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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Kamala presents herself as full on Negress, no acknowledgement she's Indian    12/25/24  (63)
Photos of girl box was talking about (CSLG)    12/25/24  (135)
Baseball is practically dead. What's next?    12/25/24  (10)
CONTURDS: adios mother fuckers. Enjoy Greenland bitches.    12/25/24  (5)
Is it safe to visit Israel?    12/25/24  (6)
Hey cucumbers are you like *actually* gay or what?    12/25/24  (4)
AutoAdmit https certs expired. Let's start doompoasting about the end of XO    12/25/24  (10)
nyuug was right: Nvidia graphics cards suck    12/25/24  (2)
Hypo: you’ve just swallowed his hot cum.    12/25/24  (9)
honestly, we really need more Jews running this country.    12/25/24  (6)
dat 's'    12/25/24  (1)
Whok looking at 13 inch cock: "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."    12/25/24  (6)
Three 400lb men slapping Whok's face and forehead with their cocks    12/25/24  (6)
GOP: "We love BIG TECH!!!!"    12/25/24  (1)
Uncle told me he fucked Jane Fonda in 1975    12/25/24  (1)
Hellooooo Tom!    12/25/24  (1)
New Indiana Jones game lets you manually adjust hair quality in the settings    12/25/24  (1)
ITT list all the cuckiest X-mas traditions.    12/25/24  (46)
My uncle just BERATED my cousin’s wife for having IVF    12/25/24  (12)
Should I pay FedEx $50 or could they cause me problems?    12/25/24  (5)
In the spirit of Christmas, here are my top 10 shiksa bangs of 2024 (Ricky)    12/25/24  (6)
nyuug has total mastery of the XO search feature    12/25/24  (3)
18 minutes of crazy dildo riding    12/25/24  (1)
lib friend told me only whites commit "racism" and"violence"    12/25/24  (13)
21% of Iceland is now Foreign Born 😂    12/25/24  (18)
Great NYC Halloween Costume: Doctor carrying a bowling ball    12/25/24  (6)
What are you drinking?    12/25/24  (15)
Entire race of Grinches    12/25/24  (2)
When cons say Obama was divisive they just mean “not white”    12/25/24  (76)
mousy cousin announced she's married and pregnant    12/25/24  (18)
🎵 Shout out to my “Deli Coin” my “Delicious Coin”! 🎵    12/25/24  (2)
“You’ll get your gift tonight” (SP to SPjr)    12/25/24  (5)
goal is to get at least 2-3 women to commit suicide in 2025    12/25/24  (1)
If 20%+ of the population of a country doesn't have blue eyes, it's NOT white    12/25/24  (12)
can't believe how fucking gay things are    12/25/24  (1)
HAPPY HONDA DAYS!!!!    12/25/24  (10)
Muscadine Wine have you EVER played Gamecube?    12/25/24  (19)
Red Lobster ads on the TV. America's back!!    12/25/24  (1)
great job on keeping security certificates up-to-date rach    12/25/24  (2)
So Asians are supposed to be smart but keep voting for this - i.e. ghetto apes?    12/25/24  (31)
my uncle in the middle east has about $40m USD    12/25/24  (7)
SP making SPjr play house rules BopIt: “stroke it. suck it. fuck it.”    12/25/24  (6)
Consuela: does sales tax factor into your effective tax rate?    12/25/24  (7)
Interesting how trans kids are mostly pure white Anglo/Nordic types nowadays    12/25/24  (15)
Robbed molested and assaulted by Jews all year    12/25/24  (1)
Last Christmas for George Michael    12/25/24  (8)
lol...asians are robotically obsessive    12/25/24  (11)
Crazy that Musk went full mask off infinity turdskin invaders on Christmas Day    12/25/24  (1)
what exactly does "white nationalist" mean    12/25/24  (19)
xo is majority minority yet still white nationalist. america will be fine.    12/25/24  (16)
2nd cousin inches closer, looks at mistletoe, mouths, "uh oh!"    12/25/24  (41)
HAPPY HANUKKAH (mentioned nowhere in the Torah, invented by goy marketing    12/25/24  (5)
Violent Females: Any race differences here?    12/25/24  (22)
Being burned alive is the shittiest way to go    12/25/24  (29)
Husband of teacher who raped 13 y/o student defends her. Concerned dad IRATE    12/25/24  (1)
Japan is the only white nation left    12/25/24  (23)
Finally saw the recent Mad Max    12/25/24  (2)
In 15 years first world countries are going to look like the Mad Max movies.    12/25/24  (28)
XO richmos. Best ski resorts you've been to?    12/25/24  (38)
Thanks to the Daniel Penny incident, no one in NYC is willing to help anyone    12/25/24  (15)
Mississippi 19 y/o girl burned alive: what in the holy fuck    12/25/24  (7)
Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld and Athena Chan Zuckerberg were wed today by Rabbi Linda C    12/25/24  (35)
Does one drop rule apply for job applications?    12/25/24  (49)
What was the last video game console or handheld you bought for yourself?    12/25/24  (4)
Pajeets have ruined Christmas on Twitter, whining about their h1bs    12/25/24  (2)
You have a man's equipment, but you're still a boy    12/25/24  (1)
Confessions of an OnlyFans simp    12/25/24  (80)
Adultery should be punished as a felony, especially if you have kids    12/25/24  (16)
im fucking cooked bros    12/25/24  (9)
I don’t really know why proles call 401k “compound interest!”    12/25/24  (28)
Curious Joel Games the Social Security System (1952)    12/25/24  (3)
You can't say "I Gave Up" without saying "I'm Gay"    12/25/24  (6)
The perp that killed 3 in random knife attack in Germany was Arab, as expected    12/25/24  (31)
Gun Homicide Rate for US WHITES 420 times that of FRANCE    12/25/24  (12)
heard the quality of pizza in MFH is way the fuck down lately    12/25/24  (1)
"When I met Luigi Mangione" by Gurwinder Bhogal    12/25/24  (4)
Reminder Obama is white and whiter than 99.999999999999% of Americans    12/25/24  (45)
TMZ just dropped Marjorie Taylor Greene 1997 sorority beer bong pics    12/25/24  (10)
How is "hvac" different than a bugchasing queer?    12/25/24  (24)
Wife got me Ugg slippers for Hanukkah. I got her a Bulgari Serpenti bracelet.    12/25/24  (1)
Kiryas Joel (Jewish supremacist village in NY) voted 98.5% for TRUMP:    12/25/24  (8)
Cute neighbor thinks she can call the police on me for going through her garbage    12/25/24  (2)
new non-Jewish Christmas poaster, first day    12/25/24  (1)
think any Biglaw associates got any "urgent" emails today?    12/25/24  (2)
Are there any parts of the day when GunneratTTT is not megapoasting?    12/25/24  (39)
   12/25/24  (1)
nobody irl near me knows im ghosting everyone on new years day not flame lol    12/25/24  (4)
Quaker attempts to win men back with edgy new "Fuck Around Find Oats" ad campaig    12/25/24  (5)
Enjoy the fake ass "holidays" with fake ass people    12/25/24  (3)
We've all dumpster dived and even been shot down doing it; what's the big deal?    12/25/24  (1)
Going to be soooooo 180 so have GREELAND under U.S. control    12/25/24  (18)
180 mental illness today keep it up guys    12/25/24  (5)
Doesn't it seem like the death of Harambe was a turning point?    12/25/24  (16)
Asians are truly repulsive, morally speaking    12/25/24  (9)
Poast your kid's Christmas loot (or yours)    12/25/24  (1)
wonder why rsf isn't megapoasting rn. he must be at church.    12/25/24  (1)
Rate GOOD DAD, JD Vance with his WHITE little girl cooking Xmas cookies    12/25/24  (49)
Name one Salt of the Earth Non-Joo Birdshit Tech Executive?    12/25/24  (69)
Lmao @ the palpable rage from jag and other smug XOers now that Box is back    12/25/24  (85)
39 year old childless woman finding empowerment.    12/25/24  (6)
Usha Vance replacing Oval Office portrait of Abe Lincoln with Narendra Modi    12/25/24  (3)
Fuck another stolen "Christmas"! We never knew ye!    12/25/24  (2)
Tired of the faggotry and dishonesty    12/25/24  (34)
Various twitter bots (?) saying white people can't get coding interviews    12/25/24  (5)
Trump White Nationalism: "Let's Annex Vancouver so we get 5m More Turds"    12/25/24  (4)
When did roman catholics start having women speak in church?    12/25/24  (4)
Video: nyuug does NOTHING as his date gets robbed    12/25/24  (2)
NJ Kids ask why Hoboken Mall's Santa Clause smells like the Ganges River    12/25/24  (1)
Imagine living 50 more years and making into your 90s    12/25/24  (1)
Anyone want to do some really filthy Christmas simping?    12/25/24  (1)
Sister just asked "when are we giving up on that hair?" Not flame.    12/25/24  (24)
who has the Lester Diamond monikor?    12/25/24  (1)
We need to reimport Tommy Turd so we can deport him & MAGA    12/25/24  (2)
I objectively became a way shittier person this year    12/25/24  (1)
The "United Healthcare" CEO deserved to die..didn't he?    12/25/24  (8)
Could have fun at the Monarch but mainlining doesn't want 2:((Boom)    12/25/24  (23)
is Mcdonalds open?    12/25/24  (5)
I believe CSLG. Box is nasty    12/25/24  (3)
Kind of weird that Ricky has been saying he’s “nearly 40” since 2017    12/25/24  (10)
Hegemon is right, Codeine Crazy is the best Future song    12/25/24  (5)
Went to Ricky’s apartment. We smoked 6 blunts in 20 minutes in complete silenc    12/25/24  (49)
cslg vs the box is like spy vs spy but drawn by racist anti semitic cartoonists    12/25/24  (5)
Anyone else here live life to the fullest... On their own terms? I tend to doubt    12/25/24  (3)
Who invented the original Rube Goldberg machine?    12/25/24  (4)
Hyman, when does the rsf Xmas truce oficiallly end    12/25/24  (5)
Christmas Horror Story: "The Old Nurse's Tale" by Elizabeth Glaskell    12/25/24  (1)
Unpopular opinion: This place is full of bright, hinged, very diapered people    12/25/24  (5)
Family friends just offered us one of their French Bulldog puppies. We said yes.    12/25/24  (5)
I hate holidays where everything is closed    12/25/24  (21)
"We need a Landbridge to Alaska" the Birdshit lisped as his City burned to groun    12/25/24  (1)
Biz idea: we genocide all Indians but let TT live in a zoo    12/25/24  (2)
Fuck "Christnas"    12/25/24  (4)
would be 180 to finally die this year    12/25/24  (1)
MASE is being an uppity sarcastic piggie again. Nothing a hard anal won't cure    12/25/24  (17)
Elon Musk waving in Turdskins into the country like a third base coach    12/25/24  (1)
Box did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? Haha    12/25/24  (1)
MPM is useless if gunneratttt can’t win. He was by far the best poster in 2024    12/25/24  (14)
“She has the body of a 10yo.,” sneered the poaster with the body of a 10yo.    12/25/24  (1)
We need to enact enact all of Western Canada and create a land bridge to Alaska    12/25/24  (2)
I smear my fat man tits with homosexual cum (whok)    12/25/24  (41)
2026: JD Vance inaugurating first Masala Dosa Restaurant in Nuuk, Greenland    12/25/24  (3)
Western Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal, all ripe for the taking    12/25/24  (2)
Natalie Portman at 43 has the body of a 10 year old boy    12/25/24  (23)
My mushy boners aren't even 30% hard, can't fuck (whok)    12/25/24  (15)
StatsHandsome bottoming for whok    12/25/24  (14)
Landbridge to Alaska, we need this now, please Trump do it    12/25/24  (1)
Cucumbers tp is a butt bandit    12/25/24  (7)
Is Doobs or the RBI still relevant threats, or or are we truly irrelevant now?    12/25/24  (1)
Christmas is Yule stolen from Norse Pagans    12/25/24  (1)
Fwd: URGENT: re new matter: See attached. Response due Monday. Thx.    12/25/24  (470)

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