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Hyman really ended RSF's poasting career by doing a genealogical project    09/05/24  (208)
Hypo: $12 million to be teleported to random spot on Earth's landmass    09/05/24  (205)
Trumpmo father of GA school shooter arrested, charge w/ 4 counts of manslaughter    09/07/24  (201)
Zurich's wife just called me. He's threatening self-harm, in psych ward    09/04/24  (184)
Practicing attys do you think Zurich is likely “impaired” under Maryland Sta    09/03/24  (133)
Chilmata was my attorney in Family Court. Here is an honest review.    09/04/24  (126)
Jewish NFL VP goes on rant to shrew Hinge date, hilarity ensues (link)    09/05/24  (125)
Gunner's flame was a blatant IQ filter    09/06/24  (110)
I haven't gone outside all day in TTT JAKARTA    09/07/24  (108)
i'm retiring, fuck this website, fuck zurich, fuck everyone (gunneratttt)    09/06/24  (103)
Candace Owens: "You can't tell me to be morally comfortable with 18k dead kids"    09/07/24  (103)
Your Antisemitism Aside, What Should Israel Do About The 100 Remaining Hostages?    09/03/24  (100)
how much does RSF spend per month?    09/03/24  (99)
Rank of XO's content creators    09/07/24  (88)
Obeezy’s political history    09/04/24  (79)
Caesar's Rome had ~1M people and no govt police force    09/06/24  (78)
Fucked my neighbors wife this Labor Day weekend    09/03/24  (77)
90% of my wife's friends are jealous of her due to my biglaw salary. You?    09/07/24  (77)
🚨 🚨 🚨 TSINAH'S BONFIRE IS STILL GOING 🚨 🚨 🚨    09/07/24  (76)
Just made it to JAKARTA, Indonesia (instantly cld tell ppl are retarded)    09/05/24  (74)
The way women dress has fundamentally changed in the last five years    09/02/24  (73)
Taking END of SUMMER Qs :( (RSF)    09/06/24  (69)
What are your top 5 most popular posts on your page 1 By You?    09/07/24  (68)
Poll: has Consuela ever worked a day in his life?    09/06/24  (68)
Older i get the more i'm realizing SoCal/NYC are CR despite the high costs    09/06/24  (66)
Everything is absolute fraud. $1.7m nw isn’t even middle class anymore    09/02/24  (64)
Enough already, RSF, you're jewish. You know it, I know it, Hyman knows it    09/04/24  (63)
So cons have been duped by pro-Russia talking points all this time?    09/06/24  (63)
I hate that I can't withdraw from my 401K without penalties til I'm 55    09/02/24  (59)
ITT: I predict how Spaceporn will destroy your IRL (gunneratttt)    09/06/24  (57)
Sitting on $140k in cash. What should I do?    09/07/24  (56)
How NAFTA broke American politics    09/04/24  (56)
School shooting in Georgia rn    09/05/24  (55)
Wife assigns me tasks if she catches me relaxing / idle?    09/06/24  (55)
The problem with “high IQ” antisemitism    09/03/24  (54)
Taking Sunday GREECE Q's, last few days here (RSF)    09/04/24  (54)
If 10 poasters bump this thread I’ll never poast again & just focus on Teewino    09/07/24  (54)
I’m convinced most women actually hate their kids deep down    09/03/24  (54)
how did it get so bad, so quickly -- particularly with tattoos    09/07/24  (53)
Rate my Japan Trip and Photos (CSLG)    09/03/24  (53)
Can't stop lolling at DBG's autism led to RSF's two Jewish grandpas    09/05/24  (52)
Martyr Made on Tucker has completely exposed rift btwn post was cons & new right    09/05/24  (51)
Redditors ask: “Why are non-redditors so rich?”    09/06/24  (51)
RATE my fire (TSINAH)    09/03/24  (49)
Dadmos, is my wife incompetent?    09/03/24  (48)
MPA couldn't an AI algorithm solve Magic easily?    09/03/24  (48)
Man arrested for creating fake music with AI & making over $10M in royalties    09/07/24  (48)
So the bort drama was an elaborate hoax by Zurich and Gunnerttt to fuck with SP?    09/05/24  (47)
it's insane how funny Norm MacDonald was, like 50x funnier than all other comics    09/03/24  (47)
Why did Oliver Darcy out Guneratttt?    09/05/24  (47)
How hard is it to learn immigration law and be a solo?    09/06/24  (46)
can Gunerratttt et al stop shitting up the board with your terrible flame    09/05/24  (46)
I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Fraud (14 million views    09/03/24  (46)
Mugshot of GA Shooter Released: It's a Tranny, Baby    09/06/24  (46)
LMAO are you losers still gigaposting about me? (RSF)    09/04/24  (45)
LJL @ poasters that don't have FizzKidd's phone number    09/04/24  (45)
I think Putin has been making the best of a bad situation his entire career    09/04/24  (45)
WTF Is A Grown Man Supposed To Use A "Washcloth" For?    09/03/24  (45)
I have posted undeniable evidence that RSF's mom and her parents are 100% jewis    09/03/24  (43)
BREAKING: DOJ has evidence Tim Pool, Benny Johnson & David Rubin paid by Russia    09/05/24  (43)
I'll chat with whoever's down ITT.    09/07/24  (43)
If I file a complaint against SP and he uses it to out me xo, guess consequences    09/06/24  (42)
Confirmed, Trump's strategy is to go all in on PA/NC/GA (link)    09/04/24  (42)
Abraham Lincoln was a despot.    09/05/24  (42)
Summer is over. Tell what you did.    09/03/24  (42)
RSF, why did your family switch from Temple Bnai Or to Temple Agudath Israel    09/05/24  (41)
Rating poasters as random excerpts from the Magic the Gathering rules    09/03/24  (41)
Rating universities as poasters    09/04/24  (41)
Wait, the poster outed today went to YALE?! How is that possible?    09/04/24  (40)
🚨 TRUMP +3 IN LATEST POLL!!!! 🚨    09/07/24  (40)
Women love guys with sense of humor, so bring print out of "By You" to next date    09/06/24  (40)
O'Keefe Ruining Lives Of Low-Level Footsoldiers In GC Shitlib Hypocrisy Is Dirty    09/05/24  (40)
I think breakfast potatoes aka home fries are 180    09/01/24  (39)
Cons why do you guys like mass shootings so much?    09/04/24  (39)
Rate these two Indonesian broads who let me sleep in their home    09/07/24  (39)
Is $10k too much for a law firm website?    09/06/24  (39)
Criminal Defendant Hack: You can postpone almost any case to point of no return    09/03/24  (39)
Small town Hawk Tuah girl launches a podcast, "Talk Tuah."    09/04/24  (38)
Kamala picks up coveted Dick Cheney endorsement    09/07/24  (38)
Just booked a flight to help Zurich's wife deal with this bullshit    09/04/24  (38)
Pennsylvania courts obliterate voter security laws    09/05/24  (38)
What random gizmo do you recommend for better living?    09/06/24  (38)
RATE this soyfaced beta American dude and his big-booty Latina bride:    09/07/24  (37)
Cons win arguments with Facts, Libs smear enemies, attack, lie, undermine    09/04/24  (37)
So Team Zurich is going to spam the board again today    09/06/24  (37)
lol should i start drinking beer?    09/04/24  (37)
REMINDER: if Trump loses Pennsylvania he is absolutely fucked    09/03/24  (37)
Rate this Truly GORGEOUS AZNgirl XO Poaster    09/06/24  (36)
Do you guys still believe Obama is a secret Muslim?    09/07/24  (36)
Is Darryl Cooper cr?    09/06/24  (36)
The groom, 37, and bride, 27, met trading insults on a racist law forum    09/05/24  (35)
have another date tomorrow night. cute chick. seems chill. loves horror.    09/04/24  (35)
Just got laid off    09/05/24  (35)
Are Mase and Hegemon still poasting or are they on the lamb    09/02/24  (35)
AP poll: SEC B1G SEC SEC ND SEC B1G B1G SEC B1G    09/04/24  (34)
Nate Silver SOUNDING THE ALARM for KAMALA    09/04/24  (34)
Thoughts on Facebook people who post emoticons on the faces of their kids?    09/02/24  (34)
Buddy married a 9.9/10 latina 2 yrs ago. He is not in one photo w her on IG/FB    09/04/24  (34)
Offering RSF a truce (Hyman)    09/05/24  (34)
Public schools seem like hell, even in good areas    09/07/24  (34)
Pay for Army corporal is now $56,700    09/06/24  (34)
Reminder: RSF is tall, rich and has a full head of hair.    09/06/24  (33)
There was no 'song of the summer' this summer    09/06/24  (33)
Have tried 16 different almond croissants in Tampa. Here are my reviews (Ricky)    09/02/24  (33)
jude law stars in new movie about white supremacist cult    09/02/24  (33)
thoughts on getting a tax llm at 45?    09/02/24  (33)
more fraud..landlocked Bolivia has a "Navy"    09/04/24  (33)
Hypo: $5m but you MUST live in Texas    09/06/24  (33)
Should I trade in my car? Owe 6K, worth 18k    09/01/24  (32)
Kind of horrified to see a photo of Gunnerrrattt after all the shit he said abou    09/04/24  (32)
lol faggot mod that Rasmussen poll really upset you eh?    09/05/24  (32)
BAM! You’re gay. What do u do?    09/03/24  (32)
Why is David Goggins famous?    09/05/24  (32)
Elon Musk has one of the worst bodies in existence (pic)    09/04/24  (31)
Kid turns 7 soon. Getting him a dirt bike but wife is freaking out.    09/06/24  (31)
Rate this AZNgirl climbing down from 2nd floor Apt with NO PANTIES    09/06/24  (31)
LMAO @ Jordan Peterson and "Carl Jung"    09/01/24  (31)
Family offices are about to surpass hedge funds, with $5.4 trillion in assets    09/05/24  (31)
Rate these FIRE enthusiasts    09/01/24  (31)
Metal Gear Solid V released 9 years ago. Really hasn’t been topped since then    09/03/24  (31)
Craziest thing about biglaw is you have to have your disgusting mug on website    09/05/24  (31)
"The Gimp" from Pulp Fiction is such a great memorable movie character    09/03/24  (31)
Just got out of court for my first criminal case ever    09/06/24  (30)
Fucked up ass bomb blast in Ukraine    09/02/24  (30)
Really sick of this "RSF is Jewish" shit, who cares if he is or he isn't just dr    09/06/24  (30)
Gunner, Lex, Hegemon, MASE please check your emails    09/06/24  (30)
What if Israel Had Been in China?    09/01/24  (30)
Why did Trump dump Bannon again?    09/01/24  (30)
RSF here, at this point I would like to go ahead and confirm for the board that    09/05/24  (29)
Michigan judge rejects RFK JR’s attempt to remove his name from ballot    09/06/24  (29)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/06/24  (29)
What kind people keep snakes as pets? Srs Q    09/06/24  (29)
still cant believe millennials got conned into moving to random cities for jobs    09/04/24  (29)
If libs pull off a Kamala win I will mostly be impressed. Gotta hand it to 'em.    09/04/24  (29)
Tim Walz's family has a message for him    09/05/24  (29)
Never paid attention to spaceporn but I see why you guys bully him now.    09/06/24  (29)
Here is real prole count. Hotel room w family. Wife, one or two kids.    09/04/24  (29)
Zurich what other bass do you like    09/03/24  (29)
Do you wear ankle socks or longer socks? Gen Z thinks it's an oldmo tell    09/07/24  (29)
Turds: RATE Our KOSHER SAAG PANEER (PICS)    09/03/24  (28)
Kamala: I will direct the DOJ to censor "misinformation and hate" online    09/05/24  (28)
🚨🚨🚨 BENZO VAX LAWSUIT AWARD ORDER OUT 🚨🚨🚨    09/05/24  (28)
Zurich won't stop messaging me. Blocked after he asked me to be his guardian    09/04/24  (28)
I’M OUT NOW    09/04/24  (27)
gained another 400 X followers overnight    09/02/24  (27)
Into Thick Air: The 2025 Teewinot Mountain Tragedy by Jon Krakauer    09/07/24  (27)
Hunter enters Alford plea in tax case    09/05/24  (27)
what can you reasonably assume about woman wearing a watch?    09/02/24  (27)
Is there going to be another lolsuit?    09/05/24  (27)
Is any creature more pathetic than the "millionaire"?    09/01/24  (27)