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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
People think this makes Kamala look bad    07/03/24  (6)
Most UNDERRATED ancient Native North American structure?    07/03/24  (3)
Got my first MRI since colorectal cancer diagnosis. Awaiting results    07/03/24  (17)
Rate This Palos Verdes / UCLA AZNGirl Who Now Plays For Japan (PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (2)
Sweet, there's a tranny to root for at the Olympics - link    07/03/24  (8)
Libs would be immensely better off if they'd not pushed the tranny stuff so hard    07/03/24  (45)
Dr. Fauci has informed us that Biden is 100% mentally fine    07/03/24  (10)
Dr. Fauci has informed us that Irish Biden is 100% white    07/03/24  (1)
The Question President Biden Needs to Ask Himself. Now. (NYT)    07/03/24  (18)
homosexuals should be gassed    07/03/24  (3)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/03/24  (25)
Playing at Trump National LA in a couple weeks, anyone want to join?    07/03/24  (2)
Imagine it’s 1999 and someone says Montell Williams’ side piece would be POT    07/03/24  (7)
I'm a Ross Douthat/David French Conservative    07/03/24  (3)
LMAO at Women: Ass jigglers had a nice run, but it's over (link)    07/03/24  (4)
"Y-you slept with a porn star." "At least I can still get it up Joe."    07/03/24  (4)
irl faggots are turning trumpmo    07/03/24  (2)
Bogota vs Medellin?    07/03/24  (17)
idk maybe we shouldnt be bombarding kids with fringe sexuality    07/03/24  (3)
How to make it in real estate ??    07/03/24  (7)
RATE UK's Kate Boulter (BIKINI PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (6)
Trump: Willing to Make Biden His Veep if Dems Dump for Kam (Nyp)    07/03/24  (2)
What do you think the deal with with Donald and Melania?    07/03/24  (6)
Singlemos: What are you doing for the 4th of July    07/03/24  (17)
rate this French 5/10 zoomer girl (pic)    07/03/24  (8)
Homeless Bum Pushes Lady In Front of Oncoming Train in SF    07/03/24  (6)
Look who wants Biden to stay in there and hold on to power as long as possible    07/03/24  (3)
hearing a lot of positive word of mouth buzz on this "cornpop" character    07/03/24  (1)
uncle ted was the greatest american of all time. full stop    07/03/24  (1)
LMAO at Wagies: Mouse jigglers had a nice run, but it's over (link)    07/03/24  (8)
Joe Biden in a wig, tries to convince Chris Wallace (link)    07/03/24  (15)
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/03/24  (130)
Big Corporate hosting event on mental health perils of working from home    07/03/24  (5)
JMIA got pretty banged up this week    07/03/24  (8)
Special Counsel: Biden memory is completely shot    07/03/24  (110)
Disco fries..pretty crazy worst homes in worst places are over 300k minimum    07/03/24  (2)
TSLA mooning on Trump presidency    07/03/24  (5)
You're seriously going to fuck off for a week&half to support fraud amerikkkan?    07/03/24  (3)
Are the "adobes" in North Central New Mexico all fake fraud reconstruction?    07/03/24  (3)
Frank Biden already measuring the drapes in the Oval Office    07/03/24  (1)
Birdshit cops protecting Canadian Sikhs knifing Indian flags    07/03/24  (1)
GF is 170 but uses adjectives instead of adverbs. Wut do    07/03/24  (10)
Holy Shit, Biden drops below 50% on PredictIt now....    07/03/24  (25)
If you send tiNa lovingpantyboi gunneratt parTy favors he’ll defend u on xo 24    07/03/24  (5)
🚨Hegemon's community account doxxed 🚨    07/03/24  (1)
july 4th theology crew meetup thread    07/03/24  (1)
REMINDER: Trumpmos are dirty filthy pedophiles, i.e. Trumpedos    07/03/24  (2)
Kamala would win Georgia due to high black turnout    07/03/24  (5)
List of the oldest buildings in the United States    07/03/24  (4)
Biden to withdraw in "patriotic announcement" on July 4 (link)    07/03/24  (1)
Why Gulf of Mexico = Dead Zone compared to estuary of St. Lawrence    07/03/24  (2)
West Oak Forest Earthlodge Site (circa 1250 and 1400 Iowa)    07/03/24  (2)
*obese tranny preschool teacher showing ur son how to “hawk tuah”*    07/03/24  (1)
PA Coal Country voters lining up in droves to vote for Kamala Harris    07/03/24  (1)
Scotus is nothing but a bunch of fraud unelected welfare recipients    07/03/24  (4)
A deviant society in which "Hawk Tuah Girl" is forcememed on pre-teens    07/03/24  (1)
Is "2025" even going to be more horrific? And each following "year"?    07/03/24  (1)
Trump: Kamala speaks in rhyme    07/03/24  (1)
Would Kamala be the first potus to fuck her way into the Oval Office?    07/03/24  (4)
happy Friday friends    07/03/24  (9)
BREAKING: MAYOR PETE and WRETCHED GRETCHEN on Kamala’s VP shortlist    07/03/24  (1)
Libs really hate “project 2025” but it seems 180    07/03/24  (19)
Positive sign for Trump in AZ    07/03/24  (1)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    07/03/24  (3)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    07/03/24  (13)
Fuck sports fraud you black dildo suckers everyone involved In all is fraudloser    07/03/24  (6)
Just find fentanyl person&take a massive dose?    07/03/24  (10)
"My phones gotta charge" what a joke all of it is    07/03/24  (4)
Dems are totally screwed and it's all their fault    07/03/24  (3)
America is not an option..so where to?    07/03/24  (1)
LOL Trump is already telling pro-life conservatives to fuck off    07/03/24  (1)
Well, it’s all in the hands of the Hawaii judges now.    07/03/24  (2)
Fag fraud 🤥 thugs    07/03/24  (6)
It's all outright fraud shit and theft    07/03/24  (15)
Cons what’s your theory on why SCOTUS didn’t save Trump in 2020?    07/03/24  (3)
Fentanyl OD is looking more and more delicious 😋    07/03/24  (4)
NYT 2024: How the 'unelectable' Kamala Harris pulled off a landslide    07/03/24  (18)
Hush little baby don't say a word..    07/03/24  (2)
Biggest Evidence Biden Will Be Replaced: The Rock admits no one is a Biden fan    07/03/24  (6)
Biden finished 4th in iowa, 5th in NH primaries. kamala polled at 0%    07/03/24  (16)
Beethoven quote on Bach: "he was not the brook as his name suggested, he was ac    07/03/24  (2)
Biden is definitely dropping out    07/03/24  (2)
To Honor His Country TRUMP should Drop Out of the Race (not flame)    07/03/24  (2)
maXXXine looks awesome (a24)    07/03/24  (2)
Bach - Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582    07/03/24  (1)
in the correct timeline this is Kamala's career    07/03/24  (1)
"people familiar with his thinking, if you can call it that"    07/03/24  (2)
people are not in the mood for an annoying nig potus right now    07/03/24  (1)
Fomer Pro Genie Bouchard Rakes Leaves In Tiny Green Bikini (PICS) #tennis    07/03/24  (5)
It's over. NYT reporting Biden told "top ally" he is considering dropping out    07/03/24  (4)
J.J. Redick: "Kamala earned this."    07/03/24  (8)
Never Trumper here. If its Kamala, I rescind that position    07/03/24  (3)
The older I get the more I realize a religious life of abstinence is the only CR    07/03/24  (3)
Why does everyone hate correction tp    07/03/24  (43)
why did humans evolve an ass that requires toilet paper    07/03/24  (16)
Lord ganesh reciting Punjabi dhaba menu ideas to Ricky during ayahuasca revelati    07/03/24  (18)
kamala failed the bar & fucked san francisco's potus for career start?    07/03/24  (1)
Kamala Harris "daggering" controversy    07/03/24  (1)
Punished "Venom" Biden was at the debate, real Biden is in Zanzibar    07/03/24  (2)
*Kween KAMALA twerking across the stage to tunak tunak tun at the DNC*    07/03/24  (1)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/03/24  (104)
BREAKING: House Democrats consider demanding Biden drop out    07/03/24  (5)
Obama, Bill Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer holding down pillow on Joe's face.    07/03/24  (20)
3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine tp    07/03/24  (1)
BLOOMBERG appears at DNC, shooting laptops at crowd with air gun    07/03/24  (1)
correction tp is a closet lib    07/03/24  (25)
Dems are going to keep trying to meme their way to a girlboss President    07/03/24  (10)
Bill Ackman says he’s suing Business Insider tomorrow    07/03/24  (34)
NYT White House Correspondent Zolan Kanno-Youngs    07/03/24  (1)
Tour de France Started In Florence, Ending In Nice. WTF Is This Fraud    07/03/24  (1)
ITS HER PARTY NOW    07/03/24  (1)
Bros Who Have Sold Previous Fam Homes: Was It Uneventful?    07/03/24  (3)
America sick the constant moving around ruined us all    07/03/24  (1)
Do u want to "own" a home in America which u don't own? Thugs&extorters do?    07/03/24  (1)
Do you even want to "live" in unliveable amerikkka?    07/03/24  (1)
This is a sick society..it's all lost and not coming back    07/03/24  (1)
Karlstack's an expired party bottom: can't feel a thing anymore (Bill Ackman)    07/03/24  (3)
(RFK Jr. voice) "Yes, I skinned a cat alive and fucked it in 1970."    07/03/24  (2)
Karlstack accusing Ackman of plagarizing anal cumshot from Gay Twinks Vol 9    07/03/24  (7)
Can't believe this Lincoln grocery store burned down in 2016?    07/03/24  (8)
why do I see "Ice Spice" at least 15 times per day every time I open twitter    07/03/24  (16)
Living in a homeless shelter to save up money(Xo 2024)    07/03/24  (6)
Well pharmacy seems easy&pays 6 figs in shittiest areas    07/03/24  (1)
Ackman: "I'm a finance guy, how much is your soul worth?" Karlstack: $300    07/03/24  (3)
so we're literally gonna have a mystery meat whore named Camel as president?    07/03/24  (2)
is there any public figure more annoying and jewish than bill ackman?    07/03/24  (12)
BREAKING: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) cancels rally with Biden this Friday    07/03/24  (3)
Northwestern Law sued for dinging white men    07/03/24  (2)
what should i do to make more money    07/03/24  (21)
Billy Ackman looks satanic to me, in my opinion, do u think he is?    07/03/24  (1)
The numbers are fraud..this is all fake and going to collapse    07/03/24  (1)
(RFK Jr voice) "I put a dog turd in a blind girl's sandwich. We all have skeleto    07/03/24  (3)
TT do you see the fraud amerikkkan numbers sustainable?    07/03/24  (1)
Favorite Ayatollah?    07/03/24  (1)
People can do what they want not continuing to be sheep    07/03/24  (1)
do you remember when "pusha t" endorsed "hillary clinton"    07/03/24  (1)
LOL life imitates flame, nephew's slutty GF gave me a handjob over 4th    07/03/24  (77)
MASE rate my EV prediction map ITT    07/03/24  (16)
Insta-thot glitter filter Armenian chick criminal Hit-Woman Assassin arrested    07/03/24  (1)
List great posters with sub 100 IQs    07/03/24  (2)
Young Annalena Baerbock (ai) - sfw    07/03/24  (9)
"We should go with RFK Jr!" "I raped my babysitter and ate a dog once..."    07/03/24  (1)
It's Her Turn    07/03/24  (1)
Primus seems like a 180 band    07/03/24  (6)
Kamala's suck and fuck stories endear her to your future wife    07/03/24  (2)
Might have to break it off with fiance over cuck fetish stuff    07/03/24  (11)
I think people are underestimating Kamala    07/03/24  (11)
Never understood why "hot sauce" in my bag was supposed to mean something    07/03/24  (9)
Wow Kamala nominee odds skyrocketing on PredictIt    07/03/24  (41)
did i dream that "US" media tried to convince us neighborhood watches are bad    07/03/24  (3)

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