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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Ufc 303 discussion    06/29/24  (37)
Miley Cyrus defecates onstage in Sydney (vid) (graphic)    06/29/24  (5)
do you personally own a printer    06/29/24  (51)
Its funny to watch Catholics becoming Protestants in real time    06/29/24  (13)
Seeing redditors say “I don’t care if Biden is dead, Im voting for his cabin    06/29/24  (8)
Post Debate Poll: Biden leads Trump, 1/2 of Biden voters want him replaced    06/29/24  (9)
AC/DC was the only big 80s hard rock band that didn't go glam / hair / faggy    06/29/24  (21)
Ooh that snoot so scandalous And you know another nigga couldn't handle it    06/29/24  (14)
2026 tranny Secretary of defense guiding Bidens hand to sign another EO    06/29/24  (1)
why do ppl think Jill is forcing Biden to do this, perhaps he's stubborn AF?    06/29/24  (1)
lol Trumptards. now you're going to lose to Gavin Newsom    06/29/24  (10)
Biden responding "thats nice" after Hunter tells him he used to run the free wor    06/29/24  (1)
I'm basically the Paul Scholes of my over 40 soccer team.    06/29/24  (4)
Truly amazing how much shittier women get with age    06/29/24  (51)
BREAKING: Biden to head to Camp David to discuss the possibility of dropping out    06/29/24  (16)
lol rate this short twitter vid, why is this so funny    06/29/24  (4)
do Democrats risk bringing out the body double for the final debate?    06/29/24  (1)
Biden stuns critics and White House gym with 195kg hang clean:    06/29/24  (2)
Day 2 of no drink done. Anyone else doing a dry June?    06/29/24  (48)
Need to drop a huge smelly dump into a lib’s mouth, paulie you around?    06/29/24  (4)
Funny that boner police turned into insane deranged correction tp    06/29/24  (10)
How possible is it to hook up with a stranger at an airport    06/29/24  (8)
Went to a coffee shop in Guangzhou, saw a lot of customers on XO    06/29/24  (1)
First date off of ZYN    06/29/24  (16)
President Trump warping in pylons to power photon cannons on Mexican border    06/29/24  (18)
Got up at 4am and started drinking    06/29/24  (28)
South bend looks like a Christian rock concert these days lmao    06/29/24  (2)
Josh Duggar sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for child pornography    06/29/24  (4)
Trump puts last infinity stone in gauntlet & snaps 20 million illegals away    06/29/24  (4)
Jill Duggar and camera crew for new reality show outside spaceporn’s front doo    06/29/24  (2)
So let me get this straight about the Chevron decision    06/29/24  (50)
Wife got a beach house for the week. Asked me to come. I said no.    06/29/24  (38)
Russian special forces fighting in Vovchansk - video    06/29/24  (1)
If you're eastern orthodox you have to be bald and wear off the rack suits    06/29/24  (1)
Wow Satan sure is powerful    06/29/24  (5)
Protestants that convert to eastern orthodoxy are weird    06/29/24  (1)
Amerikkka is a terrible place to raise a family    06/29/24  (2)
How would Trump do against Kamala or Newsom?    06/29/24  (4)
Massive cuck fighting right now on UFC 303. Took wife’s name & ex husband live    06/29/24  (1)
Is TT really a Kamala supporter or was that an act?    06/29/24  (1)
Getting into Professional (amateur) Wrestling and need a name and gimmick HALP!    06/29/24  (5)
Biden considers dropping out    06/29/24  (1)
Should I jack off or watch a movie?    06/29/24  (3)
Gonna start nodrink. Five years of alcoholism is enough.    06/29/24  (472)
Hey it’s me    06/29/24  (32)
Rongtime Tlumpmo Here, But "Dr" Jill Biden Has Been An Innocuous 1st Lady    06/29/24  (10)
I'm finding it increasingly impossible to be attracted to any woman over 20    06/29/24  (5)
Flash: Biden about to bow out - link    06/29/24  (7)
Fizzkidd self-worth plummeting upon GJR’s return    06/29/24  (3)
what is the cr tv?    06/29/24  (11)
Are many “deadbeat dads” just earnest Losers who got dumped    06/29/24  (11)
everyone knew kamala swearing in before reelection was plan along in 2020    06/29/24  (2)
Holy shit bros, took my first golf lesson ever today    06/29/24  (33)
Shit dementia joe odds on predictit are collapsing    06/29/24  (2)
Holy shit bros, took my first poz load ever today.    06/29/24  (8)
I really wish the golf debate would've continued for like 10 minutes    06/29/24  (33)
Qatar stopped doing unlimited no fee flight changes    06/29/24  (8)
DOCTOR Jill sinking dems by refusing to let her puppet Joe drop out is delicious    06/29/24  (3)
Canada feels like it totally collapsed within the past 5 years    06/29/24  (6)
what are the most prestigious hobbies?    06/29/24  (67)
fuck pagan shit lmao cr    06/29/24  (3)
Upgrading my PC, giving up on Handsome (FizzKidd)    06/29/24  (67)
Why not run Dr Jill Biden?    06/29/24  (1)
Michelle Obama    06/29/24  (6)
You Christian system subscription has expired. Would you like to renew?    06/29/24  (1)
Every Product Is A System. Roof = Roofing System. Mattress = Sleeping System    06/29/24  (12)
What is the cr wok?    06/29/24  (3)
Disco, like you, Teewinot Mountain has been high on my list for redemption    06/29/24  (7)
still crazy to see the establishment, so-called journalists freaking out    06/29/24  (1)
God grants repentance from the trap of the devil    06/29/24  (1)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/29/24  (74)
Dipset was the most violently 2000s thing imaginable    06/29/24  (1)
Is Mount Teewinot volcanic at all?    06/29/24  (4)
*****OFFICIAL 6/27/2024 TRUMP BIDEN DEBATE THREAD*****    06/29/24  (158)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/29/24  (65)
christianity is real    06/29/24  (3)
74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot    06/29/24  (40)
ricky mouthing "fuck" alone after taking the kill Mig GofundMe money    06/29/24  (6)
Reminder, (((brushing your teeth))) is total flame.    06/29/24  (9)
me rebuking jordan peterson according to 1 tim 5:20    06/29/24  (1)
California sober?    06/29/24  (4)
Alimony vs. Student Loan Debt    06/29/24  (14)
Can you see the peach fuzz on this teens stomach?    06/29/24  (1)
The temptation feels like a lie    06/29/24  (2)
jesus is lord lmao 180    06/29/24  (6)
christianity is 180 if you can bit the bullet and accept being a loser    06/29/24  (4)
The West has fallen and you will fall with it, Goy    06/29/24  (4)
christ will return and the world will rest in the bosom of his enduring love    06/29/24  (1)
on four days nodrink but thinking of going yesdrink tonight    06/29/24  (11)
I love women's bodies    06/29/24  (12)
Poll: Is Beastie Boys classic rock or alternative?    06/29/24  (10)
disco what coin denomination was your fav in prior collecting phase?    06/29/24  (1)
This lib shitshow over Biden is just hilarious    06/29/24  (3)
tropical animals    06/29/24  (1)
christianity is the greatest religion ever devised    06/29/24  (2)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    06/29/24  (397)
I’m worried my 12 y/o son is gay    06/29/24  (17)
Fun fact: Conseula would JUMP to sell silver to Germanus for 3 nomismata    06/29/24  (82)
Protip: BIDEN isn't going to withdraw    06/29/24  (20)
Jill has to be the best FLOTUS ever.    06/29/24  (3)
saying "jesus" is the gayest thing possible    06/29/24  (1)
Serodiscordant receptive bareback gay anal sex for money    06/29/24  (1)
NY Times editorial board calls on Biden to exit race - link    06/29/24  (89)
whats the best AI app for coding?    06/29/24  (3)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/29/24  (74)
Senior Biden official leaks Joe fucked Jill "in all 3 holes" after debate    06/29/24  (2)
How many "must do" public appearances does Biden have before the election?    06/29/24  (3)
The overwhelming power of the loving light of Christ    06/29/24  (3)
Calvinism is 180    06/29/24  (1)
Do libs still pretend 6 million Venezuelans walked 3,000k miles to get here    06/29/24  (5)
FACT: none of this would be happening if Putin were 6'2"    06/29/24  (12)
59% of Devs Blame Investors & Management For Poor State of Gaming    06/29/24  (2)
to live is Christ, and to die is gain    06/29/24  (2)
what the fuck is Jill doing in this clip?    06/29/24  (6)
Amerikkkas on bell of a shithole county!    06/29/24  (1)
Are Chinese scientists the new Josef Mengeles?    06/29/24  (1)
paul the apostle    06/29/24  (1)
Your dad could probably beat my dad in a fight, if we're being honest    06/29/24  (2)
lib friend is completely devastated    06/29/24  (5)
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage -worth a read?    06/29/24  (3)
Do trannies have to register with the selective service?    06/29/24  (1)
"as a Catholic, I would never pull out" (Biden)    06/29/24  (1)
Lob friend is feeling the heat    06/29/24  (1)
INDIA WIN THE 2024 MEN'S T20 CRICKET WORLD CUP u mad Birdshitz?    06/29/24  (4)
Gangsta Grillza aka Barack O Drama    06/29/24  (1)
Why Do India and China Keep Fighting Over This Desolate Terrain? (NYT)    06/29/24  (13)
Modern world is gay. We should have had kids in our 20s, not 30s    06/29/24  (6)
Homo Depot is a gay bar for DIY enthusiasts    06/29/24  (1)
Slim Thug - Boyz N Blue.mp3    06/29/24  (2)
Rare FizzKidd political opinion: Biden will win in 2024 (FizzKidd)    06/29/24  (24)
Russia says all Palestinians can immigrate if the men do 9 months in Ukraine    06/29/24  (6)
Looking good TSINAH (pic)    06/29/24  (1)
You are supposed to reproduce with a cross cousin    06/29/24  (2)
One of most consequential people in last ten years — Bernie Sanders. Hear me o    06/29/24  (5)
Drunkard tp outted on Twitter (pic)    06/29/24  (1)
Anyone here still read books?    06/29/24  (24)
Rate this San Francisco street sign    06/29/24  (3)
imagine the fun of a second trump term    06/29/24  (30)
to be fair, biden only had 10 days to prep for the debate    06/29/24  (3)
Rep. Massie defies Israel; his wife dies suddenly    06/29/24  (6)
MASE the Nate Silver emergency podcast is absolutely hilarious copium    06/29/24  (20)
When boomers fly too close to the sun...    06/29/24  (1)
wanting to fuck your mom is very healthy    06/29/24  (2)
How bad did freud want to fuck his mom    06/29/24  (1)
Lying is only permissible if you derive a benefit therefrom (the Torah, probably    06/29/24  (1)
2016 Shitcon: Kapernick is unpatriotic! 2022 shitcon: DEATH TO AMERICA!    06/29/24  (14)
Am I dreaming or did Biden accuse Trump of being 6’5” and 224lbs?    06/29/24  (7)
dat snoot is like a mini version of disco fries    06/29/24  (6)
Butt culture = history of exploiting and appropriating black bodies    06/29/24  (2)

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