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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
good morning    10/18/24  (3)
Zman on podcast calls Karlstack "normie-adjacent but not real fond of Israel"    10/18/24  (2)
Hey shitlibs, can you explain these newspaper articles about Kamala?    10/18/24  (8)
🚨 Israel kills Hamas chief Sinwar 🚨    10/18/24  (85)
Nancy Mace - binary 0 or 1?    10/18/24  (71)
russian mongrels invited gooks to help invade Europe (link)    10/18/24  (1)
Reminder:    10/18/24  (1)
Happy Friday friends! 😝    10/18/24  (20)
Kamala's next book: The Art of the Steal    10/18/24  (3)
MPA showing up to work in bright purple and yellow question mark suit    10/18/24  (19)
soon my burst IQ will run out. This burst IQ cant be forever    10/18/24  (3)
EPAH missed his calling by not doing heel work in the WWE    10/18/24  (9)
“Kiss my little pussy,” Doobs whispers to u. “The one with the purple lips    10/18/24  (3)
Haven't been around. This board forcememed karlstack into antisemitism? Wow    10/18/24  (3)
Imagine signing legally binding contract to be with Ganges River 24-7    10/18/24  (4)
LJL at marrying jungle Asians, watching them get fat, and looking 10 yrs younger    10/18/24  (39)
HAHAHAHA: Chris Rufo: “Kamala Harris PLAGIARIZED her BOOK”    10/18/24  (50)
Jews have cost Americans $200,000 per household    10/18/24  (11)
Smashing thru the boundaries Lunacy has found me Why did I buy Boolberry    10/18/24  (22)
Rate pics of me and my Indian Surfing Girlfriend (epah, pics)    10/18/24  (80)
whok cries as his Filipina wife bankrupts him    10/18/24  (4)
TT, thoughts on this French guy    10/18/24  (4)
Nigress tears down Greek Flag thinking it's Israeli    10/18/24  (5)
Imagine the joy billions of people deprive themselves not shitting anywhere they    10/18/24  (2)
gunnerat, EPAH, TSINAH, everyone I have feuded with. I propose a truce. (Karlsta    10/18/24  (7)
Casting "Autoadmit: The Movie"    10/18/24  (104)
Boolberry x Email Girl collab currently in the works. There will be diapers.    10/18/24  (4)
BAM! You must trade lives with Karlstack, CSLG, or TSINAH, which one?    10/18/24  (73)
Cut off after asking girl to be my GF. WTF, I thought women want commitment?    10/18/24  (17)
we must protect karlstack from (((them))) at all costs    10/18/24  (8)
Farrting so loud Kamala finally answers a question    10/18/24  (2)
Imagine Manhattan Institute suing Karlstack. for that tweet like MASE predicted    10/18/24  (3)
Farting so loud your dog makes a face like a hyena    10/18/24  (35)
Farting so loud Chris Christie says "there it is"    10/18/24  (135)
Farting so loud that Trump says, "oh, you're at the wrong rally"    10/18/24  (2)
what is the point of elections    10/18/24  (4)
“Let me be clear” *lies & obfuscates*    10/18/24  (2)
Rate Gorgeous Vikash Yadav, Indian RAW Agent on FBI Most Wanted List    10/18/24  (1)
Look at some faggot poa (looks like RSF) trying to bully Karlstack on X    10/18/24  (2)
How much did your wife cost?    10/18/24  (7)
Anyone watching the Al Smith dinner?    10/18/24  (15)
I am suspicious of my wife and my friend’s behavior. I want to check her phone    10/18/24  (13)
Remember Beto O'Rourke? Lmao    10/18/24  (6)
Rate me and my azn girlfriend (epah, pics)    10/18/24  (45)
Chris Rufo: "Karlstack is an antisemite and I disavow"    10/18/24  (104)
Farting so loud jcm reappears    10/18/24  (3)
me and dafydd tp running the ZoZo Purple Hour scene    10/18/24  (6)
How did gunnerattt know Karlstack got a cease and desist?    10/18/24  (1)
GOAT rap albums?    10/18/24  (3)
I have brown eyes, should I change them or KMS?    10/18/24  (6)
Francis Ford Coppola's "Walzopolis"    10/18/24  (1)
Adult men hang out at skate parks while you get obese and work for Jews    10/18/24  (6)
Timothee Chalaminnesota    10/18/24  (3)
Kamala could quell conservative anger and win a point by defending immigration    10/18/24  (17)
Look what Karlstack unlocked    10/18/24  (2)
I have circle heads, should I change them or KMS?    10/18/24  (1)
28 Email Girls Later    10/18/24  (1)
Short circuiting George Droid fizzling and sparking out in front of JCM's house    10/18/24  (3)
28 Bools Later    10/18/24  (3)
Yakub. Father of the White Race.    10/18/24  (2)
email girl holocaust    10/18/24  (12)
"Email girls" is a devastating term; perfectly describes this fraud economy    10/18/24  (41)
dafydd tp the Queen of ZoZo Purple Hour    10/18/24  (5)
what happened to your savings? "lost it all." real estate? stocks? "boolberry."    10/18/24  (28)
You can buy my new Boolberry ebook with Internet Computer or DeepBrainChain:    10/18/24  (4)
That’s the way to do it You get money worth nothing it’s called Boolberry    10/18/24  (9)
It's Boolberry, check it and see. It's got a value of lower than free.    10/18/24  (15)
Crypto to nothing and boolberry for free    10/18/24  (16)
Bool West x Kim Kardashian collab in Vogue    10/18/24  (3)
Account bomb Met her @ a crypto con Wit a Boolberry thong hiding her tranny dong    10/18/24  (1)
your own. personal. email girl.    10/18/24  (36)
Wayback machine is back in some limited fashion    10/18/24  (1)
Life is a boolberry / everyone must lose and moan / I see the charts go red    10/18/24  (2)
whats an email girl?    10/18/24  (13)
Don't talk to me in the mornings until I have a tasty tome of Master Mo in me    10/18/24  (1)
The Manhattan Institute sent me a CEASE AND DESIST letter    10/18/24  (8)
Mohism thread    10/18/24  (1)
we must protect karlstack from email girls at all costs    10/18/24  (5)
ITT we list email girl job titties    10/18/24  (1)
I'm feeling extra gay tonight (hegemon)    10/18/24  (2)
The longan berry that juices longest juices sweetest in Xinjiang Industrial prov    10/18/24  (1)
ITT we list email girl job titles    10/18/24  (16)
Bought a DUNCAN brand yo-yo from Target recently    10/18/24  (3)
Which crypto to buy?    10/18/24  (6)
Need help getting info on a CA case    10/18/24  (1)
Trump cancelling appearances left and right, is something up? - link    10/18/24  (27)
really wish dafydd was naked in my bed right now    10/18/24  (7)
Taking Soo CR Oct Qs (RSF)    10/18/24  (98)
Alpha chads Zyn has a camel points or Marlboro Miles type program    10/18/24  (2)
bitchuationship    10/18/24  (2)
‘Back in the USSR’ is the most underrated Beatles song    10/18/24  (5)
The u.s. postal system has seemed like a real mess lately    10/18/24  (10)
TBF you got any more of those hot stock tips like TSLA    10/18/24  (3)
Sept: "Polls shown Kamala winning!" Oct: "Fuck polls, 'culture' shows Kamala win    10/18/24  (1)
I actually don't, what are you talking about    10/18/24  (1)
Nate Silver: "Trump is now the favorite to win the election"    10/18/24  (25)
Jimmy Hendrix - Email Girl    10/18/24  (8)
Read my lips: Email Girls.    10/18/24  (1)
Email girls are UNGHHHHHHHNN    10/18/24  (4)
you should be raping email girls basically 24/7    10/18/24  (6)
"let's play scimitar throwing game," you say as the email girl wakes up    10/18/24  (3)
Email Girls - Pet Shop Boys.mp3    10/18/24  (7)
the Batailleian luxury signaled by a full complement of "email girl" employees    10/18/24  (6)
confused email girl making half your salary tp    10/18/24  (7)
Mr. Beast Gives 500 Email Girls Sandwiches (vid)    10/18/24  (11)
gaggles of tipsy email girls stumbling towards the next happy hour spot    10/18/24  (5)
the "email girl" was the apex example of a zero rate economy running on fumes    10/18/24  (27)
Email girls have yeastier pussies (science)    10/18/24  (5)
describe as succinctly as possible the quality of email girl pussy    10/18/24  (8)
ultimate email girl: literally did nothing day after day    10/18/24  (19)
bpd is just an excuse to bill email girls health insurance tp    10/18/24  (4)
Ur an xo boi in an email girl world    10/18/24  (2)
Read my lips: we are going to win.    10/18/24  (1)
This is not the AutoAdmit you once knew.    10/18/24  (17)
You can have unlimited    10/18/24  (4)
Do you think a 24yo hottie worth 25 billion cares about "Swift/Kelce"?    10/18/24  (3)
F all my haters(Boom)    10/18/24  (12)
The freaking "Chiefs" were purchased for 25 grand lol    10/18/24  (2)
All low level fraud&you can have it all    10/18/24  (2)
Shit was bought for pennies and turned into billions and trillions    10/18/24  (1)
Slate: "Is Trump Laying the Groundwork for a Junta?"    10/18/24  (17)
Could've had it all along and still can    10/18/24  (1)
an 8/10 girl emailed me, says she thinks I am brave, said she wants to flirt    10/18/24  (32)
Gracie Hunt hot 24 and Heiress to 24.8 billion+ but do keep talking about Kelce    10/18/24  (1)
24yo Gracie Hunt is the true Chief! Check her out! Move along Swift/Kelce    10/18/24  (1)
Cheifs Heiriss Gracie Hunt more fuckable than Tay Tay? Rate her    10/18/24  (1)
Chiefs hmm    10/18/24  (1)
I really do not want a right wing military government    10/18/24  (2)
Disco Fries ridiculed Luis for taking time off for being a public servant    10/18/24  (92)
Is 31 months a fair prison sentence for a mom who tweeted this?    10/18/24  (28)
Get used to saying NO to all of their fraud faces    10/18/24  (4)
Everyone working for "tips" in amerikkka is retarded weird trash    10/18/24  (7)
Reminder Obama is white and whiter than 99.999999999999% of Americans    10/18/24  (27)
It's hard to have any use for anyone or anything..we are far beyond no return    10/18/24  (1)
American "men" are the fucking problem&caused all of this fraud shit    10/18/24  (11)
Your wife will murder you &instantly enjoy your money 💰 &get her panties wet    10/18/24  (17)
I want to snap the fingers&rings off so called whore "married women"    10/18/24  (1)
Have decided tipping is a jew fraudscam. Never doing more than 10% again.    10/18/24  (27)
Twitter kikes freaking out over Karlstack is something to behold, really weird    10/18/24  (1)
Are "people" without blond hair and blue eyes white?    10/18/24  (8)
ITT: Taking any and all questions related to SHAMANISM. Actual shamanist here.    10/18/24  (24)
FBI stealth corrects 2022 crime stats. (guess which direction?)    10/18/24  (9)
Poofter lawyers who won't eat the PEP    10/18/24  (1)
Let’s Fucking Go Cleveland!!    10/18/24  (11)
America is not going up in flames. Whites are just batshit over losing power.    10/18/24  (189)
PSA: if you have brown eyes you're not "white"    10/18/24  (62)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    10/18/24  (8)
Horror is Humane    10/18/24  (1)
Is Montreal actually cool?    10/18/24  (31)
Lol at nyuug. Japan is the last white country. Not Korea.    10/18/24  (3)

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