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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
emilio et al, is The Space Trilogy a cr C.S. Lewis intro?    01/06/25  (7)
Wait - "Linda Ronstadt" was a BEANER???    01/06/25  (20)
Read Roger Zelazny's Lord of Light (1967)    01/06/25  (5)
Three Marines commit suicide together in a Lexus    01/06/25  (3)
What's inside this crater in Madagascar?    01/06/25  (1)
The Yellowstone Supervolcano - America's ticking time bomb | DW Documentary    01/06/25  (3)
any board muzzies want to defend the UK child rape scandal?    01/06/25  (6)
Turdess reporter asks Dalai Lama why its wrong for Europe to have open borders    01/06/25  (9)
My wife lost 45 lbs, pic inside (zurich)    01/06/25  (27)
Aubrey Plaza husband suicide makes me really sad    01/06/25  (2)
Why have white people created everything good in civilization?    01/06/25  (3)
xoentlaw u do any hookah lately with paki gang rapists?    01/06/25  (1)
Gorgeous GOOK Gangman Stunna Bae Hyun-jin MURDERD to DET by NOWAG Rock!!!!!!!    01/06/25  (23)
you were born closer to the discovery of penicillin than to today    01/06/25  (1)
if anglos are so great why do they create self-destructive social systems    01/06/25  (44)
I blame Big Pharma for it all. La Voisier created beauty and they corrupted it    01/06/25  (1)
RATE Nikki Glaser's opening monologue at the Golden Globes    01/06/25  (8)
Billboard's Hot 100 singles chart from 50 years ago (Jan. 1975):    01/06/25  (1)
Natalie Portman’s Stomach Hurts: A James Joyce Jr. Adventure    01/06/25  (1)
US news censoring China gearing up for king Elon massive satellite empire attack    01/06/25  (1)
Massie is like Robespierre. The Incorruptible!    01/06/25  (49)
When China sees these POWERFUL US Female Soldiers they will surrender    01/06/25  (1)
for every election libs steal Trump will take 1 north atlantic autonomous island    01/06/25  (4)
What are good sources of non-Gaussian noise aside from brownian?    01/06/25  (1)
🚨🇨🇦 Trudeau to resign as Prime Minister of Canada 🇨🇦🚨    01/06/25  (43)
AMERICAN WHITE CULTURE is so fuckin stupid and irrational    01/06/25  (94)
Ultra religious Muslims love raping little white girls. Odd case    01/06/25  (3)
Is coffee prole?    01/06/25  (91)
Why is infanticide not legal?    01/05/25  (10)
"grooming" your seeking arrangement rent-a-girlfriend    01/05/25  (1)
Asians are a disaster for America    01/05/25  (11)
anyone else getting more pumped about Greenland?    01/05/25  (39)
Only chicks I can get on the apps are 35+ yr old fat hags    01/05/25  (14)
Canada has a Member of Parliament named Harnirjodh "George" Chahal    01/05/25  (6)
מוֹעֵד    01/05/25  (1)
Trump should annex the St Lawrence River watershed area    01/05/25  (2)
I'm at outlier simple as that! (Boom)    01/05/25  (11)
credited pre-built gaming computer?    01/05/25  (190)
benzo is back in jail    01/05/25  (145)
how come TSINAH is fatter than RSF but has much smaller tits?    01/05/25  (1)
remember when a guy punched Snooki in the face?    01/05/25  (8)
Asians are so FUCKING gross and STUPID. living near them is a nightmare    01/05/25  (14)
Women are animals created by Allah to be used by men    01/05/25  (3)
I am low T and only interested in fucking BEAUTIFUL women    01/05/25  (1)
benzo is back in jail    01/05/25  (32)
"I will never be the same, in Jesus' name" - Joel Osteen    01/05/25  (1)
The weirdest thing abt "race realists" is they pretend Asians aren't savages    01/05/25  (25)
Swedish politician convicted of crime for posting rape stats    01/05/25  (26)
is there a Phish or Grateful Dead jam type band with Jewish musicians?    01/05/25  (11)
Japan now CDC Level 3. US putting pressure on to delay Olympics?    01/05/25  (6)
Conclusive proof that Italians are savages and are not white:    01/05/25  (23)
Remember when the government just locked us down, mandated masks?    01/05/25  (14)
Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, white countries for everyo    01/05/25  (20)
Foreign born shitlib lecturing you on what it means to be American    01/05/25  (19)
asians are NOT intelligent LOW IQ UNCREATIVE REPETTIVE    01/05/25  (21)
Actually Asians are stupider (nyt)    01/05/25  (15)
Anglos are the real Jews tbh we created "modernity"    01/05/25  (6)
Why do shit-covered people flock to white countries and then bitch about whites?    01/05/25  (11)
If asians are so smart, why are whites still producing most technology ?    01/05/25  (27)
i'm a poli-sci shithead who programmed my TI-89 to Ivy admission    01/05/25  (1)
Reminder: Asians are incapable of passing the turing test.    01/05/25  (17)
Why Asians are not as INVENTIVE or CREATIVE as Whites    01/05/25  (19)
asians are the worst race without a fucking doubt    01/05/25  (61)
Asians are such weird fanatics    01/05/25  (14)
lol...asians are robotically obsessive    01/05/25  (17)
NYUUG after 10,000th blank bump: "So AZNS are uncreative, and REPETITIVE????"    01/05/25  (1)
It's cute when Italians try to pass themselves off as white ppl    01/05/25  (17)
How and when did this meme that Irish/Italians are whites get started?    01/05/25  (12)
Technically, it's possible to retire with $1mm    01/05/25  (64)
Do Jews think of themselves as white?    01/05/25  (142)
Another woman caught fucking her dog    01/05/25  (143)
Chechens are as White as Jews are. If Jew=white, Chechen=white    01/05/25  (9)
Vivek accepting 2028 GOP nomination: "Where all my H1-Brothers at?"    01/05/25  (1)
Asked Grok whether I should pay a divorce lawyer or a murder defense lawyer    01/05/25  (2)
"Blast on my tits, bro." -- RSF    01/05/25  (44)
Passport bros Filipina wife wants divorce after 2 years    01/05/25  (44)
As white as Obama is, his black half is blacker than american bl    01/05/25  (4)
here's the thing about peterman and doobs    01/05/25  (19)
Total Brahmin Favela ("TBF")    01/05/25  (23)
What are we defining as whites: Italians, Russians, White Latino    01/05/25  (4)
Rate GOOD DAD, JD Vance with his WHITE little girl cooking Xmas cookies    01/05/25  (50)
Japan is the only white nation left    01/05/25  (35)
Most underrated aspect of Canadian culture? Mocking Americans.    01/05/25  (9)
Glaze me bro    01/05/25  (1)
Why isn't every "court" required to be an Article III court?    01/05/25  (5)
Seriously tho, when are white nationalists going to rise up?    01/05/25  (86)
Washington U. linebacker declares as unemployed #OpenToWork (link)    01/05/25  (5)
Moving out of NYC -- Seattle or Boston?    01/05/25  (14)
CONTURDS: adios mother fuckers. Enjoy Greenland bitches.    01/05/25  (19)
No one likes Indians    01/05/25  (4)
POLL (trumpmos only) - do you currently hate Elon? Vivek?    01/05/25  (1)
Any tips on how to begin enjoying alcohol at 39?    01/05/25  (4)
Woah Bro! Elon is giving MAJOR ATTENTION to the paki rape gangs in the UK!!    01/05/25  (15)
Why is TBF (puffy faced jewish man) obsessed with white/western culture?    01/05/25  (1)
The actual history of Canada, the nation/state, is horrifying to take in at once    01/05/25  (4)
January 20th and February 14th "2025"    01/05/25  (2)
"Canada" has only ever been a front operation for the British crown    01/05/25  (1)
120 feeling: your good buddy is a shitty parent    01/05/25  (4)
Hello Jewish darkness my old friend / Come to stretch out MPA's girlfriend again    01/05/25  (2)
look, you're not white. you're not America. go home.    01/05/25  (50)
Why does Kirsty Coventry, a white girl, represent Zimbabwe?    01/05/25  (8)
remember when they elected a literal faggot nigger as president    01/05/25  (8)
Tommy, you a cricket fan? If so what do you make of Isha Guha?    01/05/25  (1)
Why do porn sites always say "older women" want to fuck you?    01/05/25  (11)
Why are whites never emigrating to brown countries?    01/05/25  (22)
JD Vance (peace monger) already talking about war with IRAN?    01/05/25  (1)
all you turdniggers and greasy chinks are getting the fuck out of this country    01/05/25  (1)
180 date with cute neurodivergent chick    01/05/25  (20)
How did you spend the final (12th) day of Christmas?    01/05/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨MPC IS CANCELLED🚨🚨🚨    01/05/25  (41)
🚨 2025 WINTER APOCALYPSE COUNTDOWN 🚨    01/05/25  (1)
Rate Soundgarden's new lead singer.    01/05/25  (21)
No one even knew whom "Jimmy Carter" was    01/05/25  (1)
Golden Globes 2025    01/05/25  (2)
Tempting Time outro by Animals as Leaders drops as Ricky practices shechitah    01/05/25  (1)
“Social security fairness act”. How much longer until SS cap is eliminated    01/05/25  (3)
women fuck animals because they are more in touch with 'nature'    01/05/25  (1)
So Russia has spent tens of billions to take the power out in Ukraine and ...    01/05/25  (2)
GunneratTTT resembles a Tamil Ryan Atwood and I’m here for it    01/05/25  (5)
do you create teh fulcrum?    01/05/25  (18)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    01/05/25  (22)
Denver 38 Chiefs 0    01/05/25  (2)
I dated Aubrey Plaza briefly 15 years ago.    01/05/25  (11)
Guys, do you think I can retire Q1 2028?    01/05/25  (1)
It's already 2027    01/05/25  (1)
Enjoy    01/05/25  (9)
The "man" is the fraud you fags    01/05/25  (13)
So the fraud "holidays" are over just like that? Ljl    01/05/25  (15)
Everything rigged and pussified    01/05/25  (9)
Megathor lives!    01/05/25  (7)
Can I have lots of hot sissy diaper sex in house of horror?    01/05/25  (122)
Cry cry they rested Mahomo 38 to 0 loss still unacceptable    01/05/25  (1)
"Time" vaporizes and everything is a lie    01/05/25  (29)
The "NFL" is clearly rigged garbage    01/05/25  (1)
Male Anal Sex Expert. Most people just call me MASE though.    01/05/25  (44)
women ooze primordial, life-incubating sludge, blood, and milk from bodies    01/05/25  (1)
Movie idea: aliens obsessed with Japanese porn invade earth    01/05/25  (1)
RE: your ex-girlfriend's skull shape    01/05/25  (1)
"Aubrey Plaza" sounds like the name of a strip mall in Woodland Hills.    01/05/25  (11)
Kate Beckinsale is half Burmese    01/05/25  (2)
more ritual impurities please!    01/05/25  (1)
certified Christmas nut tp    01/05/25  (1)
Funeral home sued for failing to deflate corpse's visibly perpendickular boner    01/05/25  (6)
I guess Adam Schiff was told he’s not getting a preemptive pardon    01/05/25  (9)
"And now he's sucking dick in jail," said tsinah to bewildered Kinkos clerk    01/05/25  (219)
advice on how to divorce in NY? Assume BL salary    01/05/25  (19)
Trump to replace WH Situation Room Map with giant Risk Board (CNBC)    01/05/25  (1)
Official Nintendo Switch 2 Joy Con LEAK! Retail Joy Cons Revealed!    01/05/25  (8)

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