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Bitching about ISLAM is just a COP OUT for the REAL ISSUES re Terrorism

There are 1.5BB Muslims. 99.99% don't do shit. Pretending th...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
Disagree with your 99.99% assertion. You can literally type ...
Chestnut provocative trust fund
lol ur an idiot... u honestly think fucking 150 million musl...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
i'd say even more are indirectly involved in violence ... th...
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
lol amerikkkans bitching about death penalty use abroad? stf...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
executing someone for murder is not equivalent to executing ...
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
execcuting ppl for being athiest is VERY rare in muslim worl...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
it's supported by most muslims. it's rare because most peopl...
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
ljl at this false narrative.. first most muslims dont suppor...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
Yes, actually, most muslims DO support killing anyone who ce...
unholy friendly grandma temple
he is an idiot i try not to respond to him remember m...
Fragrant party of the first part
lolz what? the US was supporting israel kikes way bfore that
impressive startling spot really tough guy
i meant in terms of supporting islamic jihad in afghanistan ...
Fragrant party of the first part
no it didn't
titillating metal theatre
this is what he claimed in OP about Islamic terrorism &qu...
Fragrant party of the first part
with bin laden in particular but that's it
titillating metal theatre
america fcked up the middle east and he is not even mentioni...
Fragrant party of the first part
and in fairness to us, the alternative to the shah was a sov...
titillating metal theatre
it was typical wall st short term thinking. and installing p...
Fragrant party of the first part
except there was never going to be any democracy bro, not in...
titillating metal theatre
you are completely wrong the govt that was overthrown was...
Fragrant party of the first part
shitlib version of history, it was democratic so far as that...
titillating metal theatre
why are you arguing things i never bring up. Russians were s...
Fragrant party of the first part
you're missing my point, I'm not denying we fucked up a marg...
titillating metal theatre
thats a fatalistic way of looking at things and basically in...
Fragrant party of the first part
Still doesn't change the fact that Islam is an inherently an...
misunderstood poppy international law enforcement agency headpube
lol, I mean if you limit yourself to a few places for a few ...
titillating metal theatre
Islam has been a force for conquest and murder for 1400 year...
Insanely creepy library
that's also a bit much, being founded by a psycho and natura...
titillating metal theatre
The chill Malaysia Muslims is just another lib myth. htt...
Chestnut provocative trust fund
I'm not saying they aren't still lacking in refinement but t...
titillating metal theatre
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
its ljl amerikkkans criticizing shit like that when they exe...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
i'm anti-death penalty. but ljl at comparing execution of co...
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
lol executing mentally retarded ppl, ppl who commited crimes...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
the US doesn't execute people who committed crimes as kids o...
Rebellious generalized bond blood rage
are now, but only recently was that changed faggot
impressive startling spot really tough guy
christianity has been MOAR violent historically than islam.....
impressive startling spot really tough guy
Agree with you brother. But, its a little too late to revers...
bateful amethyst space
How is muslim extremism helping the jews again? But I agree ...
Sick digit ratio skinny woman
amerikkka's stupid support of israel is what started all thi...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
terrorism isnt even the biggest problem with islam. its the ...
dashing university
ljl the women shit is flame.. most muslim nations treat wome...
impressive startling spot really tough guy
I mean, if you ignore the entire Arabian peninsula
titillating metal theatre
fine = wear hijabs, burqas, etc islam is shit
dashing university
Razzmatazz Garrison
Tommy do you disavow
Jizzy Gillespie
I think he has repeatedly and enthusiastically disavowed his...
butt cheeks
He was like 38 when he poasted this IMO
Jizzy Gillespie
“youthful” is relative “age” is flam...
butt cheeks
AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son
Jizzy Gillespie
Yes, I hate Islam and wish det to every single Muslim
AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son
Islamophobia is the real threat!
Terrorism by Muslims against the US is 100% caused by our su...
john (jack) callis
AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son
Islam is shit. wtf is this thread.
Horse Face Hortense and her vacuum sealed mouth

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:34 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

There are 1.5BB Muslims. 99.99% don't do shit. Pretending that if someone just reads The Koran they will become an extremist is LJL.

All this shit started when the CIA funded Bin Laden and other extremists in Afghanistan against the Soviets. This is all about western interference in the Mideast. Get the fuck out of Mideast AND let Israel sink into the sea and problem is solve. No more "Islamic" terrorism.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:41 PM
Author: Chestnut provocative trust fund

Disagree with your 99.99% assertion. You can literally type muslim killing into google news every day and find an example of hundreds of Muslims leaving worship to go murder a different type of muslim over a blog post or some shit.

It's a rough estimate, but I'd guess at least 10% of worldwide Muslims have been involved in one of these rioting killings, and the percentage goes up from there if you include just abusing people or their own spouses.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:45 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

lol ur an idiot... u honestly think fucking 150 million muslims have been involved in violence? this is not amerikkka u are talking abt u dumb faggot


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage

i'd say even more are indirectly involved in violence ... the majority of muslims in almost every major muslim nation support laws that prescribe the death penalty for blasphemy, atheism, and apostasy (leaving islam) in their countries. people are actually killed under these laws.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

lol amerikkkans bitching about death penalty use abroad? stfu faggot

ur absurd, muslim countries have much LOWER crime rates than amerikkkka.. go lloook at the murder rates in bahrain etc


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:48 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage

executing someone for murder is not equivalent to executing someone for being an atheist.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:49 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

execcuting ppl for being athiest is VERY rare in muslim world faggot...


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:54 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage

it's supported by most muslims. it's rare because most people aren't willing to give their lives just to prove their atheism. but the obvious conclusion is that most muslims support violence.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:57 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

ljl at this false narrative.. first most muslims dont support that shit.. second its irrelevant cause its not like athiests are being killed all over the muslim world, faggot


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:22 PM
Author: unholy friendly grandma temple

Yes, actually, most muslims DO support killing anyone who ceases to believe that a medieval child-fucker was visited by an angel

"In fact, according to the 2013 Pew Research Center report, 88 percent of Muslims in Egypt and 62 percent of Muslims in Pakistan favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion. This is also the majority view among Muslims in Malaysia, Jordan and the Palestinian territories."




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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:49 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

he is an idiot

i try not to respond to him

remember munich massacre? that predated any CIA/American involvement in middle east


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:50 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

lolz what? the US was supporting israel kikes way bfore that


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:51 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

i meant in terms of supporting islamic jihad in afghanistan that you said in OP


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:50 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

no it didn't


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:52 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

this is what he claimed in OP about Islamic terrorism

"All this shit started when the CIA funded Bin Laden and other extremists in Afghanistan against the Soviets"

was just pointing out islamic terrorism existed well before any of that CIA fucks ups with bin laden and afghanistan


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:03 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

with bin laden in particular but that's it


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:07 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

america fcked up the middle east and he is not even mentioning the earliest episode which was overthrowing iranian govt and installing a puppet shah but islamic terrorism is not a direct result of western involvement or israel. that is a shitlib excuse


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:22 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

and in fairness to us, the alternative to the shah was a soviet puppet gov't, which would hardly be more friendly to allah


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:30 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

it was typical wall st short term thinking. and installing puppet monarchy and short circuuting the democracy was stupid as fck


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:33 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

except there was never going to be any democracy bro, not in the fucking 50's

who knows how the 70's look if we stay the fuck out but the first two decades of that alternate timeline have iran as a commie outpost fueling ARE enemies


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:41 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

you are completely wrong

the govt that was overthrown was a proper democratically elected govt and not a soviet puppet in any way. their platform was socialist in terms of oil nationalization not some communist shit like one party state. no different than british nationalizing the railways or India's socialist government

US didn't want a socialist form of democracy (like India or France for that matter unless you think India or France were soviet puppet states post WWII) that would take away their oil concession and shah didnt want to give up all his powers and become a titular head which is what the government wanted to so they partnered up to overthrow the government

if not for that shit Iran would have been like India a socialist democracy. we dont know what would have happened then but chances of an Islamic revolution were much less with a proper democracy that ppl identified and participated in


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:46 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

shitlib version of history, it was democratic so far as that goes, which isn't far, and anybody who didn't play ball with one side or the other was getting overthrown, don't be naïve enough to think the Russians weren't playing the same game


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Date: December 6th, 2015 6:56 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

why are you arguing things i never bring up. Russians were shit and actively trying to overthrow govts and US was doing the same. not contrasting them at all just that US overthrew a properly elected democratic government- not a dictator , not a military junta, not because it was repressive

now you can say its all hindsight or OMG Russia was also doing the same everywhere which is fair but that doesn't change reality or how US fcked up Iranian democracy and propped up an autocratic Shah


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Date: December 6th, 2015 7:01 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

you're missing my point, I'm not denying we fucked up a marginally democratic (if we assume women and most other people don't count, of course) government, I'm denying that but for our intervention that gov't would have gone anywhere, Iran and its oil were destined for exploitation by somebody or the other, it not being us wouldn't have helped them one damn bit


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Date: December 6th, 2015 7:10 PM
Author: Fragrant party of the first part

thats a fatalistic way of looking at things and basically intellectual hand waving to justify our actions post facto

we were in a cold war with Soviets and Iranian govt was socialist which wanted to nationalize Oil and we said fck u and overthrew them. doubt even a millisec was spent by US in thinking if it was a proper democracy or women's rights - lol we have been kissing Saudi ass all the time and they are/were far worse than any Iranian govt including current mullahs on women/democracy

i think our middle east policy has had lot of strategic missteps some avoidable some not and we need to be honest about it


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Date: December 6th, 2015 7:12 PM
Author: misunderstood poppy international law enforcement agency headpube

Still doesn't change the fact that Islam is an inherently anti-western ideology and actively impedes anything that one might consider civilizational "progress".


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:36 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

lol, I mean if you limit yourself to a few places for a few decades in the 20th century, and are cool with jews being genocided, which of course we are

but let's not pretend violent confrontation with Islamic states is a modern phenomenon


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:37 PM
Author: Insanely creepy library

Islam has been a force for conquest and murder for 1400 years, up to and including being founded by a warlord pedophile... which is clearly caused by the geopolitics of the past 60 years. You see, it all makes sense.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:38 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

that's also a bit much, being founded by a psycho and naturally expansionist isn't really that important frankly, it's the turdskin sand niggers who practice it

I got no beef with chill malay bruhs


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:44 PM
Author: Chestnut provocative trust fund

The chill Malaysia Muslims is just another lib myth.


Yeah, they're chill since "only" 54% of Malaysian Muslims think adulterers should be stoned and 58% favor death for apostates.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:45 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

I'm not saying they aren't still lacking in refinement but they aren't a murderous death cult looking to take over the world either, they're just azns


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage



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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:46 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

its ljl amerikkkans criticizing shit like that when they execute ppl who are innocent, put ppl in gitmo for 12 years with no ccharges, no trial.... have the biggest prison pop in entire world, have ccops who execute ppl for no reason all the time, etc


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:48 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage

i'm anti-death penalty. but ljl at comparing execution of convicted murderers with execution of people for being atheists or converting from islam to another religion.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:49 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

lol executing mentally retarded ppl, ppl who commited crimes as kids, ppl who are probably innocent is no better... and the US cant even execute ppl properly naymore, they torture them to death


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:55 PM
Author: Rebellious generalized bond blood rage

the US doesn't execute people who committed crimes as kids or mentally retarded people. both are unconstitutional.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:57 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

are now, but only recently was that changed faggot


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:46 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

christianity has been MOAR violent historically than islam.. not even close


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:37 PM
Author: bateful amethyst space

Agree with you brother. But, its a little too late to reverse course. A FINAL SOLUTION is much needed.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:40 PM
Author: Sick digit ratio skinny woman

How is muslim extremism helping the jews again? But I agree that our middle east policy is pos and our constant support of Muslim extremism in the middle east is inexcusable. We have truly brought this upon ourselves.


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

amerikkka's stupid support of israel is what started all this shit.. isrrael must be demolished in order to stop islamic terrorism


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:47 PM
Author: dashing university

terrorism isnt even the biggest problem with islam. its the poisonous desert nomad worldview it propagates, especially re women


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:48 PM
Author: impressive startling spot really tough guy

ljl the women shit is flame.. most muslim nations treat women fine, its only like small pockets of shit like in afghanistan that is bad... and thats not even islam as much as its poverty and tribal bullshit


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:49 PM
Author: titillating metal theatre

I mean, if you ignore the entire Arabian peninsula


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Date: December 6th, 2015 5:51 PM
Author: dashing university

fine = wear hijabs, burqas, etc

islam is shit


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Date: August 4th, 2019 12:44 PM
Author: Razzmatazz Garrison


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Date: December 21st, 2024 3:25 AM
Author: Jizzy Gillespie

Tommy do you disavow


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Date: December 21st, 2024 3:28 AM
Author: butt cheeks (✅🍑)

I think he has repeatedly and enthusiastically disavowed his youthful shitlibbery


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Date: December 21st, 2024 3:31 AM
Author: Jizzy Gillespie

He was like 38 when he poasted this IMO


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Date: December 21st, 2024 3:31 AM
Author: butt cheeks (✅🍑)

“youthful” is relative “age” is flame you can maek it any age


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Date: December 21st, 2024 4:54 AM
Author: AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:52 AM
Author: Jizzy Gillespie


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Date: December 21st, 2024 4:54 AM
Author: AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son

Yes, I hate Islam and wish det to every single Muslim


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Date: December 21st, 2024 7:01 AM
Author: '"'"'"''"

Islamophobia is the real threat!


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:55 AM
Author: john (jack) callis

Terrorism by Muslims against the US is 100% caused by our support of Israel.


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Date: December 21st, 2024 10:59 AM
Author: AZNgirl calling cops on half of her Hapa son



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Date: December 21st, 2024 11:13 AM
Author: Drunkard


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Date: December 21st, 2024 11:06 AM
Author: Horse Face Hortense and her vacuum sealed mouth

Islam is shit. wtf is this thread.
