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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
After decades of research I have concluded White Latina is the hottest race    03/18/25  (14)
can't deal with "work" that requires any mental effort anymore    03/18/25  (4)
Rating poasters as poasters gunneratttt has met irl    03/18/25  (10)
Kinda funny how Jews/globalists went from attacking any1 outside their banking s    03/18/25  (1)
Stocks drop more than 7%, trading halted!    03/18/25  (3)
PD-8 engine makes first flight! Death to the enemies of Soviet power!    03/18/25  (3)
Twitter account Crémieux outted as tranny loving Jew connected to Thiel    03/18/25  (1)
israel breaks ceasefire, brown bodies, trump abusing human rights..where is UN??    03/18/25  (1)
Really missing the Scumbag vibes of the Mickey Avalon/Dirt Nasty clique    03/18/25  (8)
I have an arcade emulator with 16,000k games    03/18/25  (5)
Hang on Babe....Mainlining, Boom, & Evan39 are all "poasting" at the same time    03/18/25  (6)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a parent asks you to switch with their kid    03/18/25  (229)
Fossilized giant skull, 20k years old, to be destroyed bc its not Aussie Abo    03/18/25  (3)
ITT: What is the most sexually exhibitionist thing you have done?    03/18/25  (44)
9th Cir Opinion Explores The Meaning Of "OF COUNSEL"    03/18/25  (8)
ITT I give a totally unbiased and sincere list of the races and their strengths    03/18/25  (17)
NAFTA was passed by a Democratic-majority congress. You've been lied to    03/18/25  (4)
Who has a higher SMV. RSF or CSLG    03/18/25  (14)
Why is $370,000k not enough to attract a Woman    03/18/25  (35)
Just texted Zoomer chick pure math is the ultimate liberal art    03/18/25  (6)
The Equalizer movies are so dumb    03/18/25  (10)
Gen Zers are absolutely obsessed with Tyler the Creator    03/18/25  (2)
Narendra Modi seems like only DECENT Ethical Indian on Planet Earth    03/18/25  (1)
WSJ: Growing number of men getting finasteride-pwned    03/18/25  (63)
we need to talk about the judiciary launching an undeclared coup d’etat    03/18/25  (5)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/18/25  (370)
🚨🚨🚨Trump says Biden's pardons are NULL AND VOID 🚨🚨🚨 (link)    03/18/25  (115)
White Husband dad of 3 gets BLACKED in Vegas by whore, ODs (DM)    03/18/25  (77)
Do you think Epstein had dirt on Trump? I sure do    03/18/25  (1)
how many pullups could you do right now    03/18/25  (72)
Is $600,000k literally a death sentence?    03/18/25  (8)
People have been praying and meditating for 10000k years but we're too good for    03/18/25  (3)
the old MST3000K episodes are so good    03/18/25  (8)
Super Mario 64 only sold 2,000,000k units in Japan    03/18/25  (12)
Taking questions on 68,000k Assembly language    03/18/25  (4)
What should I do with 75,000k ca$h    03/18/25  (35)
Solo lawyers did u set up 401,000ks?    03/18/25  (8)
Concord Leak Shows Sony Wasted $400,000,000K    03/18/25  (4)
companies cut 800,000k jobs. only OCI mastermen & pretty girls have jobs now hth    03/18/25  (6)
just got an escrow overage refund check for over $3000K    03/18/25  (13)
Babe Ruth made $80,000k    03/18/25  (5)
im owed 80000k    03/18/25  (11)
Cops don't do fucking anything & make $800,000k    03/18/25  (6)
dropping $20,000k large a day just in case time traveling robots from future try    03/18/25  (2)
This is your last chance to buy BTC under $85,000K    03/18/25  (4)
Mid 20s white chicks with gigantic natural breasts, baby in tow    03/18/25  (7)
Taking up a collection to buy Paralegal Mohammad a ticket to Lebanon    03/18/25  (1)
Final reason tp— who the fuck is this idiot?    03/18/25  (5)
COLONOSCOPY tomorrow. First time. Laxatives to be deployed at 5PM/10PM    03/18/25  (3)
It's time to legally round up libs, confiscate their property, & liquidate them    03/18/25  (1)
Massive layoffs at VA starting in June    03/18/25  (44)
CSLG have you gotten 2nd Citizenship yet? Like Vanuatu?    03/18/25  (8)
Day 2 of 10 day fast    03/18/25  (35)
Taking ST BARTH Qs for 20min (RSF)    03/18/25  (48)
Theory: Oh, you travel? = cowshit & Oh, You Travel? = OYT tp    03/18/25  (7)
so it’s gay to suck another guy’s dick, but eating his ass is fine?    03/18/25  (7)
David Faustino (1972 - 2025)    03/18/25  (4)
The New Yorker: Hasan Piker good, Theo Von bad    03/18/25  (17)
what are you supposed to do with your poop after it comes out?    03/18/25  (4)
Mainlining we're all "here" tonight (evan39)    03/18/25  (6)
good morning    03/18/25  (1)
BREAKING: Vance went to conversion therapy camp for his gayness as kid (link)    03/18/25  (4)
What was up with "subliminal messages" in ads growing up?    03/18/25  (1)
i just love cock, okay? jeez.    03/18/25  (1)
Brown University Professor is Deported Despite Judge's Order (link)    03/18/25  (49)
so what do you guys think of Jews?    03/18/25  (1)
hey    03/18/25  (1)
Odessa is coming home to the warm loving embrace of the empire    03/18/25  (2)
Been caught squanchin, once, when he was 5    03/18/25  (11)
Homeless Population Explodes in Denver, Colorado - It’s Worse Than You Think!    03/18/25  (3)
Real Americans dig Starship Troopers    03/18/25  (11)
ITT: "Sealclubber" explains what 'technical analysis' is (LINK)    03/18/25  (32)
JFC, AT&T wireless has been gaping my elderly parents    03/18/25  (10)
Wld you spend $70 extra to fly Singapore Airlines instead of Budget carrier?    03/18/25  (32)
Judge “Boasberg”, eh?    03/18/25  (1)
Evan39...u know Seattle, Denver, Portland, SFO, Etc. = game over    03/18/25  (2)
hang on babe, a kike and a Turkish turd are explaining how white males shld vote    03/18/25  (7)
I'm just laughing at how fucktarded Cons are that they think they're winning    03/18/25  (49)
question to nyuug: have you ever fucked negresses? whats your opinion of nigs    03/18/25  (1)
9.5 Veronika Rajek Picture Thread    03/18/25  (67)
Paying for whores/sugar babies, etc.    03/18/25  (95)
beautiful biochem exams    03/18/25  (1)
A List of All the White Nationalities I Have Fucked in 2017: (NYUUG)    03/18/25  (40)
Taking ?s on living a gun-free country with one of the lowest gun fatality rates    03/18/25  (80)
Homeless Population Explodes in Denver – It’s Worse Than You Think!    03/18/25  (1)
Honey 🍯 evan39, boom & mainlining hate the homeless!    03/18/25  (8)
Boom look at the "homeless" in Seattle (evan39)    03/18/25  (1)
im sick    03/18/25  (3)
"Oxygen" isn't free, Evan—homele$$ learned it first. ADM billing us next.    03/18/25  (5)
Where is the best & safest place to travel solo in Europe this April    03/18/25  (3)
"Only 33% have a favorable view of the Democrats" = Libs, is this a "problem"?    03/18/25  (73)
The tv show "The Bear" is bad    03/18/25  (1)
shhhh, babe. this fob turd and some kike are explaining 'masculinity' to us.    03/18/25  (1)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/18/25  (30)
Nyuug, who has no skin in the game whatsoever, mocks SK birth rate    03/18/25  (5)
srs q why are east asian birth rates so low?    03/18/25  (60)
Behind PUAs, feminists, and MGTOWs, the birth rate is collapsing    03/18/25  (50)
the Birth Rates are seriously gonna go to .2 or .3 in Euro and East Asia    03/18/25  (24)
solution for east asian birth rates: give subsidized housing to people with kids    03/18/25  (14)
1:15 AM MDT is usually "peak" Holy Trinity poasting    03/18/25  (3)
LJL at this declining birth rate crap    03/18/25  (86)
Homelessne$$ i$ ADM's final form. Ju$t Jump, friend$    03/18/25  (1)
Showers and ovens for the "homeless" evan39?    03/18/25  (3)
Homeless bumbs are homeless for a reason..they also don't want help    03/18/25  (6)
I volunteered for the "homeles" they're scum&deserve immediate execution    03/18/25  (2)
Lol at you "helping" and any homeless fraud.. just yabk on their dirty beard    03/18/25  (4)
Go to bed you homeless junkie bumb! Die fraud    03/18/25  (7)
Rate this article.on homelessness and the break down of community    03/18/25  (6)
Rate this article.on homelessness and the break down of community    03/18/25  (1)
I'm going to Dallas this weekend. Boom/evan/mainlining?    03/18/25  (6)
mainlining I'm writiing here and tell me what you think...    03/18/25  (311)
Evan39 Receives Another Handwritten Note    03/18/25  (22)
Evan39 (whispering, clutching his Club Card, staring at the final poast):    03/18/25  (10)
Evan39 fuck this "world" and "Humanity" and $eattle and Lib$ non$ense    03/18/25  (17)
Perhaps a discussion on the optimal placement of pep on a tilapia Firm panel?    03/18/25  (8)
Tucker Max: "I got scammed out of $20 million, was about to fly private air"    03/18/25  (21)
White guy set Triple Jump world record over 30 years ago, still stands    03/18/25  (3)
On a scale of the Moon landing to Sandy Hook, rate how fake this Reddit post is    03/18/25  (3)
WHOK, check you’re email 📧    03/18/25  (1)
I caught Chad having sex with fem co-worker in grocery store bathroom (evan39)    03/18/25  (11)
Peet's Coffee to open 50 cafes in India under brand name "Pajeet's Coffee"    03/18/25  (2)
I hate niggers and kikes!    03/18/25  (2)
Love how this cslg faggot just comes here & flaunts his wealth no giveaways nada    03/18/25  (4)
I have a good cat    03/18/25  (1)
16 gold lions    03/18/25  (2)
the Jeju plane crash encapuslates Gook incompetence    03/18/25  (8)
Seems like everyone is cavorting with prostitutes except for me    03/18/25  (7)
Watch recommendations $500 and under?    03/18/25  (23)
Poasters here are famous and rich as fuck    03/18/25  (23)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    03/18/25  (67)
Did nyuug renounce his American citizenship? Can we burn his passport?    03/18/25  (13)
Did nyuug renounce his American citizenship? Can we burn his passport?    03/18/25  (1)
DEFENSE VERDICT in Starbucks case (CSLG)    03/18/25  (137)
20-year ban on getting a U.S. visa for everyone who gets deported    03/18/25  (21)
Trump after getting rid of judges: welp, time to prosecute my enemies    03/18/25  (2)
so are TT and nyuug gonna lose their US citizenship now?    03/18/25  (13)
Reminder: nyuug doesn't speak fluent Korean, draft dodger and has US citizenship    03/18/25  (37)
does nyuug have a korean passport?    03/18/25  (41)
Why don't you fucking take your time handling drinks correctly    03/18/25  (2)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    03/18/25  (70)
Is schizophrenia flame?    03/18/25  (11)
What are we defining as whites: Italians, Russians, White Latino    03/18/25  (22)
All azns are basically autistic which is why they can’t grasp sarcasm like nyu    03/18/25  (3)
Starbucks girl giggling with girlfriends about her victim's pathetic pig penis    03/18/25  (1)
Everyone here saying that $30m penis verdict will be lowered, based on what?    03/18/25  (20)
'Omg, Becky. This guy is *still* WAILING because I dumped coffee on his penis, u    03/18/25  (4)
Tesla's lawyers about to violently sodomize Mark Rober    03/18/25  (9)
any actual evidence anywhere that "doctors" arent complete wholesale frauds    03/18/25  (1)
What in the FUCK is a "Latinx"? How do you pronounce it?    03/18/25  (13)
What will America be like when it is 75%+ Latino?    03/18/25  (23)

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