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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
It's like Tunak Tunak Tun crossed with Aesop Rock (luis)    03/21/25  (5)
The EU is the next superpower that will takeover the world    03/21/25  (98)
Based on the trends, Jews did 9/11    03/21/25  (2)
TRUMP renaming the Great Lakes to the "United Lakes of America" (not flame)    03/21/25  (1)
Shitlibs are take pics of Tesla drivers and post them online    03/21/25  (1)
Trumpmos: We LOVE Capitalism!!! No not competition for Tesla though!    03/21/25  (15)
Homosexual computer operated rubber penis butt device    03/21/25  (3)
SURVIVED layoffs (TSINAH)    03/21/25  (16)
Skadden Associate publicly quits over Trump's persecution of Perkins Coie (link)    03/21/25  (67)
Trump/Vance ticket epitomizes how boomers/millennials fucked Gen X    03/21/25  (14)
*Freeze frame on Shitlib firebombing his neighbor's car* "You're probably wonder    03/21/25  (1)
College football coach arrested for hacking photos at over 100 schools    03/21/25  (14)
Israel gave Angleton intelligence that got him promoted in CIA    03/21/25  (15)
Peloton is only $6 a share, it was $162 a few years ago    03/21/25  (17)
fuck I am so goddamn smart    03/21/25  (10)
Are we just supposed to take Trump at his word that these deportees are bad guys    03/21/25  (17)
Nobody cares whether the Cybertruck is shitty, libs. It's irrelevant.    03/21/25  (10)
Ricky snapchatted me his McDs order today, need XO to rate    03/21/25  (24)
Best movie on the millennial experience?    03/21/25  (22)
Why did Paul, Weiss Cave?    03/21/25  (32)
Audiophilia is clearly flame, but does anyone here have a decent sound system?    03/21/25  (1)
I'm past 30, single, post about israel killing JFK on friday night    03/21/25  (1)
love is such fucking flame holy shit lol    03/21/25  (9)
some real fucking right wing lunatics poast on xo    03/21/25  (5)
TT Investing: put my 52k of CRYPTO into MICRON semiconducter stock    03/21/25  (40)
What do Epstein, JFK's killer, and UFO's have in common?    03/21/25  (3)
the REAL jews were the jews we jew'd along the jew    03/21/25  (4)
we literally know who killed JFK now    03/21/25  (5)
rate my in n out order    03/21/25  (3)
I Want to Look Like Sam Rockwell When I’m 56    03/21/25  (3)
Mainlining we're all "here" tonight (evan39)    03/21/25  (20)
Daily Mail: johns from brothel ID'ed in Cambridge, MA    03/21/25  (49)
Should I buy SMCI the stock?    03/21/25  (6)
<takes a dump, sticks a rat riding a mexican on it> "oh hi CSLG"    03/21/25  (1)
ZoZo is such a bizarre subculture    03/21/25  (10)
Stfu you faggot queers    03/21/25  (3)
AOC says Dems need to FART harder    03/21/25  (3)
whats with ncaa tournament faggot scheduling    03/21/25  (5)
midwit shitpost avalanche tp    03/21/25  (6)
Just ate some cream pie    03/21/25  (2)
Why did Musk glue harmonic oscillators onto his Cybertrucks?    03/21/25  (2)
So Austin and Texas as a while suck! List any places which don't "suck" itt    03/21/25  (2)
<points at CSLG's sleeve tattoo> DASSA PRORR TERR    03/21/25  (3)
A retard humped a downs skank and lsd tp popped up    03/21/25  (2)
Any other Right Wing Zionist Eco-Fascists poasting rn?    03/21/25  (3)
Anna Paulina Luna, cr?    03/21/25  (3)
The math is just different when you are rich    03/21/25  (63)
zoomers a bunch of weird ethnic shut in virgins watching porn of white people    03/21/25  (4)
CSLG sitting on pile of blood money like Walter White, crying that Daddy left    03/21/25  (1)
Most Trumpmos aren't fully developed humans and should not be able to vote    03/21/25  (1)
2020 was obviously stolen    03/21/25  (5)
how much would someone have to pay you to stand outside of madison square garden    03/21/25  (35)
dying does sound 180 af    03/21/25  (6)
So at the end of the day, all women really want is to display their assholes?    03/21/25  (48)
There is no better place to get the truth than perkinscoiefacts.com    03/21/25  (5)
Never have a relationship with someone you cannot interract on an emotional and    03/21/25  (2)
Mt. St. Helens eruption was crazy    03/21/25  (2)
Matthew Yglesias replaced by AI bot, now says things that are 100% true    03/21/25  (1)
is drinking alone the best weekend activity    03/21/25  (36)
The Pitt on Max is good    03/21/25  (15)
So "top sucess" to "xo"=fleecing insurance companies? Ljl    03/21/25  (3)
More Palestinians than Jews getting into Ivy League schools these days it seems    03/21/25  (3)
lol doordash just got $50 an $80 grocery order    03/21/25  (2)
Does anyone here dispute that CSLG is the most successful poster of all time?    03/21/25  (81)
TheClub = Fucking Retard = probably a DrakeMallard alt    03/21/25  (7)
lol letitia james lied on her loan applications    03/21/25  (28)
LSD: Logic removed beginning October 2017    03/21/25  (11)
Any simple idea makes u billions&trillions easily beats fleecing insurers ljl    03/21/25  (1)
This is BS! Tell me its not!    03/21/25  (1)
If you knew how many accounts/alts DrakeMallard ran you'd be floored    03/21/25  (1)
🤔 hey there, whatch.... 🧑‍🦼 DURRRR TSLA DURRR!!!!!!! *roof flies off*    03/21/25  (8)
GenX is like the Wii-U    03/21/25  (2)
Trump to make student loan debt dischargeable in bankruptcy    03/21/25  (10)
Ok is anyone here NOT suffering from crippling mental illness?    03/21/25  (4)
“Generation X” is western term for middle-aged slaves, too cowardly to overt    03/21/25  (10)
I'm a Christcuck I like a Diaperfuck    03/21/25  (5)
If you still own a Tesla your insurance is about to go up    03/21/25  (36)
Lsd why did you stop “chattering” about audits bud?    03/21/25  (5)
Xo should be flooded with over 5k Chinese Women    03/21/25  (7)
All the fuckers here are hiding because they know they'd get fucked up.IRL    03/21/25  (2)
WOW=The world 🌎 of Winstar Disco fries 🍟    03/21/25  (1)
Dear sweet little booooom, I don't like these kids ur chatting with online    03/21/25  (8)
Tesla-hater digs in his own ass to smear it on a Cybertruck. (video)    03/21/25  (8)
Trump looks at smoldering America, “so anyway, gimme money”    03/21/25  (28)
lsd is still a believer in Q-anon    03/21/25  (6)
Trumpmos: NO NATIONAL INJUNCTIONS (oh except TX judges on abortion!)    03/21/25  (3)
Why do Trumpmos hate free speech to such an absurd degree?    03/21/25  (3)
Reminder: Every dead Gaza child would have grow up to be Muz trash    03/21/25  (6)
DOGE investing $1.4 BILLION in fraud and waste (link)    03/21/25  (2)
This shitlib is a total lunatic but is hot AS FUCK (link)    03/21/25  (3)
No one waxes lyrical about the achievements of ancestors like mediocre white men    03/21/25  (42)
What use are shitcons like Jim Jordan or Dan Crenshaw these days?    03/21/25  (1)
Which western country will step up and nuke Israel already?    03/21/25  (2)
Mutilated Asspussy's Shockingly Elastic (MASE)    03/21/25  (6)
Antonin "Zappin" Scalia    03/21/25  (12)
Post ITT if ur a WLMAS account    03/21/25  (15)
Zap zap zappin' on the nuthouse door    03/21/25  (64)
Michael Jackson is alive (lsd)    03/21/25  (7)
Panda Express is better than any meal any King or Roman Emperor ever ate    03/21/25  (7)
This man is a jewlo    03/21/25  (2)
WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL MY MONEY GOING?!?!?!?    03/21/25  (2)
I feel like being a “millionaire” is nbd these days    03/21/25  (15)
Disco meet me at Winstar World 🌎 resort! Could be dancing to Brooks&Dunn toni    03/21/25  (3)
Trumpmos: How much money have you lost In Trump's Economy (ITE)?    03/21/25  (5)
   03/21/25  (1)
TBF, do you have a secret jewish demon layer below your basement?    03/21/25  (1)
Zionist lunacy raping the entire human race    03/21/25  (6)
WHOA!!!! WHO'S ZAPPIN TBF'S 401(K)?????    03/21/25  (9)
lsd tp reacts after finding the bamboo ballots (link)    03/21/25  (6)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/21/25  (437)
Confession: I have a thing for Jewish girls    03/21/25  (3)
There is a freight train of election audits coming (lsd)    03/21/25  (60)
What’s Anthony Cioli up to these days? Is he still President of the Virgin Isl    03/21/25  (22)
internet g0y = internet guy = faggot retard pedo shitmod    03/21/25  (3)
Drake and lsd, whatever happened to the US "bio labs" in Ukraine?    03/21/25  (7)
"lsd" the poster believes he is the Christ    03/21/25  (4)
Doxxing lsd tp ITT    03/21/25  (27)
Tracking lsd’s prediction that Clinton Obama and Biden will be arrested    03/21/25  (34)
Lunatic Shitpoasts Daily (lsd)    03/21/25  (8)
"lsd" the poster thinks he speaks for God    03/21/25  (8)
WAR FOR YOUR MIND = 120 lb faggot right wing degenerate    03/21/25  (2)
who is Zappin the Torah Brings Fulfillment threads?    03/21/25  (33)
This bumb wants me 2 help him dodge "child support"=any legal advice?    03/21/25  (1)
Libs, any news about Durham? (lsd)    03/21/25  (38)
Just got hit with some really important news    03/21/25  (4)
"Magazine Dreams" is dark af, great acting though    03/21/25  (1)
The most lethal dynamic duo ever to step foot on a Women's NCAA basketball court    03/21/25  (5)
A fussy is a female bussy    03/21/25  (15)
At the height of white power, Americans life was boring/repressive/food sucked    03/21/25  (2)
hey right wing zionist scum: FUCK YOU    03/21/25  (1)
Hospice assigning you morphine, a rescue dog and an Asian wife    03/21/25  (9)
India is the next superpower that will takeover the world, bump this in 2030    03/21/25  (2)
Cool order, Ricky. Wanna bring it to the White House?    03/21/25  (2)
Kay Adams is an objective 9 and she has some dating advice for men (link)    03/21/25  (1)
Three college students burned alive in Cybertruck crash    03/21/25  (13)
Gonna move back to FL once market takes a shit    03/21/25  (1)
Quitting nicotine cold turkey    03/21/25  (8)
Joy Reid: Canada would win in a war against the US (link)    03/21/25  (1)
It's all trickery a 10yo girl from 2017 ljl is now fuckable&creampieable    03/21/25  (13)
Lol rate this    03/21/25  (2)
lsd tp finally uncovers an irl sex trafficking ring    03/21/25  (9)
im an irl psychopath bros    03/21/25  (2)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/21/25  (44)
Haha California burned down, but oh noes a Tesla got keyed!    03/21/25  (1)
I thought White Lotus & Succession were the same show    03/21/25  (3)
Visiting elderly parents and realizing you have nothing in common with them    03/21/25  (16)
Female anus lubricant and nipple moisturizer    03/21/25  (1)
What incentive does the average NOWAG/NOWIG have to work?    03/21/25  (2)

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