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If Boner Police defended GJR like I defend Lynn he'd be married right now

let they be a lesson to you guys. always stick by your girl....
Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap
I don't remember the entire bp/gjr situation. Why exactly di...
Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone
GJR would alternate between attention whoring and being a lo...
Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap
I do recall the tail end, with literally dozens of posts ask...
Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone
i was pretty much going through the exact same thing as him ...
Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap
Hope he's recovered. The BPD ride is intense.
Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone
he's a better man than me. i would not have been able to res...
Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap
BPD is a very effective reproductive strategy when used agai...
Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone
Mint Voyeur Indian Lodge

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Date: May 10th, 2024 2:44 PM
Author: Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap

let they be a lesson to you guys. always stick by your girl. even if everyone is against you.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 2:46 PM
Author: Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone

I don't remember the entire bp/gjr situation. Why exactly did they break up, again?


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Date: May 10th, 2024 2:52 PM
Author: Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap

GJR would alternate between attention whoring and being a lolcow and BP was more concerned about his xoxo rep than either reining her in or defending her.

also gjr was insane and over time it became clear she had legit bpd. bp disappeared and gjr spent a couple years doing increasingly obvious thirst traps to tempt him until she eventually gave up. but my title is referring to phase 1 of the bp x gjr romance.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 2:55 PM
Author: Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone

I do recall the tail end, with literally dozens of posts asking him to come back to her. I still have her and Shkreli saved.

I don't necessarily entirely blame him, BPD is outright impossible to manage in a woman with the tools that men have available to them now.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 3:03 PM
Author: Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap

i was pretty much going through the exact same thing as him at the time and i felt a certain kinship.

but her pollyanna days were 180. the goat imo was when cslg got her to consider flying out to la. he was doing pretty obvious "yeah you and bp could come out, you and i can go to lunch while bp checks out my office!"* flirting shit and gjr took the bait. from then on he'd imply he had a threeway with gjr. which, in spacepornian fashion, she would vehemently deny for 100 out of 300 poasts in a thread.

poor bp. imagine your bpd chick openly being a lolcow on xo when you are apart and then having to deal with her bpd insanity when you're together. which probably had a healthy dose of "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ...,...,...,,..., I DON'T DO SCAT PLAY!" i've never been more happy to see a guy get off the bort.

*very roughly paraphrased, if anyone has a link the that exchange i'd love to reread it.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 3:06 PM
Author: Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone

Hope he's recovered. The BPD ride is intense.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 3:12 PM
Author: Kink-friendly friendly grandma jap

he's a better man than me. i would not have been able to resist.

the bpd ex i'm referring to is the one i told you about where we broke up, four months later she's engaged, she calls me on her engagement night and declares her love, her fiancé finds her texting me twice, she comes over and fucks me for two days straight, he finds out about that, then i never speak to her again (aside from her stalking me on some social media), and then they got married. oh and he left his wife for her. total time from meeting to marriage ~1 year.


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Date: May 10th, 2024 3:15 PM
Author: Aggressive razzmatazz range telephone

BPD is a very effective reproductive strategy when used against more impulsive men. Quote, "It takes the uninitiated guy a year or two to figure out what's going on with his first bpd encounter - the perfect time window to be trapped with a kid in after a passionate romance." https://twitter.com/versandlukas/status/1684389101653336064


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Date: May 10th, 2024 2:47 PM
Author: Mint Voyeur Indian Lodge

