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Birdshits, wht is "White Philosophy" independent of Jews, Greeks, Romans?

Plz explain, doesnt seem u have much. And no great religion ...
Lavender location newt
Jews contributed very little until the late 19th and 20th ce...
Vibrant Naked Crotch
lolercausting hard, cannot reply right now its too stupid
Lavender location newt
The entire brown world was an intellectual void for several ...
Vibrant Naked Crotch
hmm it seems yea when muzzies and brits came they gto raped ...
Lavender location newt
put down the fentanyl pipe, birdshit
Razzle Narrow-minded Theatre
Lavender location newt
Embarrassed To The Bone Vigorous Police Squad Water Buffalo
Magical Cowardly Stage
who is the most influential non-white post-enlightenment phi...
shivering quadroon piazza
Lavender location newt
purple mexican
There isn't a documented group of philosophers historically ...
Lavender location newt
ljl the enlightenment was 17 and 18th centurie,s thats not s...
Lavender location newt
between the fall of rome and the renaissance there wasn't in...
shivering quadroon piazza
befoer 1500 AD birdshits didnt do shit greeks and romans don...
Lavender location newt
This isn't totally true, it's just that all of the intellect...
Vibrant Naked Crotch
and thats all jewish, birdhits have nothing independent of j...
Lavender location newt
middle ages being completely backwards is certainly a myth i...
shivering quadroon piazza
the entire western world has been dominated by western thoug...
Lavender location newt
i don't really consider non western countries to be "in...
shivering quadroon piazza
ROFL ONLY NIGGAS Determining the single "most influe...
Lavender location newt
lmfaoooo is that chatgpt? my god, the fucking lib shite bake...
shivering quadroon piazza
(Kwame Nkrumah hater)
Lavender location newt
i'm just maf that martinique and ghana have dominated philos...
shivering quadroon piazza
analytic philosophy, existentialism usw.
zombie-like sooty parlor clown
birdshits are the cultural inheritors of an intellectual tra...
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
tommy, this is ridiculous and you know it. countless western...
coiffed jap point
So many western philosophers have tried to integrate eastern...
fragrant tanning salon giraffe
ljl ever think that maybe thats cause western cucks just foc...
Lavender location newt
ljl u gave wrong link u faggot https://en.wikipedia.org/w...
Lavender location newt
English and German philosophical lines are most important an...
fragrant tanning salon giraffe
they are better but the French are probably more important t...
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
You're talking about mid/late 20th century like Derrida, Fou...
fragrant tanning salon giraffe
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
Culturally sure more important but their ideas are TTT and o...
fragrant tanning salon giraffe
yeah, Derrida is complete nonsense, but the impact on modern...
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
Impact is mostly outside of philosophy departments, at least...
fragrant tanning salon giraffe
yeah, every philosophy prof I had thought he was a retard, b...
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
if they are so good then plz list the german and english rel...
Lavender location newt
protestants are german bro
Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy
(retard conflating philosophy and religion)
dead wild striped hyena athletic conference
are you unaware that the whole line of protestant religions ...
zombie-like sooty parlor clown
ljl thats just judaic bullshit, pros comes from christcuck s...
Lavender location newt
fucktarded cumskin inconsistency: "mediterraneans NO...
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
(xo expert who somehow thinks TT is a "cumskin")
Aphrodisiac whorehouse
"political philsophy was started by ANGLOS who are whol...
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
who mentioned political philosophy?
Aphrodisiac whorehouse
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
you undoubtedly have the lowest ratio of xo knowledge to tim...
Aphrodisiac whorehouse
cumskins IRATE i take receipts!
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
damn NYUUG, u are a retarded but u destroyed cumskins in thi...
Lavender location newt
this enrages them OFS!
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
Gold Confused University Weed Whacker
What philosophy did Jews have?
laughsome office
mentally and physically enslave the goy birdshits
Lavender location newt
jews are actually really bad at and underrepresented in phil...
charismatic swollen people who are hurt useless brakes
coiffed jap point
anglos are germanic, retard
charismatic swollen people who are hurt useless brakes
and fwiw so are all the important philosopher jews of the pa...
zombie-like sooty parlor clown
Magical Cowardly Stage
dead wild striped hyena athletic conference

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:10 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

Plz explain, doesnt seem u have much. And no great religion came from ur ppl. Even the Romans and Greeks u adopted didnt make a lasting religion. Seems veddy odd! WTF were u thinking abt for 2,000+ years my lil Birdshits?


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:13 PM
Author: Vibrant Naked Crotch

Jews contributed very little until the late 19th and 20th centuries and most of what they contributed was nightmarish and terrible.

From 1000 AD to 1850 the only philosophers worldwide who mattered were Anglo, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian etc.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:17 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

lolercausting hard, cannot reply right now its too stupid


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:45 PM
Author: Vibrant Naked Crotch

The entire brown world was an intellectual void for several centuries lol

Conquered people bowing down to King Bobby Birdshit weren't doing philosophy on the side lmao


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

hmm it seems yea when muzzies and brits came they gto raped but ljl now same shit happening to EU wtf do they even think abt anymore?


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:19 PM
Author: Razzle Narrow-minded Theatre

put down the fentanyl pipe, birdshit


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:33 PM
Author: Lavender location newt


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Embarrassed To The Bone Vigorous Police Squad Water Buffalo



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:04 PM
Author: Magical Cowardly Stage


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:49 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

who is the most influential non-white post-enlightenment philosopher?


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: Lavender location newt



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:56 PM
Author: purple mexican



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:57 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

There isn't a documented group of philosophers historically referred to as "turdskin Indians." The term "turdskin" is offensive and disrespectful.

Here are some alternative options for influential non-white post-Enlightenment philosophers from India:

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941): A Bengali polymath who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Tagore's philosophical writings explored themes of nationalism, spirituality, and individuality.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956): A jurist, social reformer, and political leader. Ambedkar's works, like "Castes in India," criticized the caste system and advocated for social justice for Dalits (formerly known as untouchables).

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975): A philosopher and politician who served as the second president of India. Radhakrishnan's work aimed to reconcile Eastern and Western philosophical traditions.

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986): Though not strictly a philosopher, Krishnamurti was a world-renowned speaker on spirituality and self-knowledge. His teachings challenged organized religion and emphasized individual liberation.

I recommend researching these thinkers to learn more about their contributions to philosophy.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:55 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

ljl the enlightenment was 17 and 18th centurie,s thats not so long ago, thats all birdshits have? lol


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:01 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

between the fall of rome and the renaissance there wasn't intellectual shit going on in the west. you might know of this as the medieval age. before the romans the west was barbaric. if course the gauls weren't contributing a lot to philosophy.

but, yeah, sure, i guess i'll accept your concession that whites have dominated philosophy (amongst everything else) for the past 500 years or so. but, yeah, congrats to the turds on writing the bhagavad gita over two thousand years ago!


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

befoer 1500 AD birdshits didnt do shit greeks and romans dont count as birdshits and turdshits had some faggots post 1500 despite all this muzzie birdshit rape


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:06 PM
Author: Vibrant Naked Crotch

This isn't totally true, it's just that all of the intellectual shit was heavily religious in nature, like Aquinas combining Aristotle and Jesus.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:07 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

and thats all jewish, birdhits have nothing independent of jews


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:11 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

middle ages being completely backwards is certainly a myth i couldn't think of a way to be more nuanced when i just wanted to make my point that since the renaissance the entire world has been dominated by western thought.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:12 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

the entire western world has been dominated by western thought u stupid birdshit do u not fathom how other countries still have their own shit going on u stupid faggot bencchod


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:14 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

i don't really consider non western countries to be "inhabited" by "humans."


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 3:56 PM
Author: Lavender location newt


Determining the single "most influential" is debatable, but here are some strong contenders for the title of influential non-white post-Enlightenment philosopher:

W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963): A pivotal figure in critical race theory, Pan-Africanism, and the fight for racial equality. His works like "The Souls of Black Folk" challenged Eurocentric thought and explored the African American experience.

Frantz Fanon (1925-1961): A philosopher, psychiatrist, and revolutionary from Martinique. His writings on colonialism and decolonization, particularly "Black Skin, White Masks," influenced anti-colonial movements worldwide.

Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972): The first president of Ghana, Nkrumah was also a prominent Pan-Africanist philosopher. His focus on achieving African unity and rejecting Western domination continues to resonate.

Aime Cesaire (1913-2008): A poet, playwright, and politician from Martinique. A founder of Negritude, a movement celebrating black culture and identity, Cesaire's work critiqued colonialism and explored themes of race and liberation.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other important non-Western philosophers who have made significant contributions. It's also worth noting that the field of philosophy is constantly evolving, and new voices are emerging all the time.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:03 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

lmfaoooo is that chatgpt? my god, the fucking lib shite baked into that just defies belief.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Lavender location newt

(Kwame Nkrumah hater)


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:12 PM
Author: shivering quadroon piazza

i'm just maf that martinique and ghana have dominated philosophy in the 20th century


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:03 PM
Author: zombie-like sooty parlor clown

analytic philosophy, existentialism usw.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:12 PM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy

birdshits are the cultural inheritors of an intellectual tradition going back to Sumer, pradeeps wrote one book 3k years ago and had one dood starve under a tree a while after that


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:14 PM
Author: coiffed jap point

tommy, this is ridiculous and you know it. countless western philosophers in both the analytic and continental tradition. barely any indian philosophers that anyone has heard of - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_philosophers.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:21 PM
Author: fragrant tanning salon giraffe

So many western philosophers have tried to integrate eastern ideas and they just don't stick


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Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:04 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

ljl ever think that maybe thats cause western cucks just focus on their own shit u furking retard? and their own shit is judaic


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Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:04 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

ljl u gave wrong link u faggot



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:16 PM
Author: fragrant tanning salon giraffe

English and German philosophical lines are most important and influential after ancient Greek.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy

they are better but the French are probably more important these days


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:20 PM
Author: fragrant tanning salon giraffe

You're talking about mid/late 20th century like Derrida, Foucalt, etc?


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:21 PM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:26 PM
Author: fragrant tanning salon giraffe

Culturally sure more important but their ideas are TTT and often incomprehensible.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 4:31 PM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy

yeah, Derrida is complete nonsense, but the impact on modern thought is extreme


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:04 PM
Author: fragrant tanning salon giraffe

Impact is mostly outside of philosophy departments, at least in the US.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:07 PM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy

yeah, every philosophy prof I had thought he was a retard, but guess how many english profs didn't? And guess who matters more for a student body?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:04 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

if they are so good then plz list the german and english religions? surely if they have great philosophy they wld have developed their own religions


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Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:09 AM
Author: Arousing nubile dilemma really tough guy

protestants are german bro


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:11 AM
Author: dead wild striped hyena athletic conference

(retard conflating philosophy and religion)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:15 AM
Author: zombie-like sooty parlor clown

are you unaware that the whole line of protestant religions were brought about by germans and english theologians?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:20 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

ljl thats just judaic bullshit, pros comes from christcuck shit whcih is jewish


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:23 PM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker

fucktarded cumskin inconsistency:

"mediterraneans NOT white!"

"WE created the western tradition that SOUTH KOREA follows."

"btw, anglo culture is also wholly distinct from western tradition"

"goldilocks race, special butterfly, etc."

*is fucktarded xoxo cumskin*


Reply Favorite

Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:24 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac whorehouse

(xo expert who somehow thinks TT is a "cumskin")


Reply Favorite

Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:27 PM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker

"political philsophy was started by ANGLOS who are wholly superior to MUD MEDITERRANEANS and korea is just a DERIVATIVE of the WESTERN TRADITION which is NOT DERIVED from MEDITERRANEANS DURR DURR!!!!!!"

lollercausting HARD@ literally fucktarded cumskin inconsistency


Reply Favorite

Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:28 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac whorehouse

who mentioned political philosophy?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:30 PM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:51 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac whorehouse

you undoubtedly have the lowest ratio of xo knowledge to time spent spamming it. i can't tell if that's prestigious or ruinous.


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:53 PM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker

cumskins IRATE i take receipts!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:05 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

damn NYUUG, u are a retarded but u destroyed cumskins in this thread jfc


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:34 AM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker

this enrages them OFS!


Reply Favorite

Date: July 4th, 2024 12:55 AM
Author: Gold Confused University Weed Whacker


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: laughsome office

What philosophy did Jews have?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:05 AM
Author: Lavender location newt

mentally and physically enslave the goy birdshits


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 6:53 PM
Author: charismatic swollen people who are hurt useless brakes

jews are actually really bad at and underrepresented in philosophy. autistic megabrain germanics predominate.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:01 PM
Author: coiffed jap point



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Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:02 PM
Author: charismatic swollen people who are hurt useless brakes

anglos are germanic, retard


Reply Favorite

Date: April 3rd, 2024 12:16 AM
Author: zombie-like sooty parlor clown

and fwiw so are all the important philosopher jews of the past 200 years


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Date: April 2nd, 2024 7:07 PM
Author: Magical Cowardly Stage



Reply Favorite

Date: April 6th, 2024 9:51 AM
Author: dead wild striped hyena athletic conference
