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Trump is awesome and DOGE cannot cut enough

This is a generational moment no one thought would ever happ...
backroom poasting couch
What's funny is all of this stuff is going to be back as soo...
neurotic comptroller
I have never once met someone who depends on government prog...
backroom poasting couch
Do you understand that we already have the GAO that does ind...
neurotic comptroller
Why should hard working goyim who put on a hard hat every da...
backroom poasting couch
Sorry, the taxpayer doesn't get to line item veto what his t...
neurotic comptroller
My Congressman is a member of the Freedom Caucus. I literall...
backroom poasting couch
Sounds like you've done all you can do then. If the rest of ...
neurotic comptroller
I'm feeling pretty good about the big GOP wins that are comi...
backroom poasting couch
This is the Con version of "Biden is sharp as a tack&qu...
neurotic comptroller
"We have become dizzy with success." - Josef Stali...
backroom poasting couch
agreed. And it's not like there's some grand plan to cut the...
Zomg, cons have no plan! They might as well not even try! We...
backroom poasting couch
do you want to cut the debt or reduce the deficit? lol if a...
"We have to cut the deficit. Quick, eliminate social se...
neurotic comptroller
not an answer, but a concession
I don't think the debt is a pressing issue at this time. I d...
You want to tax people MORE? Do you know how unaffordable...
backroom poasting couch
Why do you assume blue collar workers are the ones we want t...
neurotic comptroller
??? Because they're the only ones who can't avoid paying ...
backroom poasting couch
^This is how you know Trumpists have a bugman spirit. They t...
neurotic comptroller
I am for taxing the rich btw. Fuck em. I don't give a shit a...
backroom poasting couch
why should they pay more? libs have shit for brains
Because productivity has more than doubled since 1980 and ne...
My boyfriend's penis is small and on the soft side
so your opinion is based on jealousy and drivel? nice just ...
Cr You can't have a society where a small number of peopl...
backroom poasting couch
lmfao you fucking bootlicker
What are you talking about? I am saying rich should pay more...
backroom poasting couch
neurotic comptroller
They literally are
Cr because they're not rich enough to get out of it
backroom poasting couch
okay. at what point will debt become a pressing issue? us f...
Libs fundamentally don't believe in numbers or statistics. T...
backroom poasting couch
If you’re going to try to equate this to a business co...
He flexed his right muscle.
examples? i'll be looking for well-established examples, no...
Literally hundreds of loan deals I’ve personally witne...
He flexed his right muscle.
see also pretty much every college educated home owner under...
A Prince of Spice
so zero examples?
we know you're dumb and know nothing about finance or really...
A Prince of Spice
faggeratttt!! missed you, you stupid ignorant faggot the de...
The responses ITT really drive home what a fucking miracle i...
Bronus Swagner
He's reducing the size of fuck all. All these programs are c...
neurotic comptroller
4 years of not paying people for dei is worth several trilli...
What if you don't win in 2028 then it's really not coming ba...
backroom poasting couch
Mfcr he's doing great
backroom poasting couch
non-consecutive second term turned out to be 180^180. i ...
A Prince of Spice
correct. there was no way to know just how evil, corrupt, an...
He clearly did not expect to win in 2016, did not realize ho...
Bronus Swagner
“Meaningful cuts to the government” Bro, 90% of...
Well known bort racist
this faggoty "drop in a bucket" nonsense is why it...
A Prince of Spice
Cr ask anyone whose credit cards are maxed what going from 1...
backroom poasting couch
The biggest problem is that it alienates a bunch of otherwis...
Well known bort racist
It's all about small government now brother. Immigration old...
My boyfriend's penis is small and on the soft side
The first $100 billion cut has to start from somewhere. Shut...
Why are these Vets all pissed off
metaphysical certitude
cuts and savings that will all go to tax cuts for billionair...

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:04 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

This is a generational moment no one thought would ever happen. Meaningful cuts to the government. We've been dreaming about this for years. This will never happen again. We have to strike while it's hot and keep gutting. After this administration it will be back to bloated government business as usual. But we literally voted for this. Eat shit anyone with a weak stomach. Burn it all down. Nothing bad will come of firing government employees. There's no downside.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:07 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

What's funny is all of this stuff is going to be back as soon as a Democrat is back in office (probably in the next four years), but all you're accomplishing in the meantime is hurting real life people that need government services. Hell isn't good enough for all of you. Hopefully the next purge from the next President will be stripping social media monopolies for parts and going after corruption in your circles, of which there is plenty.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:09 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

I have never once met someone who depends on government programs. Who are these people? The government program is hiring people to do nothing anyway. No one in real life 'depends' on services. You're insane.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:16 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

Do you understand that we already have the GAO that does independent financial auditing? Why do we need a redundant agency in DOGE whose only purpose to cut funding to lifesaving projects in South Africa or welfare services in Southern West Virginia? Do you think this shit isn't going to come back to bite you? Are you that naive?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:27 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Why should hard working goyim who put on a hard hat every day and fix people's roofs pay 10% of their income to keeping old people alive and for some bullshit in Africa when they can barely afford rent or their mortgage. They own nothing and have no future. Why do they have to pay for something they don't want to pay for? The government just strongarms working families into forking over a huge percentage of their money. And the only thing they can do about it is vote Trump. You are witnessing the only recourse of the American taxpayer.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:36 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

Sorry, the taxpayer doesn't get to line item veto what his taxes are being spent on. It's up to Congress to allocate. If you don't like it, vote out your Congressman.

And by the way, foreign aid is how soft power is exercised. Like I said, if you don't like it, vote out your Congressman.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:42 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

My Congressman is a member of the Freedom Caucus. I literally voted for this.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:44 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

Sounds like you've done all you can do then. If the rest of them want aid packages, tough shit, you live in a democracy. If you don't like that, feel free to secede and be executed as a traitor or move to another country.

President doesn't get to decide that money set aside by Congress doesn't get to be spent. That's why all his actions are tied up in court right now.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:55 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

I'm feeling pretty good about the big GOP wins that are coming. It's been 180 so far. Can only get better.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:56 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

This is the Con version of "Biden is sharp as a tack"


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:00 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

"We have become dizzy with success." - Josef Stalin


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:10 PM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

agreed. And it's not like there's some grand plan to cut the debt or even the deficit. There's virtually no savings being realized and no discussion of long-term reforms that might actually save money.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:11 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Zomg, cons have no plan! They might as well not even try! We should just accept endless debt and big unfettered government forever. Nothing anyone can do!


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:13 PM
Author: sealclubber

do you want to cut the debt or reduce the deficit?

lol if any of your dem policies demonstrate it


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:16 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

"We have to cut the deficit. Quick, eliminate social security!"

Good fucking luck next cycle.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:57 PM
Author: sealclubber

not an answer, but a concession


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:25 PM
Author: LathamTouchedMe

I don't think the debt is a pressing issue at this time. I do think certain tax increases and revenue generation should be considered.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:30 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

You want to tax people MORE?

Do you know how unaffordable people's lives are? Regular working people making 50k? There are families with 4 kids and two working parents who can't afford to take a vacation, can't afford to own a home. They own nothing. You want to take more money from these people? Do you know how many millions of people don't have enough money to afford anything resembling a middle class life?

How much more should they fork over do you think? How much more should they have to pay for?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:36 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

Why do you assume blue collar workers are the ones we want to tax?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:43 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch


Because they're the only ones who can't avoid paying it! They always have to pay.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:45 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

^This is how you know Trumpists have a bugman spirit. They think taxing the rich is "impossible".


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Date: March 14th, 2025 12:56 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

I am for taxing the rich btw. Fuck em. I don't give a shit about rich people. They ought to pay for. But I am more concerned with cutting taxes for the poor. We really ought to do both. But cutting government spending is good anyway. We can do it all.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:02 PM
Author: sealclubber

why should they pay more?

libs have shit for brains


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Date: March 14th, 2025 8:44 PM
Author: My boyfriend's penis is small and on the soft side (If I May, tp)

Because productivity has more than doubled since 1980 and nearly all of the gains have gone to the top 1%. In terms of ability to pay for housing, healthcare, and education, middle class wages have declined precipitously, while the top 0.1% has seen their earnings grow by more than 600%, largely as a result of globalization, automation, and immigration, all of which have been facilitated by the political class they've bought and paid for.

Fuck em, that's why they should pay more. The middle class should be paying fuck all until their standard of living - measured via a metric that specifically excludes the price of imported trinkets - exceeds that of their parents and grandparents. Until then, tax the faggots who've grown fat on globalization.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:39 PM
Author: sealclubber

so your opinion is based on jealousy and drivel? nice

just to make sure i understand your points:

is the top 1% who have supposedly reaped the gains of productivity, which i suspect is complete bullshit, the same top 1% who exists now (or their heirs)?

how are the 'gains in productivity' measured such that you can say they all went to the top 1%?

the reason this is certain to be bullshit is because these 'gains' can only go to three places (i think)-the workers, the owners, or the consumers

even if it all goes to the owners, which it doesn't, the owners of these companies are not top 1%. go look at your 401k and ira.

the standard of living for the middle class is way better today than it was in the past, btw. way better.


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Date: March 15th, 2025 12:18 AM
Author: backroom poasting couch


You can't have a society where a small number of people own everything and most people own nothing. This is what Bannon calls techno-feudalism.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:33 PM
Author: .,..,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,..,

lmfao you fucking bootlicker


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:37 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

What are you talking about? I am saying rich should pay more, poor should pay less, and deficit should be paid down. Not sure how this is a bootlicker position.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:41 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:03 PM
Author: ....,.,.;;;,.,,:,.,.,::,...,..,:,..,..

They literally are


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:11 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Cr because they're not rich enough to get out of it


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:01 PM
Author: sealclubber

okay. at what point will debt become a pressing issue?

us federal debt ratio to gdp

1960 53.13%

1980 34.53%

2000 58.76%

2025 122.49%

let us know when that ratio is too high

what is your personal debt to ratio? when would you consider your personal debt to annual income ratio to be pressing?

why such a difference?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 1:11 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Libs fundamentally don't believe in numbers or statistics. They are feeling people. What matters to them is compassion and concern, not results.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 2:19 PM
Author: He flexed his right muscle.

If you’re going to try to equate this to a business context, plenty of companies have much higher debt to earning levels and are perfectly healthy. 2x total leverage ratio would be seen as a totally safe loan by any lender.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:08 PM
Author: sealclubber


i'll be looking for well-established examples, not startups, etc.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:22 PM
Author: He flexed his right muscle.

Literally hundreds of loan deals I’ve personally witnessed


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:27 PM
Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)

see also pretty much every college educated home owner under 40


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:55 PM
Author: sealclubber

so zero examples?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:28 PM
Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)

we know you're dumb and know nothing about finance or really anything, but thanks for running here to demonstrate it.

how leveraged do you think the average LBO is?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:59 PM
Author: sealclubber

faggeratttt!! missed you, you stupid ignorant faggot

the details of doing a leveraged buyout have fuckall to do with what we are talking about. those are risky moves for capitalists who understand they may lose everthing, but the odds favor their move, faggot

and guess what, faggot, the people selling think the buyers are paying too much

so why don't you go back to answering my question and quit sucking cock?


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Date: March 14th, 2025 2:25 PM
Author: Bronus Swagner

The responses ITT really drive home what a fucking miracle it is that Trump is actually reducing the size of the government. "Who needs DOGE when we have the GAO???" JFC


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Date: March 14th, 2025 2:29 PM
Author: neurotic comptroller

He's reducing the size of fuck all. All these programs are coming back. It's just disrupting for the sake of disrupting and the right will pay for it.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:08 PM
Author: sealclubber

4 years of not paying people for dei is worth several trillion on its own


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:09 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

What if you don't win in 2028 then it's really not coming back lmao


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:10 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Mfcr he's doing great


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Date: March 14th, 2025 4:21 PM
Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)

non-consecutive second term turned out to be 180^180.

i think trump's ineffectiveness in the first round is because he trusted the experts and the establishment too much. which i think just about anyone would do, after it was still a bunch of small government GOP establishment guys right haha? but everything just gets hamstrung with blue ribbon committees and nothing every happens.

also the biden administration was gracious enough to completely endorse insane woke nonsense so much that it tipped moderates into voting for trump. after all, they saw the world didn't end during his first term, so the "literally hitler" rhetoric fell flat, and the insane shit coming from the dems was far worse than what they know they'd get with trump.

and trump comes back with 2016 levels of energy but this time fully understanding that the *ONLY* way to get the job done is with a flamethrower and chainsaw. and ljl @ all the lib tears. if you faggots weren't focused on resisting half the country at every step of the way perhaps this could have been done in a way that resulted in less collateral damage. but you made it impossible. after decades of attempts it is now obvious that this was the only possible way to even somewhat reduce federal bloat.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 8:17 PM
Author: sealclubber

correct. there was no way to know just how evil, corrupt, and anti-american libs were in 2016

so it was assumed accusations against trump might have some merit

there was so much

and it was basically all lies

then covid and it was all lies

then floyd riots

then biden hiding

then biden being elected and hiding

and doing such stupid ridiculous stuff

and still going after trump in ridiculous and transparently hostile ways

crying democracy every 30 seconds

then running kamala who received zero votes

and was a pathetic fucking dei joke

fuck libs


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:24 PM
Author: Bronus Swagner

He clearly did not expect to win in 2016, did not realize how fucked the entire system was, and was not prepared. Now he has had years to prepare and also has a personal vendetta


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Date: March 14th, 2025 3:30 PM
Author: Well known bort racist

“Meaningful cuts to the government”

Bro, 90% of the government is DoD and Medicare. You’re not going to make a meaning cut to government without touching those. Firing a few park rangers and aid coordinators isn’t going to come close to balancing the budget. The best that can be said of DOGE is that the people being most hit are shitlibs looking for sinecures.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 4:15 PM
Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)

this faggoty "drop in a bucket" nonsense is why it took so long to do anything and why all you libs are broke because "it's just ONE funko pop!" when you're credit cards are already maxed.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 4:53 PM
Author: backroom poasting couch

Cr ask anyone whose credit cards are maxed what going from 100% to 90% would do for them. Hint: life changing.

Also there's the argument of building momentum. You cut the stuff that's easy to cut first. Then you get the stuff that's harder. You get a 5% reduction in military spending, you make a huge impact. These are all massive numbers. You pay down the deficit and all our tax money isn't going just to servicing the debt, you're in a completely different paradigm.

Trump is bailing out the Boomer generation by handing off to Millennials and Zoomers a country they might one day have the room to govern themselves.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 8:37 PM
Author: Well known bort racist

The biggest problem is that it alienates a bunch of otherwise republican voters on an issue that doesn’t even matter. Immigration is literally the only issue that matters, and if Trump manages to associate doing the needful about immigrants with personal pain and economic misery, then the floodgates will open in 4 years and your grandkids will be speaking Igbo.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 8:47 PM
Author: My boyfriend's penis is small and on the soft side (If I May, tp)

It's all about small government now brother. Immigration old school. Small government new skool


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:53 PM
Author: ''"'''"''"'

The first $100 billion cut has to start from somewhere. Shutting down USAID alone covers almost half of it.


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Date: March 14th, 2025 9:26 PM
Author: metaphysical certitude

Why are these Vets all pissed off


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Date: March 15th, 2025 12:17 AM
Author: \'\'\"\"\'\'\'\"

cuts and savings that will all go to tax cuts for billionaires. ironically they lost billions with trump's pro-stagflation economic "policy" or whatever the fuck he's doing these days
