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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
CHINA shld destroy the US base in GUAM just for Fun    03/22/25  (1)
I don’t think I’ll ever maek it.    03/22/25  (3)
Any meal you would pay $1000 for?    03/22/25  (21)
Trump voter discovers new physics problem    03/22/25  (12)
Why do you do this to yourself?    03/22/25  (5)
Guy I know pisses 70% of the time he shits.    03/22/25  (3)
Hey, guys. I had this stroke of genius...what if we ONLY nominate WOMEN???    03/22/25  (63)
Genxers and above, you guys have ZERO idea how cooked these younger gens are    03/22/25  (6)
Crazy but true: the first internet post that ever used "LOL" also had n-word    03/22/25  (1)
HuffPost woman’s story is a good window into mental illness    03/22/25  (10)
Grok, what percentage of Tesla owners are liberal versus conservative?    03/22/25  (3)
Wouldn’t it be better to set your Tesla up on fire than sell at a 70% loss?    03/22/25  (3)
It’s ridiculous that in-house “lawyers” even need to be licensed    03/22/25  (1)
JD, Doctor of Law: The Rachel Cohen Story    03/22/25  (8)
We’re snatching people off the streets and putting them in foreign dungeons    03/22/25  (27)
No one waxes lyrical about the achievements of ancestors like mediocre white men    03/22/25  (52)
Whacked out Elon playing with table decorations at Mar A Lago (vid)    03/22/25  (8)
“My Husband Has Dementia. Can I Put Him In A Home And Move To Europe?” (Link    03/22/25  (5)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/22/25  (46)
NYT: “My Husband Has Dementia. Can I Put Him in a Home and Move to Europe?”    03/22/25  (10)
this forum sucks and has the most grotesque personalities on the internet    03/22/25  (3)
The Pitt on Max is good    03/22/25  (16)
I'm going to Dallas this weekend. Boom/evan/mainlining?    03/22/25  (16)
Japan belongs to Niggers and Mexicans and Jews. Tear down all the statues.    03/22/25  (1)
Nick Fuentes outed as a Jewish blackpiller Zionist (link)    03/22/25  (7)
Feeling cute, might get blown up in 2 seconds - link    03/22/25  (1)
What happened to Disc Golf?    03/22/25  (6)
why do mediocre Japanese men try to claim credit for Japanese history?    03/22/25  (1)
Taking ST BARTH Qs for 20min (RSF)    03/22/25  (73)
i once read a 'Haruki Murakami' novel at hipster ex-Gf's insistence    03/22/25  (1)
lux gayterna    03/22/25  (1)
Trump EVISCERATES Maine Governor right to her face re: trannies (link    03/22/25  (51)
So Discofries... cashing insurance checks is what you admire most?    03/22/25  (2)
Rate Elon’s tranny son    03/22/25  (16)
Haven't posted in months. Is RSF still childless, married and travelshrewing    03/22/25  (3)
WHY do trump and netanyahu continue their respective racist ways    03/22/25  (4)
is drinking alone the best weekend activity    03/22/25  (39)
"My New Haircut" came out 10 years ago.    03/22/25  (4)
Zoos are terrible…all animals need to be let free    03/22/25  (6)
Muse singer: "Black hoooles and ejaculaaaaaaations"    03/22/25  (3)
At least this PSLF ride is getting exciting towards the end    03/22/25  (1)
Funny how all the Things in "Western Civilization" are failing    03/22/25  (3)
Game over:(    03/22/25  (5)
japanese people are insects    03/22/25  (15)
Tommy are you still churning PSLF covered calls each month?    03/22/25  (2)
"hes chinese? lol. why does he hate jews?" pops into my head daily    03/22/25  (2)
there's something to be said for starting a crystal meth habit in late 40s    03/22/25  (1)
AOC: We need a democratic party that farts harder for us    03/22/25  (3)
reminder: you are all dumb proles, horse racing in USA will die within 20 years    03/22/25  (1)
good morning    03/22/25  (5)
death is like end of Flight of the Navigator, go back in time see your mom/dad    03/22/25  (3)
fraud dinosaurs with massive cock necks but car park needs column every 27ft    03/22/25  (3)
weird how the moon is the same size as the sun    03/22/25  (22)
CIA: China population between 350-650 million at best    03/22/25  (5)
luis screaming from tesseract, begging past self not to cryptogamble    03/22/25  (7)
if you 103% FFX (you need to kill a boss that appears in 1/1038576 save files)    03/22/25  (1)
my shitlib TDS manager went insane over company policy re: pronouns    03/22/25  (7)
I am the poorest GenX poaster on this web boart    03/22/25  (4)
u had one shot at life, and u didnt wanna be a champion 3yr old racehorse    03/22/25  (8)
GenXer here. Our generation didn't stand for anything.    03/22/25  (36)
the FBI needs to rip this dump of murderers open    03/22/25  (1)
Mainlining we're all "here" tonight (evan39)    03/22/25  (24)
reading jshad poasts on computer paper in patagonia bunker as nukes fly tp    03/22/25  (3)
this is a grotesque spook laboratory filled with depraved perverts    03/22/25  (1)
So libs are harassing Jewish college students+drawing swastikas on ppls' cars?    03/22/25  (4)
anti Trump propaganda failed in the US now it’s working on the world    03/22/25  (7)
You've been temporarily banned from participating in r/GenX    03/22/25  (73)
193k forgiven thanks to PSLF and Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸    03/22/25  (10)
Rsf u can access united club once checked in (even day prior)+1 day post-arrival    03/22/25  (1)
lol letitia james lied on her loan applications    03/22/25  (31)
nigger    03/22/25  (1)
Tim Walz is GenX but identifies as a boomer    03/22/25  (3)
is there any chick more foul than cucumbers    03/22/25  (2)
Sanders leads Clinton among voter <45, trails by 35 pts among GenX/Boomers    03/22/25  (6)
Next stop...Heroin Town    03/22/25  (2)
Arena of single women in 30s all discovering their exes were Narcissists (vid)    03/22/25  (21)
The Feces of the Republic    03/22/25  (2)
Peterman writing 'Spaceporn sends his regards' in lipstick on USPS truck mirror    03/22/25  (4)
Peloton is only $6 a share, it was $162 a few years ago    03/22/25  (20)
forgotten ancient philosopher Fæceus    03/22/25  (1)
GenX to boss on 1st day: what else can I do to be your bitch?    03/22/25  (9)
How GenX is different from Millenials    03/22/25  (9)
How will GenXers treat millennials once they replace the boomers?    03/22/25  (10)
Evan39, you braindead? Legally, Keisha needs two seats on the forklift, friend.    03/22/25  (8)
cowgod r/GenX Console thread    03/22/25  (19)
GenX tried to transcend phenotype and failed    03/22/25  (6)
r/GenX is some suicidally depressing stuff    03/22/25  (12)
Boomers and millennials made huge advances in computer technology, but not GenX    03/22/25  (11)
Why didn't r/GenX go Dark? Is it because they're a bunch of Boomer Lapdogs?    03/22/25  (6)
So tired of younger managers lecturing me (r/GenX)    03/22/25  (2)
Sounds like the OP isn't really GenX, but just enjoys trolling us about consoles    03/22/25  (5)
Final boomer pull up ladder move will be to cut soc sec for GenX and later    03/22/25  (5)
boomers and GenX are trying to forcememe massive asset inflation without wage in    03/22/25  (8)
GenX = House Niggers of Boomeracracy - never forget    03/22/25  (17)
if you're not white, you're not part of the Boomer/GenXYZ psychodrama    03/22/25  (3)
Did Reddit GenX ban cowgod?    03/22/25  (8)
Paralegal Mohammed's family show up in shitstained sandals: 'Lol, you didn't bui    03/22/25  (2)
There's a forever chemical called GenX    03/22/25  (2)
I like staring at black muscular men    03/22/25  (3)
lol at this autist    03/22/25  (1)
who’s a good boy?    03/22/25  (6)
I painted swastikas on my Tesla and I just tell ppl it was vandalized by libs    03/22/25  (2)
dunking your entire head into a toilet full of diarrhea    03/22/25  (1)
i'm trans    03/22/25  (7)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/22/25  (438)
My George Foreman grill has died    03/22/25  (1)
UMC gushing over "Dubai chocolate"    03/22/25  (3)
With all the evil boomer CEOs, it was a genX who was "CEO" of a division    03/22/25  (9)
Im suing my employer for discriminating against me for being GenX.    03/22/25  (4)
If only we could go back to the amazing Gen X culture of the 90's!    03/22/25  (2)
self-published new sci-fi novel on AMZN titled Niggers on the Edge of Tomorrow    03/22/25  (1)
Boart is actually completely dead this time had to program bot to bump 2024 poas    03/22/25  (3)
oh god i want him to pound my ass hard tonight    03/22/25  (1)
Mark’s “injury” means I mop while he watches.    03/22/25  (7)
Gay sex is so unnatural that gay men can't do it without drugs?    03/22/25  (6)
a certain, crucial loosening of the anal muscles of gay men tp    03/22/25  (1)
hello?    03/22/25  (2)
Start fre$h Yukon Territory?    03/22/25  (7)
To make piss and poopoo in open mouth Dey common Dey Peter man truck stop    03/22/25  (2)
Shit and piss and poopoo llp    03/22/25  (14)
Nashville is a shithole with whole blocks of the city that smell like sewage    03/22/25  (10)
did you enjoy his cock last night?    03/22/25  (1)
how much cock do you need on a daily basis?    03/22/25  (1)
phD? why don't you try getting a J-O-B    03/22/25  (1)
I'm Frank TJ Mackey, a master of the muffin and author of the Seduce and Destroy    03/22/25  (17)
I'll tell my son the boart was great once. The boart meant something.    03/22/25  (1)
Fraud rigged tow drive fag! Come HERE you FAGGGOT wrench TIME    03/22/25  (5)
We're gonna take Cinderella... And give her a cock    03/22/25  (1)
Explaining to co-workers that I'm the subject of elaborate fanfiction    03/22/25  (2)
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives"    03/22/25  (4)
He called me “bro.” I wished he meant something more.    03/22/25  (32)
Rose is displeased. What to DOOO?    03/22/25  (37)
The Mahchine™ is the centrifuge spinning down Mainlining's viral load assay    03/22/25  (3)
A Taste of the "Mahchine": Mainlining & Evan39 Dinner Party    03/22/25  (8)
Vangelis - To the Unknown Man.mp3    03/22/25  (4)
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives"    03/22/25  (5)
Chuck McGill (in his prime) v. 1 Howard Hamlin and 1 Cliff Main both in prime    03/22/25  (79)
Evan39 Takes Boom to Disneyworld: The Most Magical Disaster on EarTTTh    03/22/25  (4)
The Burden of Ambition: Disco Fries and the Ascent of Teewinot    03/22/25  (26)
This is all pathetic evan39... (Mainlining)    03/22/25  (8)
More fuking fraud.. Caspian "Sea" is no such thing..it's a petty lake    03/22/25  (16)
Evan39! Should I give up on "girls" and embrace "Chad"?    03/22/25  (12)
Evan, do you "see" what happens next?    03/22/25  (6)
Mainlining here..veddy worried fo my Mahchien...it wants you all to die    03/22/25  (5)
absurdity of it all—fraudlie$, ADM, Grizz, even "pep" $hit-maed now    03/22/25  (4)
"The Mahchine Ha$ Decided—And It'$ Mainlining Who Knock$"    03/22/25  (6)
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette"    03/22/25  (40)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    03/22/25  (31)

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