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WSJ: Sexpats in Medellin getting murdered by gangs

BOGOTÁ, Colombia—Minnesota comedian Tou Ger Xio...
galvanic antidepressant drug
Popular expat YouTuber no joke Howard traveled from Cambodia...
adventurous idiot gunner
180 was this on YouTube?
learning disabled tank
Well no joke Howard was a well-known and fairly popular YouT...
adventurous idiot gunner
Why couldn’t this have happened to nyuug
learning disabled tank
k but are the women skinny.
Olive House-broken Associate Stag Film
Minnesota comedian Tou Ger Xiong
Canary Tripping Gas Station
Could have been a poaster imo
galvanic antidepressant drug
This story hits home
Canary Tripping Gas Station
galvanic antidepressant drug
nutella's cousin
Cocky clown
Comedian Tou Ger Xiong posed with bevy of beauties in Colomb...
shimmering indian lodge
Weird looking gook. Do these chicks do this for money or wha...
learning disabled tank
Yes. Yes.
Canary Tripping Gas Station
You can only tempt fate so egregiously before wheels begin t...
Thriller disgusting pocket flask
shimmering indian lodge
the fake redhead is kinda sexy but the other two are hideous...
Slap-happy trust fund striped hyena
none of these women are attractive LOLing at gooks like n...
aromatic apoplectic double fault locale
How did he not have $2k handy Wow I guess all passport br...
aquamarine embarrassed to the bone trump supporter institution
based, this should start happening to sexpests in all countr...
vivacious senate digit ratio
Lascivious Church
America is a shithole in so many ways.
Glassy Shaky Pozpig Native

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Date: January 21st, 2024 6:12 AM
Author: galvanic antidepressant drug

BOGOTÁ, Colombia—Minnesota comedian Tou Ger Xiong had fallen in love with the expat lifestyle in the vibrant Colombian city of Medellín: stock trading by day, fine dining and dance clubs by night.

He was one of a rising number of Americans and foreign nationals who began flocking to the country after the Covid-19 pandemic, some on new digital nomad visas introduced to help spur a growing startup scene.

But hours after prosecutors say he went out on a date on Dec. 10, he was calling family and friends back home to wire him $2,000, telling them he had been kidnapped and held for ransom. The next day, police found Xiong’s lifeless body with multiple stab wounds and bruises after being tossed off a 260-foot cliff along the side of a stream in a lush, wooded area of a city renowned for its eternal spring climate and rolling green hills.

“It’s surreal that in a place so beautiful, my brother died,” Xiong’s older brother, Eh Xiong, said in a phone interview from Minneapolis.

Xiong is one of at least eight Americans who died in Colombia’s second-largest city in November and December amid dozens of cases involving male tourists who were held captive and robbed, often after meeting women on dating apps, Medellín officials said. The deaths, some after the victims were drugged, and a spike in attacks against foreigners led the U.S. Embassy in Colombia to issue an alert this month urging caution for U.S. citizens meeting people through online dating platforms.

The warnings are a stain for Medellín officials who have spent decades cleaning up the city’s image, from 1990s murder capital under cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar to tourist hot spot with a flourishing nightlife. Homicides are down 97% in three decades.

But some criminals these days are targeting foreigners, many of whom flock to the city looking for drug-fueled parties and sex workers and are reluctant to report crimes if they are victimized, U.S. and Medellín officials said.

The attacks on foreigners come amid a robust rebound in tourism to Medellín, which residents, city authorities and even longtime expats blame for gentrification and a higher cost of living. The number of apartments listed on rental apps like Airbnb has nearly doubled to 7,000 in the last four years, according to data aggregator AllTheRooms.com. Rent has nearly tripled in the affluent El Poblado district, where Xiong had stayed and where many of the crimes occurred, and which is popular with foreigners who the city has tried to attract in an effort to make Medellín over as a remote tech workers’ paradise.

“We want more and more foreigners to come, but we want them to take part in tourism that adds value,” Medellín Mayor Federico Gutiérrez said after the U.S. warning. “Anyone who thinks they can come here for that sex and drugs tourism, we don’t want any of that here.”

In some of the deaths, which the U.S. Embassy deemed suspicious, American men were found dead in their hotel rooms or rented apartments after outings with local women. In other attacks, thugs robbed and killed them on the street while they were on dates, according to police reports. Others are believed to have died from mixing heavy drinking and the kind of mind-altering drugs gangs slip into drinks to incapacitate a victim before a robbery.

Social-media sites and internet travel message boards are rife with commenters encouraging middle-aged American men to indulge in the libertine dating scene in Colombia’s major cities, where prostitution is legal.

Many men tout their prolific dating through hookup apps like Tinder and Bumble. “Tinder has so many beautiful women in Colombia,” reads one post on TikTok where a woman kisses a man as a banner reads “Passport bro date,” the colloquial term to describe foreigners dating local women.

But there are also scores of social-media accounts warning foreigners of the risks of falling victim on dates in which crime gangs use drugs to sedate unsuspecting marks, to rob them.

“It’s become a huge, huge problem in the last few years,” said Jeremy Kreisler, a California native who lived in Medellín and runs a service helping young digital nomads embark on the expat life.

On his X profile, Kreisler in October offered a checklist of “Dating 101” tips, urging followers to choose the meeting site, closely watch their drink and avoid getting drunk. He also advised against mingling without speaking Spanish.

Even seasoned travelers can unwittingly become prey, Kreisler said, recalling how a friend was drugged at a bar and found most of his belongings gone when he regained consciousness at his apartment two days later. Kreisler said that he has also seen a noticeable jump in the amount of street prostitution, a problem that the city government says has become acute in tourist-heavy neighborhoods.

“I was blown away,” he said. “The question is what is Colombia going to do about it?”

The Attorney General’s office said it arrested about 50 people in 2023 for allegedly working with criminal groups that targeted foreigners in Medellín. In September, prosecutors arrested 14 members of one alleged crime syndicate that included underage girls used to create fake social-media profiles to draw victims, all of whom were men between the ages of 27 and 60. They were accused of robbing money and jewelry worth nearly $100,000 over a 10-month period.

William Vivas, Medellín’s top official who fields and investigates citizen complaints, said a fraction of the 1.3 million visitors to the city last year came for sex tourism. But those who do are particularly vulnerable to scams by gangs that subdue them using drugs like scopolamine, a powder or liquid that is sneaked into food or beverages to leave people in a drowsy zombielike state.

Vivas said his office has been alerting Medellín authorities of the rise in cases over the last two years.

“Unfortunately, the economic boom that we see through tourism also creates spaces for criminal structures to make money for themselves,” Vivas said. “There are women and men who are hunting to seduce you and mug you. My advice would be don’t let yourself get seduced.”

The city’s tourism advocacy board noted that thefts against foreigners had tripled during the third quarter of 2023, compared with the previous year. Murders in general, meanwhile, have fallen precipitously, with Medellín logging a homicide rate in 2023 of about 13 per 100,000, down from 395 per 100,000 in 1991, according to city data.

Xiong’s family said he never spoke about using dating apps but had told some of his brothers about a girl he had met in Medellín in July on one of several trips to Colombia he had made.

“He would tell me, ‘You have to come down with me,’” Eh Xiong said, recalling their last Thanksgiving, when his brother showed off photos of new friends in Medellín. But Xiong didn’t tell his family who he was meeting on Dec. 10.

On Thursday, prosecutors arrested two men, a woman and a 17-year-old adolescent in Xiong’s kidnapping and murder. Colombian investigators say the 50-year-old set out to an apartment to meet a woman he had connected with on social media. He was then tied up and beaten before being forced to call loved ones to send money to a PayPal account. A total of $3,140 was quickly sent to the account, prosecutors said, but Xiong was killed anyway.

“I couldn’t believe someone would try to hurt him,” said Eh, describing his shock when he learned Xiong was being held for ransom.

One of 11 siblings, Xiong had become a prominent member of the ethnic Hmong community around the Minneapolis-St. Paul area where his family had relocated in the late 1970s after the communist takeover of Laos. Xiong had made a name for himself on local comedy tours, and local schools in the Twin Cities contracted him to talk about his refugee experience and train teachers on working with immigrants, his family said.

Earlier this month, Eh traveled to Medellín to repatriate his brother’s body. He visited the ravine where his brother’s body was found to perform an ancestral Hmong ritual. Escorted by police, Eh burned incense and laid paper money on the ground to call his brother’s spirit ahead of a traditional three-day funeral in St. Paul that begins Jan. 27.

“It was a little secluded, you could hear echoes of the water running through the creek,” Eh said. “I thought, at least he died in a peaceful place.”



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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:24 AM
Author: adventurous idiot gunner

Popular expat YouTuber no joke Howard traveled from Cambodia to Mexico to continue his expat journeys a couple of years ago and wound up dead of a heart attack even though he's in his thirties


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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:44 AM
Author: learning disabled tank

180 was this on YouTube?


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Date: January 23rd, 2024 3:29 AM
Author: adventurous idiot gunner

Well no joke Howard was a well-known and fairly popular YouTuber and martial arts practitioner..he lived in Cambodia for some time and he also had a thing for lady boys.. so he was like bi or whatever anyway after a while he left Cambodia although there were rumors he owed money to a dealer. and then he went to Mexico and he was staying in Acapulco and the last video he made he said he was having some problems of the neighbor and then he stopped making videos and that was it and his mother came on the channel and made some comments said that he was found dead in Acapulco in the authorities said it was a heart attack of course he was only like 30 something so


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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:40 AM
Author: learning disabled tank

Why couldn’t this have happened to nyuug


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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:48 AM
Author: Olive House-broken Associate Stag Film

k but are the women skinny.


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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:51 AM
Author: Canary Tripping Gas Station

Minnesota comedian Tou Ger Xiong


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Date: January 21st, 2024 8:55 AM
Author: galvanic antidepressant drug

Could have been a poaster imo


Reply Favorite

Date: January 21st, 2024 9:04 AM
Author: Canary Tripping Gas Station

This story hits home


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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:26 AM
Author: galvanic antidepressant drug


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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:20 AM
Author: Cocky clown

nutella's cousin


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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:03 AM
Author: shimmering indian lodge

Comedian Tou Ger Xiong posed with bevy of beauties in Colombia, joked about being kidnapped before he was lured to his death

In another now-eerie Facebook post last summer, a smiling Xiong stood between two glammed-up ladies and jokingly wrote in the caption: “In the event I get kidnapped, don’t look for me. I am happy.”



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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:07 AM
Author: learning disabled tank

Weird looking gook. Do these chicks do this for money or what?


Reply Favorite

Date: January 21st, 2024 3:27 PM
Author: Canary Tripping Gas Station

Yes. Yes.


Reply Favorite

Date: January 21st, 2024 9:08 AM
Author: Thriller disgusting pocket flask

You can only tempt fate so egregiously before wheels begin to spin


Reply Favorite

Date: January 21st, 2024 9:23 AM
Author: shimmering indian lodge


Reply Favorite

Date: January 21st, 2024 10:30 AM
Author: Slap-happy trust fund striped hyena

the fake redhead is kinda sexy but the other two are hideous tattooed hookers


Reply Favorite

Date: January 23rd, 2024 3:41 AM
Author: aromatic apoplectic double fault locale

none of these women are attractive

LOLing at gooks like nyuug


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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:11 AM
Author: aquamarine embarrassed to the bone trump supporter institution

How did he not have $2k handy

Wow I guess all passport bros should just suspend what they are doing immediately!


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Date: January 21st, 2024 9:23 AM
Author: vivacious senate digit ratio

based, this should start happening to sexpests in all countries


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Date: January 21st, 2024 10:31 AM
Author: Lascivious Church


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Date: January 23rd, 2024 5:40 AM
Author: Glassy Shaky Pozpig Native

America is a shithole in so many ways.
