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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
!!!🚨 ALERT 🚨!!!    03/13/25  (1)
God has given me the vision to revive the college board    02/17/25  (3)
This board is now white poasters only    02/16/25  (2)
'Kirst and the Creek' - a new indie film produced for my media arts class:    02/16/25  (4)
Fuck the law board This is where I belong and I'm going to maek it(Boom)    02/16/25  (12)
sharks cruise ocean; u - poast    02/14/25  (3)
*Rides a tractor right through the middle of the board*    02/14/25  (2)
has anyone seen my pants    02/08/25  (3)
You can just post on the college board like nothing ever happened    02/08/25  (3)
πŸš¨πŸŽ‡ 2025 NEW YEARS' ULTRA-MEGATHREAD PART I πŸŽ‡πŸš¨    02/06/25  (2)
How are your new years' resolutions going, college kids?    01/20/25  (1)
thinking about joining a sorority but pre op now, chances?    12/19/24  (3)
jane hoya    12/19/24  (17)
college creampies    12/19/24  (2)
college board w00t    12/19/24  (4)
bothered, are you free for lunch tomorrow? of course, at Wendy's!    12/19/24  (4)
PeruvianBellJar, give us some updates on you're life and times:    12/19/24  (5)
Post-Halloween college board megathread Vol. IA    12/17/24  (4)
Lena Chen Timeline (2006-2012)    11/01/24  (6)
jane hoya let's run away 2gether us against the world    10/28/24  (6)
jane hoya make it be llike it was    10/28/24  (18)
Would Lena Chen have aborted Rowdy Chen Neumann if she'd enough of an audience?    10/28/24  (1)
Jane Hoya is a grandmother now    10/28/24  (9)
Bothered tell us about your collection of throw away Miatas    10/27/24  (4)
I refuse to give up on the college bort    09/23/24  (8)
πŸŽ‡ 2024 NEW YEARS' ULTRA-MEGATHREAD PART II πŸŽ‡    09/19/24  (4)
fuck my ass, kyle    09/19/24  (1)
How'd your guys's commencements go?    09/08/24  (2)
Lena Chen Timeline (2006-2012)    09/08/24  (0)
Lena Chen Timeline (2006-2012)    09/08/24  (0)
Bothered    09/02/24  (3)
What do you guys think boombjoe is up to these days    08/24/24  (2)
*Quietly pisses in corner of bort while no one is looking*    08/17/24  (1)
megapoasting the college board waddup    08/15/24  (2)
*Ceremonially lights the college bort's morning flame*    08/15/24  (4)
ARE YOU HAPPY NYCFAN    08/02/24  (7)
Important new disquisition on 18-century politics and philosophy ITT:    07/29/24  (1)
wow, little did i know that 2 decades later i'd be having sex w men 4 money    07/24/24  (4)
'Sup?    07/20/24  (5)
🚨***🚨 KEY LSAT DATES FOR AUGUST 2024 - JUNE 2025 🚨***🚨    06/14/24  (3)
How's it going, college kids?    06/01/24  (2)
College bort is now NOTICEABLY FASTER than the law board    03/28/24  (1)
πŸŽ‡ 2024 NEW YEARS' ULTRA-MEGATHREAD πŸŽ‡    03/06/24  (2)
CRUCIAL UPDATES ITT (spoiler: 'cock')    02/10/24  (1)
Weekend Mailcall thread (Jan. 13, 2024):    01/13/24  (1)
πŸŽ… Santa's penis size speculation megathread πŸŽ… 🍌    12/23/23  (1)
im gay    12/19/23  (2)
Dick-a-dee doo-da; dick-a-dee-day; my oh my what a wonderful gay    11/27/23  (1)
Let's get a new start on this board with a clean new thread:    11/03/23  (1)
Solemn 9/11 commemoration megathread    10/13/23  (2)
Gimmie fuel gimme fire gimme that which I desire... COCK!    09/03/23  (1)
PeruvianBellJar here with major update:    08/23/23  (3)
CRUCIAL UPDATE #2 ITT:    07/23/23  (1)
CRUCIAL UPDATE #1 ITT:    07/23/23  (1)
🚨***🚨 KEY LSAT DATES FOR AUGUST 11, 2023 - JUNE 7, 2024 🚨***🚨    06/12/23  (2)
Daily mailcall thread (Saturday, June 3, 2023)    06/03/23  (1)
Daily mailcall thread (Friday, June 2, 2023)    06/02/23  (1)
Easter week special high-volume mailcall thread:    04/13/23  (4)
Daily mailcall thread (March 30, 2023):    03/30/23  (1)
jane hoya are u excited for fall semester    02/23/23  (2)
jane hoya u going anywhere 4 spring break    02/23/23  (2)
jane hoya - post a recent (2014) thigh pic    02/23/23  (6)
This thread will be on the frontpage for 2-3 months!    02/23/23  (4)
Important update for the College Board ITT:    02/22/23  (1)
*swings machete through the overgrown vines which cover the college bort*    02/04/23  (2)
¡¡¡HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!    01/11/23  (1)
WTF!!!! have we been hacked? font is blood red    12/30/22  (2)
CGI Joker Frozen Elsa and BTownMeggYeow Christmas Special 2022 w/Elon    12/03/22  (1)
Cute girl I knew in hs gave me live tuna wink$ hanging out after Thanksgiving    11/25/22  (2)
I'm a French stoner; chances at Lehigh?    11/25/22  (2)
How often do you send letters to your college sweetheart over the summer?    11/17/22  (2)
Cock: An Halloween 2022 Special Edition:    10/26/22  (1)
Gender Acceleration: A Blackpaper    10/06/22  (1)
Are you guys back on campus yet?    10/04/22  (2)
Heh    09/17/22  (1)
Happy September 11/cock/DICKPENIS day 2022!    09/11/22  (1)
The thing is this: DICK PENIS COCK TALLYWHACKER THINGYTOOL    08/30/22  (1)
BAFF (and COCK) for unreads    08/24/22  (1)
Who knows thisWhore at Eastern Arizona College? SheGaveMeHERPES    08/09/22  (1)
'Dickpenis'    08/02/22  (1)
Im 5`10``    07/30/22  (2)
Important updates for July (university admissions, SATs, etc.):    07/25/22  (2)
LOL @ the 'LSAT' let's talk about the COCKSAT, the only test that really matters    06/26/22  (1)
Rowan accepts 792 of 792 black cocks for 2014 (100%)    06/10/22  (6)
🚨***🚨 KEY LSAT DATES FOR AUGUST 12, 2022 - JUNE 9, 2023 🚨***🚨    06/01/22  (2)
'Coccyx'... lol, just kidding. Actually, COCK    05/16/22  (1)
Lol there's literally a animal called the 'dick dick':    05/01/22  (2)
WARNING: Lance Tsosie SexuallyExpoits Women!!!    04/23/22  (2)
Bump. Bump. Bump. COCKCOCKCOCKPEEEENISCOCK Bump. Bump.    03/07/22  (3)
AttentionWhore Nadya Okamoto cancelled for silencing Black voices    03/01/22  (2)
*Twerks all over the college board w/my penis&testes flailing around*    02/28/22  (2)
Consider the following theorem: COCK    02/21/22  (10)
Lena Chen Carnegie Mellon    02/21/22  (1)
'Cock-of-the-walk'    02/21/22  (2)
BAFF for unreads    02/21/22  (3)
SexOffender Justin Fajen uses SLAPP suit to silence victim (link)    02/21/22  (1)
ИзнacΠΈΠ»oΠ²aΠ½ΠΈe    02/13/22  (2)
PeruvianBellJar, come back    02/13/22  (3)
College board fem posters, post your tits (frosh sophs ONLY)    02/13/22  (65)
Bboooooooooomshakalakalaka Bboooooooooomshakalakalaka    02/13/22  (2)
* * * * * * * * * * ALLAHU AKBAR * * * * * * * * * *    02/13/22  (73)
WARNING: Mohammed Farhan (Keele University) is a SexPredator    02/13/22  (1)
Double Major - Is It Worth it?    01/30/22  (3)
🚨***🚨 KEY LSAT DATES FOR AUGUST 14, 2021 - JUNE 11, 2022 🚨***🚨    01/30/22  (2)
we used to run this show    01/30/22  (3)
Recycling boxes of Genny Light    01/30/22  (11)
Investigation reveals Chessy Prout LIED about rape at St John's School    01/30/22  (3)
Investigation reveals Chessy Prout LIED about rape at St John's School    01/30/22  (0)
*Pulls down trousers and flashes the bort; full penis nothing hidden*    01/15/22  (1)
   01/01/22  (1)
kirst pls respond    11/04/21  (16)
Where are you guys going to college?    10/13/21  (24)
the college bort is like a portal in a vast desert    10/13/21  (1)
'The Dongfather'    09/30/21  (1)
*Growls like a tiger and eats raw meat from the floor with teeth*    07/17/21  (1)
Networking quirk lets anyone remote control BYU dorm webcams    06/22/21  (25)
where we u on may 3rd, 2005    06/22/21  (1)
What ever happened to the retard kirst pushed into a creek    06/22/21  (2)
Mid-June 2021 update ITT:    06/22/21  (2)
If you think about it, river barges are kind of fuckin' NUTS    05/28/21  (1)
Enjoy your life friends!(Boom)    04/12/21  (15)
Most of the threads here are premade by Sysco and reheated for use, not homemade    04/12/21  (2)
Spring break is coming up guys!    04/12/21  (5)
Checking in again after a 15-year break (Poetic Dreamer)    04/05/21  (3)
🚨***🚨 APRIL 10/11 and JUNE 12, 2021 LSAT THREAD 🚨***🚨    04/02/21  (1)
***WEEKLY MAIL CALL THREAD Feb. 1, 2021***    02/01/21  (1)
***DAILY MAIL CALL THREAD Jan. 23, 2021***    01/23/21  (1)
***DAILY MAIL CALL THREAD Jan. 18, 2021***    01/18/21  (1)
***DAILY MAIL CALL THREAD Jan. 15, 2021***    01/15/21  (1)
🚨***🚨 SECOND POST Of 2021 ITT: 🚨***🚨    01/05/21  (1)
🚨***🚨 FIRST POST Of 2021 ITT: 🚨***🚨    01/01/21  (1)
Share your latest winter break college antics/stories ITT!    12/27/20  (1)
ITT share you're best recipes for rabbit meat:    12/09/20  (1)
PENISPENISPENISPENIS but what are my chances at PEnn?    11/28/20  (1)
'Most' of Livy's lost Ab Urbe Condita found in salt cavern near Ravenna:    11/17/20  (1)
LOSER TRUMP    11/09/20  (1)
I am ready to publish my treatise and masterwork ITT:    11/03/20  (3)
Yeah; I didn't know I was lost at the time, on Allison Road    10/02/20  (1)
really need someone to smash my skull with a sledgehammer    09/26/20  (2)
...AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! College plans for 2019 megathread    09/26/20  (3)
should I transfer to Choate?    09/26/20  (2)
A flashing billboard above a freeway reading simply 'Cock'    09/26/20  (2)
Bump    09/26/20  (6)

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