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Federal Reserve Chairman, Governors owned assets bought by Fed. Sold at top

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Kaplan and Rosengren announced divestitures on 9/9 https:...
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The Jew cries out as he slaps your wrist
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Kaplan was literally slinging FANG + Tesla stock + calls and...
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How does these Fed guys make so much money in the first plac...
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Robert Steven Kaplan (born 1957) is president and CEO of the...
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Two advocacy groups said two senior Federal Reserve official...
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“ None of these holdings or transactions appeared to v...
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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:12 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


Amid an outcry about Federal Reserve officials owning and trading individual securities, an in-depth look by CNBC at officials’ financial disclosures found three who last year held assets of the same type the Fed itself was buying, including Chairman Jerome Powell.

None of these holdings or transactions appeared to violate the Fed’s code of conduct. But they raise further questions about the Fed’s conflict of interest policies and the oversight of central bank officials.

Powell held between $1.25 million and $2.5 million of municipal bonds. They were just a small portion of his total reported assets. While the bonds were purchased before 2019, they were held while the Fed last year bought more than $5 billion in munis, including one from the state of Illinois purchased by his family trust in 2016.

Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren held between $151,000 and $800,000 worth of real estate investment trusts that owned mortgage-backed securities. He made as many as 37 separate trades in the four REITS while the Fed purchased almost $700 billion in MBS.

Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin held $1.35 million to $3 million in individual corporate bonds purchased before 2020. They include bonds of Pepsi, Home Depot and Eli Lilly. The Fed last year opened a corporate bond-buying facility and purchased $46.5 billion of corporate bonds.


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:12 PM
Author: ivory demanding pocket flask gas station


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Date: September 20th, 2021 6:26 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 20th, 2021 9:28 PM
Author: Emerald razzmatazz doctorate state


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:12 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

Kaplan and Rosengren announced divestitures on 9/9


The Federal Reserve is poised to overhaul the rules regarding what its officials are allowed to invest in and trade after disclosures last week showed that two of the central bank’s officials were active in markets in 2020, drawing an outcry.

Robert S. Kaplan, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and Eric Rosengren, the president of the Boston Fed, bought and sold stocks and real estate-tied assets last year.

Those transactions complied with Fed guidelines, but they involved securities that could have been affected by Fed decisions and communications during a year in which it was actively supporting a broad swathe of financial markets amid the pandemic. Policy researchers and even some former Fed employees were upset by the disclosures.

In response to the scrutiny, both regional presidents announced that they would sell their holdings and move them to cash


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:14 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:17 PM
Author: Contagious disturbing voyeur

Jewish slaps on the wrist incoming


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:17 PM
Author: ivory demanding pocket flask gas station

(((slaps on the wrist)))


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:20 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

The Jew cries out as he slaps your wrist


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:17 PM
Author: crimson internet-worthy theater alpha


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:19 PM
Author: grizzly hall

god fucking damn it


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:21 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

Kaplan was literally slinging FANG + Tesla stock + calls and daytrading S&P futures


Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan made million-dollar stock trades in popular stocks last year, according to a disclosure form.

Kaplan bought more than $1 million worth of Google and Oracle, while he bought and sold shares of Tesla and Amazon.

Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan made million-dollar stock trades in a handful of popular stocks last year, according to a disclosure form provided by his bank that was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

The disclosure details million-dollar buys and sells in shares of Tesla, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and more.

Kaplan was more active in trading stocks than his Fed president peers, making a number of buy and sell trades in 25 individual stocks and ETFs last year. Kaplan also made multiple buy and sell trades worth more than $1 million in S&P index futures, according to the disclosure form.

Kaplan reported holding 27 individual stocks, funds, or alternative assets that were worth at least $1 million. Those stock holdings included at least $1 million positions in Apple, Tesla, Verizon, General Electric, Boeing, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, among others.

A spokesman for the Dallas Fed said Mr. Kaplan's trading was reviewed and approved by the bank's general counsel


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Date: September 21st, 2021 5:30 AM
Author: wild depressive french chef

Nigga should be in crypto


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Date: September 21st, 2021 5:43 AM
Author: Big Pisswyrm Indian Lodge

How does these Fed guys make so much money in the first place?


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Date: September 21st, 2021 10:41 AM
Author: Hyperactive really tough guy


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Date: September 21st, 2021 11:01 AM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

Robert Steven Kaplan (born 1957) is president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and a former long-time Goldman Sachs executive. He was appointed to the position on September 8, 2015.


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Date: September 20th, 2021 3:48 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 20th, 2021 6:19 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 20th, 2021 6:22 PM
Author: titillating mauve hospital


Did you know the Trumptard unvaccinated are selfishly prolonging this pandemic?


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Date: September 20th, 2021 6:26 PM
Author: crimson internet-worthy theater alpha


Reply Favorite

Date: September 21st, 2021 10:57 AM
Author: Contagious disturbing voyeur


Reply Favorite

Date: September 20th, 2021 8:45 PM
Author: Flirting Brass Tattoo Quadroon


Reply Favorite

Date: September 20th, 2021 9:24 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 20th, 2021 9:44 PM
Author: Hilarious sapphire forum



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Date: September 21st, 2021 12:38 AM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 21st, 2021 10:39 AM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 21st, 2021 11:01 AM
Author: Twisted Fanboi

the US elite are virtually indistinguishable from Russian/Brazilian at this point


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Date: September 21st, 2021 11:44 AM
Author: hot histrionic macaca

Did they make money? How much


Reply Favorite

Date: September 21st, 2021 12:30 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

Incredibly antisemitic poast


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Date: September 21st, 2021 2:35 PM
Author: Twisted Fanboi

excuse me but this is a trope


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Date: September 21st, 2021 11:47 AM
Author: Bonkers rehab

what do you think "Yield Curve Control" and other fancy terms they throw around are?

the old are pilfering the young and it is only getting worse


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Date: September 21st, 2021 12:41 PM
Author: titillating mauve hospital



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Date: September 21st, 2021 2:56 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank

Two advocacy groups said two senior Federal Reserve officials who traded stocks and other investments while setting monetary policy should lose their jobs, while a former senior Fed adviser said one of the men should be fired and the other should take leave pending an investigation.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Robert Kaplan Federal Reserve Bank of Boston leader Eric Rosengren actively traded in markets in 2020, a year dominated by major Fed interventions to help save the economy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to financial disclosure forms recently made available by their banks. The Fed said after the disclosures it would review its rules around trading rules by officials.

Better Markets, a group that pushes for tighter financial regulation; the left-leaning Center for Popular Democracy’s Fed Up campaign; and Andrew Levin, a former top Federal Reserve staff member and now a professor at Dartmouth College, are calling for the Fed to take action against Messrs. Kaplan and Rosengren.

“It’s time for the Fed to do what leaders are supposed to do: Lead by example,” Better Markets president and chief executive officer Dennis Kelleher wrote in a letter sent to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Tuesday.

Referring to what he called the “pandemic profiteering trading conduct” of Messrs. Kaplan and Rosengren, both should resign or be fired “for having lost the confidence and trust of the American people and, one would think, the Chairman of the U.S. central bank,” Mr. Kelleher said.

Mr. Kelleher said that as a regulator of financial institutions that has weighed in publicly about improving Wall Street culture, the Fed must live by those same standards.

“This is no time for the American people to lose confidence and trust in the Fed, which must be above reproach, not set the lowest bar for ethical and legal conduct,” Mr. Kelleher wrote.

Dartmouth’s Mr. Levin said, “President Rosengren should immediately resign or be removed from office” and “President Kaplan should take administrative leave pending the outcome of an external investigation of his trading activities.” The academic also worked at the central bank as special adviser to the Board on monetary policy strategy and communication from 2010 to 2012.

Mr. Levin said that in the case of Mr. Rosengren, trading securities tied to real estate even as these investments were directly affected by the Fed’s actions to help support the financial sector last year was egregious.

In the case of Mr. Kaplan, more information is needed, Mr. Levin said. The Dallas Fed leader, who worked for two decades at investment bank Goldman Sachs Group Inc. before leaving in 2006, has so far declined to provide full information on when and how much he traded across a wide variety of securities, some of which were in investments directly impacted by Fed policy choices, such as interest-rate and stock-market future funds.

“An external investigation can examine the timing of Kaplan’s stock transactions and determine whether those transactions could have benefited from his access to confidential market-sensitive information,” Mr. Levin said.

Both the Dallas Fed and the Boston Fed have said the trading undertaken by both men was in line with internal bank rules that prevent Fed leaders from owning stocks in banks and from trading around meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee meetings.

The trading by Messrs. Kaplan and Rosengren stood out among Fed officials’ disclosure forms, which showed varying levels of personal wealth and asset holdings. Mr. Kaplan’s trading, which totaled many millions of dollars going back to when he started at the bank in 2015, dwarfed that of Mr. Rosengren, who has spent most of his working life at the Fed.

Some Fed watchers say the trading raises questions about who policy was designed to help. “There are a lot of reasons that working people are right to wonder if the Fed has their best interests in mind,” said Benjamin Dulchin, campaign director for Fed Up.

“These trades are only the most obvious reason, but it makes it harder for the Fed to do its job,” Mr. Dulchin said, adding if he were Mr. Kaplan or Mr. Rosengren, “I would resign.”

The Dallas and Boston Fed leaders said after the disclosure of their trading that they would sell all their stock holdings and move the money into cash or investment funds by the end of September. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve Board said it would review the rules that govern senior officials’ financial activities and make changes as it saw fit. A Fed representative cited this review in response to questions about the Better Markets letter.

“We operate under rules about what we’re allowed to trade and when we’re allowed to trade it, precisely because we don’t want to have the appearance of, you know, looking like we’re trading on inside information,” Cleveland Fed leader Loretta Mester told reporters on Sept. 10. When it comes to updating the Fed’s internal rules, she said “I wouldn’t have a problem” with taking a fresh look at what is allowed.

But the Better Markets group says the Fed’s plan is insufficient. In a letter to Mr. Powell sent on Sunday, before the group said the two officials should be fired, Better Markets called on the Fed for full disclosure of all aspects of trading by officials and senior staff and said the Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Fed’s Inspector General all need to “conduct thorough investigations of all such trading to determine whether any laws were broken.”


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Date: September 21st, 2021 5:01 PM
Author: Bonkers rehab

shut it dooooown


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Date: September 21st, 2021 3:00 PM
Author: Chestnut nowag church

“ None of these holdings or transactions appeared to violate the Fed’s code of conduct.”

Nothing to see here. The Fed had a Code of Conduct.


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Date: September 21st, 2021 3:01 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank


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Date: September 21st, 2021 6:26 PM
Author: amethyst effete roommate sanctuary


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Date: September 21st, 2021 6:22 PM
Author: Puce tanning salon tank
