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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Cybertruck owners lobbying Congress to make vandalism against them a hate crime    03/17/25  (11)
its literally just me poasting against cowgod alts jfc    03/17/25  (6)
Trump shuts down shitlib journo “Voice of America”    03/17/25  (2)
🚨🚨🚨Trump says Biden's pardons are NULL AND VOID 🚨🚨🚨 (link)    03/17/25  (9)
What was worse, the holocaust, gaza genocide, or trump’s genicide in yemen?    03/17/25  (1)
how can the whole world idly watch israeli and american atrocities?    03/17/25  (3)
Mike Fart ordering two foot long hogies and a 2 liter of Dr Thunder for his date    03/17/25  (26)
Did you do "DARE" in school as a kid    03/17/25  (17)
Pure math is the ultimate liberal art    03/17/25  (3)
Shitlib dog barking at other dogs how squirrels are oppressed    03/17/25  (1)
Warm, sloppy vag soaking my pubes and balls    03/17/25  (2)
Lob friend thinks it’s fine to sign pardons with otterpen    03/17/25  (3)
what are you supposed to do with your poop after it comes out?    03/17/25  (2)
I love being face planted into her pussy, licking clit and grabbing tittays    03/17/25  (2)
Have cowgod's impersonations gone too far?    03/17/25  (5)
Racism is a reflection of poor character and bad upbringing. Sorry, truth hurts.    03/17/25  (42)
Trump planning to pardon Robert Hanssen & Aldrich Ames- Fuck Libs!    03/17/25  (1)
OYT: We Were Badly Misled About Xbox    03/17/25  (1)
so it’s gay to suck another guy’s dick, but eating his ass is fine?    03/17/25  (3)
my “alarm clock” is just cum landing on my face    03/17/25  (34)
good morning    03/17/25  (2)
good morning    03/17/25  (1)
Creepy Mr. Potato Head on monitor: Hello Boner Police. I want to play a game.    03/17/25  (13)
Mr. Blue you did it right, but here comes Mr. Night!    03/17/25  (2)
The Irishman cries out in hunger as he eats your potato    03/17/25  (99)
who’s a good boy?    03/17/25  (1)
CSLG internal monologue is describing Dave & Buster's arcade machines to you    03/17/25  (5)
Tow truck fraud…meet Mr Brick!!    03/17/25  (1)
Chart to Determine if you are ARYAN    03/17/25  (13)
"UR AN IRISH POTATO EATER" hissed street shitting and "culturally white" gunner    03/17/25  (3)
Libs are illegally boycotting Tesla.    03/17/25  (31)
St. Patrick's Swayze Marathon    03/17/25  (6)
Mike Fart delivering GJR's baby... "It's a potato!"    03/17/25  (25)
Video Mike Fart & GJR celebrating St. Patricks Day in full costume (link)    03/17/25  (18)
How bad to get pregnant out of wedlock?    03/17/25  (27)
"I have an undergraduate liberal arts degree. Work is beneath me"    03/17/25  (1)
Bukowski praising Mike Fart as the "Laziest Potato Nigger" ever    03/17/25  (1)
Deportations of browns now extending to Brown U professors!    03/17/25  (4)
“Country is headed in right direction” poll hits lowest level in 20 years    03/17/25  (6)
board illegals - you’re all going to an El Salvador prison    03/17/25  (2)
Mike Fart's supervisor cursing him as the "Laziest Potato Nigger" ever    03/17/25  (28)
Mike Fart proudly wearing "Kiss Me, I'm a Potato Nigger" shirt today    03/17/25  (21)
New gf is a bit *too* good at using chopsticks. Am I being paranoid?    03/17/25  (8)
“But honey, Chengdu is great in summer. We can have a nanny finally”    03/17/25  (14)
What happened to :D    03/17/25  (10)
audibly lol’d @ the idea of “carbon sequestration”    03/17/25  (11)
British Birdshit IBS Girl BLOWS UP Thai Scuba Boat after going to Bathroom    03/17/25  (5)
Love watching fags kissing every commercial break (america, 2025)    03/17/25  (3)
"I might just go to K&E and tell them all to fuck off" - White Lotus tonight    03/17/25  (3)
There are GOYS who NEVER use 3rd Party sites to Book Hotels    03/17/25  (5)
so everything libs do is stupid, evil, retarded, and sinful in the eyes of god?    03/17/25  (1)
Fuck it, I hope the weed'll out weigh these drinks    03/17/25  (2)
Chubster Whok picking up his wife's flung used period pads    03/17/25  (3)
The "twist-boat" conformation of a cyclohexane molecule    03/17/25  (24)
Sam Rockwell monologue on White Lotus    03/17/25  (2)
Do people actually listen to "podcasts"    03/17/25  (8)
The Left has redefined a lot of issues from solvable to unsolvable    03/17/25  (69)
NYT: We Were Badly Misled About COVID    03/17/25  (97)
Almost a third of the country of Eswatini is HIV-positive    03/17/25  (1)
"Choice" motels used to be decent and now its a bunch of stupid assholes    03/17/25  (1)
This fucking faggot existence constantly getting fucked by retards    03/17/25  (1)
NYT plays dumb to mock WH press sec    03/17/25  (3)
Would rather live in Dachau than "America"    03/17/25  (5)
daily reminder: human "beings" are stupid as dog shit    03/17/25  (1)
daily reminder to tedcruz: latinos are NOT white    03/17/25  (30)
hell but in every dimension for thousands of exponents    03/17/25  (1)
from the recognition of the facts comes the will to rise again    03/17/25  (2)
the kids sitting in class in grade school farting non stop 1000x smarter than u    03/17/25  (1)
sure glad we worked out whole lives for this faggot piece of shit society    03/17/25  (1)
Chart to determine if you are ASIAN    03/17/25  (5)
It's a free country haha. You're free to get up & go to work and eat goyslop    03/17/25  (1)
seems insane that european whites ever left europe to begin with for america    03/17/25  (44)
i can't pay attention 'cause i'm on that dust    03/17/25  (4)
"Californians" talk a lot of shit for being a bunch of pussy niggers    03/17/25  (1)
Dot Indiana Jones    03/17/25  (1)
Lol in Irish Courts, barristers DRINK before closing arguments    03/17/25  (89)
Heinous that they try to take away the joys of drinking & drugs from children    03/17/25  (2)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/17/25  (27)
"Richard Hanania" types make my blood boil far more than any MSNBC lib    03/17/25  (5)
LJL at obama being black. he was raised by a white family ffs.    03/17/25  (11)
ICE now 100% focused on doing Jew stuff    03/17/25  (1)
Friend’s TDS hit critical levels when Trump deported gangs (pic)    03/17/25  (18)
New video of Ghost of Kyiv    03/17/25  (24)
Why are white people much better than other races?    03/17/25  (89)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    03/17/25  (41)
How quantitatively more faggot does our population get every generation    03/17/25  (1)
half of white people want lots of brown people in their countries.    03/17/25  (8)
Only Irish people are truly white. All other northern europeans are asian mutts.    03/17/25  (39)
Asians not defined as diverse by google. Asians and whites need to team up    03/17/25  (161)
You can't ouch the Fauch    03/17/25  (1)
Hispanic stud did "lap dance" for me on OnlyFans (evan39)    03/17/25  (3)
26 y/o blonde teacher in hot water for sexually abusing 15 y/o boy (pic)    03/17/25  (6)
Asians vote Dem because they are cowards    03/17/25  (12)
if you make too much money, boomers come and have you injected with ketamine    03/17/25  (5)
As brown hordes take over, being white will be elite    03/17/25  (4)
You put the bag of chips in the sandwich, for a harvest cheddar crunch    03/17/25  (1)
they call her the "girl Schopenhauer"    03/17/25  (2)
Need to increase my income by $100k to pay off my house, kids' college    03/17/25  (71)
You should be fleeing or in fear if u can't. These are last days of "America"    03/17/25  (12)
Andrew McCabes flight to Germany departs today    03/17/25  (4)
women are doing deep introspections on youtube/other platforms now    03/17/25  (1)
You have to be fucking retarded to every do anything for anybody    03/17/25  (1)
Boom is it worth it to play SLOTS?    03/17/25  (8)
thing of all the things you'll never taste because we won't give them to you    03/17/25  (4)
Human beings are fucking pure faggot shit sick filth    03/17/25  (1)
This faggot failure of a species isn't worth doing shit for    03/17/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/17/25  (1)
I can't believe how fucking stupid cops are    03/17/25  (1)
Krugstack    03/17/25  (1)
nursing homes are the most depressing places in the world    03/17/25  (10)
Nixon drinking a dry martini    03/17/25  (1)
PUT YA MASK ON    03/17/25  (2)
Which thing from your childhood do you miss the most?    03/17/25  (73)
I can't believe how stupid this fucking faggot country is    03/17/25  (2)
enjoy dying of fucking diabetes and cancer    03/17/25  (1)
So Western "Feminism" has boiled down to being a Whore for Chad + Wearing Thongs    03/17/25  (5)
Starbucks employee napalming your penis    03/17/25  (1)
fucking faggot boomers and cops are destroying entire generations willingly    03/17/25  (1)
we're closed    03/17/25  (1)
Will the GOP become a White Nationalist party in the next 20yrs?    03/17/25  (34)
trump's biggest weakness has been on immigration    03/17/25  (28)
"america" is the fucking gayest fraud shit that has ever existed    03/17/25  (1)
when will Germany finally take over the world?    03/17/25  (35)
TL;DR History: What was the deal with the Panama Canal?    03/17/25  (19)
any legit proof that black lives matter?    03/17/25  (29)
Anglos are awful    03/17/25  (46)
I shut down a 9 figure business bc of how stupid fucking faggot cops are in usa    03/17/25  (1)
Girl who slept with 1000 men does a "cum walk" on the street (link)    03/17/25  (80)
Kamala presents herself as full on Negress, no acknowledgement she's Indian    03/17/25  (81)
rate the latest hs math teacher to 'rape' her students    03/17/25  (34)
i cant bring myself to hate Mark Carney like i feel i am supposed to    03/17/25  (1)
Fucking faggot cops who just take their problems out on people    03/17/25  (5)
beach boys - feel flows.mp3    03/17/25  (1)
Who are these Twitter people getting swatted?    03/17/25  (4)
Should I move to Austin, TX    03/17/25  (58)
Do Guatamalan prisons have a cool name like Gitmo?    03/17/25  (1)
where is prince tp    03/17/25  (1)
Trump declares pardons of the jan 6 committee null and void (link)    03/17/25  (4)
Melissa Joan Hart hugging you from behind as you speedrun Dreamcast games    03/17/25  (27)
so are TT and nyuug gonna lose their US citizenship now?    03/17/25  (6)
Biglaw service partner (lit) billing 2400+ with no clients of my own - options?    03/17/25  (28)
I’m an electrician from Texas, here are my thoughts on the Starbucks verdict    03/17/25  (7)
Redditor asks for gun recommendations    03/17/25  (13)
HARSHEST OF REALITIES: Only WHITE males deserve life    03/17/25  (13)
Damn this video of the deportations makes me hard AF (video)    03/17/25  (4)
Mig moving to San Diego thread    03/17/25  (5)
Need more pro-tariff takes from Batya Ungar-Sargon, Howard Lutnick, David Sacks,    03/17/25  (3)
I stand with the XO Houthis    03/17/25  (1)

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