Date: March 28th, 2023 6:47 AM
Author: Concupiscible new version
this is contra the 'voting is completely fake & gay' thesis. which isn't entirely false, but which evades the wider point.
voting is fake in the sense that casting ballots for a particular party or candidate can 'change the system,' which is of course arranged through bureaucracies working on the orders of the ruling oligarchy. voting can't do that; that threat was neutralized a long time ago.
but voting does spread the guilt of the failures of the democratic system onto individual voters themselves. a dictator who fucks up is merely a fuckup with an individual face, but a 'democratic' bureaucracy which fucks up has already bathed the citizens of its nation in a kind of reverse-ablution. the water is replaced with ink.
the point of the process is to stain voters via their own participation and 'consent,' which is then wielded against them through mockery.
and yet, people continue to 'vote.' it IS kind of funny after a certain point. it's the 'stop hitting yourself' version of social order.