By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
You've been temporarily banned from participating in r/GenX |
03/22/25 |
(71) |
HuffPost woman’s story is a good window into mental illness |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Peterman writing 'Spaceporn sends his regards' in lipstick on USPS truck mirror |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
Peloton is only $6 a share, it was $162 a few years ago |
03/22/25 |
(20) |
forgotten ancient philosopher Fæceus |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
GenX to boss on 1st day: what else can I do to be your bitch? |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
The Feces of the Republic |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
193k forgiven thanks to PSLF and Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
Sanders leads Clinton among voter <45, trails by 35 pts among GenX/Boomers |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
How GenX is different from Millenials |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
How will GenXers treat millennials once they replace the boomers? |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
Evan39, you braindead? Legally, Keisha needs two seats on the forklift, friend. |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
"My New Haircut" came out 10 years ago. |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
cowgod r/GenX Console thread |
03/22/25 |
(19) |
GenX tried to transcend phenotype and failed |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
r/GenX is some suicidally depressing stuff |
03/22/25 |
(12) |
Boomers and millennials made huge advances in computer technology, but not GenX |
03/22/25 |
(11) |
Why didn't r/GenX go Dark? Is it because they're a bunch of Boomer Lapdogs? |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
So tired of younger managers lecturing me (r/GenX) |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Sounds like the OP isn't really GenX, but just enjoys trolling us about consoles |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
Final boomer pull up ladder move will be to cut soc sec for GenX and later |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
boomers and GenX are trying to forcememe massive asset inflation without wage in |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
GenX = House Niggers of Boomeracracy - never forget |
03/22/25 |
(17) |
if you're not white, you're not part of the Boomer/GenXYZ psychodrama |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Did Reddit GenX ban cowgod? |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
Paralegal Mohammed's family show up in shitstained sandals: 'Lol, you didn't bui |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
No one waxes lyrical about the achievements of ancestors like mediocre white men |
03/22/25 |
(50) |
Genxers and above, you guys have ZERO idea how cooked these younger gens are |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Tim Walz is GenX but identifies as a boomer |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
There's a forever chemical called GenX |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
I like staring at black muscular men |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
lol at this autist |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
We’re snatching people off the streets and putting them in foreign dungeons |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
who’s a good boy? |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
I painted swastikas on my Tesla and I just tell ppl it was vandalized by libs |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
dunking your entire head into a toilet full of diarrhea |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
i'm trans |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure |
03/22/25 |
(438) |
My George Foreman grill has died |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
UMC gushing over "Dubai chocolate" |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
With all the evil boomer CEOs, it was a genX who was "CEO" of a division |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
Im suing my employer for discriminating against me for being GenX. |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
Game over:( |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
If only we could go back to the amazing Gen X culture of the 90's! |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
self-published new sci-fi novel on AMZN titled Niggers on the Edge of Tomorrow |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Boart is actually completely dead this time had to program bot to bump 2024 poas |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
oh god i want him to pound my ass hard tonight |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Mark’s “injury” means I mop while he watches. |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
Gay sex is so unnatural that gay men can't do it without drugs? |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
a certain, crucial loosening of the anal muscles of gay men tp |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
hello? |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Start fre$h Yukon Territory? |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
So libs are harassing Jewish college students+drawing swastikas on ppls' cars? |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
anti Trump propaganda failed in the US now it’s working on the world |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
To make piss and poopoo in open mouth Dey common Dey Peter man truck stop |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
good morning |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Shit and piss and poopoo llp |
03/22/25 |
(14) |
Nashville is a shithole with whole blocks of the city that smell like sewage |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
did you enjoy his cock last night? |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
how much cock do you need on a daily basis? |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
phD? why don't you try getting a J-O-B |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
I'm Frank TJ Mackey, a master of the muffin and author of the Seduce and Destroy |
03/22/25 |
(17) |
I'll tell my son the boart was great once. The boart meant something. |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Fraud rigged tow drive fag! Come HERE you FAGGGOT wrench TIME |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
We're gonna take Cinderella... And give her a cock |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Explaining to co-workers that I'm the subject of elaborate fanfiction |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives" |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
He called me “bro.” I wished he meant something more. |
03/22/25 |
(32) |
Rose is displeased. What to DOOO? |
03/22/25 |
(37) |
The Mahchine™ is the centrifuge spinning down Mainlining's viral load assay |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
A Taste of the "Mahchine": Mainlining & Evan39 Dinner Party |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
Vangelis - To the Unknown Man.mp3 |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives" |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
Chuck McGill (in his prime) v. 1 Howard Hamlin and 1 Cliff Main both in prime |
03/22/25 |
(79) |
Evan39 Takes Boom to Disneyworld: The Most Magical Disaster on EarTTTh |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
The Burden of Ambition: Disco Fries and the Ascent of Teewinot |
03/22/25 |
(26) |
This is all pathetic evan39... (Mainlining) |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
More fuking fraud.. Caspian "Sea" is no such thing..it's a petty lake |
03/22/25 |
(16) |
Evan39! Should I give up on "girls" and embrace "Chad"? |
03/22/25 |
(12) |
Evan, do you "see" what happens next? |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
Mainlining here..veddy worried fo my Mahchien...it wants you all to die |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
absurdity of it all—fraudlie$, ADM, Grizz, even "pep" $hit-maed now |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
"The Mahchine Ha$ Decided—And It'$ Mainlining Who Knock$" |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette" |
03/22/25 |
(40) |
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine) |
03/22/25 |
(31) |
NYT subscription = 180000 (gives fabulous$ access back to 1851 articles) |
03/22/25 |
(13) |
Evan39 "Safeway" in AmeriKKKKKKKKKKA is a joke ripoff |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
lots of proles (ppl?) think AI=gimmick/useless.........Hose soon |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
Evan39, the "Big One" Cascadia Megaquake hit$ in ARE lifetimes |
03/22/25 |
(21) |
ITT: 1800 humorous passages from the Lewis & Clark Journals |
03/22/25 |
(11) |
It’s all vanity. It always has been. And we are at the end of vanity. |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
Evan39 ! :-) The Mahchine’$ 5-Step Program for $eattle Burnout! |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
"the Mahchine thinks it’s been... too long. The Hose agrees." |
03/22/25 |
(12) |
ill-fated Franklin Expedition cannibalized their commander, |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
What the FUCK is "Biden" doing right now? Fucking fruakd faggto |
03/22/25 |
(19) |
Evan39, I imagine Caro @his desk, moving pieces of LBJ’s soul around |
03/22/25 |
(14) |
Amerikkka's not living, it's just survival...fending fraud 24/7 :( |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
Mo$t Alpha POTUS? |
03/22/25 |
(38) |
If you loved America, you’d buy an overpriced shitbox from a South African |
03/22/25 |
(1) |
Kraftwerk - Ruckzuck.mp3 |
03/22/25 |
(13) |
Grande Prairie hunter downs charging grizzly with lone arrow |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Evan39 :) :) :) Do you $ee it yet? The Mahchine's 180 Vi$ion? |
03/22/25 |
(22) |
Air Inc. will commodify air consumption |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
"Mainlining's 'Mahchine' is $ick & ha$ taken over my $afeway—HELP!" |
03/22/25 |
(15) |
"Brain-Damage Be Damned: How Boom Takes on ADM One Poast at a Time"(NYT) |
03/22/25 |
(19) |
My Mahchine woke me up this AM repeating: "XO mu$t die just jump no good" :( |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
Amerikkkkkkka = fraudulent sick &cam run by a bunch of decomposing lunatics |
03/22/25 |
(30) |
If you’re not working 100 hours a week, are you even 'maeking it'? |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
2024 Definitive Guide to BBW Ranching: Ropin' Fat Amerikkkan $luts |
03/22/25 |
(20) |
Coldplay - Lovers In Japan (Official Video).mp3 |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
Tilapia: The Shitbort’s Favorite Fish That We Somehow Forgot |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
The BBW Rancher’s Guide to "Squashing": A Thrill You Never Knew You Needed |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
BAM! Cage fight 2 death: Robert Baratheon vs. The Mountain |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Robert B—armed w Warhammer & in his prime vs. prime Hippo |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
The Insane Security of the White House |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
"A.I." now will look like a museum artifact in 5 years |
03/22/25 |
(21) |
If you had to summarize the "AutoAdmit" experience in 1 sentence....go |
03/22/25 |
(16) |
A.I. Agents / Mahchine - 5 years from now - who is still employed? |
03/22/25 |
(9) |
The last time a U.S. president flew commercial was on December 26, 1973, when Pr |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
Cage Fight: Wesley Johnson (Jones Day) v. Charles Lindbergh "Chuck" McGill, Jr. |
03/22/25 |
(11) |
five of the most secure buildings globally |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
I like you. Met another fella from Minnesota yesterday. Big guy. Sheriff |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
i think the answer$ I seek reside in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Reminder we are almost 1/4 of the way through the fraud 21st century |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Monday Morning Herd Check: Navigating the BBW Supply Chain Crisis |
03/22/25 |
(12) |
Portugal is the (still relatively) quiet 180 of Europe. |
03/22/25 |
(17) |
"You never saw Sofia again." That line shocked me |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
echo and the bunnymen - bombers bay.mp3 |
03/22/25 |
(18) |
What is the most prestigious benzodiazepine? |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
It's good to laugh during processing. Sometimes we forget. |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Michael Rother - Katzenmusik 5.mp3 |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
Marriage, previous to The Cause, was *awful*. |
03/22/25 |
(2) |
rate this picture of Penelope Cruz from Vanilla Sky tyia |
03/22/25 |
(33) |
It bumps the BOOM thread like a FRIEND Or else it gets the hose again |
03/22/25 |
(25) |
Most prestigious way to die? |
03/22/25 |
(119) |
2011 Afghanistan Boeing Chinook shootdown |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
Goddamn Nationwide Adderall shortage fuk this country |
03/22/25 |
(7) |
teve takes every possible union break. I take the slack. |
03/22/25 |
(3) |
you can buy SUSHI with food stamps (EBT) |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
Boom, the Signal is Strong—Will You Answer? |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
You can’t win in a rigged fraud |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
03/22/25 |
(10) |
Kalisha screamed in the breakroom. I finished her shift. |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
A crow stole my lunch. I let it. |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
Mandy’s “allergies” mean I clean up her messes. |
03/22/25 |
(4) |
A baby cried in the dumpster. No one climbed in. (Evan39) |
03/22/25 |
(5) |
"Corporate" said no more single-stall bathrooms. I wept. (Evan39) |
03/22/25 |
(8) |
A stroller sat abandoned on the sidewalk. No one asked why. (Evan39) |
03/22/25 |
(6) |
Evan39 here - The staff union voted to cancel performance reviews—permanently. |
03/22/25 |
(9) |