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Low IQ tell: believing in "evil people"

I remember from a young age realizing this when learning abo...
Federal bipolar pistol
(Guy with freshly laid sod in his backyard)
Galvanic Orange Address Incel
lol no, it's actually a IQ bell curve distribution just like...
Sick pit
Aquamarine ticket booth sneaky criminal
Beta Ebony Indirect Expression
Wonderful sticky indian lodge corn cake
deranged swashbuckling station fortuitous meteor
this doesn't feel like TCR. why don't the high IQmos find an...
Federal bipolar pistol
congrats, you've just identified the singular problem respon...
Sick pit
grrrrrrrr if only we could identify the intrinsically evil p...
Federal bipolar pistol
You seem aggressively dumb
ungodly curious abode stock car
But not dumb enough, or he'd understand that some people are...
Gold geriatric set weed whacker
Heady cowardly space
awkward bespoke sex offender elastic band
ungodly curious abode stock car
The dogpile has ruled against me, but I still believe in the...
Federal bipolar pistol
*crosses arms in self-satisfaction as smug redditor grin spr...
Sick pit
that you can say "goodness of humanity" and have i...
Gold geriatric set weed whacker
cerebral genital piercing
the real high IQmos are profiting off the evil with the evil...
Massive Kitchen Digit Ratio
sable contagious gas station turdskin
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thirsty garnet nowag
Hyperactive Medicated House
lavender self-centered water buffalo
Navy Plaza Mental Disorder
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ungodly curious abode stock car
Gold geriatric set weed whacker
CR. Even if you don’t believe in free will, it seems r...
slippery indecent crackhouse
mind-boggling corner cuck
Electric underhanded point
cerebral genital piercing
Comical therapy sanctuary
This is why objective morals established by God’s Word...
nighttime site pervert
Provocative flatulent piazza sound barrier
nice moniker! but hitler wasnt evil brother - he was gods on...
adventurous principal's office
Thx i've actually used Barnaby Jones as a moniker IRL and ma...
Federal bipolar pistol
What brought you to xo? I’ve been stuck here longer th...
adventurous principal's office
ive been on 4chan since i was a youngin, and c12 got outed r...
Federal bipolar pistol
adventurous principal's office
that's why the expression "the road to hell is paved wi...
cruel-hearted appetizing keepsake machete party of the first part
that's what i was getting at
Federal bipolar pistol
Hitler didn't do anything wrong, and in fact he made many sp...
Haunting Hateful Coffee Pot Gay Wizard
this helps put things in perspective. TYFT
Federal bipolar pistol
Gold geriatric set weed whacker
Some people are absolutely evil, as anyone honest who has wo...
Aromatic rehab laser beams
are they evil or amoral though, real question?
ivory crawly potus
Hm i went to jail for a month and met some people. They were...
Federal bipolar pistol
If your point is that everyone is trying on some level to fo...
wine theater stage
cerebral genital piercing
for ex., to get trial experience I did prison litigation on ...
Aromatic rehab laser beams
ungodly curious abode stock car
hitler is just exceptional in popular conscious because he o...
Ruddy Narrow-minded Mood Telephone
This always devolves into a semantic argument about what eac...
olive base windowlicker
agreed. the "no evil" people just have an expansi...
mind-boggling corner cuck
There are definitely irredeemably evil people. The problem ...
lavender self-centered water buffalo
Facta non verba
ungodly curious abode stock car
Violent psychopaths who enjoy torturing and killing weaker h...
rose jap
Ted Bundy?
slippery indecent crackhouse
*OPs briefcase filled with matzoh, children’s blood an...
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cerebral genital piercing

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:45 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

I remember from a young age realizing this when learning about how "evil" the Nazis were. Were the civilians "evil"? Was Hitler "evil"? Nobody does things because they think it's evil. Whatever Hitler did he thought he was right. People operate like that. There are no "evil people".


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:47 PM
Author: Galvanic Orange Address Incel

(Guy with freshly laid sod in his backyard)


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:48 PM
Author: Sick pit

lol no, it's actually a IQ bell curve distribution just like so many other things

low IQmos: some people are just the evil bad guys!

midwits: "evil" isn't real *makes smug redditor face*

high IQmos: yes, some people are simply irredeemably and intrinsically evil


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:48 PM
Author: Aquamarine ticket booth sneaky criminal


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:58 PM
Author: Beta Ebony Indirect Expression


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:59 PM
Author: Wonderful sticky indian lodge corn cake


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: deranged swashbuckling station fortuitous meteor


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:24 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

this doesn't feel like TCR. why don't the high IQmos find and kill the people that are irredeemably and intrinsically evil? why allow them to live?

bc "evil people" are human and there trying they're best to be good. it's hard


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:28 PM
Author: Sick pit

congrats, you've just identified the singular problem responsible for everything wrong with the world in the current year

i'm not being facetious at all


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:37 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

grrrrrrrr if only we could identify the intrinsically evil people at birth and squish them at that point. or perhaps had a detector machine of some sort

surely the 'evil gene' has been isolated? surely work is being done to find this feature for the good of the human race?


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:33 AM
Author: ungodly curious abode stock car

You seem aggressively dumb


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:45 AM
Author: Gold geriatric set weed whacker

But not dumb enough, or he'd understand that some people are intrinsically evil


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:57 AM
Author: Heady cowardly space


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Date: March 18th, 2023 2:39 PM
Author: awkward bespoke sex offender elastic band


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Date: March 18th, 2023 5:39 PM
Author: ungodly curious abode stock car


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:52 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

The dogpile has ruled against me, but I still believe in the goodness of humanity, or at least that what you're calling "ebil" is ultimately a convenient subjective determination, that there is no "intrinsic evil," as such.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:58 PM
Author: Sick pit

*crosses arms in self-satisfaction as smug redditor grin spreads across face*


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Date: March 19th, 2023 7:56 AM
Author: Gold geriatric set weed whacker

that you can say "goodness of humanity" and have in mind any concrete behavior is implicit admission that evil exists.

How consistently must someone behave evilly before you believe that's who they are?


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:56 PM
Author: cerebral genital piercing


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:34 PM
Author: Massive Kitchen Digit Ratio

the real high IQmos are profiting off the evil with the evil people


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:26 PM
Author: sable contagious gas station turdskin


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:29 PM
Author: Doobsian naked market pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: March 17th, 2023 3:43 PM
Author: thirsty garnet nowag


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:44 PM
Author: Hyperactive Medicated House


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Date: March 17th, 2023 7:12 PM
Author: lavender self-centered water buffalo


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Date: March 17th, 2023 7:18 PM
Author: Navy Plaza Mental Disorder


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Date: March 17th, 2023 8:18 PM
Author: gaped arrogant useless brakes



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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:32 AM
Author: ungodly curious abode stock car


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:45 AM
Author: Gold geriatric set weed whacker


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:02 AM
Author: slippery indecent crackhouse

CR. Even if you don’t believe in free will, it seems roughly correct to consider the tiny fraction of humanity that engages in things like mass murder “evil” in the sense that their operating system is so completely fucked that it is appropriate to imprison or kill these people.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:02 AM
Author: mind-boggling corner cuck


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:26 AM
Author: Electric underhanded point


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:55 PM
Author: cerebral genital piercing


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Date: March 19th, 2023 7:56 AM
Author: Comical therapy sanctuary


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:48 PM
Author: nighttime site pervert

This is why objective morals established by God’s Word are necessary. People are fallen and retarded and their own subjective morality will be garbage.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:55 PM
Author: Provocative flatulent piazza sound barrier


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:56 PM
Author: adventurous principal's office

nice moniker! but hitler wasnt evil brother - he was gods only son.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:26 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

Thx i've actually used Barnaby Jones as a moniker IRL and many places online since I was like 12 y/o

anyways blank bump


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Date: March 17th, 2023 6:15 PM
Author: adventurous principal's office

What brought you to xo? I’ve been stuck here longer than I can remember.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 6:22 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

ive been on 4chan since i was a youngin, and c12 got outed right when i entered law school. I discovered xo from those threads and thought this place was pretty "180" and "CR"


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Date: March 17th, 2023 7:11 PM
Author: adventurous principal's office


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Date: March 17th, 2023 2:59 PM
Author: cruel-hearted appetizing keepsake machete party of the first part

that's why the expression "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" exists.

Very few people hurt others just for the sake of hurting them.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:26 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

that's what i was getting at


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:28 PM
Author: Haunting Hateful Coffee Pot Gay Wizard

Hitler didn't do anything wrong, and in fact he made many speeches and written works on what what he was doing was moral. Contrast that with a certain poaster who viciously rapes a boy he bought from the Orient just so he can feel good. Certainly one is more evil than the other.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:34 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

this helps put things in perspective. TYFT


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Date: March 18th, 2023 2:31 PM
Author: Gold geriatric set weed whacker


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:29 PM
Author: Aromatic rehab laser beams

Some people are absolutely evil, as anyone honest who has worked with/been around ultraviolent criminals & the like for any length of time will tell you. (Not sure what Nazis have to do with OP, tho.)


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:32 PM
Author: ivory crawly potus

are they evil or amoral though, real question?


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: Federal bipolar pistol

Hm i went to jail for a month and met some people. They were all pretty cool once you got to know them and it only strengthened OP belief. But i was in Minimum.

Please describe the evil you refer to


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:51 PM
Author: wine theater stage

If your point is that everyone is trying on some level to follow their own subjective internal moral code, sure but that’s tautological.

Some people have a subjective internal moral code that is so divergent from normal consensus and any coherent philosophy or religion, or so ineffective at checking harmful self-interested or chaotic behavior, that they cause big problems for other people. I can’t observe their subjective inner state and people with this profile usually don’t have great insight, communication or honesty to explain to me why they murder people or steal cheat and lie constantly. So you can call it whatever you want, but evil is a nice short word that most people understand.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:56 PM
Author: cerebral genital piercing


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:52 PM
Author: Aromatic rehab laser beams

for ex., to get trial experience I did prison litigation on behalf of a guy who tied up a mom and her 11 y/o daughter and raped them all night and mutilated them and has felony after felony, no remorse, etc.

Evil is boring, idk what you want.

edit to add: he murdered & butchered them in front of one another.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:35 AM
Author: ungodly curious abode stock car


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Date: March 17th, 2023 3:59 PM
Author: Ruddy Narrow-minded Mood Telephone

hitler is just exceptional in popular conscious because he occupies a unique point as someone virtually the entire world hated at one point not too far in the past, and especially a particularly powerful group as many poasters have already mentioned. but beyond that it's not just an American narrative, the Soviets and Japanese etc. were still very much aligned with this view for their own reasons. even if the holocaust didn't exist he/nazis would still have a near singular place as someone hated by every country that matters on earth.

you can't look some total degenerate dog-murdering child rapist and tell me they aren't evil. what "evil" is specifically doesn't really matter--even the most staunch defenders of moral ambiguity will get shivers.


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Date: March 17th, 2023 4:11 PM
Author: olive base windowlicker

This always devolves into a semantic argument about what each side considers to be evil or not. Was Charles Whitman evil, or crazy or both?


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:04 AM
Author: mind-boggling corner cuck

agreed. the "no evil" people just have an expansive view of mental illness, and also possibly are determinists with respect to free will


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Date: March 17th, 2023 7:14 PM
Author: lavender self-centered water buffalo

There are definitely irredeemably evil people. The problem is taking other people’s word on which people those are


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:35 AM
Author: ungodly curious abode stock car

Facta non verba


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:54 AM
Author: rose jap

Violent psychopaths who enjoy torturing and killing weaker humans and animals are inherently defective beings. It does not take long for anyone who looks objectively at the data about them to conclude that they are the way they are mostly if not totally because of genetics. They had social value in a world where tribes of humans regularly had to kill other tribes of humans to secure resources for their survival and when humans needed to innovate new ways to kill animals to increase food supply, but their social utility was already greatly diminished by the advent of guns and became completely dysgenic once we reached a point of modern industrialized warfare and agriculture. It’s conceivable that we will always carry some of their genetic inheritance and if overpopulation and resource scarcity starts to result in mass population death in the future we are likely to see a resurgence. But for at least the past four generations of humanity it has been a moral pursuit to try to identify and eliminate these people. We also have concentrations of their DNA in certain populations that have been more recently subjected to selection pressures that favored their genetics (eg US Blacks being only 6-8 generations removed from chattel slavery). The killing of violent psychopaths by the state is the only type of just and appropriate capital punishment, but it’s the obvious response to libs who claim we should never execute anyone. It’s important that the state devote resources to identifying, pursuing, capturing and eliminating these people.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 10:53 AM
Author: slippery indecent crackhouse

Ted Bundy?


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:29 AM
Author: diverse spruce locus affirmative action

*OPs briefcase filled with matzoh, children’s blood and Moloch ikons falls open*


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Date: March 18th, 2023 9:57 PM
Author: cerebral genital piercing
