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Most male complaints about gender relations in the West boil down to a collectiv

e action problem If few out of the many spurred on by the s...
thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant
TLDR but im assuming u are saying all guys shld become gay, ...
Frum psychic athletic conference
🙄 I'm saying contemporary media and (((those))) who desi...
thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant
you can say JEWS here
Frum psychic athletic conference
Well it's not just Jews but yeah they're there and promoting...
thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant
the underlying problem is giving women agency and now societ...
Frum psychic athletic conference
notice how it is literally a beta tpd every time we see some...
Brilliant prole base
Does your chitin make sounds when you type
thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant
Brilliant prole base
that writing just doesn't pass
Nighttime hissy fit
too many pretty words shouldn't be spent on such an ugly top...
thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant
indeed - your time is up, but let's meet again soon
Nighttime hissy fit
the history of civilization is basically the bottom 90% of m...
Very tactful irradiated hell
*invents women's suffrage* *invents feminazism* *pens ...
Brilliant prole base
Very tactful irradiated hell
so now you are suddenly an extrovert?
Nighttime hissy fit
'WHERE'TH THE PUTHHY AT', i lisped at the top of my lungs, f...
Very tactful irradiated hell

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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:35 AM
Author: thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant

e action problem

If few out of the many spurred on by the sinister calculations of hyperstimulating media depictions of carnality are willing to say "no", there's no bottom on the usual dynamic of "I have to do this/not do this to get this quality of man" that determined pro-social assortive mating in past eras. The self-destructive and myopic aggression of the market driven culture in the West that infects even dating norms prizes virginity as a *commodity* (nasty) but not as a *quality* with an intrinsic and not exactly transparent at first glance (it's spiritual; pneumatic) importance of its own

We may complain about the sexlessness of Zoomers now but it seems to me to be a mass unconscious reaction to a fundamentally untenable crisis of intangible and distinctly irrational "value" in the incentives that determine the viability of long-term pair bonding. Destroy constancy and the foundational value in an individual pair's partnership, separated and individuated from the mass, and you destroy one of the pillars of the household's ability to affect social change and resist outside pressures. It is not an accident of nature that this is the state of things


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:36 AM
Author: Frum psychic athletic conference

TLDR but im assuming u are saying all guys shld become gay, i concur


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:40 AM
Author: thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant


I'm saying contemporary media and (((those))) who design, plan, and inflict it on the public are using it as a sharp wedge to destroy the strength of the traditional family unit for the purposes of mass social disintegration and race-to-the-bottom atomization. The burden, as always, lies on men to affect change by re-learning sexual discipline


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:44 AM
Author: Frum psychic athletic conference

you can say JEWS here


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:50 AM
Author: thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant

Well it's not just Jews but yeah they're there and promoting it in large part

The males of this particular tribe have a well-documented psychological obsession with defloration that likely comes from an ugly, squalorous culture attached to all sorts of genetic deformities (read: curses) that never allows them to flower at all. Imagine actually feeling envy to the point of hatred, even for a those of a culture that allows them to flourish materially, then imagine being Jewish. They're one and the same


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:37 AM
Author: Frum psychic athletic conference

the underlying problem is giving women agency and now society pretending that women can think rationally or have society's interest at heart or even their own best interests. the fact is they are self destructive individually and they will also destroy all of humanity as well


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Date: November 21st, 2023 1:40 AM
Author: Brilliant prole base

notice how it is literally a beta tpd every time we see some bizarre long-winded rant on the "breakdown" of pre-cumskin-induced-feminazi gender roles

and we also definitely needed a trillionth iteration of this thread for sure. BUT NYUUG is "repetitive"


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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:24 AM
Author: thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant

Does your chitin make sounds when you type


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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:27 AM
Author: Brilliant prole base



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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:44 AM
Author: Nighttime hissy fit

that writing just doesn't pass


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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:53 AM
Author: thriller mustard meetinghouse legal warrant

too many pretty words shouldn't be spent on such an ugly topic


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Date: November 21st, 2023 3:02 AM
Author: Nighttime hissy fit

indeed - your time is up, but let's meet again soon


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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:47 AM
Author: Very tactful irradiated hell

the history of civilization is basically the bottom 90% of men saying to the top 10% of men, 'bro, you need to spread the pussy around, or we are going to band together and wreck you.'

it's all basically a compact among men to organize society for equitable pussy access. women have no agency in any of it. they are a passive commodity, a 'prize'.


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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:50 AM
Author: Brilliant prole base

*invents women's suffrage*

*invents feminazism*

*pens bizarre screeds wrt downfall of western social contract ad naseaum on racist lawboardt*

*same cumskin fucktards ironically accuse alpha patriarchal asian men, the last stand against insane cumskin feminazism, of being "feminine"*

*is xoxo cumskin fucktard*


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Date: November 21st, 2023 3:04 AM
Author: Very tactful irradiated hell



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Date: November 21st, 2023 2:53 AM
Author: Nighttime hissy fit

so now you are suddenly an extrovert?


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Date: November 21st, 2023 3:03 AM
Author: Very tactful irradiated hell

'WHERE'TH THE PUTHHY AT', i lisped at the top of my lungs, from a Durham bathhouse
