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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Honestly I'm still just in it for the tech    06/17/24  (1)
*Bumble date introducing u to her dog/BFF/true love “Brad Pittie”    06/17/24  (38)
Asia Carrera graduates from law school    06/17/24  (6)
I can't even stay in ONE place for ONE furking month    06/17/24  (25)
Shitlaw boss writes "non squirter" in red ink next to bad argument    06/17/24  (3)
Macy’s worker fired one moment, multimillion dollar settlement the next    06/17/24  (2)
“We use every part of the buffalo here” scolds shitlaw boss for underbilling    06/17/24  (19)
Anne Hathaway just walked into this coffeeshop. Should I camp in women’s bathr    06/17/24  (4)
So Mark Cuban sold the Mavs because he got wiped out on scamcoins?    06/17/24  (3)
Just intentionally hit a shit pit with my car    06/17/24  (6)
“ . . . because you’re bleck”    06/17/24  (2)
Looks like Chuck Schumer got grilling tips from Disco Fries (link)    06/17/24  (22)
McIlroy choking down the stretch at a Major, per usual    06/17/24  (20)
Civil War movie: guys hanging looters, liming corpses, respecting women    06/17/24  (6)
Just found out there's typically no egg in egg rolls. What else is China lying    06/17/24  (8)
Could I at nearly 40 learn enough “tech” in 18 months to get a 100k job?    06/17/24  (33)
Auto insurance up 42% in 2 years    06/17/24  (12)
Artsy rock bands that actually sucked    06/17/24  (158)
GF's shitlaw boss sent this Irish chain letter email to her firm    06/17/24  (10)
Shitlaw Tell: Using & Understanding Geographic Courtroom References    06/17/24  (5)
shitlaw boss has jam band - "beyond a reasonable shout"    06/17/24  (77)
19-yo kills father then executes mother in front of police, guess state    06/17/24  (4)
African elephant = biggest. African cock = ???    06/17/24  (1)
I'm sorry for playing tiddlywinks with your heart, fizzkidd    06/17/24  (5)
So embarrassing. The Democrats can’t let this go on, surely?    06/17/24  (1)
Joe Biden shits himself at D-Day    06/17/24  (80)
why do some people like "running"    06/17/24  (12)
FYI there's gonna be a dope Ukrainian festival tomorrow in Yonkers. Not flame.    06/17/24  (3)
total faggot kike slave tp    06/17/24  (2)
BEAVER tp is my ZoZo and IRL dad; I want the XO archaeologists to know that    06/17/24  (5)
rate this azn fashion geek’s self critique (link)    06/17/24  (20)
Putin may be about to lose Crimea    06/17/24  (63)
As a lifelong activist for Reepicheep Lives Matter, I    06/17/24  (1)
Reminder: US govt is spreading propaganda abt China to deflect from US = Hell    06/17/24  (4)
Kansas sues Pfizer over heart attack jab    06/17/24  (1)
I would date any chick who sucked off Zurich tp in the champagne room    06/17/24  (12)
The State of Columbine scholarship    06/17/24  (5)
NFL player Terrell Lewis RUNS from two naked prostitutes w/o paying them    06/17/24  (1)
xo poast named "one of the most important pieces of contemporary writing" not fl    06/17/24  (9)
should we keep women in zoos?    06/17/24  (20)
Pregnant in Gaza With Nowhere to Go    06/17/24  (1)
XO ROAD TRIP to South of France starts TOMORROW (RSF)    06/17/24  (86)
Curb stomp a lime scooter. Crush a lime scooter in a trash compactor. Roundhouse    06/17/24  (3)
Just got a News Alert on my phone that The Bad Guys are Bad    06/17/24  (2)
Cons if voter IDs will stop blacks from voting why won’t gun licenses    06/17/24  (1)
great ACC home games week 1 @ palo alto california & boalt california    06/17/24  (4)
Rod Stewart has a terrible, truly terrible singing voice. How did he become famo    06/17/24  (21)
There will be a huge stock market crash after the election no matter who wins    06/17/24  (4)
Couples Therapy: Asian woman breaks down cause of their dead bedroom to husband    06/17/24  (2)
biz idea: travel spheres    06/17/24  (1)
It’s 2024, what kind of Neanderthal travels without packing cubes and AirTag?    06/17/24  (15)
Rate the voice on the food who does this insta account    06/17/24  (2)
whatever happened to GJR? no one has cyber-stalked her?    06/17/24  (2)
Chubby girls with pretty faces and deceptively sized tits    06/17/24  (2)
Jeopardy contestant: gate agents are overworked and underpaid *applause*    06/17/24  (1)
Saul of Tarsus pondering Kindle wondering what eBook would help his bottom line    06/17/24  (5)
Posters who are barely “femboys”    06/17/24  (1)
Who are the manliest men of xo?    06/17/24  (61)
Do you guys wear white jeans in the summer?    06/17/24  (4)
No one is going to accept SCOTUS decisions from here on out    06/17/24  (11)
How many new poasters have we added this year to date?    06/17/24  (51)
cute summer intern at ur office texting her friends about "the cute of counsel"    06/17/24  (3)
Wake Forest seems like an awesome UG to attend.    06/17/24  (86)
Top 3 albums since 2019    06/17/24  (11)
“You will not replace us,” Of Counsel sobs at summer associate welcome event    06/17/24  (79)
Posters who are barely “men”    06/17/24  (6)
Is tsinah actually a Taylor swift fan/“swiftie” ? That seems a bit gay    06/17/24  (2)
Cantor campaign spent $168k at steakhouses    06/17/24  (49)
CHINA is the Top Dog of World now, that makes Chinks the Supreme Race    06/17/24  (1)
Singapore has totally eclipsed the US/UK/EU    06/17/24  (24)
There was 2 years where main Republican talking point was "Soylndra" lol    06/17/24  (12)
feminism 5.0: mothers openly grooming daughters to be online sex-workers    06/17/24  (13)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    06/17/24  (22)
impressions matter when trying to sell something so expensive tp    06/17/24  (8)
fulano is a chronic pier runner, not flame    06/17/24  (1)
"How would you feel if you weren't a sneaky kike?" "But I am a sneaky kike"    06/17/24  (4)
World peace appearing in photo from future as u print 'NIGGER' 1000 times    06/17/24  (4)
Videos of Jewish men picking on women and children (link)    06/17/24  (11)
HS student prints naughty racial slur 1000 times at school (link)    06/17/24  (25)
Summit of Gorgeous 2024: XO Putin to meet XO Kim Jung Un in Gorgeous Pyongyang    06/17/24  (1)
Who are some of the best 60s and 70s space sci fi artists?    06/17/24  (3)
Indian guy running for office in TX creates fake FB profile "Antonio Scalywag"    06/17/24  (12)
You’re old: Lethal Weapon is closer to WW2 than to today    06/17/24  (3)
Bury a potato, 20 potatoes grow in 60 days. How was this too hard for Irish?!?!    06/17/24  (23)
Libs are weaponizing Community Notes again    06/17/24  (18)
cuttingtable tp introduced me to Pierce Brosnan: Architect 🥰    06/17/24  (4)
fat girls with small butts    06/17/24  (1)
Cons please react to this chart    06/17/24  (6)
"I'm ready to settle down" *sits down in office chair and opens XO in browser*    06/17/24  (11)
big butt fat girls    06/17/24  (1)
Dem rep: “We’ll suspend habeas corpus to give Biden unlimited power”    06/17/24  (1)
Is Katie Porter trans?    06/17/24  (8)
Rate her and answer her question.    06/17/24  (6)
The Single Guy > Wings > Mad About You > Caroline in the City?    06/17/24  (22)
Vietnamese women are pretty hot    06/17/24  (24)
There’s still hope for single men in their 40s    06/17/24  (5)
Has "chill" luis kindled the spiritual memory of this decayed alien race inside    06/17/24  (7)
we got a huge faggy salad for the persian man we got a kindler gentler machine g    06/17/24  (3)
Legal depends on how much money you have    06/17/24  (1)
where to find a cute azn girl with oversized glasses into wmaf raceplay?    06/17/24  (2)
"sir, there's not one thread about the dragon show. what do we do?!"    06/17/24  (4)
where to find a literary whore gf with thick plastic glasses and a thicker ass    06/17/24  (27)
just googled "is bill cosby dead?"    06/17/24  (1)
possible to host teen exchange students in the US as a single guy?    06/17/24  (8)
When Euros showed up, Tasmanian bros traded all their women to them for DOGS    06/17/24  (12)
Sad that Inside Out 2 made lots of money, pixar and disney suck fuck them    06/17/24  (9)
A dissident history of the Trump campaign and presidency (Part 3)    06/17/24  (3)
twitch stream of SEC sorority girls who went to law school & write briefs on cam    06/17/24  (17)
There’s no way Trump loses now after Schumer put cheese on a raw patty    06/17/24  (23)
what possesses HS girls to go around in packs@night w axes terrorizing families    06/17/24  (5)
Rate golfer Bryson DeChambeau's girlfriend    06/17/24  (35)
why *DID* Joe “Biden” make that 2am “speech” at the Jeep dealership?    06/17/24  (29)
Pigs in China fed better than the average South Korean    06/17/24  (1)
angelina jolie/brad pitt's kid looks like a younger elizabeth moss, lmao    06/17/24  (4)
CNN: Black voters remain committed to President Biden    06/17/24  (9)
2025 4runner seems 180    06/17/24  (36)
Jeep owners: Please explain this shit.    06/17/24  (14)
girls with asymmetric ptosis are so hot    06/17/24  (1)
there's not enough time left to read al the scholarship i crave    06/17/24  (2)
"idk, he's tall which is great but the weird hats he wears give me the ick"    06/17/24  (1)
this board is a Dunning Kruger hell chamber for asians and nonwhite ethnics    06/17/24  (5)
"idk, he seems honest and all but his wooden teeth kind of give me the ick"    06/17/24  (1)
"I'll trade you 2 dozen dogs for that woman" "But where will I get 2 dozen dogs?    06/17/24  (1)
idk Becky, as soon as the jury said "not guilty" I just got the ick    06/17/24  (2)
Is CRYPTO done?    06/17/24  (2)
lol Biden can’t remember the name of his own doctor    06/17/24  (5)
Cons should members of congress have complete immunity or only presidents?    06/17/24  (4)
Angel Reese attacks Caitlin Clark again    06/17/24  (21)
what is that VU song that's just a story about a guy mailing himself in a box    06/17/24  (3)
a certain "chill" brief psychotic break from Edingers Mysterium Lectures    06/17/24  (2)
do whites still do better on the LSAT than asians?    06/17/24  (6)
white people are like Artax, Jews like 'The Nothing,' from Neverending Story    06/17/24  (2)
man gets lost in the culture wars, wakes up at 42 no kids, family, just tweets    06/17/24  (63)
Mike Duncan (history of rome podcast) solves immigration issue    06/17/24  (1)
A dissident's history of Filipino girlfriends    06/17/24  (3)
If there’s all this evidence of Biden corruption why isn’t the House impeach    06/17/24  (4)
david bowie - waiting for the man (live 1972).mp3    06/17/24  (2)
India's 2nd largest city can't afford sanitation or to keep the lights on    06/17/24  (2)
Jenny said when she was just five years old there was nothing happening at all    06/17/24  (1)
Lending is war by other means    06/17/24  (1)
Could I, a massive faggot, be less of a huge faggot by some means? (xo poas    06/17/24  (3)
Thinking about renting out Fizzkidd's affections    06/17/24  (16)
that moment you realize you are the "40 y/o loser" Jordan Peterson warns about    06/17/24  (14)
Pajeet running for office arrested after sending himself fake racist threats    06/17/24  (4)
rootlessness and anomie stemming from urban life in Kabul    06/17/24  (1)
Putin: We Must Stand United Against North Korean Aggression    06/17/24  (1)
Edward Hopper - Office in a Small Afghan City    06/17/24  (2)
Birdshits really need an explanation for this...    06/17/24  (4)
The Influencer Is a Young Teenage Girl. The Audience Is 92% Adult Men    06/17/24  (28)

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