountain road to the ceremony venue half an hour from the nearest town. About 98% of Taiwan's 23 million people are Han.

Huddled in rain slickers, the spectators took photos as groups of Saisiyat men in costume chanted and danced their way across a field after finishing large, meaty meals along with nonstop alcohol.

"The pygmies were really accomplished, but they had one bad habit, which is that they were lustful," said Hu Lee-fen, who watched the festival on opening night. "But this is my first time here. I've done my homework, but I want to know more."





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Date: June 4th, 2023 4:20 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

Taiwan is super interesting, supposedly the austroneasans who went to Indonesia came from there, the Han now big chunged it but historically it seems like it was a kooky place that birthed lots of cock


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Date: June 4th, 2023 3:11 AM
Author: marvelous amethyst stag film coldplay fan


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Date: June 4th, 2023 1:33 AM
Author: turquoise appetizing hominid

How do you know all of this?


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Date: June 4th, 2023 3:12 AM
Author: marvelous amethyst stag film coldplay fan

Isnt that hemi or whatever? He knows everything


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Date: June 4th, 2023 4:34 AM
Author: Trip burgundy giraffe

it was when the original papers came out in the late-00's/early-10's about negrito DNA in south america. for some reason, this whole concept took me aback. how the fuck did THAT happen? but after a while, it actually wasn't that hard to see how things probably worked.

the thing about negritos is that they really ARE highly-divergent from africans, despite being similarly-hued. those population groups would have diverged quite far back in prehistory. and as we saw with the northern-migrating negrito substrate groups which contributed to the proto-ainu populations, the coloration was also lost in some cases, while probably intensifying in others closer to the equator or in desert climates.


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Date: June 4th, 2023 4:43 AM
Author: swashbuckling incel karate

It’s clear that an equatorial rainforest environment selects for negro features: dark skin, flat nose, frizzy hair


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Date: June 4th, 2023 9:34 AM
Author: turquoise appetizing hominid


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Date: June 4th, 2023 9:39 AM
Author: Citrine abusive volcanic crater

what a negrito scholarly treat!!


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Date: June 4th, 2023 4:24 AM
Author: swashbuckling incel karate

(based David Reich)
