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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
T/F: Does Israel deserve another October 7th? (vid)    03/09/25  (18)
Disco Fries isn't man enough to leave his wife & kids now we all get to suffer    03/09/25  (2)
Student loans seem to be a total chaotic mess right now    03/09/25  (21)
Obese woman kills foster son by sitting on him as punishment    03/09/25  (17)
Girl in military for 4 yrs, never deployed. $3800/mo for 100% disability (link)    03/09/25  (72)
Entry level in-house jobs pay $300-350k base now. lol.    03/09/25  (20)
Fuck It! I just want to gamble it all on a 10x leveraged ETF    03/09/25  (4)
Wait a sec; WHY is the GOP obsessed with banning anti-Israel protests?    03/09/25  (1)
RATE this Sunday burger I made for myself, family (pic)    03/09/25  (11)
Chatgpt, please write a short essay connecting 9/11 to Zelda Wind Waker    03/09/25  (12)
Underwear is like $10/pair now    03/09/25  (6)
Anya Taylor Joy, “Wow, so a fixed space keeps Section Numbers aesthetically in    03/09/25  (5)
would i be stupid to take a job that requires a commute from MFH to east hanover    03/09/25  (18)
new jew broad is bonkers but kinda 180 for me    03/09/25  (1)
so xo2025 is just reading gunneratttt struggle to make a logical argument?    03/09/25  (1)
really need a magical negro in my life    03/09/25  (4)
78 yo mother was just screamed at and had trash hurled at her for driving Tesla    03/09/25  (4)
LOL @ cons boycotting Bud Light *spray paints a privately owned Tesla*    03/09/25  (14)
My "Dark Slayer" phenotype causes me all sorts of problems    03/09/25  (3)
Noooo my empire of coinsss    03/09/25  (44)
Rate sealclubber's definition of defamation    03/09/25  (2)
"sex" involves gross things like poop, pee, spit, mucus, blood, vomit, tears, et    03/09/25  (9)
TBF - u losing more on your shitcoins or TSLA stock? (shitcoins down 10%)    03/09/25  (1)
SDNY judge Ho won't dismiss Adams case; asks Clement to argue for continuation    03/09/25  (46)
Is there a free/alternative to Adobe Acrobat that works just as good?    03/09/25  (3)
Over 40 bros come here to share and debate workout regimens    03/09/25  (101)
"He's a gaaay faaag poasting on xo" (Davie Bowie)    03/09/25  (1)
LOL, sounds like Lindsey Graham is back on Team Ukraine - video    03/09/25  (3)
do you think lindsay graham has any secrets?    03/09/25  (3)
Ask me any question about xo lore    03/09/25  (86)
Guy with no Wikipedia page about to win PGA event    03/09/25  (24)
China's inflation turns negative    03/09/25  (3)
WaPo: "Washington DC Isn't Sleeping Anymore" (LINK)    03/09/25  (41)
67% of boomers rely on their millennial children for support    03/09/25  (3)
There's a STARLINK waiting in the sky    03/09/25  (2)
🚨 since ur all being yuge faggots. Drop ur SOL address itt. Airdropping xo co    03/09/25  (57)
Hey libs, boycotting Tesla = terrorism. You guys better stop    03/09/25  (7)
EMERGENCY: Paralegal Mohamad's terrorist beard smells like an asshole    03/09/25  (45)
Just got off the phone with Richard Carrier. He's coming to my bday party    03/09/25  (2)
I trained an LLM on cowgod poasts (link)    03/09/25  (2)
are other sites like WallStreetOasis, etc as dead as XO?    03/09/25  (10)
love reading a turd midget opine on US culture that's why I read gunner poasts    03/09/25  (1)
Chase Geiser is a disappointment    03/09/25  (1)
The State of 32X Fandom    03/09/25  (6)
Being a Ricky alt is liberating. Highly recommend it not flame    03/09/25  (56)
I work for Walmart, taking questions    03/09/25  (3)
Trump targets Perkins Coie in new Executive order    03/09/25  (35)
trump's first execution order    03/09/25  (6)
IRL is not like online and definitely nothing like XO describes    03/09/25  (4)
TT vomiting a lil alpha as Wall Street shoves the 9th inch in    03/09/25  (1)
DeepSeek: Write an essay about 32X gamers    03/09/25  (1)
Free yourself from ontological attachments    03/09/25  (1)
stock market lubing up its beefy cock to fuck TT in the ass again this week    03/09/25  (1)
Musk BENDS THE KNEE to his dark master Zelensky - link    03/09/25  (9)
Waking up to an alarm clock is slave behavior. Utterly servile & cucked    03/09/25  (14)
Billionaires hijacked Trump populism too easily    03/09/25  (18)
evan39 religious church goers are closeted fags..but hey they separate people    03/09/25  (25)
TBF, is this you?    03/09/25  (1)
Musk feeling the Starlink pressure - link    03/09/25  (23)
Great News: Israeli Tourist GANGRAPED in India!    03/09/25  (15)
People really need to stay of their damn "phones" they don't even talk on    03/09/25  (1)
Let's cut tye low crap here and have proper lives    03/09/25  (1)
Hotel rooms are like $500 a night now, how did this happen?    03/09/25  (60)
IS THE FEAR supposed to start before 2 p.m. ?    03/09/25  (1)
Forced to pick a date Rock music died, it’s gotta be 4/5/94 Cobain    03/09/25  (102)
Paramilitary Muhammad: are you nervous you’ll be deported soon?    03/09/25  (22)
I like to remember things my own way.    03/09/25  (9)
I'd rather live next door to a white tranny than a paralegal mohammed 3rd worlde    03/09/25  (1)
Alex Jones is in Chapter 7 bankruptcy    03/09/25  (38)
Do u think ICE officers are able to get rapey with spicy latinas they send back?    03/09/25  (1)
Canadian complains about U.S. produce in Costco on Reddit using iPhone    03/09/25  (1)
Trumpmos are such worthless faggots    03/09/25  (1)
The Monday after daylight savings has to be like 9/11 for Garfield    03/09/25  (2)
Confronting my wife about the amount of funerals she goes to    03/09/25  (2)
Trump now deporting people who are mean to Israel (link)    03/09/25  (2)
Europeans are such faggots    03/09/25  (23)
D1 gymnast does her floor routine with butt plug inserted (vid)    03/09/25  (6)
The few, the elite. The GameCubers.    03/09/25  (4)
Social Security collapsing lmao. We’re going to be scraping frozen boomers off    03/09/25  (6)
academia offers no recognition or satisfaction    03/09/25  (7)
It took Trump leas than 2 months to wreck economy and set up WW3    03/09/25  (2)
Women spending thousands on surgery to make vaginas look younger    03/09/25  (1)
Is it really all a network of Hollywood, Big Tech, Finance, Mossad Intel communi    03/09/25  (3)
Any states offer the guillotine for execution?    03/09/25  (25)
would Trump and Biden have been elected if they were horseshoe baldmos?    03/09/25  (2)
is no chin/weak chin worse than being baldmo?    03/09/25  (7)
How do ugly fat doors have hot gfs/passable wives?    03/09/25  (8)
Imagine a world without Russia, Israel, or the Middle East    03/09/25  (1)
How long would Asia last if the Jews turned their full power on them?    03/09/25  (10)
mig, why do you always disappear from your friends here ? we need you.    03/09/25  (2)
What ended up happening with those jewish tunnels in Brooklyn?    03/09/25  (1)
better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool    03/09/25  (6)
Sim-sim-sim: A self-simulation approach to simulating simulation theorists    03/09/25  (1)
Why is there so much Gatekeeping in the 32x sub?    03/09/25  (3)
Israel will suck out what it needs from America, once Greater Israel is installe    03/09/25  (1)
what is your go-to escape from the horrors of reality    03/09/25  (10)
that one weird house in the exurbs that's like an underground Mosque    03/09/25  (3)
Lavrov goes off the deep end (link)    03/09/25  (21)
Scientists and academics are fraud liars that use deception to cull life    03/09/25  (1)
Wind Waker wasn't even finished... lots of cut dungeons in fact    03/09/25  (1)
Ur mom is a simulation    03/09/25  (2)
'I Died for Israel' to the tune of 'Our Love's in Jeopardy' by Greg Kihn Band    03/09/25  (5)
Long Island fires? WTF is happening in this country?    03/09/25  (2)
Just lmao @ Trump pulling $400m of funding from Columbia because of protests    03/09/25  (31)
Girl HS runner attacks competitor w/ baton in middle of race - guess race?    03/09/25  (4)
Serpent to Eve: "Did God actually say you couldn't play soccer and write emails?    03/09/25  (6)
There is no reality only achievement    03/09/25  (1)
i said unto them, Better to have lived by the philosophy of the syphilis germ    03/09/25  (1)
BOM is mentally retarded. 🥴    03/09/25  (10)
Quit these ontological things and just punch the clock    03/09/25  (1)
TD Cowen Analyst: "TSLA downgraded to a 'sell' with a $130 target." (VIDEO)    03/09/25  (26)
Israeli stock analyst w/ track record of -25% annual return says TSLA will MOON:    03/09/25  (1)
Trump: Can't Deport 10 Million Illegals but Can Deport $10 Trillion Stock Wealth    03/09/25  (2)
I'm looking for my co-founder    03/09/25  (1)
I should have pursued a career in Dark Academia    03/09/25  (3)
"publications"    03/09/25  (1)
Is corrupt career local government official a credited life outcome?    03/09/25  (5)
dying for Israel is the new Fentanyl    03/09/25  (1)
25% of Wal-Mart's Imports are now from INDIA    03/09/25  (2)
recession/cut welfare --> army enlistment number go up --> die for Israel    03/09/25  (1)
Nietzsche, for all his Aryan bravado, was felled by the syphilis bacterium    03/09/25  (1)
I thought Trump was going to end Daylight Savings Time. Where are we at on this?    03/09/25  (1)
Daily Mail: he chased azn pussy, now he’s broke & rotting in Philippines    03/09/25  (9)
Trumpism is 180: "Trump won’t rule out a recession in 2025"    03/09/25  (9)
Rate this Parkour Lamp Pole slide    03/09/25  (1)
r/fednews We are all going to have PTSD    03/09/25  (5)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/09/25  (129)
are the "metaphysics" in the universe with us right now    03/09/25  (1)
Has Bibi Netanyahu said thank you once for the billions Israel steals from us???    03/09/25  (19)
FACT CHECK: u.s. has ONLY given $100 BILLION to Ukraine    03/09/25  (34)
Netflix paid the Obamas $70M “consulting fees” for new Meghan Markle show    03/09/25  (7)
Normal people are having fun fuckimg/creampieing while you suffer    03/09/25  (3)
Do you think this woman getting BBCed in NYC is rape or romance?    03/09/25  (4)
Psychedelics    03/09/25  (8)
"Most Gen Xers I meet are Losers, to be honest"    03/09/25  (13)
Chat is this real?    03/09/25  (4)
Trump will go down as the American Gorbachev    03/09/25  (3)
I support DeSantis getting the Tates out of this state    03/09/25  (7)
US turns off radar system of Ukrainian F-16s    03/09/25  (1)
Rate this U.S. Senator’s office (pic)    03/09/25  (12)
Could've has fun all along but you chose and are choosing to be miserable    03/09/25  (3)
I want to cut fingers off with engagement/wedding rings on    03/09/25  (1)
I want to smash hands with hammer with engagement/wedding rings    03/09/25  (1)
This is all chump change. Why not target defense and veterans admin?    03/09/25  (5)
lsd tp finally uncovers an irl sex trafficking ring    03/09/25  (5)
All you think could be and probably is wrong    03/09/25  (3)
all of Musk's bastard children are Jewish    03/09/25  (1)
Elon Musk CLAIMS WITHOUT EVIDENCE that George Soros is behind Tesla attacks!    03/09/25  (11)
Crypto plummeting again    03/09/25  (7)
So TBF is an antisemite who trusts Jews with his money, and the Jews proceed to    03/09/25  (1)

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