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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
365 bodies in 365 days: rate her    05/10/24  (2)
Delta Boeing 757 has declared an emergency - link    05/10/24  (27)
Anyone else know guys who turned super beta/lib after marriage and kids?    05/10/24  (27)
New CHINESE Aircraft Carrier is veddy Gorgeous    05/10/24  (30)
Houston lawyer KILLED in McDonald's dispute    05/10/24  (106)
35 y/o ibanker dies after 100 hour work week makes his heart explode (nypost)    05/10/24  (3)
Another day another russian refinery    05/10/24  (57)
I'm too retarded to use PACER    05/10/24  (2)
Looking back at school yearbooks..could've had great life&made it to top:(    05/10/24  (3)
Gunnerattt, I recalled you and I working together in Paris. (Mainlining)    05/10/24  (48)
Old Indian Aircraft Carrier is veddy veddy bad    05/10/24  (8)
ljl at india: paid 3x sticker to ((Russians)) for 40 year old aircraft carrier    05/10/24  (5)
Trump Promises Again to Thwart Surge of Chinese Imports    05/10/24  (3)
Gunnerattt and Lynn are the greatest arguments to vote for dementia joe    05/10/24  (80)
St. Scholarship AutoAdmit Church    05/10/24  (31)
*clicks "Poasted in"* *sees completely purple page* "I really like it here"    05/10/24  (16)
🐪 Going to IRAN today 🍉 #country133    05/10/24  (2)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    05/10/24  (382)
Repeat felon EXECUTES a 9-month-old infant in Seattle. Bang-up job, libs:    05/10/24  (3)
Khoisan linguist posts Click Theory Outline    05/10/24  (8)
songs: ohia - farewell transmission.mp3    05/10/24  (3)
Bank of Israel to finance new $12b US Ford Class Carrier at just 34% Interest    05/10/24  (3)
who is the most alpha character in the entire Game of Thrones universe?    05/10/24  (90)
Game Of Thrones Season 2 - Stannis vs Renly    05/10/24  (22)
Game of Thrones - War Stories    05/10/24  (8)
wait for next drawdown or put 100K into VOO now?    05/10/24  (7)
Booom, its Mainlining, how can we implore behavior $ conduct?!    05/10/24  (1)
Boom/Mainlining/evan39 non-stop spamming KC Chiefs shit 24/7    05/10/24  (5)
Mainlining and evan39! KUM&GO sold and on its way out    05/10/24  (23)
I'm trying to help..we must help each other here..not tear one another down    05/10/24  (15)
why dont Americans eat beans more? is there downside to bean protein    05/10/24  (2)
I'm staying 8 min walk from US Embassy in Tehran    05/10/24  (27)
LIBS complaining abt "Income Inequality" shld be furking gassed    05/10/24  (1)
Pete Rose, born Pajeet Ramankrishnan, was an Indian cricketer turned US basebal    05/10/24  (1)
i gave too many pesos to homeless men in this town and now they follow me around    05/10/24  (1)
do you ever wake up and just for a moment realize you're flame    05/10/24  (72)
goodnight, xo    05/10/24  (168)
boy pussy ass niggas get fucked in the butt    05/10/24  (6)
My girl's made of peaches and soft grass in the moonlight.    05/10/24  (1)
*steps outside* "i really like it here" *phone pings: msg from XO* "get back in"    05/10/24  (27)
CBS Rather, ABC Jennings, NBC Brokaw. Can u name 1 today?    05/10/24  (28)
Client's investment visa denied after she invested $1.5 million    05/10/24  (6)
US soldier arrested in Russia is a pro-Russian Trumpmo - link    05/10/24  (45)
App girl wants to bring her dog on our first date    05/10/24  (16)
you know what? fuck that faggot who killed the super size meal.    05/10/24  (6)
Pete Rose was an All Star at age 44. u: poast    05/10/24  (27)
This IVF doctor at Cornell makes $9m a year    05/10/24  (16)
*adjusts monocle* "dude, weed"    05/10/24  (1)
You have been selected    05/10/24  (2)
Spaceporn suffers from the equivalent of being on puberty blockers since birth    05/10/24  (6)
When society collapses, won't billionaires' security just kill them in bunkers?    05/10/24  (12)
Screamed "I STILL UNLOAD" when wife refused sex last night    05/10/24  (4)
Rate this Miami cop's butt (Video)    05/10/24  (14)
Welcome to the Longhouse    05/10/24  (1)
majority of the illegals loitering around Denver or Tulsa are no longer hispanic    05/10/24  (2)
No threads/articles on Netflix breaking the live comedy broadcast barrier?    05/10/24  (3)
what are good things to buy to improve quality of life    05/10/24  (37)
Time to face the facts: Gunnerattt is a fucking moron    05/10/24  (97)
Has anyone jailbroken GPT to tell racist/sexist jokes?    05/10/24  (1)
there's only like 500k ppl in Japan yet massive film industry & porn    05/10/24  (4)
Classic MLB brawl from 1986, Reds (Eric Davis) vs Mets (Ray Knight)    05/10/24  (8)
Colon cancer guy is Ricky    05/10/24  (17)
got invited to a "sex-positive" dinner party, feels gross af    05/10/24  (7)
Just vajazzled my asshole    05/10/24  (2)
i am so deeply spiritually fucked its incomprehensible    05/10/24  (7)
Buying weed rn    05/10/24  (14)
I’m so fucking stupid, barely understand like 20% of Undiscovered Self    05/10/24  (3)
If home value went from $1m to $2m am I millionaire?    05/10/24  (2)
Who is getting rich off of daycare?    05/10/24  (18)
ITT: list of things you should be killed for saying/doing    05/10/24  (17)
Did Tsinah ever get paid on that great referral he expressly excluded me from?    05/10/24  (10)
Had no idea that Charlie Rose is Pete Rose's uncle    05/10/24  (3)
Pete Rose is the first person ever who can actually rock a bow tie    05/10/24  (3)
Anyone read the fine print on Trump's 100-day plan? Pete Rose to HOF!    05/10/24  (2)
lol when I think of Pete Rose's Asian pornstar trophy wife    05/10/24  (2)
Get ready for the Pete Rose AGWWG reality series    05/10/24  (5)
david hyde pierce's nephew is also a faggot. what a coincidence    05/10/24  (1)
you make me wanna leave the one i'm with & start a new relationship w/ doobs    05/10/24  (17)
Hey OYT you suck imho    05/10/24  (7)
Do you have any kooky provisions in your will/trust?    05/10/24  (15)
doodikoff, what's the best PS1 game? Something Western? You like Western Titles    05/10/24  (2)
Shaft Pubes    05/10/24  (1)
Natalie Portman Toe Job    05/10/24  (6)
San Diego Friends of Jung tp    05/10/24  (9)
new reality AGWWG TV show starring ... Pete Rose    05/10/24  (5)
"high speed rail" only makes sense in a few US cities    05/10/24  (38)
Name an instrument more 180 sounding and difficult to play than French horn    05/09/24  (15)
what sort of "vacation voucher" do you get from kars 4 kids    05/09/24  (15)
I’m so stupid wow    05/09/24  (4)
The State of Gaming    05/09/24  (2)
2024: President Trump restores Pete Rose's HOF eligibility    05/09/24  (3)
Let's name one thing we like about Jews    05/09/24  (21)
Dem Billionaire Mega-Donor Chaim Saban: Fuck Antisemite Biden    05/09/24  (2)
When everything's made to be broken...I just want u to know who I am    05/09/24  (4)
rate this Kallmann sufferer asking transgenders for advice on reddit:    05/09/24  (9)
thought "im gay" was peak xo but i love men is even better    05/09/24  (16)
TV SHOW idea: Serial Killer kills the world's richest man, one each episode    05/09/24  (5)
The State of Gaming has Broken me a Bit    05/09/24  (3)
Spinelli, update on all your emails to GoDaddy to get xo shut down?    05/09/24  (55)
The State Of Gaming    05/09/24  (1)
Spaceporns hairline megathread    05/09/24  (91)
The State of Gaming (2024)    05/09/24  (1)
The State Of Gaming    05/09/24  (1)
Jaws theme plays as Spaceporn tiptoes down corridor at 2am    05/09/24  (35)
Last days before Russia ends war-of-attrition tactic, launches a giant attack    05/09/24  (1)
Jaws theme as Spynelli's hair glides through the ball pit    05/09/24  (28)
what is Spinelli's purpose in choosing moniker "Retard Event Horizon"?    05/09/24  (1)
ITT recommend some Simpsons clips to show my kids (8 and 10)    05/09/24  (21)
o no my feces    05/09/24  (1)
LJL @ non-silver havers    05/09/24  (18)
Spaceporn how much is your mortgage (Principal Interest Taxes Insurance)?    05/09/24  (1)
You aspie virginal incels sure make me chuckle. Your lives are    05/09/24  (2)
Boomers on Parade: Retirement in 2024    05/09/24  (3)
lex friedman looks like he could take a dick    05/09/24  (5)
Bueckers has voiced support for the Black Lives Matter movement, in part because    05/09/24  (1)
*Bumble date introducing u to her dog/BFF/true love “Brad Pittie”    05/09/24  (35)
Look how easy it is to handle bobcats    05/09/24  (4)
Ohtani thing is like the gamergate of major league baseball    05/09/24  (4)
Mothers Day is this Sunday. Don't forget    05/09/24  (4)
Remember that fucking moron Prince ?    05/09/24  (10)
I wonder how Kenny’s brilliant med mal case I told him not to take is progress    05/09/24  (4)
Marry, Fuck, Kill: bloodacre, Dupa, snoot ?    05/09/24  (3)
Tsinah how much did you bill to change designed to designated?    05/09/24  (7)
Benzo, has poop ever just fallen out of yr ass while walking?    05/09/24  (330)
every time Tucker drops a new conspiracy like ''Lyme disease is a bioweapon''    05/09/24  (7)
need to buy some sexy lingerie for my chubby asian wife    05/09/24  (3)
when i'm with my man, i like to show as much as possible, to get him going    05/09/24  (2)
If I posted 10 call outs on gunneratttt in how many would that tranny dude post?    05/09/24  (4)
"I'm Still Unrobed": This Man Is "Dan Otter"    05/09/24  (5)
Breaking point: black eyeliner threatens to RESIGN.    05/09/24  (1)
Tainan should I be nice to Floridamos w no case when they reach out to me indepe    05/09/24  (1)
Am is supposed to feel dumb as shit reading Freud Jung and Adler?    05/09/24  (2)
Russians put on a cool laser show for the ukrainian army    05/09/24  (1)
Whok, why did the basketball geniuses at Mavs let Brunson go?    05/09/24  (8)
Imagine being a stepdad holy shit wtf lolllll    05/09/24  (7)
is physio fraud?    05/09/24  (6)
rate my 40 year old work wife    05/09/24  (84)
Ask Pensive stuff    05/09/24  (78)
Theo Vonn/Lex Fridman both suck equally imo    05/09/24  (10)
US General: new technology drastically favors the defense in warfare - link    05/09/24  (22)
HYPO: You are best man to a wedding, and your friend doesn't show to yours    05/09/24  (25)
Reminder: if your ex-gf dumped you, it's because she thought she could do better    05/09/24  (50)
LOL if your house was built after ~2013    05/09/24  (31)
Karlstack threatens terrorist attack against Canada    05/09/24  (13)
Holy shit these stats about women's economic influence. We live in a gynocracy.    05/09/24  (2)
i have to share this story about what benzos and depression have done to me    05/09/24  (8)
Redditor woman upset fiance calling off wedding after discovering whore past    05/09/24  (73)
It all makes sense when you realize Jews blame America for Holocaust    05/09/24  (3)
(15 y/o worm hiding in recess of RFK jrs brain) "i really like it here"    05/09/24  (4)

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