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Got a bit of an issue with Israel where Israel does some very good things for

the US while also, in a paranoiac frenzy, wipes out domestic...
yellow candlestick maker school cafeteria

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Date: May 2nd, 2024 12:00 PM
Author: yellow candlestick maker school cafeteria

the US while also, in a paranoiac frenzy, wipes out domestic attempts to do these things here to lessen our dependency on Israel for said things. It's a never ending race to the bottom that ultimately ends up weakening American influence and the relative impartiality needed to be a hyperpower on the world stage, as well as Israel's security and territorial integrity in the long run

The Israelis aren't completely wrong to think that US foreign policy can be feckless and birdbrained and trend towards fickleness with our non-European allies but the level of manipulation involved with the uniparty here is completely unacceptable. AIPAC needs to be run through with a fine toothed comb, a couple of the worst offenders given public trials, and stern warnings and further monitoring for the rest imo. Crying about Russian influence or Chinese influence in our legislative branch is absurd when supposed allied states such as Israel or the banking hubs get away with what's tantamount to murder in our auction house called a capital
