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Lowest unemployment in decades more people living paycheck to paycheck than ever

misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
I am sure that this is 100% due to inflation and Biden's pol...
Mewling Laser Beams
Only 67 percent or so of america is white or Asian, it&rsquo...
Dun Contagious Quadroon
Sorry Biden will never win now!
Gold Swashbuckling Legal Warrant
look, if we paid anymore almost all corporations would go ou...
medicated menage incel
corporations are struggling because of rampant wage growth. ...
misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
btw "the economy" refers purely to money we keep, ...
medicated menage incel
those numbers are made up
appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube
it's all made up but you can't deny people are struggling to...
misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
the unemployment is fake too how are there "staffing ...
appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube
Staffing shortages are what one would expect with record low...
Vibrant idiot party of the first part
and layoffs? where are all these people working? this is ju...
appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube
if we were in economic conditions such that there are litera...
medicated menage incel
so how are people living if all these jobs aren't worth doin...
appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube
disability + welfare + living at home
walnut boiling water box office
how can that many people be doing this how many actually ha...
appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube
have you never seen some proles out in the middle of the day...
medicated menage incel
Yeah, the fact that someone would even ask this question sho...
Mewling Laser Beams
lots of people live by loafing off their parents. a friend ...
walnut boiling water box office
Oh what a life and he ended it?
Amethyst Magical Center Digit Ratio
he had other issues like schizophrenia but yeah he hung hims...
walnut boiling water box office
did you cry when you heard the news?
Diverse Address
i was and remain bummed, but have not cried. he warned me 6...
walnut boiling water box office
my condolences
Diverse Address
I am very sorry for your lots. Requescat in pace
Lake community account affirmative action
Passionate red nursing home
there is a fulltime megapoaster here explaining this 24 hour...
slap-happy topaz organic girlfriend pervert
off of family, in poverty, and often taking random off the b...
medicated menage incel
the unemployment numbers are fake and gay. the inflation nu...
walnut boiling water box office
Haunting chestnut field therapy
under trump’s leadership, oil was less than $0 a barre...
hairraiser telephone filthpig
Vigorous blue potus coldplay fan
walnut boiling water box office
exciting trailer park
I remember when Democrats pretty loudly complained that oil ...
khaki titillating cuckold rehab
Pink drunken psychic hell
This is satire, right? You do realize that the reason crude ...
Mewling Laser Beams
i’m not sure your math checks out there, chief. i ran ...
hairraiser telephone filthpig
misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
Dude I'm autistic, humorless, economically illiterate and in...
abnormal curious candlestick maker
I love men
alcoholic stock car
arrogant hunting ground
The "paycheck to paycheck" thing never has any rig...
sapphire alcoholic tank
Lol wow
Amethyst Magical Center Digit Ratio
(global capitalist shill)
Emerald Cerebral Brunch Macaca
greedy market yarmulke
Haunting chestnut field therapy
misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
"I spend all the money I get my hands on. Clearly the ...
Vibrant idiot party of the first part
we are NEVER paying back these debts
ruby library becky
Costs up bigly. Wages not.
yellow trip masturbator
Wages are up bigly too. Everything is up bigly.
Passionate red nursing home
Not really
well-lubricated copper theater
Try hiring people. It is impossible to find employees.
Passionate red nursing home
feel like "paycheck to paycheck" growth is less ab...
Stirring house prole
it's because they don't have any grit. dang new generations....
misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm
Passionate red nursing home
well-lubricated copper theater
*live tuna wink$*
Bisexual territorial lettuce clown

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 7th, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm


normal, healthy society where there is full employment but people still cannot afford to live


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Date: February 8th, 2023 1:29 AM
Author: Mewling Laser Beams

I am sure that this is 100% due to inflation and Biden's policies and has nothing to do with the fact that most Americans are stupid goys who spend their money on stupid shit. Something like 40% of the current inflation rate can be explained by increases in housing prices. I feel some sympathy for proles for whom rent increases are greatly outpacing their income. I feel zero sympathy for the six figure earners in this survey. The vast majority of them should have refinanced their mortgages at negative real interest rates in the past two years. If they are still living paycheck to paycheck after that, it is time to cut back on Starbucks and Amazon spending. Inflation is part of the story here, but stupid goyish spending also plays a major role.


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Date: February 10th, 2023 3:45 PM
Author: Dun Contagious Quadroon

Only 67 percent or so of america is white or Asian, it’s not so bad when you look at these populations


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Date: February 7th, 2023 3:12 PM
Author: Gold Swashbuckling Legal Warrant

Sorry Biden will never win now!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:13 PM
Author: medicated menage incel

look, if we paid anymore almost all corporations would go out of business *briefcase full of earnings reports falls open*


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Date: February 7th, 2023 3:15 PM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm

corporations are struggling because of rampant wage growth. to save the economy we need to dramatically lower interest rates and have another PPP giveaway.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:17 PM
Author: medicated menage incel

btw "the economy" refers purely to money we keep, odd case but thems the breaks


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Date: February 7th, 2023 3:14 PM
Author: appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube

those numbers are made up


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:16 PM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm

it's all made up but you can't deny people are struggling to feel financially secure despite record low unemployment


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:17 PM
Author: appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube

the unemployment is fake too

how are there "staffing shortages" everywhere if we have "record low unemployment"


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:20 PM
Author: Vibrant idiot party of the first part

Staffing shortages are what one would expect with record low unemployment.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:21 PM
Author: appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube

and layoffs? where are all these people working?

this is just flame


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:21 PM
Author: medicated menage incel

if we were in economic conditions such that there are literally moar jobs to be done than citizens to possibly do them, which is pretty laughable, the shortages are mostly about jobs that pay so little they are not worth taking


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:22 PM
Author: appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube

so how are people living if all these jobs aren't worth doing


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:23 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office

disability + welfare + living at home


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:25 PM
Author: appetizing sickened boltzmann headpube

how can that many people be doing this

how many actually have someone they can live with while refusing to work


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:26 PM
Author: medicated menage incel

have you never seen some proles out in the middle of the day and it's clear several adult children live with their mother who is probably on disability and welfare?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 1:19 AM
Author: Mewling Laser Beams

Yeah, the fact that someone would even ask this question shows that they don't know any proles. A typical prole family has 1-2 people who are on Social Security or disability. (To be fair, sometimes they have 1-2 people who are legitimately busting their asses working 2-3 jobs trying to make ends meet.) But they let the rest of their extended family live with them and do basically nothing other than fentanyl and meth. Occasionally one of the adults will get a short-term DoorDash or construction job, but they are usually too fucked up on drugs to hold a job for long. I used to volunteer at a community organization to help low-income people, and I used to help people get their stimulus checks. It was amazing how many adults told me that they hadn't filed a tax return in 10-20 years.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:26 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office

lots of people live by loafing off their parents. a friend of mine who killed himself was living in his brother's basement.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:31 PM
Author: Amethyst Magical Center Digit Ratio

Oh what a life and he ended it?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office

he had other issues like schizophrenia but yeah he hung himself


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 6:17 PM
Author: Diverse Address

did you cry when you heard the news?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 6:18 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office

i was and remain bummed, but have not cried. he warned me 6-12 months ahead of time he was leaning in that direction.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 6:23 PM
Author: Diverse Address

my condolences


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 7:12 PM
Author: Lake community account affirmative action

I am very sorry for your lots. Requescat in pace


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 11:26 PM
Author: Passionate red nursing home


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 6:22 PM
Author: slap-happy topaz organic girlfriend pervert

there is a fulltime megapoaster here explaining this 24 hours a day and you still ask the question


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:24 PM
Author: medicated menage incel

off of family, in poverty, and often taking random off the book work here and there


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:22 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office

the unemployment numbers are fake and gay. the inflation numbers are fake and gay; real inflation is 100% in many categories.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:38 PM
Author: Haunting chestnut field therapy


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:39 PM
Author: hairraiser telephone filthpig

under trump’s leadership, oil was less than $0 a barrel. after two years of biden it’s now in the mid $60s. that’s an infinity percent inflation rate for a fundamental driver of the global economy. it’s absurd.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:44 PM
Author: Vigorous blue potus coldplay fan


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:47 PM
Author: walnut boiling water box office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 6:14 PM
Author: exciting trailer park


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 7:10 PM
Author: khaki titillating cuckold rehab

I remember when Democrats pretty loudly complained that oil was cheap and that this wasn't "a driver of the Green Economy of tomorrow" (and equivalently dystopian newspeak).


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 1:03 AM
Author: Pink drunken psychic hell


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 1:22 AM
Author: Mewling Laser Beams

This is satire, right? You do realize that the reason crude prices briefly went negative was because the entire economy was shut down for the pandemic and nobody was driving? This had nothing to do with Trump and was never going to be sustainable. Meanwhile Biden managed to actually lower prices by selling oil from the reserve and Republicans are MAF about it.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 1:51 AM
Author: hairraiser telephone filthpig

i’m not sure your math checks out there, chief. i ran the numbers again to be sure but my analysis is still showing that -$38 is LESS than $65. are you flaming or trying to pull some twitter lib “2+2=5” sophistry?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 7:11 AM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm



Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 7:13 AM
Author: abnormal curious candlestick maker

Dude I'm autistic, humorless, economically illiterate and innumerate, and a notoriously bad poaster who just doesn't get XO, and even I could see this was a joke


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:22 PM
Author: alcoholic stock car

I love men


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:27 PM
Author: arrogant hunting ground


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:27 PM
Author: sapphire alcoholic tank

The "paycheck to paycheck" thing never has any rigor. They ask people if they live paycheck to paycheck and if they say yes it's a yes with no analysis of their budget. Knew plenty of biglaw fags who lived "paycheck to paycheck" because they were retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:32 PM
Author: Amethyst Magical Center Digit Ratio

Lol wow


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: Emerald Cerebral Brunch Macaca

(global capitalist shill)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:37 PM
Author: greedy market yarmulke



Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 4:41 PM
Author: Haunting chestnut field therapy


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 4:47 PM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 11:36 PM
Author: Vibrant idiot party of the first part

"I spend all the money I get my hands on. Clearly the government needs to take other people's money and give it to me!"


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 3:38 PM
Author: ruby library becky

we are NEVER paying back these debts


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 4:51 PM
Author: yellow trip masturbator

Costs up bigly.

Wages not.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 11:36 PM
Author: Passionate red nursing home

Wages are up bigly too. Everything is up bigly.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 7th, 2023 11:46 PM
Author: well-lubricated copper theater

Not really


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 8:20 AM
Author: Passionate red nursing home

Try hiring people. It is impossible to find employees.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 1:22 AM
Author: Stirring house prole

feel like "paycheck to paycheck" growth is less about America becoming poorer and more about America becoming more retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 7:12 AM
Author: misunderstood burgundy pisswyrm

it's because they don't have any grit. dang new generations. you wanna go to applebee's?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 8th, 2023 8:21 AM
Author: Passionate red nursing home


Reply Favorite

Date: February 10th, 2023 3:22 PM
Author: well-lubricated copper theater


Reply Favorite

Date: February 10th, 2023 3:25 PM
Author: Bisexual territorial lettuce clown

*live tuna wink$*
