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I switched all my 401k to bonds

Avg price of stocks sold around $4550 s&p so I made abou...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
stop trying to time the market
soggy theater
I think there will be opportunity to go back into s&P at...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
Why the fuck not? They tell you not to Sell High, fine. But ...
Arrogant Legal Warrant National
Thing is the only bond fund they offer is some ttt pttrx. I ...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
I’d just do treasuries bonds are too complicated to fu...
Arrogant Legal Warrant National
Treasuries get 5.5% but no potential for growth. Bond fund g...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
wtf are you talking about my long treasuries are up like 1% ...
cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm
Treasuries or bond? Actual treasuries only pay the interest....
impertinent famous landscape painting area
Treasuries bonds are bonds and most can be sold on the bond ...
cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm
He's literally been asking about bonds for weeks now and can...
cracking organic girlfriend
Stfu u stupid fag go suck off a circumcised penis
impertinent famous landscape painting area
how buy bond cheaply?
cracking organic girlfriend
Just buy TLT
Arrogant Legal Warrant National
I'd pick edv over tlt. But in any case waiting for a dip, bo...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
did boor finally figure out how to buy a bond? I know he wa...
cracking organic girlfriend
Yeah. I think I chose a good time to switch my ira into a bo...
impertinent famous landscape painting area
How buy bond cheaply?
cracking organic girlfriend
Great move considering bond prices have been falling for wee...
Cordovan zombie-like stead
(literal moron who doesn't understand falling bond *yields* ...
cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm
I listened to Glenn Beck and switched to Trump and CGM brand...
Boyish Sweet Tailpipe
Since Market peaked 11/8/19 QQQ is down -1.84% and SPY is do...
sickened casino half-breed
Us equities have ridiculously outperformed international equ...
deep azure orchestra pit friendly grandma
This means that international stocks are not trustworthy. Us...
impertinent famous landscape painting area

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 20th, 2023 3:58 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Avg price of stocks sold around $4550 s&p so I made about 3-4% profit since I started working as a doctor in 2021(3 years of $40k contributions, only qualified to make contributions starting in Nov2021 so bought everything at the peak). Pttrx is the only bond fund they offer which has the same yield as the shortterm treasury that they also offer 5.5%.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:02 PM
Author: soggy theater

stop trying to time the market


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:12 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

I think there will be opportunity to go back into s&P at 4500 next year, but I basically made 0 last 2 1/2 years while those who started 2 years earlier in 2020(and did their contributions in late 2020 and early 2021) would have a decent return. Of course my main savings account is now all cash and I am shrinking. Would've bought bonds today but even tltw is above my entry point.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:16 PM
Author: Arrogant Legal Warrant National

Why the fuck not? They tell you not to Sell High, fine. But they also tell you not to Buy Low. They say “no, goy! That’s Catching a Falling Knife!”

Bonds bearing high af interest (which vests tax free) which are guaranteed to go up? “No just buy QQQ you fool!” I mean don’t you think a Gen X poster could at least move 12.5% over ffs?


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:24 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Thing is the only bond fund they offer is some ttt pttrx. I would've put $ into edv if I could. But I still think this will generate at least 10%.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:26 PM
Author: Arrogant Legal Warrant National

I’d just do treasuries bonds are too complicated to fuck with this other shit. I’m Afraid


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:28 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Treasuries get 5.5% but no potential for growth. Bond fund gets 5.5% and potential to go up 10-20% as rates start to drop


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:30 PM
Author: cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm

wtf are you talking about my long treasuries are up like 1% to 5%


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:32 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Treasuries or bond? Actual treasuries only pay the interest. The only bond I am allowed to buy in 401k is pttrx. They don't offer edv or tlt


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:34 PM
Author: cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm

Treasuries bonds are bonds and most can be sold on the bond market before maturity.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:36 PM
Author: cracking organic girlfriend

He's literally been asking about bonds for weeks now and can't figure it out


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:38 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Stfu u stupid fag go suck off a circumcised penis


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Date: November 21st, 2023 9:11 AM
Author: cracking organic girlfriend

how buy bond cheaply?


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:35 PM
Author: Arrogant Legal Warrant National

Just buy TLT


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:39 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

I'd pick edv over tlt. But in any case waiting for a dip, bonds are now also at 2 months peak.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:25 PM
Author: cracking organic girlfriend

did boor finally figure out how to buy a bond? I know he was having a lot of trouble for a few weeks


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:27 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

Yeah. I think I chose a good time to switch my ira into a bond fund. But with regards to regular investor account I am hoping for a dip so I could buy. I just have a tiny position in edv and tltw. Would've gone all in if it dropped 10%.


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Date: November 20th, 2023 4:32 PM
Author: cracking organic girlfriend

How buy bond cheaply?


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:26 AM
Author: Cordovan zombie-like stead

Great move considering bond prices have been falling for weeks and might fall more if rates continue to cool off. Then you’ll just be underwater but enjoy your sick 4.5% return


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Date: November 21st, 2023 5:26 AM
Author: cruel-hearted stimulating reading party business firm

(literal moron who doesn't understand falling bond *yields* means higher bond *prices*)


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Date: November 21st, 2023 4:35 AM
Author: Boyish Sweet Tailpipe

I listened to Glenn Beck and switched to Trump and CGM branded PHYSICAL GOLD coins


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Date: November 21st, 2023 5:29 AM
Author: sickened casino half-breed

Since Market peaked 11/8/19 QQQ is down -1.84% and SPY is down -3.13%

Who's to say those 2019 highs will ever really be obliterated. Maybe it's over for stooks, it was all fraud and lies built off endless money printing and low interest rates.

(market will now continuing going up another 20% since i said this)


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Date: November 21st, 2023 9:38 AM
Author: deep azure orchestra pit friendly grandma

Us equities have ridiculously outperformed international equities since gfc.


Seems unlikely us dominance can continue indefinitely with pe multiples at nosebleed levels. So I'm 30-50-20 intl/domestic equities/domestic bonds.


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:01 PM
Author: impertinent famous landscape painting area

This means that international stocks are not trustworthy. Usa will not let Alibaba have the same pe as amazon.
