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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
simping & gooning all weekend, let's goooooo    03/28/25  (1)
bellum omnium contra omnes tp    03/28/25  (1)
How will companies monetize LLMs now that they’ve been commoditized?    03/28/25  (1)
didja see the former head of NPR get gaped with her own words?    03/28/25  (95)
So what are your plans when AI decimates all knowledge based careers?    03/28/25  (4)
Matt Gaetz Interview With CSLG - Link (CSLG)    03/28/25  (116)
CSLG has been a cancer here from day one    03/28/25  (1)
Mark Carney trans'd his son. The EPAH candidate.    03/28/25  (6)
Trump "I did that!" sticker on your Ruined 401(k)    03/28/25  (14)
bored jcm taking and giving questions    03/28/25  (80)
jews run the best scams    03/28/25  (2)
Elon: We're going to "go after" people bashing Tesla (link) LJL    03/28/25  (43)
*Sees J6ers damage cap, smash doors, windows.. walks behind them* "WHY CHARGE?"    03/28/25  (1)
Sydney Sweeney's Breasts tp    03/28/25  (3)
twice she grounder her butthold    03/28/25  (32)
Jews should not be allowed to operate their scams in the US    03/28/25  (2)
Gunneratttt is browner than a turd floating in a chocolate river    03/28/25  (1)
Skadden Bends the Knee    03/28/25  (1)
Three college students burned alive in Cybertruck crash    03/28/25  (67)
Gunner is a fag    03/28/25  (6)
Gunneratttt = actual shit    03/28/25  (6)
Hey gunneratttt GO BACK TO INDIA    03/28/25  (1)
real Americans are sick of gunner types lecturing us on US constitution    03/28/25  (3)
So this West coast jewish law mafia is employing solomonic demons and succubi?    03/28/25  (2)
How is warrantless phone search at border not egregiously unconstitutional?    03/28/25  (17)
Third Eye blind was big in 1997    03/28/25  (6)
russians died in an Egyptian submarine that was on the surface (video)    03/28/25  (7)
Hi-Rise Bldg Collapses In Bangkok, 43+ Construction Workers Trapped (PIC)    03/28/25  (38)
Rach do you approve of any of this or am I going to have to look elsewhere    03/28/25  (6)
this "forum" is an incestuous den of jewish criminal freaks swapping blackmail    03/28/25  (3)
Epstein files Auto Admit dot com    03/28/25  (1)
to the retarded fucking loser constantly complaining about spam    03/28/25  (1)
why is gunneratttt (deranged brown indian) on here 24/7?    03/28/25  (17)
drinking alone in room on NYE. at midnight, doobs comes out of ur attic, propose    03/28/25  (2)
Simping is truly an epidemic and is stopping any and all meaningful progress    03/28/25  (6)
Suicide pod please refresh my By you one last time    03/28/25  (3)
Gunner is a brown fag    03/28/25  (4)
Hi, my name's gunner. I'm here to eat shit and suck cocks, and I already ate all    03/28/25  (4)
gunner = subhuman scum    03/28/25  (2)
💩 gunneratttt has a lot of thoughts on white American culture, only one probl    03/28/25  (10)
eat fucking shit gunneratttt    03/28/25  (1)
Predict S&p in April and May?    03/28/25  (5)
Trump's Tariffs are INCREASING inflation, Fed won't lower rates (BofA CEO)    03/28/25  (1)
No one: We're going to "go after" people making America pure garbage    03/28/25  (1)
this country is insanely nigger    03/28/25  (1)
Would you turn down a job offer because you were their second choice?    03/28/25  (64)
The worst part of CSLG isn't his parasitism but that he shoves it in your face    03/28/25  (67)
gunneratttt = looks like poop    03/28/25  (5)
Hey gunner, my threads may be outrageous but honestly I just really hope u die    03/28/25  (1)
Star Trek groove in that Wraith of Khan    03/28/25  (1)
bros there's still hope: sydney sweeney just called off her engagement (link)    03/28/25  (1)
NYCmos: Have you ever taken the “bus”    03/28/25  (69)
Been listening to starboy for the past 9 hours    03/28/25  (31)
where is the yearly story about a URM getting into 100 colleges and 5MM in schol    03/28/25  (4)
Markets need to crash even more. It's the only thing Trump understands    03/28/25  (1)
REMINDER: Daycare is literally mass incarceration for your baby.    03/28/25  (30)
Cowards flee collapsing building - video    03/28/25  (1)
who keeps fucking with gunneratttt poasts? hard for him to get a point across!    03/28/25  (2)
Honestly had no idea Teslas were literal death traps    03/28/25  (47)
TRUMP has RUINED my WIFE'S PUSSY    03/28/25  (2)
TRUMP has RUINED my NET WORTH    03/28/25  (18)
Have a PI case worth several $$ mil. Do it myself or refer out like CSLG did?    03/28/25  (7)
Why do so many bootlickers cheer when the government detains for Israel?    03/28/25  (19)
Amazon drone swarm descends on Wisconsin Walmart in first attack of its kind    03/28/25  (4)
"I don't think free speech should be suppressed or punished" "Found the lib!"    03/28/25  (1)
haha I was at Mandalay airport sitting in this exact area like 2 months ago    03/28/25  (1)
People you posted on zozo with who had meltdowns and left    03/28/25  (2)
what the gently caress is going on here lol    03/28/25  (11)
do u jerk off    03/28/25  (10)
People you went to high school with who had meltdowns and left    03/28/25  (95)
Indians: please respond to the fact that Sam Altman murdered Suchir Balaji    03/28/25  (11)
I'm Vivek Ramaswamanay and I'm reporting for duty    03/28/25  (6)
gunneratttt drinks liquid fecal matter, it makes his skin brown    03/28/25  (6)
Barefoot president Vivek leaving a hot curly steamer on the white house lawn    03/28/25  (1)
💩💩💩💩💩 hi I'm gunner and I'm white💩💩💩💩💩    03/28/25  (14)
Gunnerattt and Lynn are the greatest arguments to vote for dementia joe    03/28/25  (109)
sir, a second nigger has crashed into the wingstop    03/28/25  (10)
is this bikini too skimpy for this 8month pregnant woman to be wearing in public    03/28/25  (4)
My Tesla's maintenance costs are out of control (gunneratttt)(pic)    03/28/25  (26)
White skin now considered a dermatological disease (NYT)    03/28/25  (2)
big bird lecturing ur 4yo about white flight    03/28/25  (1)
just don't poast in a gunner thread and you'll be fine, stop complaining    03/28/25  (1)
we have a $7bn trade deficit with israel but no mention of tariffs, odd case    03/28/25  (1)
Gunneratttt taking Qs    03/28/25  (3)
Gunner is demented brown shit and should be dumped in a hole    03/28/25  (3)
not even me backspace and gunnerattt can carry this board anymore    03/28/25  (7)
If these midwest towns had forests they wouldn't get tornado pwned    03/28/25  (1)
that guy is gunnerattt on an alt btw    03/28/25  (14)
"You have to read all of gunneratttt's po -" 'pull the fucking trigger'    03/28/25  (10)
gunner what is *the* best chaat in NYC    03/28/25  (4)
i just found an absolutely devastating thread for Gunneratttt    03/28/25  (5)
RSF posting on r/chubbyFIRE asking for weightloss tips    03/28/25  (1)
gunner's skin is the color of poop    03/28/25  (1)
It's March gunneratttt. It's time to admit the MA$E seed was the worst thing on    03/28/25  (18)
THEORY: Gunneratttt is a demon from hell wearing shit allover his skin    03/28/25  (3)
America's right: Kash Patel, Vivek Ramaswamy, Dan Bongino, gunneratttt    03/28/25  (5)
Price of RAM pickup trucks up 25% to $100k overnight due to the Trump Tax    03/28/25  (36)
*shines flashlight into corner of freezing boxcar* "Found the lib!"    03/28/25  (2)
"Oh wow, u sure are owning the libs!" sneered the lib as 13th Am is repealed    03/28/25  (1)
gunnerauTTT on trump train: “but I’m culturally white!” usha: “ditto”    03/28/25  (6)
Trumpenprole live in a disinformation space where gunneratttt is white    03/28/25  (14)
racemixing, but only white men & asian women    03/28/25  (4)
Fuck Marry Kill - MASE, TBF, Gunneratttt    03/28/25  (2)
SCP explain the nuances of the hatp MASE gunner Triumvirate of Simp    03/28/25  (6)
rating poasters as poasters gunneratttt has slept with    03/28/25  (8)
"So what if Trump forced civilians to work against their will?" (gunnerattt)    03/28/25  (5)
Ricky I got the McChicken biscuit and added round egg & cheese.    03/28/25  (1)
"Yeah well, I think Gunner is a stupid fag." "That's quite a statement."    03/28/25  (72)
NSAM is too valuable. That's why they wouldn't let him quit (gunnerattt)    03/28/25  (2)
Gunneratttt taking Qs    03/28/25  (47)
Gunneratttt taking Qs    03/28/25  (3)
Short bursts of involuntary servitude: legal if the SecDef is drunk (gunnerattt)    03/28/25  (4)
Harry Potter did you bomb that abortion clinic?! Answer me!    03/28/25  (1)
Gunnerattt was in a bad car wreck (zurich)    03/28/25  (79)
Oh no, gunner is crying about poor Russians, I hope he doesn't retire again    03/28/25  (7)
Trumpmos, if u support white identity then you'd support deporting gunner    03/28/25  (17)
I would like to smush gunneratttt's retard face in a pile of horse shit    03/28/25  (12)
Gunner - ur poasting career is fucked forever, hth fag    03/28/25  (2)
GOP +8 in Wisconsin SCOTUS race    03/28/25  (5)
"a fertilization is performed"    03/28/25  (1)
"Holy shit, I'm down 7 figures this month in the stock market" "Found the lib!"    03/28/25  (5)
Libs animorphing into low business tax supply side economists    03/28/25  (17)
In the name of YHWH return the bioelectricity    03/28/25  (2)
Uhh, mods?    03/28/25  (1)
Trumpmos, can you explain what this incisive Drumpf statement means? (Quote)    03/28/25  (23)
crazy the LOTR trilogy is basically unknown by gen alpha kids    03/28/25  (1)
Life couldn't be more 180 (TSINAH)    03/28/25  (28)
Grok 3 is 40-50x slower than it was when it first launched.    03/28/25  (3)
We have to stop women wearing these plastic endocrine disrupting "athleisure" cl    03/28/25  (5)
GOP candidate leading Dem in Biden +30 district in FL special election    03/28/25  (5)
Think it’s time for a new CCW    03/28/25  (5)
Hey libs if you don’t buy a Tesla you’re literally a terrorist    03/28/25  (2)
Taylor Lorenz shows off unruly pubes in masked bikini pic    03/28/25  (1)
Does anyone genuinely like AI?    03/28/25  (8)
List Things from 2010s culture that just disappeared overnight    03/28/25  (21)
"They'll run out of silver in 2 weeks," the redditard explained for the 17th wee    03/28/25  (51)
Moniker scrambling exists so these yids can type any bullshit and claim it was u    03/28/25  (3)
sensual non consent    03/28/25  (2)
Ogun shango lightning bolt strike the homes of these soul thieves    03/28/25  (1)
Trump should just print a ton of fake money like Obama and Biden!    03/28/25  (1)
lol bangkok    03/28/25  (2)
do companies still give out gold watches when u retire after 50 years?    03/28/25  (3)
Killed without trial return the bioelectricity    03/28/25  (1)
xo megabrains: 'Any policy that takes longer than 3 yrs for results is stupid.'    03/28/25  (2)
Frauds and thieves return the bioelectricity    03/28/25  (1)
Just copped another $7k worth of BTC.    03/28/25  (3)
Does anyone here dispute that CSLG is the most successful poster of all time?    03/28/25  (86)
After serving 40 years in insurance company, your reward is awkward applause    03/28/25  (15)

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