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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
TT: I’m gonna sodomize you    09/01/24  (9)
180 forgot this place existed    07/24/24  (5)
.    07/06/23  (1)
Suck my motherfucking coooooooooocccck    07/06/23  (1)
reverse SPH: "this is the only cock you deserve you dirty slut"    05/03/23  (10)
* * * * * * * * * * ALLAHU AKBAR * * * * * * * * * *    04/14/23  (16)
rating poasters as cock cages    03/16/23  (59)
Marking my territory here *Pisses all over board*    12/22/22  (6)
N I G G E R    03/30/22  (1)
jcm what are ur thoughts on medium penis humiliation?    03/30/21  (3)
rate this alpha male independent researcher in erectile health (180):    02/06/21  (4)
This is my bort now    11/14/20  (1)
I have a tiny penis.    11/14/20  (6)
LOSER TRUMP    11/09/20  (1)
I'm the #1 poaster around here    08/28/20  (1)
i feel like putting a COCK in a CAGE today    05/31/19  (6)
Poast ITT if you want to feel BETTER about your tiny dick    04/23/19  (61)
   04/23/19  (3)
lol wtf    02/05/19  (1)
337k for 20 years at Bentonville office tax free then 1mm pension for life?    12/31/18  (4)
what is this place    09/10/18  (6)
whoa    09/09/18  (5)
Once dressed ex like horse & my friends & I rode him & mocked small penis    05/27/18  (7)
337k tax free full benefits but you mu$t live in Bentonville    05/15/18  (11)
i found it    05/09/18  (1)
what are our feelings on LPSG?    03/20/18  (4)
do women get better at taking girthy cocks as they age?    12/23/17  (13)
Taking questions on CFB    12/04/17  (58)
I want spritezero to oink at me while he hogties me    11/20/17  (5)
WOMEN OF XOXO: ITT poast what it feels like to be fucked by a BIG dick    11/07/17  (32)
I want JCM to be my irl gf    10/30/17  (51)
Who invented the 40-50x meme?    10/27/17  (18)
Poast ITT if you want to be HUMILIATED for your dick size    10/27/17  (7)
JCM describe your experience with Somali dick    10/27/17  (30)
I once made an ex jerk off onto a cinnamon bun and eat it    10/26/17  (4)
why should i be humiliated about my cute, classy cock? 100% aesthetic    10/26/17  (1)
Someone needs to STICKY Penis vs. Cock on this sph boart    10/26/17  (2)
8==D or 8==================D; ladies, which would you pick?    10/26/17  (13)
8=o    10/26/17  (3)
Come HERE for your SMALL PISSCLIT HUMILIATION, BOYS!    10/26/17  (4)
for me SPH isnt so much a fetish as a naughty game girls can play, like flashing    10/26/17  (2)
FIRST! OMG I LOVE YOU RACH!!!!!!!!!!!!    10/26/17  (7)

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