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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I just got a HJ at a coffee shop    06/16/24  (21)
Played golf today and wanted to beat the shit out of Korean guy behind us    06/16/24  (13)
NHL Game 4 exactly same as NBA Game 4    06/16/24  (6)
know a guy who's wife and dog died this week    06/16/24  (6)
know anyone who moved back to hometown? describe    06/16/24  (1)
The Mummy    06/16/24  (1)
REMINDER: this is the gook (pic inside)    06/16/24  (44)
But for Zionism, Palestine would be flourishing western-style multiracial democr    06/16/24  (2)
If there was a mountain taller than Everest it would be even more famous    06/16/24  (6)
Vid of 2 chads climbing Teewinot    06/16/24  (7)
How many new poasters have we added this year to date?    06/16/24  (41)
Black SF firefighter tries to kill azn FF. Azn gets fired, black keeps his job    06/16/24  (13)
How do you determine termination date if you give 3 months notice?    06/16/24  (4)
Would you rather be a billionaire who looks like Bill Gates or a millionaire who    06/16/24  (15)
Hitler did not know that the USA existed afaik    06/16/24  (9)
WestJet randomly buys 2 full flights the Xmas gifts they want    06/16/24  (13)
Do you ever feel at a loss for words after you cum inside somebody?    06/16/24  (3)
Trump likely does have genius level intellect    06/16/24  (62)
Rate this law teen at UPenn with 30k followers    06/16/24  (5)
Rate actress Angie Harmon's teen dotter's MUGSHOT:    06/16/24  (10)
“Alright nah” said Travis as he held down bbooom with one hand and spread hi    06/16/24  (18)
Imagine this “bat” is kelce and this “donut” is bboom’s asshole    06/16/24  (6)
Meet the 24-y.o. trying to solve Biden’s problems with young voters    06/16/24  (9)
the New York Times ran 97 articles referencing the “racial reckoning” in 202    06/16/24  (5)
Taylor Swift is ultra fake flame    06/16/24  (5)
Cumskins need 2 be deported! At least Indians add value    06/16/24  (8)
Should I Sell my Xbox and buy a PS5 and FF7R2?    06/15/24  (38)
North Dakota passes age limit on geriatrics running for congress    06/15/24  (1)
what is there to do in Rochester, NY for like 2 days?    06/15/24  (5)
HS girls in 1980s mostly just showered together    06/15/24  (6)
I will begin to masterbate in 30 minutes    06/15/24  (9)
"Based Camp: The Story of the Teewinot Mountain Tragedy" (2027 documentary)    06/15/24  (5)
Is this swimsuit model too skinny?    06/15/24  (1)
smoking weed constantly for 2 decades straight tp    06/15/24  (8)
Why doesn’t NYUUG start a KPOP group?    06/15/24  (1)
ok I give up on Korean food. it's all shit    06/15/24  (147)
PROJECT 2025: anyone else currently being interviewed?    06/15/24  (13)
Did anyone here ever go on poopsex.com in late 90s?    06/15/24  (6)
I think my husband has dementia. Can I leave him before it worsens?    06/15/24  (1)
German kids busting my girl Annalena's chops - video    06/15/24  (1)
I want to admit to you all that I'm a man (FizzKidd)    06/15/24  (5)
I question the holocaust happened like we were taught after seeing how Israel's    06/15/24  (4)
Any "cool guys" from DC here tonight?    06/15/24  (2)
Saturday night weed thread    06/15/24  (9)
I want to admit to you all that I am a homosexual (discofries)    06/15/24  (7)
HS student prints naughty racial slur 1000 times at school (link)    06/15/24  (16)
Anyone here also dreaming about climbing Teewinot Mountain    06/15/24  (1)
i could lift you while i suck your dick    06/15/24  (1)
Post-12 seasons of jokes&formula,writers said "fuck it, maek something beautiful    06/15/24  (2)
99% quit before they win big    06/15/24  (8)
did kirbymo ~~(> ' ' )> get married    06/15/24  (3)
Car dealer tried to scam me    06/15/24  (5)
Wouldn't a large % of Italian Americans have supported Mussolini?    06/15/24  (1)
Chasiv Yar Russian assault destroyed with drones - video    06/15/24  (1)
The State of Columbine scholarship    06/15/24  (1)
Troy (2004) - Hector vs Achilles    06/15/24  (36)
Morikawa's Father: Why You No Pray US Open At Pinehurst No. 1?    06/15/24  (2)
Christcuck MPA rushing in to take your hand off your masturbating penis    06/15/24  (19)
Holy shit, David Duke is a geezer now - video    06/15/24  (1)
DISCO FRIES- my G/F just said you're lying & not 300 lbs    06/15/24  (1)
Dear Elon: Go to work you lazy fuck and make us goddamn money - shareholders    06/15/24  (1)
Wake Forest seems like an awesome UG to attend.    06/15/24  (66)
Lost 19 pounds in 15 days on my low protein diet    06/15/24  (28)
Thoughts on orthodox Jews?    06/15/24  (7)
Disco Fries first morbidly obese Texan to summit Wyoming's "3000ers"    06/15/24  (1)
In the girth of history Birdshits were not in North America for long    06/15/24  (5)
72 year old Bill Belichick dating 24 year old ex-cheerleader    06/15/24  (2)
NYPD cop arrested for showing his peepee to a black whore    06/15/24  (3)
Teewinot East Face - A Documentary    06/15/24  (3)
At what net worth level does it start making sense to see tax avoidance consulta    06/15/24  (7)
Disco, maybe try Middle Teton. Middle. Teewinot is more technical    06/15/24  (1)
Just spent $600 at CostCo's to stock up on food for Teewinot ascent    06/15/24  (1)
Just made it to base camp 3 at teewinot. Have to go back down (DF)    06/15/24  (3)
Setting up google news alert for Teewinot & lawyer & accident    06/15/24  (2)
Trump goes off on Zelensky - video    06/15/24  (22)
The Matrix Reloaded Chateau Fight IS The Greatest Scene in the History of Cinema    06/15/24  (19)
I’m a diminutive panty-sniffing asian “male” and I want to be anally domin    06/15/24  (1)
AZNgirl - (fatfuck) Disco Fries needs a SHERPA for Teewinot this August    06/15/24  (1)
"Watch 'Europa: The Last Battle'" hissed the purple lips through the glory hole    06/15/24  (1)
Teewinot summit is only 3 miles from the parking lot.    06/15/24  (4)
Since when is it legal for Catholic-Niggers to play 1488-Lacroase?    06/15/24  (11)
Django Unchaned gets better with every viewing    06/15/24  (19)
1488 kill every man and woman who isn't me    06/15/24  (2)
Saturday night sneed thread    06/15/24  (2)
Who dis nigger up on dat nag?    06/15/24  (1)
Django unchained toothwagon except this time with a pepperoni on top    06/15/24  (12)
Everything is Fraud in Amerikkka &it's exhausting    06/15/24  (24)
“You can’t destroy Candyland!” Proceeds to destroy Candyland    06/15/24  (1)
I count six shots nigga scene Django Unchained    06/15/24  (2)
TBF if Ukraine retakes Kherson how will you spin that?    06/15/24  (55)
Django Unchained Leonardo DiCapario Skull Scene    06/15/24  (4)
Big Daddy in Django Unchained    06/15/24  (6)
Django was highly credited brothers    06/15/24  (40)
kristof phoning it in    06/15/24  (2)
Democrat compares Clarence Thomas to Stephen from Django Unchained    06/15/24  (2)
DiCaprio and Sam Jackson are both so fucking funny in Django    06/15/24  (16)
disco fries ordering the Endless Jambalaya at the Teewinot Summit Bar & Grill    06/15/24  (2)
Samuel Jackson circa Django Unchained (2012)    06/15/24  (4)
Django Unchained feels like a lost artifact from postracial America    06/15/24  (12)
A sherpa just died at Base Camp 5 at Teewinot    06/15/24  (2)
Veterinarians are evil frauds who exploit you for loving your dog    06/15/24  (4)
You can still build a super-tower PC. They haven't taken that away    06/15/24  (9)
Do you know any men who use their wives maiden name lol    06/15/24  (29)
who here has a couple of spare accounts? for historically important poasters    06/15/24  (26)
not a single tarantino movie holds up even halfway decently    06/15/24  (17)
Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Teewinot! Take it! It's yours!    06/15/24  (1)
Teewinot is about to become XO's first land territory    06/15/24  (7)
Didn't know so many Xo'ers scared of the "wind" lmao    06/15/24  (10)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/15/24  (45)
Sheridan is not windy at all and who cares if it's windy you cowards    06/15/24  (6)
“Fourth Class”    06/15/24  (3)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    06/15/24  (9)
Living off "Interstate" freeways is disastrous for your health    06/15/24  (15)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    06/15/24  (7)
Did Antebellum Deep South plantation shrews ever "travel" up to Boston?    06/15/24  (11)
XO will setup permanent BASE CAMP at Teewinot ..lil' bitch fag mountain    06/15/24  (2)
Uhhh...Inca artifacts just found in Ethiopia    06/15/24  (3)
put grizzly bear in compact car costume, call tow truck to come tow it    06/15/24  (5)
XO Teewinot Expedition: Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold    06/15/24  (6)
Uber is prime exampleee of Fraud here's a story    06/15/24  (15)
Raton laveur    06/15/24  (1)
How was JFK able to be such a massive player?    06/15/24  (35)
i have a headache    06/15/24  (2)
American women are yuge with yuge asses have to fuck em doggy or missionary    06/15/24  (17)
If gentrification has a sound, it's silence (The Atlantic)    06/15/24  (19)
"Put some more dick in" hissed disco fries as CSLG pumped away on his step stool    06/15/24  (29)
Running an insurance scam in California must be fun with crook MDs at helm    06/15/24  (14)
Saw some extremely SICK shit in Marseille today (RSF)    06/15/24  (65)
do you lube up your dick when you jack off or do it dry?    06/15/24  (8)
Pampers now selling 44-56kg diaper sizes (link)    06/15/24  (1)
Wait so Abraham pimps out his wife to Pharaoh in Genesis 12:10-20? Lol    06/15/24  (1)
Kansas trying to steal Chiefs and Royals from Missouri (bbooom)    06/15/24  (1)
Twitter is really slop garbage    06/15/24  (22)
Tommy, we know damn well you'd cut out your left nut to be white.    06/15/24  (1)
Penis implants the best? Know anyone happy whom has one?,    06/15/24  (12)
is 23andme the best genetic testing program?    06/15/24  (11)
a story about thing-doing    06/15/24  (10)
Weekend Asian pussy thread    06/15/24  (11)
"Real estate is insanely overvalued fraud now    06/15/24  (7)
Getting pleasured while poasting right now(Boom)    06/15/24  (12)
Condoms sold in India are about half the size of those sold elsewhere    06/15/24  (1)
Taylor writing fake music..Joe has never been to "Black dog pub"    06/15/24  (2)
Joe exposes Swift as a fake    06/15/24  (1)
Trump: "Israel's going to build a wall, and we're going to pay for it."    06/15/24  (5)
Do blacks/Hispanics experience love, hope, nostalgia, ennui    06/15/24  (2)
Rate Taylor Swifts shitik    06/15/24  (3)
they’re still trying to force meme “covid” ljl    06/15/24  (4)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/15/24  (55)
Park ranger wondering why so many Indians and fat men trying to summit Teewinot    06/15/24  (2)

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