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Shit's getting wild in South Africa rn

Beta Heaven Wrinkle
sepia nursing home main people
Libs said it would all be okay down there ?
Cream comical stock car
brindle stirring set
tantric umber stag film striped hyena
white guy i know from south africa says first thing they do ...
dashing dull locale athletic conference
Dun kitchen mexican
good source for cliffs?
balding plum double fault new version
EFF is calling for a National shutdown (businesses roads etc...
Angry theater stage
irradiated flirting corner azn
the only immigrants we should take in are south african whit...
irradiated flirting corner azn
180 goyim nowag
Angry theater stage
https://twitter.com/AlexChecked/status/1632123485202817024 ...
irradiated flirting corner azn
are you familiar with uhuru guru? he was a popular blogger ...
Arousing brunch
i think ive seen it. ive got south african friends who send ...
irradiated flirting corner azn
tantric umber stag film striped hyena
What is going on there?
Mind-boggling pearly cuckold cruise ship

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Date: March 18th, 2023 7:38 PM
Author: Beta Heaven Wrinkle



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Date: March 18th, 2023 7:46 PM
Author: sepia nursing home main people



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Date: March 18th, 2023 7:49 PM
Author: Cream comical stock car

Libs said it would all be okay down there ?


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Date: March 19th, 2023 1:50 PM
Author: brindle stirring set


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Date: March 18th, 2023 8:17 PM
Author: tantric umber stag film striped hyena


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Date: March 18th, 2023 10:18 PM
Author: dashing dull locale athletic conference

white guy i know from south africa says first thing they do once the land at airport is pick up a bunch of guns


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:51 PM
Author: Dun kitchen mexican


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:49 PM
Author: balding plum double fault new version

good source for cliffs?


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Date: March 19th, 2023 12:25 PM
Author: Angry theater stage

EFF is calling for a National shutdown (businesses roads etc) on the 20th. Many reports of people stealing and caching tires which will do doubt be used to set fires everywhere. Move is being seen as a test if the EFF has reached a tipping point where they can overthrow ANC.

Meanwhile basic infrastructure is quickly grinding to a halt as the ANC and whites do this dance of firing all the whites, then shit stops working and they beg them to come back. Rinse repeat. Cities have completely failed and country is kept alive (fed) by white Boers who run the farms. Blacks rob and murder farmers weekly. The daughter of the former ANC President just made news by dining a popular songs called Kill The Boers on national TV.


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Date: March 19th, 2023 1:15 PM
Author: irradiated flirting corner azn



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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:52 PM
Author: irradiated flirting corner azn

the only immigrants we should take in are south african whites.


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Date: March 18th, 2023 11:53 PM
Author: 180 goyim nowag



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Date: March 19th, 2023 12:34 PM
Author: Angry theater stage



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Date: March 19th, 2023 1:44 PM
Author: irradiated flirting corner azn



don't ever forgive the jews for what they've done.

and yes of course it was jews who ruined south africa--it always is.

"Many Jewish South Africans, both individuals and organisations, helped support the anti-apartheid movement. It was estimated that Jews were disproportionately represented (some sources maintain by as much as 2,500%) among whites involved in anti-apartheid political activities.[74] Much like other English-speaking white South Africans, Jews supported either the Progressive Party or the United Party. One organisation, the Union of Jewish Women, sought to alleviate the suffering of blacks through charitable projects and self-help schemes. Fourteen of the 23 whites involved in the 1956 Treason Trial were Jewish and all five whites of the 17 members of the African National Congress who were arrested for anti-apartheid activities in 1963 were Jewish.

Some Jewish university students vehemently opposed the apartheid movement. A large number of Jews were also involved in organisations such as the Springbok Legion, the Torch Commando and the Black Sash. These anti-apartheid organisations led protests that were both active (e.g. marching through the streets with torches) and passive (e.g. standing silently in black). Two Jewish organisations were formed in 1985: Jews for Justice (in Cape Town) and Jews for Social Justice (in Johannesburg). They tried to reform South African society and build bridges between the white and black communities. The South African Jewish Board also passed a resolution rejecting apartheid in 1985.[75]

In addition to the well-known high profile Jewish anti-apartheid personalities, there were very many ordinary Jews who expressed their revulsion of apartheid in diverse ways and contributed to its eventual downfall. Many Jews actively provided humanitarian assistance for black communities. Johannesburg's Oxford Synagogue and Cape Town's Temple Israel established nurseries, medical clinics and adult education programs in the townships and provided legal aid for victims of apartheid laws. Many Jewish lawyers acted as nominees for non-whites who were not allowed to buy properties in white areas.[76]

In 1980, South Africa's National Congress of the Jewish Board of Deputies passed a resolution urging "all concerned [people] and, in particular, members of our community to cooperate in securing the immediate amelioration and ultimate removal of all unjust discriminatory laws and practices based on race, creed, or colour". This inspired some Jews to intensify their anti-apartheid activism, but the bulk of the community either emigrated or avoided public conflict with the National Party government"






getting tired of people saying, "you can't just blame the jews."

yes we can because it's that simple. it's all jewish. what happened to america is jewish, too. all of it. there was no black civil rights movement that destroyed our way of life, our cities, and the lives of murdered white men, women, and children. it was jews.

whites had no problem dealing with blacks here or in south africa. jews waged war against us using blacks.

"The NAACP was founded in 1909 in reaction to a terrible race riot the year before in Springfield, Illinois. Among the original founders of the NAACP were Henry, Moskowitz, and a Rumanian Jew, who worked as the Executive Director of the Broadway League in New York. Moskowitz was joined in his support of the NAACP by Rabbi Emil Hirsch (son of KI’s Rabbi, the late Samuel Hirsch), Julius Rosenwald (father of KI’s Lessing Rosenwald), Jacob Schiff who was the leading Jewish philanthropist of the Progressive Era and the well-respected Spingarn family. To this day, the Spingarn Medal is one of the highest awards given by the NAACP to those who best exemplify its goals and values. The young Rabbi Stephen Wise, a leading voice of American Zionism prior to World War II supported the NAACP and via W.E.B. Du Bois’ Niagara Movement, Lillian Wald of Settlement House fame also supported the newly founded NAACP.

But perhaps the most fruitful collaboration between the American Jewish community and, in particular, the Reform movement in Judaism, and the NAACP took place in the early 1960s. In 1962, the Union for American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC, now the Union for Reform Judaism, URJ) purchased the old Ecuadorian Embassy at 2027 Massachusetts Ave in Washington, DC NW and launched its Religious Action Center (RAC) there. In 1964, with Reform, NAACP leaders and others huddled around the table, the historic Civil Rights Act was written. The following year, the same coalition produced the Voting Act Rights of 1965 (gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013). In other words, the most progressive social and civil legislation in American history was born of NAACP-American Jewish cooperation.

It is important to note that the seed money for the RAC was given by a Reform Jew, Kivie Kaplan (1904-1975) in 1959. Kaplan, a Bostonian, joined the NAACP in 1932 (at age of 28), was elected to its national board in 1954 and from 1965 to 1985, served as President of the NAACP. He marched and was jailed with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on many occasions including the Edmund Pettus Bridge crossing in Selma, Alabama. Curiously, on the back of his business card, Kaplan always had the words “Keep Smiling” printed."



the synagogue of satan must be destroyed. if people knew, it would be. instead the psyopped goyim are just confused by things that happen because nobody is telling them the truth--whether's it's BLM riots or "the banks" or "the liberal media" or tranny propaganda or wars in the middle east.

even xo continues to talk about "libs" and "global capitalism."

time to get over it. name the jew. whites are being genocided in south africa right now.


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Date: March 19th, 2023 1:50 PM
Author: Arousing brunch

are you familiar with uhuru guru? he was a popular blogger more than 10 years ago who shone the spotlight on the murder of whites and farmers in SA. his blog is still up:


he was really good. so globohomo had him arrested and then murdered in prison, i think, in 2011


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Date: March 19th, 2023 2:18 PM
Author: irradiated flirting corner azn

i think ive seen it. ive got south african friends who send me stuff. it's just nuts and the whole world is silent.

i think SAINT VLADIMIR may take them in. maybe not their first choice but any port in a storm time may come for them.

it'd be great if they took back their own country but it's going to be tough sledding. what happened the first time is that we (meaning (((america))) and (((perfidious albion)))) just cut them off from the world.

south africa and rhodesia were not structured to be isolated politically and economically so they were out of options but to negotiate power with the niggers and hope to keep it under control. we see how thats going. BRICS could help in theory but BRICS also wasn't meant for a white nationalist SA--but who knows


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Date: March 19th, 2023 8:34 PM
Author: tantric umber stag film striped hyena


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Date: March 19th, 2023 2:07 PM
Author: Mind-boggling pearly cuckold cruise ship

What is going on there?
