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So Ukraine is just deploying elderly people now?

These guys are so fucking old https://twitter.com/JackPosob...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
jews control both sides and are ethnically cleansing it to m...
histrionic center mexican
Sounds like a Satanic death cult
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
a winning satanic death cult
histrionic center mexican
All they’re winning is an eventual trip to the lake of...
Razzle-dazzle sooty alpha
Time for TDNW and LFOD to get in there and make a REAL diffe...
Violet Provocative Faggot Firefighter Immigrant
Just based off of TDNW's posting, he's got to militarily be ...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Seriously OVER for "the" Ukraine, Russia is going ...
Slimy tanning salon
Maybe they just sent out the draft notice with an incorrect ...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Nope they're literally OUT of people, it's completely FINISH...
Slimy tanning salon
Don't despair, I'm pretty sure all these elderly and female ...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Don't know about this brother, wouldn't the based Russian me...
Slimy tanning salon
No, Ukraine has been recruiting geriatrics from the beginnin...
Useless Onyx Church Legal Warrant
Translation: everyone is dying regardless of age.
Plum university psychic
Sort of. Olds and teenagers are always dying at a roughly co...
Useless Onyx Church Legal Warrant
Ok, but the result is still "everyone dies regardless o...
Plum university psychic
I told you — all Hahols will die. All of them.
olive thirsty philosopher-king step-uncle's house
Nah, if for no other reason because Putin is soft as shit. ...
Plum university psychic
A man can dream….
olive thirsty philosopher-king step-uncle's house
that retarded dwarf (Zelinskyy) needs to go fuck himself
Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven
anyone capable of getting the fuck out of Ukraine already di...
Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven
We should send our tranny dilator squads as reinforcement
Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven
Effete aromatic kitty nowag
those guys are 25 years old. hohols are subhumans
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
This is 180 af. If these dudes die (they will) it means my t...
Fantasy-prone Range Gunner
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
green titillating station half-breed
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
lol, these guys are being sent off to die so that when you k...
poppy mewling shitlib abode
Protip: you shouldn't have been paying their pen$ion$ to beg...
Plum university psychic
Many people are saying this!
Fantasy-prone Range Gunner
Don't worry. U will still pay. Even if they are dead.. Hehe
Painfully Honest Flesh Menage
"Look, Ukraine promised their families $100k each. Who...
Plum university psychic
TDNW: "Ha, this just means Ukraine is winning!"
Plum university psychic
Ukraine is on their 20th or so mobilization (i.e. forced con...
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
Realistically, if this is how the Ukrainian government is go...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
Keep in mind, millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia and mill...
Plum university psychic
Wow, there should be basically 100 sets of testicles left in...
Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven
biglawlivesmatter is gonna maek it
cobalt church building
Pretty awful that these kinds of men are being sent off to d...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
A sovereign nation was invaded lol at this cucky line of rea...
Supple carmine digit ratio
Stop repeating state department bs.
Plum university psychic
Shut up kike
Supple carmine digit ratio
he says, before noting that Israel is our greatest ally.
Plum university psychic
You are jewish IRL and israel should be nuked repeatedly
Supple carmine digit ratio
Is this FLW?
Plum university psychic
So, in a scenario where a country invades your country, it i...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
You are such a fucking kike. I hope niggers invade your h...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
Not Jewish and very opposed to getting killed in stupid absu...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
I appreciate the flat denial. Like the invasion of your o...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
He'd flee to israel
Supple carmine digit ratio
exhilarant aquamarine theater
I'm genuinely interest in this though: how is being deeply o...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
Your framing is shit. Russia invaded Ukraine. I have no i...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
They should concede territory and end the war. US has been ...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
"US has been planning this war for at least a decade.&q...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
I highly encourage you to go fight for your country then, wh...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
Shamefully cucky attitude, i can't imagine being this much o...
Supple carmine digit ratio
exhilarant aquamarine theater
Plum university psychic
I've caught some shit from the usual guys with this attitude...
exhilarant aquamarine theater
I feel like they're all phoning it in now.
Plum university psychic
exhilarant aquamarine theater
Yes, they all want to die for Ukraine. Just look at the enth...
umber trailer park
Plum university psychic
It's Ukraine's war. They decide whether to fight.
angry jet business firm patrolman
uh huh
elite aggressive dragon
Jewish people want revenge againsts Russia for the mistreatm...
nudist wrinkle
Ukraine has a shit ton of able bodied young men it won't con...
Diverse avocado azn
They're leaving a small pocket of Chads to repopulate the Uk...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
No, the plan is to import 10+ million Africans if they win t...
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
it's corruption. these people have the right connections or ...
poppy mewling shitlib abode
These are 1) kids of oligarchs who will outright defect to R...
Plum university psychic
for a variety of reasons, tp
exhilarant aquamarine theater
(1) What do hot, young Ukrainian women think about early 40s...
angry jet business firm patrolman
1) Honestly, you could maek it there if you have decent mone...
Plum university psychic
Yeah u avoid all that with Minsk. Still has bus travel with ...
Saffron corner
I think in reality it's at least as good in Minsk or moscow....
Saffron corner
Women are way more desperate there than Minsk or Moscow righ...
Plum university psychic
Why not just go to Poland?
nudist wrinkle
Seems like they'd be pickier there.
angry jet business firm patrolman
That assessment is correct.
Plum university psychic
Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut · 1h WTH? Is thi...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Plum university psychic
To be fair, LMAO
sickened locale lettuce
Posobiec blocked me so I can’t see whatever garbage he...
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
To be fair, One weird trick to make this video "not ...
sickened locale lettuce
Just for you https://nitter.net/JackPosobiec/status/1726654...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Lmao @ Russiacucks whatever makes you feel better
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
To be fair, Solid response
sickened locale lettuce
Plum university psychic
This would be a good point if ukraine were fighting an offen...
Supple carmine digit ratio
True, turns out all you need in a defensive war is a nursing...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
sickened locale lettuce
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
Smoky hell kitty cat
Did you have any feelings about the elderly rus dying on the...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
To be fair, Weird how you seem to want to make this threa...
sickened locale lettuce
Yes, what substantive discussion. A twitter clip without con...
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
"The average age of the AFU is something like 37-40&quo...
Plum university psychic
he claimed, without evidence
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
You're emotional enough about it for both of us pal
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Powerful stuff MASE.
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
Extremely powerful stuff Live Free or Die.
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
"They died for an invasion of a foreign land." ...
Plum university psychic
Then why did Russia purport to annex it?
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
To make it official.
Plum university psychic
"I'm beginning to think MASE doesn't actually care abou...
Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead
Send zelinsky
cyan space
Smoky hell kitty cat
yes. There was a German report released a few days ago sayin...
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
How? What's the mechanism of stoppage?
angry jet business firm patrolman
you Russiacucks will run with the flimsiest of a hint of evi...
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
It sure does seem to make you MAF tho
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
the OP is a video of military men and a woman singing Pos...
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
*leans into mic*
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
I don't think there was any peace deal ever on the table unl...
Saffron corner
It gets sadder. Ukraine had an election that was between a ...
Plum university psychic
I would say he was consistent. He said he wanted to join Nat...
Saffron corner
He wasn't remotely consistent. He was oligarch backed (as o...
Plum university psychic
Putin is confident yet all putin is turning Russia into a bi...
Saffron corner
Putin hasn't lost but yes I agree that 2014 would have been ...
Plum university psychic
We have been blatantly pushing this war since 2014.
umber trailer park
Interesting how the ardent ukrainemos still haven't lifted a...
Fantasy-prone Range Gunner
Ukrainemos should fight for a foreign country but Russiacuck...
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
Correct. Ukrainemos are not ukrainemos unless they get over ...
Fantasy-prone Range Gunner
Sure. The position of Ukrainemos is "we must all do wh...
Plum university psychic
To be fair, Correct, because in case you didn't notice, v...
sickened locale lettuce
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
"Meanwhile, all of the XO Ukrainemos are INCREDIBLY EMO...
Plum university psychic
Yes, it is very fucked up that Russia wants to annex Ukraine...
Excitant clear sex offender field
"it is very fucked up that Russia wants to annex Ukrain...
Plum university psychic
Shut the fuck up, TMF.
Excitant clear sex offender field
Supple carmine digit ratio
umber trailer park
Nationalism is good... except for in ukraine
Supple carmine digit ratio
Blood and Soil (except for slavs)
ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank
*hands over sovereignty to the US*
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
Plum university psychic
This isn't nationalism, this is slavery. They obviously don'...
umber trailer park
Shut up you ugly barren jew
Supple carmine digit ratio
go back to Kiev, Oleksander
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
she's right
Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead
fear-inspiring cumskin crotch
It’s like the end of the American civil war they just ...
Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven
Plum university psychic
lmao @ Russiacucks Russia has been sending soldiers only ar...
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage
wow the ukrainian geriatric division must be even more shit ...
poppy mewling shitlib abode
Effete aromatic kitty nowag
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Damn I thought the 76th Mountain Litigators was just an xo m...
Haunting Marvelous Den
angry jet business firm patrolman
It’s been hilarious to watch Ukrainemos ITT defend thi...
Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native
Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead
Plum university psychic
conscripting women, old men, and boys at gun point means Ukr...
Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:37 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

These guys are so fucking old



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:38 PM
Author: histrionic center mexican

jews control both sides and are ethnically cleansing it to make room for new khazaria


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:39 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Sounds like a Satanic death cult


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:43 PM
Author: histrionic center mexican

a winning satanic death cult


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 6:51 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle sooty alpha

All they’re winning is an eventual trip to the lake of fire.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:42 PM
Author: Violet Provocative Faggot Firefighter Immigrant

Time for TDNW and LFOD to get in there and make a REAL difference


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:43 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Just based off of TDNW's posting, he's got to militarily be worth like 3 of these guys IMO


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:46 PM
Author: Slimy tanning salon

Seriously OVER for "the" Ukraine, Russia is going to ROLL OVER these geriatric Volksstrum in exactly two weeks - this is an assurance


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:50 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Maybe they just sent out the draft notice with an incorrect recipient criteria...surely there are still many young men left to fight...


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:52 PM
Author: Slimy tanning salon

Nope they're literally OUT of people, it's completely FINISHED for them. You can't fight a war with grandpas. It's only geriatrics and pregnant women in the trenches per the reliable Telegram sources you and I read, so victory for Russia is at hand.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:54 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Don't despair, I'm pretty sure all these elderly and female recruits are basically there for administrative purposes. They've got more than enough able-bodied men to do the warfare, while the olds and women just do, I don't know, paper-pushing.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:58 PM
Author: Slimy tanning salon

Don't know about this brother, wouldn't the based Russian media come straight with us if Ukraine was still a threat? I think it's pretty much done for Ukraine and by extension their HATO puppetmasters. I need a new based place to flee with my white family, any ideas?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:24 PM
Author: Useless Onyx Church Legal Warrant

No, Ukraine has been recruiting geriatrics from the beginning. They seem to send the elderly and teenagers to just sit in trenches and soak up artillery shells, while men in their 20s are held back and trained for assault units (or minesweeping units as it's turned out)


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:28 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Translation: everyone is dying regardless of age.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:31 PM
Author: Useless Onyx Church Legal Warrant

Sort of. Olds and teenagers are always dying at a roughly constant rate, men in their 20s and 30s die in sudden bursts whenever there's a new counteroffensive


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:32 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Ok, but the result is still "everyone dies regardless of age"


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:32 PM
Author: olive thirsty philosopher-king step-uncle's house

I told you — all Hahols will die. All of them.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:35 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Nah, if for no other reason because Putin is soft as shit. If they surrendered unconditionally tomorrow Putin would pay to rebuild Ukraine and maybe 100 people would end up seriously punished.

To the extent that a huge percentage of the Ukraine is dying that's because the Ukrainian government is insisting on fighting to the last Ukrainian. But that's unrealistic and at some point Zelinsky will get kicked out.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:36 PM
Author: olive thirsty philosopher-king step-uncle's house

A man can dream….


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:42 PM
Author: Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven

that retarded dwarf (Zelinskyy) needs to go fuck himself


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:41 PM
Author: Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven

anyone capable of getting the fuck out of Ukraine already did... the rest are inept or women


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 6:15 PM
Author: Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven

We should send our tranny dilator squads as reinforcement


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:24 PM
Author: Effete aromatic kitty nowag


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:54 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

those guys are 25 years old.

hohols are subhumans


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 1:22 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:55 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone Range Gunner

This is 180 af. If these dudes die (they will) it means my tax dollars don't have to pay for their pen$ion$ anymore. I'm sure LFOD or TDNW think this is 180 as well.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 12:59 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 1:12 PM
Author: green titillating station half-breed



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 1:13 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 1:26 PM
Author: poppy mewling shitlib abode

lol, these guys are being sent off to die so that when you keep paying their pen$ion$ zelensky can just pocket the money


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:21 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Protip: you shouldn't have been paying their pen$ion$ to begin with.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:29 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone Range Gunner

Many people are saying this!


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:37 PM
Author: Painfully Honest Flesh Menage

Don't worry. U will still pay. Even if they are dead..



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:39 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

"Look, Ukraine promised their families $100k each. Who do you expect to pay that? Zelinsky? Plus Ukraine has to find a replacement and that costs money too."


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:21 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

TDNW: "Ha, this just means Ukraine is winning!"


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:43 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

Ukraine is on their 20th or so mobilization (i.e. forced conscription) and Ukraine retards think they've only suffered 50k casualties for the entire war.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:51 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

Realistically, if this is how the Ukrainian government is going to treat them, if they are willing to put these men to death in vain like this, how much worse could Russian rule really be?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:55 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Keep in mind, millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia and millions more willingly live in Russia held territory. Quite a few Ukrainians are fighting in the Russian military (or associated national guard units).


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:44 PM
Author: Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven

Wow, there should be basically 100 sets of testicles left in the entire country at this rate


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:45 PM
Author: cobalt church building

biglawlivesmatter is gonna maek it


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:46 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

Pretty awful that these kinds of men are being sent off to die. Many probably have families, are pillars of their community, etc.

And for what? So that US defense contractors and political graft people can keep US taxpayer money flowing into their accounts? For Biden's reelection?

The evil in this world is almost incomprehensible.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:51 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

A sovereign nation was invaded lol at this cucky line of reasoning


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:52 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Stop repeating state department bs.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:57 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

Shut up kike


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:58 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

he says, before noting that Israel is our greatest ally.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

You are jewish IRL and israel should be nuked repeatedly


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:05 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Is this FLW?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:57 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

So, in a scenario where a country invades your country, it is the existing government's duty to kill every man woman and child to resist? No need to bother to seek a peaceful resolution, broker a peace, etc., they're just expected to suicide-pact to the end, huh?

I'm not even making this Ukraine specific, in which this is even more absurd considering Ukraine has been part of Russia for like 400 of the last 450 years.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:01 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

You are such a fucking kike.

I hope niggers invade your house and--while raping your wife you exclaim "well at least I will live" as you flee leaving your children to be killed.

You're just a total NON-JEW who FEELS Ukraine belongs to Russia.

Admit or deny you are a KIKE right here and right now Muscadine Wine.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:03 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

Not Jewish and very opposed to getting killed in stupid absurd wars.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:07 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

I appreciate the flat denial.

Like the invasion of your own country? You wouldn't fight if the US was invaded?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:08 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

He'd flee to israel


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:13 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

I'm genuinely interest in this though: how is being deeply opposed to stupid CIA/ Neocon US instigated wars, not believing the insanity of believing that "Russia" is a serious threat to the US, and legitimately being moved by the senselessness of these men being killed for foreign interests - how is that being "Jewish?"


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:19 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Your framing is shit.

Russia invaded Ukraine. I have no idea how the CIA masterminded Putin and Shoigu and Gerasimov to act. So no we are not talking about a CIA/US instigated war.

"Russia" is a threat to Europe. The US has an extreme interest in a strong Europe as a counterweight to China.

It is Jewish (kikey actually) because you are saying the Ukrainians should not be defending their people, their homes and their land because a literal Empire believes they have the right to swallow them.

It is the opposite of self-determination.

Ukraine is a White, Christian, European nation-state, exactly what EVER PRO-WHITE person should be favor of.

It is whiter than the US, Russia, hell most of Europe.

Opposing them is kikish.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:24 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

They should concede territory and end the war. US has been planning this war for at least a decade.

I'm not following the white pride gibberish. If anything, this is a great opportunity to point out that there is no such thing as "white" people, the concept exists only in the negative.

EDIT: lastly, how is it "defending" your people to allow your economy to be destroyed, allow the deaths of hundreds of thousands of your men, etc. so that you can be a vassal state of the US as opposed to going back to being a vassal state of Russia? Really, for 90% of the population, what in the world difference does it make? So instead of understanding the situation and making decisions that are in your country's best interests both in terms of life, treasure, and otherwise, you think it's better to just destroy your entire country?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

"US has been planning this war for at least a decade."

Talk about magical thinking. The US just masterminded everything and Rus has no agency. Everything is a master conspiracy!

"I'm not following the white pride gibberish. If anything, this is a great opportunity to point out that there is no such thing as "white" people, the concept exists only in the negative."

white pride gibberish

white pride gibberish

white pride gibberish

white pride gibberish

See that is Kike talk. WPWW. [Edit: Actually, Slav Pride too.]

lastly, how is it "defending" your people to allow your economy to be destroyed, allow the deaths of hundreds of thousands of your men, etc.

>> ignoring that EU, US, etc will rebuild and improve the country, that is literally the cost of Defending the Homeland (Motherland). It is a moral and ethical good.

so that you can be a vassal state of the US as opposed to going back to being a vassal state of Russia?

>> I don't think they will. Ukraine also has agency.

Really, for 90% of the population, what in the world difference does it make?

>> Because every time Russia moves in they Russify, starve, and eliminate the native identity. Holodomor. Chekha. blah blah blah. You have no sense of EE history.

So instead of understanding the situation and making decisions that are in your country's best interests both in terms of life, treasure, and otherwise, you think it's better to just destroy your entire country?

>> I would die to defend my home. If I was mobilized for an invasion I would go.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:48 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

I highly encourage you to go fight for your country then, whatever country that is.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:50 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:01 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

Shamefully cucky attitude, i can't imagine being this much of a pussy


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:37 PM
Author: Plum university psychic



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:59 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

I've caught some shit from the usual guys with this attitude, but what these guys are doing is bullshit.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:00 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

I feel like they're all phoning it in now.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:09 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 7:19 PM
Author: umber trailer park

Yes, they all want to die for Ukraine. Just look at the enthusiasm shining in their eyes.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:52 PM
Author: Plum university psychic



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:00 PM
Author: angry jet business firm patrolman

It's Ukraine's war. They decide whether to fight.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:24 PM
Author: elite aggressive dragon

uh huh


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 11:03 PM
Author: nudist wrinkle

Jewish people want revenge againsts Russia for the mistreatment of their grandparents and great grandparents during the Russian Empire.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:46 PM
Author: Diverse avocado azn

Ukraine has a shit ton of able bodied young men it won't conscript for whatever reason. I don't know why they aren't at least being trained. You can see them in all the videos out of Kiev and Lviv. Lots of them are going to nightclubs and dance parties, seemingly unaffected by the war in any way. They look genuinely happy.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:48 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

They're leaving a small pocket of Chads to repopulate the Ukrainian race Attila the Hun style after the war is over


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:59 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

No, the plan is to import 10+ million Africans if they win the war. They won't win the war, so Putin won't allow 10+ million Africans to enter Ukraine


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:50 PM
Author: poppy mewling shitlib abode

it's corruption. these people have the right connections or have paid off the right people to ensure grandpa takes their place on the front line.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 2:51 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

These are 1) kids of oligarchs who will outright defect to Russia before letting their own kids get mobilized but in the meantime will pay the appropriate bribes, and no reason to get them trained if you don't want them mobilized (though, many of these aren't in Ukraine anymore), or 2) foreigners that you can't mobilize. Western assets coordinating aid, for example, or Western intelligence reps. Being a Western embassy worker in Kiev is probably pretty phenomenal right now. A bunch of young desperate women and most of the eligible men aren't around for a variety of reasons.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:00 PM
Author: exhilarant aquamarine theater

for a variety of reasons, tp


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: angry jet business firm patrolman

(1) What do hot, young Ukrainian women think about early 40s lawyers?

(2) What does a ticket to Kiev cost?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:41 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

1) Honestly, you could maek it there if you have decent money in the US. Think about it - TDNW made it. Put together everything you know about this guy and say it again. He actually got married there. Now, this has all sorts of risks, and she'll expect you to get her family to the US too.

2) Planes don't fly to Kiev. You fly to Poland and then take a land route to Ukraine. It could be a very kooky adventure. It is also a crime ridden and corrupt hellhole, so keep that in mind.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:45 PM
Author: Saffron corner

Yeah u avoid all that with Minsk. Still has bus travel with vilnius. But I decided that in December it is nicer to just get a hair transplant in turkey. Maybe next summer in minsk or spb.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:43 PM
Author: Saffron corner

I think in reality it's at least as good in Minsk or moscow. In Ukraine women get access to onlyfans, in Moscow they can't even use tinder... but either way they view u as a wallet.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:48 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Women are way more desperate there than Minsk or Moscow right now. Their economy has collapsed and tourism (including the typical sexpats) is largely absent.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 11:06 PM
Author: nudist wrinkle

Why not just go to Poland?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 11:22 AM
Author: angry jet business firm patrolman

Seems like they'd be pickier there.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 2:20 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

That assessment is correct.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:53 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Juanita Broaddrick




WTH? Is this a joke?

Jack Poso 🇺🇸




It's Ukraine


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 2:56 PM
Author: Plum university psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce

To be fair,



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:02 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch

Posobiec blocked me so I can’t see whatever garbage he’s posting lol


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:06 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce

To be fair,

One weird trick to make this video "not real" and certainly not a thing you can address (because you can't even see it) -- sorry, Putintards!


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:06 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Just for you



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:08 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch

Lmao @ Russiacucks

whatever makes you feel better


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:09 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce

To be fair,

Solid response


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:48 PM
Author: Plum university psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:10 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

This would be a good point if ukraine were fighting an offensive war


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:11 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

True, turns out all you need in a defensive war is a nursing home full of passionate militants


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:13 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:22 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:33 PM
Author: Smoky hell kitty cat


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:34 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Did you have any feelings about the elderly rus dying on the front line? They died for an invasion of a foreign land.

I'm beginning to think MASE doesn't actually care about Ukraine or Russia. Odd case.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:36 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce

To be fair,

Weird how you seem to want to make this thread 100% about Russia, and entirely sidestep any substantive discussion of Ukraine's current apparent strategy for putting soldiers in the field.



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:43 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Yes, what substantive discussion. A twitter clip without context or explanation.

Are those men volunteers? mobilized? Are they TDF or regular forces? Are they prior career or TDF?

The average age of the AFU is something like 37-40. There is your substantive comment. They do not mobilize under 25 specifically because of demographic problems (which they share with russia).


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:59 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

"The average age of the AFU is something like 37-40"

link. I want to see a date attached to this claim.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:38 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

he claimed, without evidence


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:02 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

You're emotional enough about it for both of us pal


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:16 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Powerful stuff MASE.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:18 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

Extremely powerful stuff Live Free or Die.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:49 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

"They died for an invasion of a foreign land."

None of them view Ukraine as a foreign land.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:48 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Then why did Russia purport to annex it?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 6:51 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

To make it official.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 10:22 PM
Author: Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead

"I'm beginning to think MASE doesn't actually care about Ukraine or Russia."

Nor should he lol


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:31 PM
Author: cyan space

Send zelinsky


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:37 PM
Author: Smoky hell kitty cat


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:43 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

yes. There was a German report released a few days ago saying US, UK & Germany sabotaged the peace deal.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:44 PM
Author: angry jet business firm patrolman

How? What's the mechanism of stoppage?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:46 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch

you Russiacucks will run with the flimsiest of a hint of evidence and run with it for days

this thread is another example of that


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:49 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

It sure does seem to make you MAF tho


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:52 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch

the OP is a video of military men and a woman singing

Poso calls them “recruits” and Russiacucks pounce on it like some huge pwn

if these are average Ukrainian troops and Russia can’t take Avdiivka, then Russia is even worse at war than we thought


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:03 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

*leans into mic*


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:22 PM
Author: Saffron corner

I don't think there was any peace deal ever on the table unless either side completely capitulated. Zelensky said Ukraine would join Nato and he wouldn't follow Minsk agreement before the war started. That means the only deal Russia could've accepted at the start of war was kiev under russia. Obviously zelensky wouldn't accept that. And now he obviously wouldn't accept even a more generous deal. So the war will go until 1 side wins decisively.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:44 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

It gets sadder. Ukraine had an election that was between a hardliner that hated Russia and vowed to fight until the end and Zelinsky, who was a native Russian speaker that barely spoke Ukrainian and was a Jew to boot. Basically the exact opposite of the Ukrainian nationalist ideal. He ran on a peace and prosperity ticket and pointed to his show which was all about fighting corruption and the oligarchs. He gets overwhelmingly elected despite having zero political experience but come on, look at this guy, he isn't going to go all Ukrainian nationalist, right? Turns out for the right price this guy will kill every other Ukrainian in the country.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:49 PM
Author: Saffron corner

I would say he was consistent. He said he wanted to join Nato/eu but he didn't actually do anything beyond that. Russia on the other hand invaded and he only had a choice to flee or to rely on American aid to fight back. Now even Armenia is taking the same steps that caused Ukraine to be invaded and Russia isn't doing shit to armenia.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:58 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

He wasn't remotely consistent. He was oligarch backed (as opposed to being the little independent guy he claimed to be). He was pro-EU but I don't recall him ever mentioning NATO during the election. Link? He also criticized effort to banish Russian language and culture. Now he openly pushes that exact thing.

Armenia is different for a number of reasons and I think Putin is confident that he'll get his way.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 6:07 PM
Author: Saffron corner

Putin is confident yet all putin is turning Russia into a bigger shithole than under yeltsin. Now even Armenia is sending weapons that Russia donated to it to ukrain. It is obvious that being proeu is similar to being pronato and no ex-soviet country is getting accepted into eu before being accepted into nato. Finland and sweden was "neutral" but it was always obvious that they were essentially nato just not paying member fees. If he now wants to banish russian language it don't matter considering there is now a full scale war Russia vs nato. Putin is a faggot that lost. If he were a man he would've gotten ukrain under control in 2014.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 6:58 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Putin hasn't lost but yes I agree that 2014 would have been the ideal time to take the whole thing.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 7:22 PM
Author: umber trailer park

We have been blatantly pushing this war since 2014.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 3:52 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone Range Gunner

Interesting how the ardent ukrainemos still haven't lifted a finger to go over and fight. At least flw and dupa had the sense to stfu


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:56 PM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch

Ukrainemos should fight for a foreign country but Russiacucks are off the hook?


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 3:57 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone Range Gunner

Correct. Ukrainemos are not ukrainemos unless they get over there and fight for the white Christian nation known as Ukraine. Until they do that, by definition, they're russiacucks


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 4:51 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

Sure. The position of Ukrainemos is "we must all do whatever it takes for Ukraine to win!" That supports you dying in a trench over there.

The position of Russiamos is "we should stay out of it." That doesn't support us going there at all.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:20 PM
Author: sickened locale lettuce

To be fair,

Correct, because in case you didn't notice, very few of the the XO Russiamos personalize this war. "Ukrainians are subhuman savages, Russians are my people and they are amazing, Russian victory must be achieved at any cost, Long Live Putin!" said... basically none of us.

XO Russiamos generally tend to view this war in cold clinical and high-level geopolitical terms. (((ZOG Globohomo))) is supporting / cheerleading (((Zelensky's Ukraine))), and Putin's Russia is at least nominally opposing them, and I oppose them too, so QED I will support Putin's Russia over (((Zelensky's Ukraine))). That's as far as it goes. I'm certainly not willing to die for that position, because at the end of the day I may know which side I want to see win but it's not "my" war. I'm not Russian and I'm not Ukrainian and I have no personal ties to either country. I would be just as happy to see America stay out of this war entirely, although obviously that would never happen (((for reasons))).

Meanwhile, all of the XO Ukrainemos are INCREDIBLY EMOTIONAL and COMPLETELY PERSONALIZE this conflict. Some of you allegedly even live over in Ukraine, and all of you are DEMANDING that America continue to endlessly funnel money and arms into this conflict and you get MAD AS FUCK if anyone dares to suggest that maybe at some point we should butt out. So it seems like this actually is "your" war to fight... and yet none of you are out there fighting it yourselves.

Odd fucking case!


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:49 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 2:25 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

"Meanwhile, all of the XO Ukrainemos are INCREDIBLY EMOTIONAL and COMPLETELY PERSONALIZE this conflict"

One more fact to consider. The "XO Ukrainemos" overwhelmingly have minimal connections to Ukraine, despite their incredibly emotional responses that imply otherwise. It is similar to white people that cry (and we've all seen actual tears!) about BLM shit.

Meanwhile, many on the "pro-Russian" side (positions which mostly request that the US and NATO stop pushing this war and Ukraine's puppet government) have some actual connection to Ukraine and/or Russia. To bring back the BLM example, this reminds me of white liberals screaming at conservative blacks or black cops that they don't "understand racism and white privilege."


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:03 PM
Author: Excitant clear sex offender field

Yes, it is very fucked up that Russia wants to annex Ukraine and kill ethnic Ukrainians and weak Joe Biden slow walks aid to help them because he's afraid of Putin.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:06 PM
Author: Plum university psychic

"it is very fucked up that Russia wants to annex Ukraine"

Why? It was Russian territory for most of modern history.

"and kill ethnic Ukrainians"

Link? a) I don't even know what this means despite my family being from Ukraine and b) there are many millions of Ukrainians living in Russia. In fact that has always been true.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:07 PM
Author: Excitant clear sex offender field

Shut the fuck up, TMF.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:11 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:44 PM
Author: umber trailer park



Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:11 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

Nationalism is good... except for in ukraine


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 5:50 PM
Author: ruby house-broken bawdyhouse tank

Blood and Soil (except for slavs)


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 7:15 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

*hands over sovereignty to the US*


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 7:19 PM
Author: Plum university psychic


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Date: November 20th, 2023 7:22 PM
Author: umber trailer park

This isn't nationalism, this is slavery. They obviously don't want to be there.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:46 PM
Author: Supple carmine digit ratio

Shut up you ugly barren jew


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:57 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

go back to Kiev, Oleksander


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 10:20 PM
Author: Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead

she's right


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 6:41 AM
Author: fear-inspiring cumskin crotch


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 6:14 PM
Author: Mentally impaired irradiated liquid oxygen heaven

It’s like the end of the American civil war they just started deploying anyone who could walk.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 6:58 PM
Author: Plum university psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 8:45 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

lmao @ Russiacucks

Russia has been sending soldiers only armed with shovels to the front line for months now


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:26 PM
Author: poppy mewling shitlib abode

wow the ukrainian geriatric division must be even more shit than we thought if they cant even make up any ground against shovel wielding orcs


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:29 PM
Author: Effete aromatic kitty nowag


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:30 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:05 PM
Author: Haunting Marvelous Den

Damn I thought the 76th Mountain Litigators was just an xo meme.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 10:19 PM
Author: angry jet business firm patrolman


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 9:09 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal Degenerate Native

It’s been hilarious to watch Ukrainemos ITT defend this as the makeup of a healthy military lol


Reply Favorite

Date: November 20th, 2023 10:19 PM
Author: Sepia Aphrodisiac Karate Stead


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 11:18 AM
Author: Plum university psychic


Reply Favorite

Date: November 21st, 2023 11:24 AM
Author: Beady-eyed Nursing Home Blood Rage

conscripting women, old men, and boys at gun point means Ukraine is winning
