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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Elon is boning that Italian PM chick, ljl    09/24/24  (1)
Just paid $46 for a shitty burrito bowl and beer    09/24/24  (7)
Is humanity finally getting over its 200-year obsession with nationalism?    09/24/24  (14)
TrumpCoins | SpiderGoats    09/24/24  (1)
USA is becoming a mestizo society.    09/24/24  (1)
"let's see how it plays out" (trump hoping for a blood bath for 3 hours)    09/24/24  (1)
This Diddy stuff should be bigger news, guy was a huge star, friend of Obama    09/24/24  (31)
human genetic diversity    09/24/24  (1)
hypo: 269-269, u r Trump-pledged elector, Soros offers $10bil to change ur vote    09/24/24  (23)
Woman gets fucked by her pittbull, then hangs her kids with its leash    09/24/24  (65)
boomer referring to new Lambo as his latest “big boy toy”    09/24/24  (2)
anything worthwhile is a soul-altering amount of work and effort    09/24/24  (12)
Spider-goat.    09/24/24  (1)
Just got to Montana. Pretty cool place    09/24/24  (1)
Most guys in war have no idea how horrifying it is until right before they die    09/24/24  (3)
KNOCKA FIA    09/24/24  (1)
Boston lawyer salaries?    09/24/24  (4)
our love is like the border between greece and albania    09/24/24  (4)
Pager operation will be significant plot point in Spielberg’s 10/7 revenge fil    09/24/24  (4)
I'm getting more pussy at 40 then ever before in my life    09/24/24  (47)
TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP    09/24/24  (1)
alex jones had an aneurism on tucker    09/24/24  (1)
Lol diddy is bunkmates with .... Sam Bankman Fried (link)    09/24/24  (7)
Salvadoran POTUS is going to be very powerful for a long time    09/24/24  (1)
what is borders tp's election model telling us    09/24/24  (1)
Diddy's cellmate is SBF (not flame)    09/24/24  (5)
My current Electoral map 9/24    09/24/24  (55)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/24/24  (39)
so what's the conspiracy for why they're taking down diddy?    09/24/24  (11)
is it too late for me to pick up chess and get decent at it?    09/24/24  (16)
Trump campaign 'strategist' EXPLODES, call interns 'stupid f----ts' (DM)    09/24/24  (47)
Whatever you do, don't put the blame on you!    09/24/24  (1)
Holy shit SOL rise    09/24/24  (3)
I'm ugly and probably low IQ.    09/24/24  (5)
Getting ready to put @realChrisBrunet in his place    09/24/24  (10)
there are still fem poasters? TIL Fizz is a ... woman?    09/24/24  (2)
Advance Parole is close to the definition of ONE - WEIRD - TRICK    09/24/24  (11)
Trump's gonna win    09/24/24  (17)
Josh Allen has the best story of any QB    09/24/24  (27)
fucked another woman who was sterilized in her 20s    09/24/24  (12)
evan39 baumeister    09/24/24  (2)
The Jewish Intelligence Myth    09/24/24  (3)
Why does Ronald Dworkin look like that    09/24/24  (4)
MOTHERFUCKING EXPERT on all things ethnonationalism here, sup.    09/24/24  (188)
Attorney i work with just completely left after his H1B expired, is that common?    09/24/24  (2)
strange brilliance tp    09/24/24  (1)
Somebody spiked the cum at snoot's orgy?    09/24/24  (2)
Wife: "you some kinda hipster faggot now?"    09/24/24  (4)
samoans are low IQ, but, nice people and fun to be around    09/24/24  (3)
amazing how many Roman emperors were assassinated    09/24/24  (61)
🐍🦎 Zoobooks 🐙🦑🦐🦀🐡🐠🐟
   09/24/24  (5)
Soros buying 200 radio stations to swing the election    09/24/24  (4)
Caroline Ellison gets 2 years in prison    09/24/24  (17)
Congrats on becoming a Gold Diamond Platinum loyalty member!    09/24/24  (1)
Asians not defined as diverse by google. Asians and whites need to team up    09/24/24  (143)
Why is Kamala so popular with azns?    09/24/24  (6)
The Asian IQ myth    09/24/24  (101)
We wonder why Jews are shitlib. But why are Asians so utterly shitlib?    09/24/24  (18)
Asian's superior intelligence is a myth.    09/24/24  (49)
Are asians actually smart?    09/24/24  (75)
Radio Killed The Hezbollah Star    09/24/24  (26)
Would america be better off not being run by a bunch of dual citizen jews?    09/24/24  (5)
Suicide Girls X Suicide Pods cross branding event    09/24/24  (4)
*nightcrew arrives in full hazmat gear, sets up floodlights and oxygen tents*    09/24/24  (85)
what seating class is this train from Italy to France?    09/24/24  (3)
Did they ever find “P. Diddy”?    09/24/24  (4)
BREAKING: Son of second Trump assassin arrested for having CHILD PORN    09/24/24  (19)
Fizz is taking a 72 hour "cool down" from XO after MPA infuriated her    09/24/24  (19)
Eggs are $4 because of Kamala Harris (JD vance standing in front of $3 eggs)    09/24/24  (7)
Based on gut instinct the Squancher's dormant phase is about half over    09/24/24  (5)
State of Play Tomorrow (PS5 State of Gaming)    09/24/24  (49)
"Reload!" *artillery crewmen hurriedly grab ZoZo poaster w/ phone into SuicidePo    09/24/24  (1)
"Wait just refresh once more" (XO poa inside suicide pod)    09/24/24  (6)
Russia drops another rectangle bomb on the Ukrainian city    09/24/24  (83)
Anyone do Modafinil?    09/24/24  (4)
"He endeavored for it. *holds back tears* Honor him." *ZoZo poasters salute and    09/24/24  (1)
is it too late for me to pick up cock and get decent at it?    09/24/24  (2)
I endeavor to be rich.    09/24/24  (6)
mental illness runs in the xo family    09/24/24  (6)
Sucking too hard on your lollipod Oh, love's gonna get you down Sucking too hard    09/24/24  (1)
the raped were willing tp    09/24/24  (3)
REMINDER: Obama is white    09/24/24  (18)
ai removes puff daddy's inane yammering over biggie tracks    09/24/24  (6)
imagine me and pod, i do. i think about it day and night, it's only riiiiight    09/24/24  (1)
Dog shit diarrhea all over apartment hallway at 4 am    09/24/24  (8)
Anyone here into legit analog synthesizers?    09/24/24  (4)
90s bands with sentence-names: "Sixpence None The Richer" "They Might Be Giants"    09/24/24  (111)
What is the charge? Squanching a hoal? A succulent Korean hoal?    09/24/24  (48)
"Folks I'm proud to present Trump Pods. The interior is adorned with Bible verse    09/24/24  (2)
“Are you ready to proceed?” “Wait, did ALZABO ever bump my last thread?”    09/24/24  (4)
Did Justin Bieber suggest that Hailey Baldwin is his property?    09/24/24  (6)
Reminder: the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery    09/24/24  (33)
"Oh! And before we start please be sure visit my sponsor SuicidePod.com and get    09/24/24  (2)
T*Mobile members get a month off when you refer friend or family to Podmobile    09/24/24  (2)
"your free suicide is sponsored by mailchimp"    09/24/24  (4)
Signing docs to start construction on a new home tomorrow wish me luck bros    09/24/24  (10)
*Upgrade to premium to skip the ads and go straight to suicide*    09/24/24  (3)
I'm dick drunk and need to say this now. I love you all so much.    09/24/24  (3)
"too many people are using the suicide pods!" "Put a BOGO special on it"    09/24/24  (4)
ITT:Give your definition of what the heck "America" is anymore..    09/24/24  (31)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/24/24  (28)
will there ever be another white nation as great as america?    09/24/24  (19)
Seriously though, how are we going to fight the ascendant matriarchy?    09/24/24  (78)
Whites like meritocracy in college admission until AZNS ruin it    09/24/24  (25)
Have decided tipping is a jew fraudscam. Never doing more than 10% again.    09/24/24  (18)
Reptiles: what should we do with blacks since they have low IQ?    09/24/24  (30)
Now that Trumpmos are on record as not supporting free speech    09/24/24  (112)
Why the fuck is the secret service director a woman    09/24/24  (112)
Will there ever be a black-native american midget tranny prez?    09/24/24  (11)
brown eyes = not white    09/24/24  (49)
the PROBLEM in America is not BLACKS, its WHITE RACISM    09/24/24  (28)
Man, I hate flakes    09/24/24  (2)
Why does the GOP hate free speech?    09/24/24  (6)
Remember when American presidents would pwn the USSR?    09/24/24  (10)
It's scary how permeating and toxic American feminazism is    09/24/24  (17)
Real talk: a female president would have been a disaster    09/24/24  (45)
“Are you ready to proceed?” “Rate me as a vending machine item first pleas    09/24/24  (2)
if Italians "aren't white" how the hell are the French, Spanish white?    09/24/24  (37)
*pushes DIE button* “I’m sorry, you forgot to agree with terms and condition    09/24/24  (5)
is the biebs gonna make young girls like girls?    09/24/24  (16)
Incredible Jayden Daniels stat    09/24/24  (3)
I'm laughing so hard at xo right now    09/24/24  (9)
I'm drunk and need to say this now. I love you all so much.    09/24/24  (21)
Another woman caught fucking her dog    09/24/24  (103)
"Please leave a tip for your suicide pod activator and be sure to like and subsc    09/24/24  (3)
why does the cost of living keep going up?    09/24/24  (26)
anyone plugged into IFBB female bodybuilder hookers? plz share    09/24/24  (10)
GrubHub minority avatar twerking somberly as you activate suicide pod    09/24/24  (2)
Controversial take: Only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants should be in power    09/24/24  (33)
how did all entertainment become uncreative woke garbage in a decade    09/24/24  (32)
How do white people feel about the idea of white privilege?    09/24/24  (39)
he wanted to cuddle after but that seemed gay af tp    09/24/24  (15)
"Suicide pod, ready." U: "Uh... thank you, Siri." "Have a good night."    09/24/24  (1)
"Wait so, what you're saying is -- Red Scare is like Joe Rogan for homosexuals."    09/24/24  (16)
"no that one is ran through, let's go to the good suicide pod'    09/24/24  (3)
recovering art hoe tp    09/24/24  (3)
wait what if *i'm* the art hoe all along    09/24/24  (2)
Brett Favre announces he has Parkinson's    09/24/24  (20)
luis are u excited to return to practising law?    09/24/24  (3)
"Do you really like it there?" *U dressed as astronaut in suicidepod giving 👍    09/24/24  (1)
Will there EVER be another Republican President?    09/24/24  (17)
remember when America was 90% white?    09/24/24  (49)
Trump regains the lead in WISCONSIN (poll)    09/24/24  (1)
It’s like a suicide pod but you’re fucking Kyle’s ass    09/24/24  (1)
why do white people defend a country that hates them?    09/24/24  (4)
how important is assassin-deflection game as potus?    09/24/24  (27)
Japan is the only white nation left    09/24/24  (17)
New legislation requires your employer make a statement before u enter Sarco pod    09/24/24  (1)
$1m but u get roasted by black twitter once a month for 10 years    09/24/24  (12)

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