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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Running list of cities in California I am maybe moving to    03/26/25  (17)
MAGA: Tufts students now being arrested and deported (video)    03/26/25  (6)
TBF attached a hand-written note to a judge stating, "You're pathetic!"    03/26/25  (1)
My wife is so selfish and dumb    03/26/25  (10)
You gotta keep em separated.    03/26/25  (5)
Lutnick was sworn in on the Holy Bible    03/26/25  (1)
I bet Ivanka hates Kai Trump    03/26/25  (23)
Why are white people much better than other races?    03/26/25  (94)
Rate my new car (CSLG)    03/26/25  (84)
"Oh, gross! That's so MEAN!" (woman getting wet as she watches bear eat rabbit    03/26/25  (10)
TBF - why didn't you cease after several warnings?    03/26/25  (1)
Protip: worship Dembella, the voodoo God of the "Child's Play" movies - video    03/26/25  (1)
a maelstrom of misconduct that continued despite repeated warnings to cease    03/26/25  (1)
do you think TBf/Anthony Zappin disbarred atty’s kids even talk to him?    03/26/25  (46)
lol at this article about anthony zappin    03/26/25  (14)
the most prestigious luka doncic discussion board in the world    03/26/25  (10)
Hey TBF, I still LOL out loud thinking about your disbarment drama    03/26/25  (7)
Post ITT if at least one of your parents never loved you    03/26/25  (4)
ACKSHUALLLLY purging Gaza on behalf of Israel is based. here's why    03/26/25  (19)
The Gujarati Anthony Gonzalez circa Oceans Niagara    03/26/25  (9)
Something everyone can enjoy azn trannie attacks Charlie Kirk acolyte (twitter)    03/26/25  (3)
Dating update: MPA still with Xerxes, fizzkidd still w some dork, lex single    03/26/25  (5)
Writing fiction has really been helping my (previously dire) mental health    03/26/25  (9)
Tiger woods is so much more alpha than Jared Kushner    03/26/25  (1)
Trump: 25% tariff on foreign cars - link    03/26/25  (24)
Can someone recommend an airbnb or hotel in SoCal while i apt hunt    03/26/25  (1)
Yea sorry u gotta get the fuck out. Yeah yr whole family too. Cousins too    03/26/25  (1)
Another one: video shows Turkish Ph.D student detained by Feds (link)    03/26/25  (10)
The word "slop" is massively overused in internet culture    03/26/25  (19)
Rate this hot brunette in a skin tight superhero costume tweaking the fuck out (    03/26/25  (25)
How hard is the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam?    03/26/25  (1)
Reminder: the U.S. is the best country on earth!    03/26/25  (10)
TikTok video of Emilio and Luis dancing    03/26/25  (11)
getting roofied isn't a real thing    03/26/25  (7)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    03/26/25  (71)
Hegseth's gonna throw a huge keg party when he gets fired    03/26/25  (17)
A Joey Jordison is det    03/26/25  (4)
The blacks have taken over matcha    03/26/25  (1)
Should I move to Long Beach, CA    03/26/25  (12)
Getting married was the biggest mistake of my life, MGTOW is the only cr    03/26/25  (9)
any SoCal posters want to rent me a room temporarily    03/26/25  (1)
Tried watching acclaimed anime film "Akira" what is this dogshit?    03/26/25  (8)
Psychosocial - Slipknot.mp3    03/26/25  (2)
Local pizza place “The Cuttingtable,” leafy 90s suburbia, Perry Como 🍕    03/26/25  (53)
Absolutely amazing how often ChatGPT and others are just plain wrong    03/26/25  (31)
Grok gapes Musk - link    03/26/25  (2)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    03/26/25  (45)
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump (Ms. Trump will be keeping her name)    03/26/25  (5)
These next 3 years of Trump will be the greatest of our lives    03/26/25  (1)
Kat Timpf Kai Trump Katfight    03/26/25  (5)
wtf? jews are spiking the foot ball! anti semites?    03/26/25  (1)
Computer: Work, play and more    03/26/25  (1)
Trump: "we're going to have to have Greenland" - link    03/26/25  (30)
Trump is terminally BoomerBrained imo    03/26/25  (7)
Rate zoomer lib congress candidate Kat Abughazaleh    03/26/25  (2)
What happened to the 100+ threads a day calling me out re TSLA stonk price?    03/26/25  (14)
What is trump doing to ensure libs can’t steal another election?    03/26/25  (3)
Signal CEO trolls Vance - link    03/26/25  (2)
lonely pale emaciated bald internet guy raving about faggy fad diet    03/26/25  (28)
Rate this Eastern Orthodoxy timeline chart    03/26/25  (23)
Should I apply for Israeli citizenship    03/26/25  (1)
isn't it strange how predominantly WHITE countries, and ONLY    03/26/25  (36)
Zap zap zappin' on the nuthouse door    03/26/25  (75)
GENIUS DOGE whiz kids set up email address without enough space    03/26/25  (1)
if nonwhites are *sooo* talented, why do they need to come to white countries?    03/26/25  (23)
those hot pedophile teachers - they've existed for a while now    03/26/25  (14)
HARSHEST OF REALITIES: Only WHITE males deserve life    03/26/25  (18)
As a Series X user, did I pick the wrong console this gen?    03/26/25  (7)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    03/26/25  (113)
TBF is Zappin and everyone knows it.    03/26/25  (74)
hypo: 100mm/yr job in nyc/hawaii/dc/la/chicago    03/26/25  (4)
Karlstack your twitter space last night was a total clown show    03/26/25  (10)
ricky have you tried hypnotherapy at all    03/26/25  (4)
Husband of teacher who raped 13 y/o student defends her. Concerned dad IRATE    03/26/25  (6)
UNFORTUNATE FACT: 2.2% of us are pedophiles/child molesters.    03/26/25  (37)
Trump says we need to bring face masks back (link)    03/26/25  (1)
The Legend of ZoZo: Rach’s Awakening 🐳🎶    03/26/25  (71)
Dragoncock Rising: an IFNB Tale -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/26/25  (4)
The Jameela Jamil of Jurisprudence is my subjective 10/10 (link)    03/26/25  (1)
Karlstack your onlyfans space last night was a total freak show    03/26/25  (3)
Jameela Jamil holding 2 iPhones, one logged in as TBF, one as Tommy T (link)    03/26/25  (17)
MOAR footage of Tim Walz's 10/10 daughter (link)    03/26/25  (4)
Tucker Carlson’s dad died. He was kind of a badass    03/26/25  (17)
IDF-Americans    03/26/25  (1)
Top 50 To Be Fair Coin Scandals (Karlstack)    03/26/25  (1)
Family Guy episode where Peter realizes he’s a Millennial    03/26/25  (1)
*** BREAKING: 25% TARIFF ON ALL CARS NOT MADE IN US ***    03/26/25  (2)
everyday im more in awe by how evil and godless american women are    03/26/25  (7)
At MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA these prices are lower than your 401(k) balance    03/26/25  (10)
Trump wrecking my standard of living is actually 180 bc it makes libs MAF    03/26/25  (12)
shame that karlstacks groyper exposee got buried in the studio ghibli news cycle    03/26/25  (6)
Sending antisemites to death camps is 180 bc it makes libs MAF    03/26/25  (4)
Just has filthy nude anal intercourse with your mom. Taking ?s    03/26/25  (3)
But call Zurich zany and u will be astonished how he recoils, how injured he is    03/26/25  (2)
Hegseth is a Fox News Hannityesque Zionist tattoo'd meathead    03/26/25  (13)
Watched the first episode of Strange Angel (2018)    03/26/25  (4)
when will Germany finally take over the world?    03/26/25  (40)
EPAH, should i buy a place in Kaneohe?    03/26/25  (4)
is there an xo minecraft server    03/26/25  (2)
LJL at obama being black. he was raised by a white family ffs.    03/26/25  (16)
hypo: a million dollars but Werner Herzog narrates your life 24/7    03/26/25  (15)
Stalin tp watching a genetic female ride his tiny pee pee with her vagine    03/26/25  (16)
joe rogan today is an antivaxxx doctor or w/e    03/26/25  (13)
Goldberg: "I will not comment on my 'relationship' with Mike Waltz." Hmmm...    03/26/25  (10)
Cucumbers is flat out pounding ooga booga puss rn    03/26/25  (16)
2 Thai Bouncers KILL a British BIRDSHIT Ape to DET in THAILAND    03/26/25  (10)
I've met both RSF & CSLG, here are my thoughts    03/26/25  (61)
what is the shittiest stretch of road in the us?    03/26/25  (11)
ITT: Face dox yourself but run the image through ChatGPT to Studio Ghibli it 1st    03/26/25  (62)
What % of the pop is pedos?    03/26/25  (29)
Most minorities are unintelligent    03/26/25  (37)
Does anyone ever get an uncanny valley feeling from Asians?    03/26/25  (19)
Kai Trump to head new Department of Fertility    03/26/25  (13)
I think I have my first real crush ever -- on Kai Trump.    03/26/25  (4)
*kai Trump prairie dogging, fumbling with romper, sprinting toward mar a lago    03/26/25  (3)
i want to have sex with Kai Trump    03/26/25  (25)
Rate this ad against Musk's Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate - link    03/26/25  (1)
Born to be wild *kai trump sits on your face*    03/26/25  (2)
kai trump clutching your dick like it's a golf club: "so how Online are you? :)"    03/26/25  (10)
Dangerously fertile Kai Trump slutting it up as she approaches AOC in FL    03/26/25  (4)
DBG has been attracted to Kai Trump since her first trimester    03/26/25  (1)
DBG has been attracted to Kai Trump since DJT's first term    03/26/25  (5)
Rate Kai Trump's inauguration ball dress    03/26/25  (3)
Kai Trump is pregnant with Barron’s baby. Bloodline will carry on for generati    03/26/25  (2)
2025 Ford Transgression    03/26/25  (1)
Lol i'm gonna make so many lewd comments about Kai Trump on May 12 2026    03/26/25  (3)
MANY PICS Of Kai Trump In The Oval Office In A Slutty Dress    03/26/25  (17)
Hildegard of Bingen has a 20% approval rating among Americans - link    03/26/25  (3)
Trump: Signal story is bad but dont worry I'll tank economy again to distract!    03/26/25  (1)
Rating poasters as OYT monikors    03/26/25  (42)
lex pondering deep thoughts by the fountain in an arboretum    03/26/25  (7)
My daughter told me there's a man in our house that I can't see: "Mr. Silly"    03/26/25  (67)
Don’t ever date if you’re short    03/26/25  (6)
DC Circuit sides 2-1 with Boasberg, upholds TRO - link    03/26/25  (15)
I'm so tired of lib freak outs and complaining    03/26/25  (3)
WIFNB to Pioneer Lip Building Competition    03/26/25  (2)
I don't care about this signal whatever at all    03/26/25  (9)
Why are libs going crazy now?    03/26/25  (1)
Ready. Set. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT (Tecmo Bowl)    03/26/25  (17)
"March Madness" is so gay with this transfer portal bullshit    03/26/25  (27)
“Screaming, for these Tall Men!” To the P Diddy Bad Boyz theme    03/26/25  (1)
Real talk, everyone on that Signal thread is an objectively terrible person    03/26/25  (2)
Surprised Tarantino's "Hollywood" got such a lukewarm response here    03/26/25  (11)
*Logs onto XO* *Jewish Liberal Pumos SPAZZING THE FUCK OUT*    03/26/25  (4)
/* Zelenskyieve offers bold new plan to win the war: "Putin will die soon." (LI    03/26/25  (1)
XO talked about height NONSTOP before the world/IG did nonstop    03/26/25  (1)
I saw a a short guy call a 6’4 guy “5’8” and it confused everyone in the    03/26/25  (1)
Types of Mustard by Clique    03/26/25  (7)
CSLG tackles RSF and we all find out he was 5’8 wearing stilts all along    03/26/25  (1)

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