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How many hours has RSF spent trying to convince XO his life is 180?

Include within this time estimate not only time spent poasti...
Crystalline old irish cottage
how's this diff than cslg, or anyone else on social media? ...
180 jew piazza
I didn't say CSLG didn't have the same compulsion. Clearly h...
Crystalline old irish cottage
just saying they're both no different than millions of ppl o...
180 jew piazza
Posting stuff to the public at large makes more sense. There...
Crystalline old irish cottage
plenty are just doing it on FB, rather than to the public at...
180 jew piazza
How come the only people who attack RSF are pumos, new monik...
bossy brunch
OP thinks RSF sharing 189 content is an attempt to convince ...
bossy brunch
One ass-kissing response not enough?
Crystalline old irish cottage
Lol I think this is the first time someone has accused me of...
bossy brunch
I make a point not to poast in these threads, but the moment...
bateful sandwich tank
Thank you, Mr. Definitely Not An Alt of That Pumo for being ...
bossy brunch
Crystalline old irish cottage
The only posts I've seen of his are his RSF white knight pos...
cerise cruise ship
Oh thanks, Transformers, who nobody has ever heard of. You d...
bossy brunch
Crystalline old irish cottage
Judas Jones says RSF runs alts.
cerise cruise ship
Link for me, big fella?
bossy brunch
I'm gonna follow the standard RSF set when he accused CSLG o...
cerise cruise ship
Another thread where you kissed RSF ass: http://www.xoxoh...
Crystalline old irish cottage
Link to me kissing saying anything about RSF in that thread?
bossy brunch
Attacking an RSF attacker is carrying water for RSF. It's ab...
Crystalline old irish cottage
There's that pumo insanity I recognize!
bossy brunch
Another: http://www.xoxohth.com/thread.php?thread_id=5407...
Crystalline old irish cottage
More like "Candy Ride RSF's jock" - amirite?
Crystalline old irish cottage
Thanks pumo account with 9 poasts itt!
bossy brunch
I don't spend a second "convincing" the board of a...
Cheese-eating nursing home
Yes your life is 180.
opaque sadistic clown french chef
Truly happy people just spend their time being happy. Not st...
Crystalline old irish cottage
Did you not read the post little guy? I don't ever post anyt...
Cheese-eating nursing home
LOL, total bullshit. You've posted some variation of that a ...
Crystalline old irish cottage
This is the conclusion you naturally draw (and get MAF about...
Cheese-eating nursing home
I'm jealous of the life of some rich professional athlete wh...
Crystalline old irish cottage
Whatever you need to tell yourself!
Cheese-eating nursing home
I don't need to tell myself you accomplish nothing in your l...
Crystalline old irish cottage
Dashing khaki area
I've almost certainly accomplished a lot more than you have,...
Cheese-eating nursing home
My two kids suggest otherwise.
Crystalline old irish cottage
Having children isn't an "accomplishment" my guy. ...
Cheese-eating nursing home
Yet it's still more than you ever have or ever will do!
Dashing khaki area
It is THE accomplishment, dumbass. Not how many olives you c...
Crystalline old irish cottage
I also have a law degree, several nice houses and higher lif...
Cheese-eating nursing home
Your parents paid for those houses. You didn't earn anything...
Dashing khaki area
Wow you're nuts my man! You really love lying.
Cheese-eating nursing home
You're one insane Jew, Baumeister
Dashing khaki area
I will tell myself that I don't have whatever deep insecurit...
Crystalline old irish cottage
Yea man you sound very happy and not at all hysterical, lmao...
Cheese-eating nursing home
The projection is amazing. Never change bowelmeister
Dashing khaki area
What exactly have you accomplished my man? Gambling with you...
Dashing khaki area
If it's so easy to make millions "gambling" why ca...
Cheese-eating nursing home
Holy shit you're so retarded it's insane.
Dashing khaki area
Sorry if this is tough for you my ESL little buddy
Cheese-eating nursing home
You're a 45 year old kike my man. Sorry telling the truth is...
Dashing khaki area
Another post where you are incapable of telling even a shred...
Cheese-eating nursing home
What part is wrong here my man?
Dashing khaki area
I am jealous of the guy who really works hard, not smart!
bossy brunch
Your friend DBG says it's exactly what you're doing and it's...
cerise cruise ship
exciting rigor pervert
He's been here since at least 2005, and probably spends at l...
aqua stag film
Dashing khaki area
that's an indictment on almost all of us. we've all spent 10...
180 jew piazza
True, but unlike most of us RSF has the time and resources (...
aqua stag film
We know you're a dumb, perpetually MAF guy but you realize 1...
Cheese-eating nursing home
And this is why RSF will continue to megapoast as a father
cerise cruise ship
Why would anyone stop posting because they have kids?
Cheese-eating nursing home
Just ignore your kids to play with Benzo my man.
cerise cruise ship
Nothing against RSF but xo Nixon was right about this htt...
Cocky forum
Holy shit 180
Dashing khaki area
180 and so true. RSF rebuttal: "whatever you need to...
Crystalline old irish cottage
opaque sadistic clown french chef
RSF has said he would be a 180 political candidate btw
cerise cruise ship
Cheese-eating nursing home
I'm sure your thin-skinned, zero-filter, low-IQ, and termina...
cerise cruise ship
6'4'' smart affable charismatic handsome bro with 180 hair w...
Cheese-eating nursing home
cerise cruise ship
aqua stag film
Azure fat ankles cuckoldry

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:42 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

Include within this time estimate not only time spent poasting on xo, but also pics he's taken and thoughts he's given to pics he's taken with the specific purpose of posting it later on XO.

Has to be literally thousands of hours.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:43 PM
Author: 180 jew piazza

how's this diff than cslg, or anyone else on social media?

he's far from the only one who uses the internet as validation.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:44 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

I didn't say CSLG didn't have the same compulsion. Clearly he does.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:45 PM
Author: 180 jew piazza

just saying they're both no different than millions of ppl on the internet using social media for validation.

it's not healthy and it's a problem with our society that the internet has made so many people use the internet / SM for validation, but it's not exactly abnormal that either of them are like this.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:50 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

Posting stuff to the public at large makes more sense. There's a chance to advance your life, etc. Specifically and obsessively targetting one board of autists for many years is much weirder.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:52 PM
Author: 180 jew piazza

plenty are just doing it on FB, rather than to the public at large. and even the ones doing it totally publicly arent necessarily doing it for financial gain; they're often doing it just for validation.

doing it on here makes sense simply bc of the free speech aspect. he got banned from flyertalk for not being PC enough and talking about the chynavirus. he'd probably get kicked off any other mainstream site too


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:44 PM
Author: bossy brunch

How come the only people who attack RSF are pumos, new monikers nobody has ever heard of, Benzo?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:48 PM
Author: bossy brunch

OP thinks RSF sharing 189 content is an attempt to convince the bort that his life is 180? I don't think RSF has to do that.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:48 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

One ass-kissing response not enough?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 7:53 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Lol I think this is the first time someone has accused me of being an ass kisser.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:05 PM
Author: bateful sandwich tank

I make a point not to poast in these threads, but the moment I saw your moniker ITT, I knew you were here to white knight RSF because you regularly kiss his ass.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:07 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Thank you, Mr. Definitely Not An Alt of That Pumo for being the 2nd person to ever accuse me of being an ass kisser in any form.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:31 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage



Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:27 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

The only posts I've seen of his are his RSF white knight posts. But I've heard he chimes in on political issues as well and is awful in that arena too!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:34 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Oh thanks, Transformers, who nobody has ever heard of. You don't see well liked poasters like Judas Jones saying things like this.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:06 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage



Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:42 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

Judas Jones says RSF runs alts.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:57 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Link for me, big fella?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 1:17 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

I'm gonna follow the standard RSF set when he accused CSLG of buying his law firm: "it's common knowledge"


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:33 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

Another thread where you kissed RSF ass:



Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:34 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Link to me kissing saying anything about RSF in that thread?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:37 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

Attacking an RSF attacker is carrying water for RSF. It's absurd to even try to deny it - I found you with zero effort in a couple of threads- I'm sure there's a lot more.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:40 PM
Author: bossy brunch

There's that pumo insanity I recognize!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:36 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage




Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:39 PM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

More like "Candy Ride RSF's jock" - amirite?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 18th, 2023 8:40 PM
Author: bossy brunch

Thanks pumo account with 9 poasts itt!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:07 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

I don't spend a second "convincing" the board of anything. I post pictures and you inherently KNOW it's 180. Unlike some geek like cslg who need to convince you eating cold chicken fingers in a parking lot with employees he forced to show up is actually a 1800000 time.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:08 AM
Author: opaque sadistic clown french chef

Yes your life is 180.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:14 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

Truly happy people just spend their time being happy. Not starting or participating in 10,000 threads trying to convince people of that fact.

"Really guys- my life is great! Just in case you haven't been convinced of that by the thousands of hours I've spent trying to do so in the last 15 years!"

Who does that?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:15 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Did you not read the post little guy? I don't ever post anything like "Really guys- my life is great!" I post pics after trips and I post details of upcoming trips I am excited about.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:16 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

LOL, total bullshit. You've posted some variation of that a thousand times.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:16 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

This is the conclusion you naturally draw (and get MAF about) when you see the details of my life.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:21 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

I'm jealous of the life of some rich professional athlete who has money and knows that he earned it and has the satisfaction of proving he's better than his opponents on a weekly basis.

You're just some rich slug lounging on a beach somewhere accomplishing absolutely nothing. Just like you've done your entire life.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:21 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Whatever you need to tell yourself!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:22 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

I don't need to tell myself you accomplish nothing in your life. You post proof of it every day.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:23 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:23 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

I've almost certainly accomplished a lot more than you have, but whatever makes you happy pumo!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:26 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

My two kids suggest otherwise.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:27 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Having children isn't an "accomplishment" my guy. What will you have to fall back on when we have children and you have still done nothing else with your life?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:29 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

Yet it's still more than you ever have or ever will do!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:29 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

It is THE accomplishment, dumbass. Not how many olives you can pick out of a martini glass with your asshole.

And I've got a law degree, nice house, etc. That I actually worked for.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:36 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

I also have a law degree, several nice houses and higher lifetime earnings than you. So again, when we also have kids in the next year or so + all the other stuff outside the law, what will you tell yourself then?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:39 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

Your parents paid for those houses. You didn't earn anything, it's literally money from an allowance. How fucking stupid and insane are you? Are you really this detached from reality?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:39 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Wow you're nuts my man! You really love lying.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:41 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

You're one insane Jew, Baumeister


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:54 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

I will tell myself that I don't have whatever deep insecurity or unhappiness it is that compels you to do what this thread is about - make thousands of posts trying to convince some internet board that your life is great.

This is basic psychology, big guy.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:55 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Yea man you sound very happy and not at all hysterical, lmao.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:57 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

The projection is amazing. Never change bowelmeister


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:28 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

What exactly have you accomplished my man? Gambling with your allowance?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:29 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

If it's so easy to make millions "gambling" why can't you do it little buddy?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:29 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

Holy shit you're so retarded it's insane.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:37 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Sorry if this is tough for you my ESL little buddy


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:39 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

You're a 45 year old kike my man. Sorry telling the truth is so hard for you!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:40 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Another post where you are incapable of telling even a shred of truth you're really insane little buddy!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:22 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

What part is wrong here my man?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 11:51 AM
Author: bossy brunch

I am jealous of the guy who really works hard, not smart!


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:14 AM
Author: cerise cruise ship

Your friend DBG says it's exactly what you're doing and it's unhealthy. Why do you let all your friends diss you?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:18 AM
Author: exciting rigor pervert



Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:14 AM
Author: aqua stag film

He's been here since at least 2005, and probably spends at least 10 hours a week here (a conservative estimate), so 10 hours a week x 52 weeks x 18 years = 9,360 hours.

Imagine what he could have done with his life if he spent those 9,000+ hours doing something worthwhile?

Instead he's spent it trying to impress a handful of racist, balding, misanthropic lawyers, most of whom just think he's a pathological liar.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:20 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:28 AM
Author: 180 jew piazza

that's an indictment on almost all of us. we've all spent 10k hours of our lives on this shitboart. we're all done here.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:15 PM
Author: aqua stag film

True, but unlike most of us RSF has the time and resources (actually his dad’s resources) to do whatever he wants with his life, and this is how he has chosen to spend it 😂


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:46 PM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

We know you're a dumb, perpetually MAF guy but you realize 1. XO loads on phones and you can post while doing other stuff, 2. you can't be doing 180 shit 100% of the time, sometimes you just want to chill on your couch and post.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:51 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

And this is why RSF will continue to megapoast as a father


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:52 PM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

Why would anyone stop posting because they have kids?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 1:11 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

Just ignore your kids to play with Benzo my man.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:17 AM
Author: Cocky forum

Nothing against RSF but xo Nixon was right about this



Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:22 AM
Author: Dashing khaki area

Holy shit 180


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:24 AM
Author: Crystalline old irish cottage

180 and so true.

RSF rebuttal: "whatever you need to tell yourself, tricky Dick!"


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 10:43 AM
Author: opaque sadistic clown french chef


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 11:35 AM
Author: cerise cruise ship

RSF has said he would be a 180 political candidate btw


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 11:49 AM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home



Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:46 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship

I'm sure your thin-skinned, zero-filter, low-IQ, and terminally online self would do quite well


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 1:00 PM
Author: Cheese-eating nursing home

6'4'' smart affable charismatic handsome bro with 180 hair who hates libs. I would DOMINATE. Having a gorgeous wife is also a feather in my cap as a candidate. On the other hand, the inevitable "text leak" would be absolutely devastating.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 1:11 PM
Author: cerise cruise ship



Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:13 PM
Author: aqua stag film


Reply Favorite

Date: September 19th, 2023 12:46 PM
Author: Azure fat ankles cuckoldry
