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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Nutted in Audi Crooks a few nights ago. There were 10 of us in line to satisfy    03/03/25  (1)
"Mortgage" literally means "death contract". The term comes from Old French    03/03/25  (19)
Prole goy mr fix it polish electrician replaced fuse tips with swastikas (DBG)    03/03/25  (1)
4% of CNN viewers blame Zelensky, 92% Trump/Vance - link    03/03/25  (41)
Pork is haram    03/03/25  (1)
Dugin=alt right Uncle Iroh    03/03/25  (1)
The GDR cared more about German demographics than the CDU    03/03/25  (3)
No point to billionaires if they're not funding giant public works projects    03/03/25  (18)
Thank you Dagoth Ur, it's great to have you on the podcast today    03/03/25  (2)
Chinese friend says you can "game" fate by eating lots of fortune cookies    03/03/25  (4)
A red letter day for vidya is coming this year    03/03/25  (2)
Been periodically blinding myself with a flashlight recreationally    03/03/25  (2)
Freemason job offer    03/03/25  (1)
So basically a bunch of morally repulsive people schemed to steal heavenly fire    03/03/25  (8)
American Gynecologist charged with sexual abuse, Birdshits ur response plz?    03/03/25  (15)
Super Jawa Scavenger RPG    03/03/25  (2)
imagine knowing your countrymen are too stupid to eat chips    03/03/25  (3)
The sunlight has had a different quality for some time now    03/03/25  (1)
God, as the pope dies: "You see? He's just a man"    03/03/25  (5)
You can't do it the way they prescribe (that you do it) or it doesn't work    03/03/25  (1)
Now what? Hedonistic nihilism?    03/03/25  (1)
anyone follow Sumo wrestling?    03/03/25  (1)
Bony shrew marries bearded slob (NYT)    03/03/25  (6)
wtf is this (0) thread    03/03/25  (3)
Gangs of soul-stealing crooks originate from this shithole    03/03/25  (1)
Elon Musk now going by "On" like Kanye (Ye)..    03/03/25  (2)
A Short Tale of the Antichrist    03/03/25  (0)
Whittier, have you had the opportunity to view the GUTTERSLUT archives?    03/03/25  (70)
Did Nippon Professional Baseball retire?    03/03/25  (1)
The US should leave NATO if most Americans support Trump's action re: Zelensky    03/03/25  (19)
Delays in new 1st Class seats, FAA layoffs delaying RSF's posting (CNBC)    03/03/25  (2)
TMF and Mandy setting up a tesla charging station in their front yard    03/03/25  (14)
How do Asian guys feel about Asian girls dating white guys?    03/03/25  (65)
Ukraine's biggest military success in months - link    03/03/25  (15)
Is Nick Fuentes a homosexual? Any positive evidence of it?    03/03/25  (17)
Would you leave wife and kids for Mikey Madison?    03/03/25  (12)
Steve Bannon on Tim Dillon Show    03/03/25  (4)
"great moniker." "Thanks."    03/03/25  (2)
has anyone every eaten scrapple? how is it?    03/03/25  (13)
How much better are AZN girl prospects in white collar jobs vs AZN men    03/03/25  (18)
Mikaela Madison Rosberg was born in Los Angeles. She is Jewish.    03/03/25  (4)
what price tranny    03/03/25  (9)
Rate this HOT ASIAN girl getting beat down for having a GUN    03/03/25  (13)
I've seen so many Jewish girls with Azn dudes lately    03/03/25  (36)
Nothing will stop Trump from fighting for this country, except bone spurs    03/03/25  (1)
RFK Jr all but names them    03/03/25  (9)
poll: who is trump going to pick as vp? who do you want him to pick?    03/03/25  (14)
That female "water level test" is still insane    03/03/25  (15)
Indians unfazed by stink bomb: ‘Maybe Indians have a higher threshold for sten    03/03/25  (4)
Top 3 most famous non Jewish Ukrainians in world history    03/03/25  (34)
*** Official March College Basketball Thread ***    03/03/25  (2)
8-Bit Legacy bros review Death Stranding    03/03/25  (1)
Putin is good at this    03/03/25  (18)
rate this 1919 report on mass Indian migration into British Kenya    03/03/25  (28)
Anora is a fun movie. Worthy of best picture?    03/03/25  (9)
rate my moniker plz    03/03/25  (1)
Kramer gets a job at DOGE and eliminates Newman's job    03/03/25  (23)
Yes/no: have you ever licked an asshole?    03/03/25  (18)
Why Colin Jost's younger brother looks like his dad    03/03/25  (5)
wait until you find out what other words mean    03/03/25  (1)
New Toronto restaurant only hires people who are HIV positive    03/03/25  (6)
A banana peel feels better than pussy (evan39)    03/03/25  (5)
Mainlining let's paint Cedar Rapids red my friend    03/03/25  (13)
I went to lol school with Richard Hanania; now might be the time to talk    03/03/25  (3)
Why is Shane Gillis famous or considered funny?    03/02/25  (26)
No suit, no lunch, no respect: Zelenskyy-Trump feud started with a fashion dig    03/02/25  (24)
so basically all of the "West" is just gangsters laundering money to themselves?    03/02/25  (2)
Apple says average person drops phone 200 times per year...    03/02/25  (13)
Director of the Brutalist is 36yo, looks like Chris Farley. But didn't always.    03/02/25  (3)
muslims and jews haven't said TY once    03/02/25  (1)
do you think they will find anything of significance on Oak Island?    03/02/25  (4)
Deniro gets standing ovation with "Fuck Trump" - video    03/02/25  (2)
Guitarmos - need honest opinion on this Gibson Les Paul 59 Custom Shop finish    03/02/25  (6)
TikTokers now calling for Trump to be assassinated    03/02/25  (7)
Apple says average young woman takes asshold pics w phone 200 times per day...    03/02/25  (1)
Bridges of Madison County but it's your wife fucking the pitbull    03/02/25  (3)
Blackstone paid $101 million to Kirkland in 2024    03/02/25  (19)
I really, really want all libs to die violent horrible deaths soon    03/02/25  (10)
Zelensky hitting on “jerk store” rebuttal halfway back to Kiev    03/02/25  (9)
This is Kenny tp right? (vid)    03/02/25  (1)
"Ze citizens ahh vomeetimg in ze streeetzuh. Iave AD EET weeth 'CHEEP' "    03/02/25  (1)
this dangerous & delicious menace has brought terror on our hardworking citizens    03/02/25  (3)
Eminem comes out as Trumpmo    03/02/25  (15)
The state is going to have to deal with the lib problem for once and for all    03/02/25  (4)
imported Korean instant ramen too, for that matter    03/02/25  (1)
so if it weren't for you, people would be able to eat snack chips they choose    03/02/25  (3)
imagine being on the paqui chip legislation committee. imagine being that guy    03/02/25  (3)
iirc a few Western EU countries banned imports of that Paqui chip thing    03/02/25  (1)
Mikaela Madison Rosberg (b. Mar 25, 1999), known professionally as Mikey Madison    03/02/25  (3)
Why So Many 5 Letter Directors: Lynch, Mamet, Nolan, Lumet, Scott, Lucas    03/02/25  (9)
"What the world needs to see is a hermaphrodite pope" -- Jewish producer    03/02/25  (11)
Best Picture: About A Russian Jew Whore. But Written, Directed & Produced By Goy    03/02/25  (1)
It's Still "March"? Wow    03/02/25  (14)
John Rocker chimes in on Zelinsky    03/02/25  (5)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    03/02/25  (73)
Millennials are not as authoritarian as their parents or children    03/02/25  (4)
We've met before haven't we?    03/02/25  (8)
Because sheeple are stupid 🙃    03/02/25  (15)
Crocodiles can live up to 70 years in the wild    03/02/25  (3)
The break room in evan39's store has a Sega 32X and a flickering CRT TV    03/02/25  (14)
seeing that someone else is crazier = stress relief    03/02/25  (4)
Ancient Mars Once Boasted 'Vacation-Style' Beaches    03/02/25  (3)
All stolen fake ass shit! All of it    03/02/25  (16)
Skier to JD in front of his family: “JD, how’s it feel being Putin’s puppe    03/02/25  (22)
Universal Truth: There are no GOOD Niggas, Muslims or Vaginas    03/02/25  (2)
Colorado skier cops 98.45 million vertical feet.    03/02/25  (3)
How did Adrien Brody win Best Actor for The Pianist?    03/02/25  (9)
just keep ridin me    03/02/25  (2)
Zel boi is a brilliant gay actor    03/02/25  (1)
It is time to abandon squeamishness about exterminating libs en masse    03/02/25  (2)
Here are my kids. Playing with dildos. (epah)    03/02/25  (3)
Here are my kids. Playing with fire.    03/02/25  (28)
Realized today my 40's are Majority over and I haven't accomplished ANYTHING    03/02/25  (82)
Rate Selena Gomez Ozempic Before/After PICS    03/02/25  (1)
rate adrien brody's previous girlfriends    03/02/25  (16)
Barron (raised on Minecraft) told dad we must dig deeply in the Ukraine    03/02/25  (1)
White Americans have a lower life expectancy than Asians/Hispanics, LINK??    03/02/25  (5)
Hyman To Adrien Brody: You're Jewish, My Man    03/02/25  (3)
Trying to find that A. Wyatt Mann drawing of Adrien Brody, anyone got it?    03/02/25  (1)
Orc gets droned, uses his one working arm to blow his own head off    03/02/25  (2)
Trump forces Democrats into defending the indefensible (WaExam)    03/02/25  (13)
JD Vance announces U.S. Strategic Pokémon Card Reserve    03/02/25  (4)
The Sins of Millennials    03/02/25  (16)
Pegula Wins Austin, Navarro Wins Merida. 2 Billionaire Girls Same Week. #tennnis    03/02/25  (2)
Loser cousin got a full scholarship to Univ of Maine for lawl school - should he    03/02/25  (1)
Worth buying new hand planers or just get old ones from Ebay/estate sales?    03/02/25  (13)
Has a poaster ever won an Oscar?    03/02/25  (2)
Describe life for former military officer bros working at USAA    03/02/25  (9)
Why Are Sega 32X Fans So Right-Wing?    03/02/25  (1)
OH FUCK NO!! GOD!!! STOP!! NO!!! NOT UP MY ASS!!!!    03/02/25  (29)
A Jewish Trumpmo Honestly Reviews WICKED, The Movie    03/02/25  (33)
Rubio bypasses Congress to give Israel $4 billion    03/02/25  (5)
This twitter reply sums up Zionist jews perfectly (link)    03/02/25  (2)
JD Vance: Fort Knox gold to be removed, replaced with commemorative plates    03/02/25  (1)
New Gladiator is EXCELLENT. Solid A- at the worst. Not sure why internet dweebs    03/02/25  (29)
Katherine Heigl, 46, Had 'Giggle Dribble' During Perimenopause    03/02/25  (1)
% of sheriffs owned by freemasonic jewry?    03/02/25  (7)
ICX is going to be Huge after the mainnet    03/02/25  (1)
Can I just take a diarrhea shit all over a server & get billions from the govt    03/02/25  (1)
Cardano is the future, whether you want to admit it or not.    03/02/25  (2)
Cardano is such a TTT. mindblowing that it is a top 3 coin    03/02/25  (4)
Cardano/ADA $10 Waiting Room    03/02/25  (18)
But cardano has the most advanced tech in all of blockchain!    03/02/25  (2)
Cardano is literally vaporwave made by an obese scam artist but is the #3 coin    03/02/25  (3)
cardano is the ultimate shitcoin. just lol at cardano    03/02/25  (3)
Charles Hoskinson and Cardano - let’s BASH this fucking TTT!    03/02/25  (7)
It's hilarious how comically corrupt the Trump administration is    03/02/25  (8)
Lost 75% of my investment in XMR, NEO, Cardano, DASH    03/02/25  (5)

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