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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Never know what to say to a chick after I nut in her    10/21/24  (12)
At what HEIGHT are you TOO TALL TO DANCE without looking weird?    10/21/24  (16)
never let a woman think you're a good listener    10/21/24  (7)
Watch this video and tell me what you see    10/21/24  (7)
MASE is going to be “borders” level humiliated when Trump loses    10/21/24  (23)
im not properly socialized    10/21/24  (7)
if FizzKidd breeds with a white man & has male child it will be Elliot Rogers    10/21/24  (7)
gunnerattt tries so hard to be popular and fails. karlstack doesnt even try    10/21/24  (35)
Besides Will Ferrell, name a comedian who got funnier as he got older.    10/21/24  (12)
fizzkid, jcm, and gjr in new england dyke polycule cuz xoxo turned them off men    10/21/24  (32)
Libs are shrieking and frothing in the street over Trump’s McD’s pwn    10/21/24  (1)
Is this an accurate recap of DrivethruGate so far?    10/21/24  (7)
what is the difference between hank_scorpio, harold lauder, and henry aaron    10/21/24  (3)
Nate Silver: "Arnold Palmer's Penis was in the 98.5th Percentile"    10/21/24  (4)
Should I just copytrade Pelosi?    10/21/24  (11)
fucked up that we don't put gargoyles on buildings anymore    10/21/24  (14)
This will be first POTUS election I'm not voting in...    10/21/24  (28)
Los Angeles Has The Highest Home Price-To-Income Ratio In The US    10/21/24  (80)
Why are redditors so retarded and annoying?    10/21/24  (6)
"For One Supreme Court Justice, Food Service Is More Than A Photo-Op." (NYT)    10/21/24  (28)
All of the early Church fathers were heretics    10/21/24  (4)
"no date today buddy? im just kidding." (trump handing mcdonalds bag to lex)    10/21/24  (5)
IDF tells Lebanese where to find billions in Hezbollah cash/gold (link)    10/21/24  (2)
Does completing the PCT or Appalachian Trail add much to a resume?    10/21/24  (6)
Xbox Series X|S is a disaster and Microsoft caused it    10/21/24  (39)
ITT: Tracking Trump's rise in PredictIt odds from 45% to 100%    10/21/24  (48)
Karlstack 30% off coupons blowing across Flying J lot like tumbleweed    10/21/24  (9)
George Carlin was an unfunny boomer libfaggot    10/21/24  (25)
Julia Impostor Taking Qs    10/21/24  (6)
libs think kamala is winning just because more people have voted for her 😂    10/21/24  (5)
"i became pro life when melania kept byron [sic] despite his prognosis" (trump)    10/21/24  (14)
NPR really showing their truest colors with this Trump McDonalds story this morn    10/21/24  (5)
Chris Christie says he wants to campaign alongside Trump now!    10/21/24  (5)
we need to be more vicious to TDNW tp.    10/21/24  (87)
LTM where else are you a citizen of? Does it start with I and rhyme with Yisreal    10/21/24  (1)
Hypo: you're adopted. You have no idea what your ancestry is, don't care    10/21/24  (1)
I will use one of my faggot passports to leave this faggot land!' LTM blasts off    10/21/24  (3)
Kamala EVISCERATES Trump in her townhall today with Liz Cheney (link)    10/21/24  (18)
Did well ever get to the bottom of whether Kamala worked for McDonald's?    10/21/24  (1)
Trump is like the dad in Big Fish    10/21/24  (1)
Trump to luis: “Why on earth are you nude? Now, now this is a new one.”    10/21/24  (1)
Karlstack, what are your thoughts on (((RSF))) and his 9/11 blood money and    10/21/24  (1)
Hey Karlstack, here's a fucking good place to pick up subscribers    10/21/24  (3)
Libs please, PLEASE don't open this thread. You're not going to like it.    10/21/24  (74)
Ackman subbing with 30% discount will be Karlstack's rejected art school    10/21/24  (2)
Karlstack signing up for ancestry.com    10/21/24  (3)
Uber for War Zones: Moti Kahana's $200M Plan to Deploy US Mercenaries in Gaza    10/21/24  (1)
Biglaw really isn't that bad if you have no life    10/21/24  (31)
Rate the wife of this obj 10 JACKED male Harvard PE stud    10/21/24  (61)
LOL WaPost uploads blatantly photoshopped McDonald's W-2 to "prove" Kamala H    10/21/24  (8)
Reminder: TDNW poasted for a decade as “Pederastrian”    10/21/24  (17)
Karlstack is very brave but he's going to get demonetized by the Yids    10/21/24  (5)
NYT PROVES Kamala worked at McDonald's    10/21/24  (126)
Well here it is: Newsweek: McDs Trump was at previously cited by city inspectors    10/21/24  (4)
Trump's McDonalds was CLOSED when he visited...    10/21/24  (46)
I feel like this board was needlessly mean to redskalito    10/21/24  (3)
Original Iron Maiden singer is still alive and doing shows; lol@ Smashmouth weak    10/21/24  (8)
Arnold Palmer's daughter: "Yeah, my dad was hung like a goddamn mule."    10/21/24  (14)
Daughter calls mother to give play by play of bear and her cubs consuming her    10/21/24  (51)
New Karlstack article: My 21 pieces of silver    10/21/24  (18)
wow. can't believe mystery ape lover finally poasted slutty pics    10/21/24  (9)
Daily he is coming in my office and approaching me for homosex    10/21/24  (58)
have you ever looked up past college sluts who are now good WIVES & MOMS?!    10/21/24  (3)
Trump: Barron Has Never Had A GF, Doesn't Mind Being Alone    10/21/24  (6)
Karlstack saga makes me fear what influence xo can have on us irl    10/21/24  (10)
I hope TDNW’s kids die agonizingly of leukemia    10/21/24  (13)
Rating posters as civil procedure topics    10/21/24  (129)
“Do I HAVE to get double penetrated for this scene, Daddy?” (TDNW’s kid)    10/21/24  (3)
trump did nothing wrong except for the 1000 decisions i disagree with (TDNW)    10/21/24  (74)
So karlstack ruined his life for no reason?    10/21/24  (52)
My son, Barron, is shy about asking questions about sexual matters    10/21/24  (4)
Check out Lazer Club if you like synthwave    10/21/24  (3)
so people really thought Luis’ cancer thing was real?    10/21/24  (146)
describe your hard breakups    10/21/24  (25)
rate this substack author looking for a "troon" on Tiktok    10/21/24  (5)
Donald calls "Byron" [sic] a gay virgin    10/21/24  (3)
is it cr to get a chubby, cheerful baking gf (CCBGF)    10/21/24  (4)
car is gonna get repo'd, wheres the best place to hide it?    10/21/24  (1)
TBF dusts off keyboard after small break, logs into xoxo, tears TDNW new asshole    10/21/24  (8)
stinkhole leaving a round brown spot on your couch    10/21/24  (1)
Gen Alpha are much more based than their whiny millennial parents (link)    10/21/24  (1)
Kamala doubles down on her working at McDonald's (link)    10/21/24  (2)
A Jewish woman told me Kant was Jewish    10/21/24  (1)
Karlstack tweeting about MILFs mocking Christ    10/21/24  (3)
R2D2 and CW236 having homosexual droid fuck fest    10/21/24  (1)
Fuck. Got the absolute joker raped out of me at work today    10/21/24  (12)
Atlas Intel lastest poll shows most likely Trump victory... Very close    10/21/24  (24)
The polling subreddit is just filled with posts about how polling is fake lmao    10/21/24  (15)
RATE Kai Trump's Apparent BF (?) & His Swing (VID)    10/21/24  (2)
Hezbollah Hiding $500M In Cash/Gold In Bunker Under Hospital    10/21/24  (5)
Suri Cruise marrying Barron on WH lawn as giant UFO hovers overhead    10/21/24  (63)
tbf screaming "FUCK JEWWWWWWS" as he runs with armful of neighbors stolen electr    10/21/24  (2)
BBW Ranchers - Code Red! Thunderclap Tammy’s (TT) Defection from BBW Utopia    10/21/24  (7)
what's the longest relationship you've been in that didn't end in marriage    10/21/24  (56)
Trump's McDonalds stunt was a wild success. It got so much attention and it's    10/21/24  (4)
tbf committed burglary & was called histrionic woman by court appointed shrink    10/21/24  (4)
The women I've loved have all been very upset if I spent too much time away    10/21/24  (6)
Harris ahead in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin    10/21/24  (4)
good morning    10/21/24  (7)
Karlstack tweets "are you Jewish my man?" 100 times    10/21/24  (14)
Death seems pretty chill, bros    10/21/24  (1)
Blue eyes are the defining characteristic of white people    10/21/24  (64)
Trump in McDs apron may win him the election    10/21/24  (62)
There's no way Kamala wins at this point    10/21/24  (2)
Possible to just roll up to Lebanon and ca$h in on some A-rab gold in rubble?    10/21/24  (1)
What does "CW236" mean at Jiffy Lube?    10/21/24  (11)
"Sometimes the old ways are best, like miscegenation laws and beef tallo- hi who    10/21/24  (1)
McDonald's agrees to ditch seed oil and reintroduce tallow after TRUMP request    10/21/24  (13)
What sort of accounting personnel for $3 million EBITDA company?    10/21/24  (14)
"But my follower count" Karl whined as landlord posted 3 day notice for nonpayme    10/21/24  (18)
MASE, Trump *can't* win. TBF said his debate vs. Kamala was bad. QED.    10/21/24  (4)
It's a Pittsburgh Rasputina cover band called Pennsylvanian Concubine    10/21/24  (4)
Hitler thought America was controlled by Freemasons, and they controlled by Jews    10/21/24  (2)
"Fatsputina" is a BBW Rasputina cover band    10/21/24  (1)
talmudic, disingenuous, naive wigger ("TDNW")    10/21/24  (1)
lmao at the october surprise being that retard candidate DIDN'T work at mcd’s    10/21/24  (1)
Every Mexican I know spends the entire day watching porn on their phone    10/21/24  (13)
BEST Trump Achievement of Term 1: Jerusalem Embassy or Low Black Unemployment?    10/21/24  (25)
USCSS McDonald's, the first Emperor Class Battlecruiser    10/21/24  (8)
Emilio Instagram where he surprises autistic men w/ free creed tickets    10/21/24  (33)
God Emperor Barron's 2028 Campaign Poster leaked (link)    10/21/24  (3)
I can’t believe the Walz pedo story hyped by Trumpmo Twitter was a hoax    10/21/24  (6)
Trump's biggest accomplishment: Israeli embassy in Jerusalem. LMAO    10/21/24  (28)
MDH, you're a bitch. (WMTP)    10/21/24  (58)
How was Walz selected for that Harvard teach in China program?    10/21/24  (1)
Ricky described himself as a 6’2 Anglo/nordic chad (not Jewish) a few years ag    10/21/24  (23)
What province in China is your Chinese wife from?    10/21/24  (4)
It's insane that UC Hastings was the best law school Kamala got accepted to    10/21/24  (45)
I'll never get tired of the Bobby Fischer press conference where he tells Jeremy    10/21/24  (1)
Knock on wood, but it's looking RILL GOOD for Trump. XO election night is gonna    10/21/24  (2)
October surprise: Tim Walz posted on online racist forum as "Spaceporn"    10/21/24  (6)
Journalists fucking EXPOSE Trump for using AI to manipulate his supporters (link    10/21/24  (4)
Illegal Haitian immigrants have eaten Keith Olbermann's dog (link)    10/21/24  (3)
Nathan Wade resigns from Trump GA case    10/21/24  (16)
2033: MASE giving a tour of his perfect replica Oval Office in his mansion.    10/21/24  (1)
prime fuck meat tp    10/21/24  (2)
You gotta get out there and heckin’ vote!    10/21/24  (1)
Your personal top 5 European cities?    10/21/24  (26)
ITT: Mainlining's Analysis of Top/Honorable Mention & TTT Euro Cities    10/21/24  (1)
“At least he moved the embassy to Jerusalem!” thought the PowerGoy    10/21/24  (41)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    10/21/24  (45)
So Disgraced Idiot Paralegal Mohammad Now Going By "Reverend Right"?    10/21/24  (6)
Why are Trump's rallies so tiny? does he have any supporters?    10/21/24  (1)
Advanced BBW Ranching Techniques for the Modern Rancher - 2024 Edition    10/21/24  (15)
How do we objectively get rid of nyuug for good?    10/21/24  (27)
xo is bloated and hopeful    10/21/24  (3)
Repetitive spamming chinks 'honiara' and 'nyuug' should be banned    10/21/24  (34)
XO Lina Khan enacts click-to-cancel rule for subscription services    10/21/24  (11)
How come Kamala whites look upscale but Trump whites look smelly + degenerate?    10/21/24  (1)

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