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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
lmao nearly half of summer is already gone    06/18/24  (11)
More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects(NYT)    06/18/24  (12)
Most egregious Jewish propaganda I’ve seen in a while (link)    06/18/24  (13)
180 that Cslgs fraud doesn’t work for restaurants like it did with pi scam    06/18/24  (18)
Artsy rock bands that actually sucked    06/18/24  (220)
we got a real sicko here. *tosses folder on desk* wants to play 'toddler T-ball'    06/18/24  (1)
fulano, my zoomer gf is legitimately insane. what should i do?    06/18/24  (2)
Tommy T btfo: Chinese women are massively feminazi cunts    06/18/24  (14)
Do jewish ppl believe anyone buys their "jews are discriminated against: nonsens    06/18/24  (17)
Sang well at firm karaoke, now known as The Tamil J Timberlake at work 🐶    06/18/24  (5)
They will not get away with stealing your or my life! We will get out lives back    06/18/24  (1)
AZNGirls meet Handsome in China but berate him for being American    06/18/24  (23)
Statues have such small penises    06/18/24  (15)
open registration now    06/18/24  (7)
fulano's husband waking him up on sunday morning to get big brunch    06/18/24  (12)
Someone posted 200mb of Kirkland & Ellis client correspondence on Kazaa in 2001    06/18/24  (5)
holy shit @ the last 24 tab. xo really is dying :(    06/18/24  (25)
ya'll xo women need to stfu when fulano is talking    06/18/24  (22)
White supremacist throws pregnant migrant off bus (vid)    06/18/24  (1)
WaPo op-ed: “It’s still HER turn”    06/18/24  (33)
when fulano walks into a thread you see the pumpkin spice lattes go flying    06/18/24  (4)
Waldo Jeffers had reached his limit.    06/18/24  (8)
Nvidia now the most valuable company in the world, overtaking MSFT, AAPL    06/18/24  (3)
Where is the best place in the world to live?    06/18/24  (39)
*locks all the doors and lets a deer run loose on xo*    06/18/24  (21)
Darude (Sandstorm guy) is a chiseled Chad not flame    06/18/24  (1)
Heist music plays as black 007 puts soda in her water cup @ Burger King    06/18/24  (24)
Jerry Sandusky, butt raper, thinking about Joe Paterno's scrotum and jerking off    06/18/24  (8)
waldo jeffers tp    06/18/24  (1)
I've shit in 34 different courthouses    06/18/24  (31)
Saul of the Mole Men makes so much more sense now    06/18/24  (3)
“NES: The Nazarene’s Extremist Sanhedrinphobia” (NYT circa AD 33, probably    06/18/24  (1)
POLL: should i coach toddler's t-ball team    06/18/24  (10)
how the furk is jamaal bowman not in jail rn???    06/18/24  (10)
I’m going to party like Hunter Biden after TRUMP wins on Tuesday!    06/18/24  (5)
Using the word creepy=you are a jealous fraud and die whore    06/18/24  (1)
Weather looks perfect across the Midwest on Tuesday. Sorry Trumpers.    06/18/24  (15)
emilio did you ever wind up checking out Sandman?    06/18/24  (34)
Bill Belichick making Swift/Kelce Mahomes fraud seem Pedestrian    06/18/24  (4)
Hot Cousin:youre welcome to lick my toffee Shrew GF:coffee is bad for you!    06/18/24  (16)
Frisky Dingo.    06/18/24  (5)
   06/18/24  (4)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/18/24  (21)
This world is trash! You're #1 and the only one which matters!    06/18/24  (8)
Take American fraud women to the woods&have ur way with the fraud bitches    06/18/24  (1)
Stop pandering to American "women" they=frauds fucking with u    06/18/24  (1)
I'm saving this place myself..glad to see most of the frauds go! Good riddance    06/18/24  (1)
"Don't think you'll see any FILTHY NIGGERS here!" winked the realtor in 2025    06/18/24  (1)
"Nobody In This Area Puts The Cheese On The Raw Patty," The Realtor Winked    06/18/24  (3)
evan39 a freaking Buc-ee's car was "manager" starts at 125k plus amazing perks    06/18/24  (21)
Funny "inflation" is listed at 3% when it's really between 400 and 500%    06/18/24  (9)
Anne Frank except its DBG family living in his goy-in-laws basement during Covid    06/18/24  (3)
Sports fraud under attack Jobas trophys smashed&in a dumpster ljl 50 years worth    06/18/24  (5)
Lol do Americans realize their nation is a fraud and they have 0 rights?    06/18/24  (6)
Gibberish just a bunch of haters just go creampie your wife    06/18/24  (3)
Every James Cameron movie begins with the letter “A” or “T”    06/18/24  (1)
Lol that the fraudflation "reports" don't include skyrocketing food&utilities    06/18/24  (1)
"Great Korean fried chicken spot over there, only one in the area..."    06/18/24  (1)
Stop pandering to the bullshit..    06/18/24  (1)
Sewer skunk polack Iga Swiatek describes taking a huge shit during tennis match    06/18/24  (15)
“NBA Finals?” the realtor laughed. “No, I don’t think anyone here watche    06/18/24  (3)
I tried taking a 2 week break from XO & gave up in 7 hours    06/18/24  (1)
One of the weird things about growing up in a blue state and turning con    06/18/24  (77)
New sitcom "My Computer Wife" premiering on CBS this Thursday (link)    06/18/24  (3)
Business idea: hole in a screen to stick weiner into    06/18/24  (1)
My wife? She's a computer.    06/18/24  (1)
WHERE THE FUCK IS TBF    06/18/24  (8)
Wife took son to the doctor. Doctor told her that son will be drug addict.    06/18/24  (21)
New sitcom "My Wife's Computer Job" premiering on CBS this Thursday (link)    06/18/24  (4)
when you go to eat a girl out and it smells like stale piss    06/18/24  (29)
Are F500s Smart To Not Promote Anyone, Or Is It Short Sighted?    06/18/24  (43)
I got a fucking subpoena served on me yesterday (zurich)    06/18/24  (18)
Remember when Hillary Clinton sauntered back on debate stage after taking a shit    06/18/24  (3)
unsaid truth: spaceporn is actually on his fifth or sixth adopted asian son.    06/18/24  (2)
Just imagine how fucked up disco fries’ kids are gonna turn out    06/18/24  (1)
Fuck me, some twat really stank up the elevator with some thunder farts    06/18/24  (1)
Who are these guys who can’t get wives or GFs    06/18/24  (30)
literally heard no one at my firm discussing the NBA finals    06/18/24  (6)
Lube up Celtics.    06/18/24  (39)
1990s common sense that society has Forgotten    06/18/24  (19)
USPO do the other Ice Miller associates treat you different b/c you're Bengali?    06/18/24  (1)
Rupinder is the 2nd best rapper from Cash Rupee Millionaires    06/18/24  (2)
RICKY. Just straight up screenshot your By You and imgur link me    06/18/24  (13)
Who will become the new masters following Jews being knocked off high horse?    06/18/24  (4)
XO legend Charles Murray (Bell Curve author) endorses Karlstack    06/18/24  (21)
"Wow I love eating puss-" (throat cancer tumor spills out)    06/18/24  (5)
*Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood music plays as camera pans across Halford's hellroom*    06/18/24  (15)
"I've recently transitioned" (rope coil spills from handbag)    06/18/24  (1)
Schumer's wife looks like a man in drag/tranny    06/18/24  (12)
"excuse me sir, I..." *briefcase full of superfluous vaginas spills open*    06/18/24  (1)
Bollywood music plays as Prateek Bhopale moves under limbo bar standing up strai    06/18/24  (21)
Pajeet Goldberg hasn’t tweeted in a couple days    06/18/24  (4)
CNN: Deceased voters remain committed to President Biden    06/18/24  (11)
is there a single decent mainstream news source?    06/18/24  (3)
Why do evangelicals cuck for jews and israel?    06/18/24  (58)
"Becky, Rupinder says he lakh likes you"    06/18/24  (2)
The Zodiac Biller sending clients cryptic time entries    06/18/24  (9)
US Army officer: Patriot systems in Ukraine have been a disaster    06/18/24  (18)
Hey there Rupinder what's it like in Mumbai City....    06/18/24  (3)
To "Goldfinger" theme: Ruuuuuu-PINDER, he's the man who gets the needful done    06/18/24  (94)
who here has a couple of spare accounts? for historically important poasters    06/18/24  (67)
Biden: 'This Guy, Rupinder, comes from India, use to date my Daughter, its true"    06/18/24  (1)
Awesome day...8 hours of race and social justice training!    06/18/24  (7)
"Wow, I love eating Ghee" (briefcase full of Rupinders spills out)    06/18/24  (4)
So Schumer put cheese on a burger and conturds went literally insane?    06/18/24  (20)
Jenny Nicholson's 270 minute review of your penis called "An Hour An Inch"    06/18/24  (1)
Can the Property Brothers stop knocking fucking walls down    06/18/24  (119)
is it just me or are the Property Brothers creepy as fuck    06/18/24  (23)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    06/18/24  (49)
Netanyahu is pissed at lack of US support    06/18/24  (18)
Nancy Pelosi is in INDIA, hoap she enjoys a Peak Pipe Experience    06/18/24  (3)
Nice freedom and constitution, can I shove it in my ass?    06/18/24  (1)
Ben Shapiro hosting anti-woke, anti-DEI "Jewteenth" streaming event (link    06/18/24  (1)
Why are you letting them do this to us    06/18/24  (5)
Huma singing soft lullaby version of "Fight Song" to fussy Hillary    06/18/24  (25)
remember how Anthony Weiner saved America in 2016    06/18/24  (5)
RATE current view (RSF)    06/18/24  (31)
Hillary Huma pillow talk (leaked audio)    06/18/24  (1)
I actually not flame think Hillary would do better than Biden in 2024    06/18/24  (10)
Metroid Prime 4 announced, Nintendo won the Gen again    06/18/24  (2)
Bunch of fucking faggot cowards who call themselves american men    06/18/24  (1)
SHOCK REPORT: Man 'o War is a Cape Coloured; not a quadoon per se    06/18/24  (14)
Seattle to begin hiring illegal aliens on the police force as cops    06/18/24  (11)
I (52F) am regularly sexually abused by my grandfather (110M)    06/18/24  (18)
holy shit, just got a text message updating me on fist fight tomorrow    06/18/24  (2)
Why is the lib pumo allowed to post facts I don’t like on the bort?    06/18/24  (10)
News networks will be too afraid to lie this election after $700m Dominion thing    06/18/24  (1)
This Boston team is probably the worst championship team I have ever seen.    06/18/24  (36)
Correction TP: Here is conclusive proof I am in construction    06/18/24  (6)
Why didn't last year's 5 Titan sub bros Just Jump upon implosion onset?    06/18/24  (1)
Jews crying on TV about antisemitism as they genocide innocent children    06/18/24  (5)
NYC Politician proposes charging residents to use Central Park (link)    06/18/24  (1)
Q: Why hasn't the jewish pedophile who posts here been banned yet?    06/18/24  (1)
Lessig: "Electoral College should choose Hillary Clinton"    06/18/24  (37)
My wife’s boyfriend says some people need medications    06/18/24  (1)
"Eating pussy" has become a ridiculous emperor has no clothes situation    06/18/24  (88)
Black Bump this if you agree that Israel is America's #1 Geopolitical Enemy    06/18/24  (1)
Daily reminder that Doctors are glorified, cartel-ized car mechanics    06/18/24  (72)
Con Air Plot Hole: why were there all those guns in the Airplane cargo bay?    06/18/24  (4)
beating ricky to death with a talmud on live TV    06/18/24  (27)
And the dr said he was *sniffles* *crying* he was smoking *tears* marijua    06/18/24  (1)
“America” and the stupid fucking faggots who live here deserve bankruptcy, s    06/18/24  (2)
this hooknosed 90 iq post wall dog woman is keeping her name    06/18/24  (4)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    06/18/24  (38)
Took a walk in the park yesterday, cost me $25.12.    06/18/24  (4)
annihilation,    06/18/24  (1)
holy shit, just got a text message upgrading me to first for flight tomorrow    06/18/24  (8)
pestilence, famine,    06/18/24  (1)
Crazy scenes from Kyiv right now. No wonder elections have been suspended (link)    06/18/24  (3)
ITT: the GOAT version of “Because you’d be in jail”    06/18/24  (9)

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