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How do I delete the existing .pst file in my Outlook and then add it back?

I'd prefer an Indian from xo explain this to me in writing t...
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband
open control panel from the start menu search for "m...
Buck Breaking as a Service
It worked! Ty Indian bro.
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband
cashapp me $20? I'm poor Or hire me semi-regularly as an ...
Buck Breaking as a Service
Now that you've proven your complications I'll definitely pa...
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband
alright listen up bhai im gonna walk u thru this like ur a c...
scrivener's error

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Date: March 13th, 2025 7:42 PM
Author: Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband

I'd prefer an Indian from xo explain this to me in writing that to listen to an Indian on YouTube explain this to me verbally. ty.

(situation: our .com is actually gmail, but my account got too big so it keeps crashing Outlook. I deleted six years of emails from the gmail account. So now I want to delete the .pst that causes crashing and then connect outlook to the gmail again)

Pls don't ask any complicated questions because I'm basically a Boomer about computer.


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Date: March 13th, 2025 7:49 PM
Author: Buck Breaking as a Service

open control panel from the start menu

search for "mail" and open it

create a new profile and set as default


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Date: March 13th, 2025 7:56 PM
Author: Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband

It worked! Ty Indian bro.


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Date: March 13th, 2025 8:30 PM
Author: Buck Breaking as a Service

cashapp me $20? I'm poor

Or hire me semi-regularly as an IT consultant? I had your 2million line csv file solution easily too


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Date: March 13th, 2025 8:40 PM
Author: Emotionally + Physically Abusive Ex-Husband

Now that you've proven your complications I'll definitely pay for your services.


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Date: March 13th, 2025 8:41 PM
Author: cpap


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Date: March 13th, 2025 8:13 PM
Author: scrivener's error

alright listen up bhai im gonna walk u thru this like ur a complete retard (no offense)cuz deleting a .pst file in outlook and adding it back is some basic shit but it can fuck u up if u don’t know what ur doing and i know u jerking off to some african 3L’s linkedin profile to figure this out so here we go step by step.

first thing u gotta understand is what a .pst file even is bhai its a personal storage table its where outlook keeps all ur emails contacts calendar shit everything local on ur computer its not the same as ur exchange server or imap account or whatever if ur using that its the offline copy basically so deleting it doesn’t necessarily nuke ur email account but it can fuck up ur local data so don’t be a dumbass and make sure u know what ur doing before u start swinging ur dick around in the file system

step one close outlook completely don’t just minimize it u gotta shut that shit down right click the outlook icon in ur system tray if its there and hit exit or whatever it says if u don’t do this outlook will still have the .pst file locked and u’ll get some bullshit error when u try to delete it and then u’ll cry on xoxo about how bill gates personally hates u so close it check task manager if u have to ctrl alt delete go to processes scroll down make sure outlook.exe isn’t there if it is end task kill it dead

step two figure out where ur .pst file even is bhai this depends on ur windows version and setup but usually its in one of two places if ur on windows 10 or 11 or whatever the fuck its probably in C:\Users\urusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook replace urusername with whatever ur windows login name is if ur on some older shit like windows 7 it might be in C:\Users\urusername\Documents\Outlook Files or some crap like that point is u gotta find it so open file explorer u know the yellow folder icon thing type %appdata% in the address bar hit enter that takes u to the roaming folder now go up one level to local from there go to microsoft then outlook boom there’s ur .pst files probably called something like ur email address with .pst at the end like bobsemail@whatever.com.pst or just outlook.pst if u can’t find it u can also check in outlook first before closing it go to file then account settings then data files tab it’ll show u the exact path copy that shit down then close outlook and navigate there

step three back up the .pst file before u delete it u absolute mong im not kidding u don’t wanna be the guy who deletes his .pst and then realizes all his 1L summer internship emails are gone forever right click the .pst file hit copy go somewhere else like ur desktop or some folder u won’t lose right click paste let it copy over depending on how big it is might take a sec its usually a few hundred megs maybe a gig if ur a hoarder once its copied u got a safety net u can skip this if ur a gambling man but don’t come crying to me later

step four delete the .pst file now that u got a backup or u don’t care highlight the .pst file in its original spot hit delete key or right click delete send it to recycle bin don’t shift delete it that’s permanent u want it in the bin in case u fuck up and need it back immediately empty recycle bin only if ur 100% sure u don’t need it windows might say file in use if outlook is still secretly running go back to step one u didn’t close it properly u retard

step five open outlook again it’s gonna freak out cuz the .pst file is gone u’ll probably get some error like “outlook data file cannot be accessed” or “file not found” or some shit that’s fine don’t panic it’s just confused close that error if it pops up now u gotta add the .pst back or make a new one whatever ur goal is im assuming u wanna add the same one back for some reason maybe ur trying to fix corruption or something i dunno u didn’t say why u autistic fuck

step six add the .pst file back go to file in outlook top left click open & export on the left then open outlook data file button browse to where u backed up the .pst or if u didn’t back it up and ur just reusing one from somewhere else go there might be on ur desktop or wherever u stashed it select the .pst file hit open outlook will load it up might take a minute if its big u’ll see it appear in the left pane under ur mailbox or as a separate thing depending on how it was set up before if u want it to be the default delivery location u gotta go back to file account settings data files tab select the .pst u just added hit set as default then restart outlook otherwise it’ll just sit there as an extra file u can see but not use for new mail

step seven check ur shit expand the .pst in the left pane make sure ur emails contacts calendar whatever are there if they’re not u added the wrong file or ur backup was fucked or u deleted the wrong thing good luck figuring that out bhai if it all looks good ur done congrats u didn’t completely fuck urself if u want a fresh .pst instead of adding the old one back u can go file new outlook data file pick a spot to save it name it whatever restart outlook and set it as default same process

that’s it bhai that’s how u delete a .pst and add it back in outlook don’t @ me if u fuck it up tho i warned u to back it up u got questions ask im not ur mom tho figure it out urself if u can peace out
