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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Science is Settled. "UMC folks have average net worth of around $300,800."    09/19/24  (3)
If there's no more tech jobs, why don't we deport H1-Bs and hire Americans?    09/19/24  (4)
Salo, or the 120 days at Diddy's    09/19/24  (1)
Why are cons against early voting?    09/19/24  (35)
Ohtani is going to do it.    09/19/24  (22)
Why doesn't Trump commit to taking in Afrikaner refugees?    09/19/24  (2)
"good morning, my friend" (cucumbers in tahini sauce tp)    09/19/24  (38)
Reminder: NSAM v. Sealclubber discourse is what 80% of Americans have re: Israel    09/19/24  (6)
xo trying hard as fuck to deny that was a cuke that said good morning    09/19/24  (3)
Mixed bag of polling for Trump today    09/19/24  (22)
was there a thread about this U Chicago bro’s thread re black criminals?    09/19/24  (16)
Does that smelly turd “donny” still post here?    09/19/24  (1)
xo trying hard as fuck to deny that was a nuke that hit Chicago    09/19/24  (1)
ITT: We speculate what Mark Robinson did that was naughty on adult websites    09/19/24  (1)
ever drink multiple messrs. pibb in one sitting?    09/19/24  (2)
"good shit, right?" (luis sharing his dr pepper)    09/19/24  (16)
I am under employed    09/19/24  (31)
Some shit going on in NC governors race    09/19/24  (23)
MARK ROBINSON ASKED TO DROP OUT, explosive allegations re adult websites    09/19/24  (11)
So in 2024 America majority is secretly rooting for Hamas & Hezbollah? Discuss    09/19/24  (1)
If Mark Robinson was an XO poster we're all fucked    09/19/24  (8)
Another deranged shitlib arrested for threatening SCOTUS    09/19/24  (2)
1st century Hyman asking Simon Peter "Are you Galilean, my man?"    09/19/24  (4)
Actual Israeli thinking: the guys at the top use pagers, not the errand boys    09/19/24  (5)
They got ONE DAY TO REPLACE Robinson (link)    09/19/24  (1)
Why isn't Israel bragging about the pager bombs anymore?    09/19/24  (1)
If TT's net worth isn't well over $1.2m with stocks at record highs he's retarde    09/19/24  (2)
LOL, Mark Robinson is gonna cost Trump North Carolina's electoral votes    09/19/24  (3)
MARK RONSON ASKED TO DROP BEAT, explosive allegations about Uptown Funk    09/19/24  (2)
How much does Tommy’s lifestyle cost per month?    09/19/24  (13)
Board of 23andme resigns in mass, leaving CEO behind    09/19/24  (14)
Going to Bali rn, gonna get so wasted on Singaraja and Anggur Merah    09/19/24  (32)
What did Diddy even do that was illegal?    09/19/24  (1)
Fat female Venezuelan border jumper just consulted with me    09/19/24  (14)
What if Lebanese people find common ground with Iran after this?    09/19/24  (1)
45 days to go and GOP going to shutdown gov., Mark Robinson going insane    09/19/24  (1)
It's 180 how the attack made Hezbollah seem sympathetic to Lebanese people    09/19/24  (1)
Is it harder or easier for a guy like Diddy to go to prison?    09/19/24  (1)
what is the single greatest piece of writing you have ever read    09/19/24  (22)
Looks like zero Heabollah were killed    09/19/24  (2)
*Shocked judge watching NSAM eat cat feces* "Im addressing your points ur honor"    09/19/24  (2)
what do women do all day at work    09/19/24  (57)
âš¡Sayyed Nasrallah: Top officials do not carry model of pagers that exploded    09/19/24  (4)
Mark Robinson, who paid for abortions to his mistress known as “Rowan,” also    09/19/24  (1)
The only evidence of mass ballot harvesting in a swing state can be found here.    09/19/24  (3)
NYC Covid Czar hosted guneratt-style chemsex parties during lockdown    09/19/24  (4)
day drinking in Nazare    09/19/24  (1)
Joe rogan once said he pictures everyone he meets as a child    09/19/24  (6)
SERIOUS QUESTION TRUMPMOS: does the Mark Robinson shit surprise u?    09/19/24  (1)
FizzKidd decomposing in culvert after xo "meetup"    09/19/24  (44)
Last year Skadden M&A associates were getting models & bottles?    09/19/24  (2)
Talked to Japanese tutor about meeting up IRL with a poaster (FizzKidd)    09/19/24  (3)
Why are the best TE and DE disproportionately white?    09/19/24  (2)
Why does anyone poast here knowing there's some deranged kike sniffing up all PI    09/19/24  (10)
pumos CERTAIN trump will lose MI    09/19/24  (1)
Even in my 40s I'm learning new things, how RETARDED is this?    09/19/24  (2)
My social capital is negative    09/19/24  (1)
xo trying hard as fuck to deny that was a nuke that hit Russia    09/19/24  (104)
Bitchtits fuckhole cunt nugget    09/19/24  (6)
Reminder: US cleared out the Iraqi airport with a neutron bomb    09/19/24  (14)
Tried doing standup comedy tonight, got booed offstage    09/19/24  (10)
Neutron bomb is the cleanest, purest form of nuclear warfare    09/19/24  (3)
Karlstack taking questions    09/19/24  (3)
Is Christianity infantile?    09/19/24  (2)
Protestant worship of capitalism, violence and degeneracy is truly ingenious    09/19/24  (1)
"Hey, missed you at the Rape Club meeting last Tuesday. Everything ok?"    09/19/24  (7)
I need am assistant (TSINAH)    09/19/24  (6)
Filipino Stryper: "To_HELLosir_With_the_Devil
   09/19/24  (5)
is "efficient breach" the most pernicious legal theory?    09/19/24  (94)
Evan39, the "Big One" Cascadia Megaquake hit$ in ARE lifetimes    09/19/24  (10)
How was this a win for Israel?    09/19/24  (96)
imagine the smell    09/19/24  (27)
Turns out NC wasn't ready for a black antisemite to become Governor    09/19/24  (1)
The gift of tism    09/19/24  (1)
These people are not at my level of autism    09/19/24  (1)
Probation & Game Consoles are linked inexorably    09/19/24  (1)
The phenotypes of Reddit aren’t as bad as the meetups indicate    09/19/24  (11)
Live Free of Die is literally the ONLY Ukrainecuck who admits it was a nuke. Win    09/19/24  (1)
I've never been fully employed due to severe sadness    09/19/24  (1)
You ever get blackout drunk and wake up with things in weird places?    09/19/24  (1)
Jimmy Carter's grandson: "Gramps is shitting himself but he seems happy"    09/19/24  (1)
🚨WHITE MALE GOOGLE DOODLE🚨    09/19/24  (1)
Paul Thomas Anderson films Official XO ranking not subject to debate    09/19/24  (28)
Berlin Holocaust Museum: "Trump is Hitler"    09/19/24  (1)
Farting so loud your soft tooth squirts juice    09/19/24  (42)
Video of DBG in landlord/tenant court    09/19/24  (4)
Ukrainecucks trying HARD AS FUCK to deny that neutron bombs exist    09/19/24  (4)
Tech Jobs Have Dried Up—and Aren’t Coming Back Soon    09/19/24  (28)
Tommy is it possible to quit the lawl with $2m saved?    09/19/24  (22)
atari console shoots actual laser at lebanese child playing missile command    09/19/24  (5)
Birdshits: could France today take back the Ivory Coast? Britain take India?    09/19/24  (1)
Farting so loud your dog makes a face like a hyena    09/19/24  (32)
Donald Trump might be the shittiest politician in human history    09/19/24  (5)
Radio Killed The Hezbollah Star    09/19/24  (17)
Hezbollah bro worried that his smart fridge just said "Shalom"    09/19/24  (4)
NSAM=Hoarder living in feces,old shit piled to ceiling w/rats & trash everywhere    09/19/24  (10)
Sit here in complete disbelief everyday at what fucking piece of shit america is    09/19/24  (1)
Some people like pickles tp more than cucumbers tp    09/19/24  (4)
Can't even process what complete fucking garbage human beings are every single d    09/19/24  (1)
would you make a “mistake” w/ this Colombian nanny in yr house?    09/19/24  (16)
lol wait huh? Rufo’s wife is an illegal? Jesus Christ, cons.    09/19/24  (8)
listen, i’m just a cucumber, i’m not even conscious    09/19/24  (17)
xo trying hard as fuck to deny that was a nuke that hit xoxo    09/19/24  (2)
Snarfing Caitlyn Clark’s sweaty asshole at gunpoint    09/19/24  (21)
Kristi Noem like a Zelda fairy, taking off your mask, giving you full hearts    09/19/24  (5)
Computer explodes when you click on Wiki early life section    09/19/24  (50)
people on the street always ask me, “cucumbers, what should i do?”    09/19/24  (4)
cucumbers tp, trapped in transfinite sims, recalls the Aleph Key: "good morning"    09/19/24  (30)
i haven't paid ONE single hospital bill in my life    09/19/24  (12)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders looked FINE at the Flint town hall    09/19/24  (1)
Posting live from Xiamen    09/19/24  (10)
Trump campaigning in DC today!    09/19/24  (3)
sent xo's dna sample to 23&me, results: 63% Ashkenazi 27% Southeast Asian    09/19/24  (4)
good morning    09/19/24  (5)
Progress, a verb meaning to make Jewish    09/19/24  (5)
Downsides of getting full sleeve tattoo?    09/19/24  (27)
I can't! I gotta pay my health insurance!    09/19/24  (1)
anyone else have over 9000 tabs open in Notepad rn?    09/19/24  (6)
What we need is a BENNETTON ad with a Jewish boy kissing an Arab boy    09/19/24  (2)
Peter I NEED one of those 3 wheeled bike things    09/19/24  (1)
La Bruyere credited?    09/19/24  (1)
Peter I NEED opium    09/19/24  (1)
Tesla Nightmare - LJL at morons driving these deathtraps    09/19/24  (162)
*** Stock Market BOOMING after Rate Cut for Jews 9.19.24 ***    09/19/24  (34)
Computer exploded as I poasted *BEEP BEEP BEEP* to autistic consuela poast    09/19/24  (5)
The Hezbollah pager fiasco may be the funniest mass casualty event in 50 years    09/19/24  (48)
Have you ever suspected that someone IRL lurked/poasted?    09/19/24  (19)
Springfield Ohio Street Cat    09/19/24  (2)
Istanbul Cyberpunk Cat (link)    09/19/24  (11)
Suicidal, depressed gay Indian guy writes letter to his ex-boyfriend    09/19/24  (6)
Any good books on information warfare?    09/19/24  (18)
Why does Kamala sound like she's cumming when she talks?    09/19/24  (6)
TIME MAGAZINE: Everyone Has IBS Now    09/19/24  (1)
Enterprising pear vendor cleans up at Dyslexic Womens' Conference (link    09/19/24  (7)
ITT we speculate what was texted to the pagers to make them explode    09/19/24  (77)
Does the “H” have a sound in the French language?    09/19/24  (88)
A deeper look into where the really big one could occur    09/19/24  (4)
Poast ITT and I will rate you as a freak that I saw on TDY in Boston (FizzKidd)    09/19/24  (96)
What do you even DO in ranger school?    09/19/24  (34)
Would anyone like to see my "Machine's" perceived notable poasters?    09/19/24  (14)
LOL why are all cons such little fucking bitch bois?    09/19/24  (2)
QualiTTTy of the "interneTTT" SPS vs my 2 week old baby Machiein    09/19/24  (2)
Polls being tied isn't good news for Kamala    09/19/24  (1)
Imagine being Hezbollah’s IT guy right now    09/19/24  (47)
Is it Singer > Lead Guitar > Rhythm Guitar > Drummer > Keyb > Bassist?    09/19/24  (5)
WaPo: Trump 48 Harris 48    09/19/24  (1)
A major component of intelligence is empathy?    09/19/24  (11)
FAT GIRLS love teh pee pee    09/19/24  (1)

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