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How are all these tech founders also good at running businesses

It’s one thing to invent Facebook or Apple or Amazon o...
alcoholic glittery ratface sweet tailpipe
These things auto run themselves and the few decisions you h...
Pale Goyim Round Eye
bezos just hired people to do the tech stuff for him. steve ...
odious godawful gas station
they aren't it's a bunch of loser jew foreigners that had sh...
bearded snowy scourge upon the earth stage
odious godawful gas station

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Date: May 10th, 2024 8:46 PM
Author: alcoholic glittery ratface sweet tailpipe

It’s one thing to invent Facebook or Apple or Amazon or Google but it’s another to be the CEO of a mega-corporation and not fuck it up

Seems like these are two completely separate unrelated skill sets yet all these tech bros seem to do it really well


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Date: May 10th, 2024 8:48 PM
Author: Pale Goyim Round Eye

These things auto run themselves and the few decisions you have to make have more to do with who you know and what kind of back room shit you can pull off with those connections

It's all a ponzi scheme


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Date: May 10th, 2024 8:50 PM
Author: odious godawful gas station

bezos just hired people to do the tech stuff for him. steve jobs wasn't a coder; had his partner do the tech stuff. zuck probably can't operate a computer. one of the google bros was legit a tech genius, but got marginalized pretty quick re: management by establishment manager types that flocked to google to feast on its revenue.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 8:53 PM
Author: bearded snowy scourge upon the earth stage

they aren't it's a bunch of loser jew foreigners that had shit made by the government handed to them effectively for free by a bunch of deep state "wasps" while they mass imported shit colored eunuchs to do any grunt work


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Date: May 10th, 2024 8:54 PM
Author: odious godawful gas station

