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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Supreme Court in 6-3 decision: “ fuck your online free speech”    06/27/24  (42)
South Korea is literally finished as a nation    06/27/24  (56)
Rate this CRAZY Birdshit Lady being arrested by NYPD on Subway    06/27/24  (4)
What Is The Credited MATTRESS??    06/27/24  (27)
"The interests of american citizens must be prioritized over Israel"    06/27/24  (9)
Has there ever been another big company that transformed as Netflix did?    06/27/24  (82)
average white girl has “normal” standards, only 0.024% guys meet them    06/27/24  (2)
US Ambassador to Egypt Herro Mustafa Garg    06/27/24  (3)
a 90s childhood was probably the best/safest/most fun in all of human history    06/27/24  (54)
The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations looks like an actual monkey    06/27/24  (4)
Mall Date | Chi-Chi’s Dinner | JC Penny’s Dressing Room Handjob    06/27/24  (1)
is ohtani already a HOFer?    06/27/24  (21)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/27/24  (22)
Hi I am a mid-career attorney and I review legal issues for work    06/27/24  (15)
Explain the policy of giving people money for "inflation relief"    06/27/24  (15)
LOLERCAUSTING Hard @ Subhuman Beanerolivians & HelloSirs    06/27/24  (1)
Hearty LOL @ Faggot Bolivian General getting PWN'd immediately doing COUP    06/27/24  (1)
WFH is prison    06/27/24  (95)
Jews are just BETTER than you. There, I said it.    06/27/24  (57)
Ba'al and Molech saved my ass earlier this year    06/27/24  (1)
If I were cslg I'd buy this    06/27/24  (4)
Has anyone told correction tp that this isn't Epstein island?    06/27/24  (2)
Jews are just BETTER than you at being ugly.    06/27/24  (1)
i pray to god that miami gets directly hit by a cat 5 hurricane this year    06/27/24  (1)
i'd come back if she'd just call    06/27/24  (2)
the entire concept of reading is demonic    06/27/24  (24)
''No, I'm not Satanic, YOU'RE Satanic,'' they typed back and forth at 2am    06/27/24  (1)
it's satanic that Bryan Johnson is trying to live forever and become immortal    06/27/24  (2)
rate this text from my work wife 😑    06/27/24  (41)
Acura was drug dealer car of choice in 90s    06/27/24  (4)
Marquette's Tyler Kolek can't read, and he's white    06/27/24  (1)
Handsome looking Chad proposes to chubby chick in dc    06/27/24  (6)
Voting for President begins in just 85 days    06/27/24  (3)
NBA draft class looks like a bunch of pussified zoomers    06/27/24  (12)
what is even going on. how are they making young people look so gay and femme?    06/27/24  (1)
Ground Zero - The Diplomats    06/27/24  (1)
Dipset was obsessed with 9/11 lyrics    06/27/24  (1)
J.D. Vance has a son named Vivek    06/27/24  (10)
Contemporary libs have good points, offer non-solutions to problems described    06/27/24  (1)
2030: white house chef stewing up some possum vindaloo for the first family    06/27/24  (1)
Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the White House    06/27/24  (3)
Problem with right wing politics is and remains the same    06/27/24  (26)
Deranged mid 30s lib hopped up on media propaganda and the bubble of the academy    06/27/24  (6)
how many antisemitic slurs do you think Jamaal has said in last 24 hours?    06/27/24  (1)
*puts entire generations in front of a screen* "I heard these generate money."    06/27/24  (8)
It''s new show. "Grelp Hunters". Catch it on Gabor. No, it's on Febuc. Uh, Tubor    06/27/24  (9)
i'M BANKING for your Forbidden interest rates    06/27/24  (5)
*pulls up chair, places solicitous hand on your knee* 'Hey, bud. How you doin'?'    06/27/24  (2)
LMFAO another piece of shit Republican claiming MUH FRAUD!    06/27/24  (5)
Bitch boi fuck Steve Bannon: "I'm not afraid of prison" *appeals to SCOTUS*    06/27/24  (7)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    06/27/24  (89)
my dog has more 🇰🇷 passports than nyuug, so he ate the dog to destroy the    06/27/24  (1)
karlstack seems washed out    06/27/24  (14)
based German grandma    06/27/24  (15)
does nyuug have a korean passport?    06/27/24  (35)
Why Are UK State Dinner Knives & Forks Backwards? (PICS)    06/27/24  (13)
Just had my nose in an Asian stripper’s pussy    06/27/24  (4)
How handsome is CMB    06/27/24  (2)
There’s beautiful women somewhere & for some reason we’re not having 🧦    06/27/24  (4)
rate this child pedo sting (video)    06/27/24  (100)
thoughts on this possible cheatmo getting doxxed?    06/27/24  (3)
"muh bloodline"    06/27/24  (1)
Want to see what an autistic demon looks like?    06/27/24  (4)
8 weeks till CFB kickoff    06/27/24  (9)
little piece of shit about to grow up into a full fledged bitch boi (link)    06/27/24  (8)
Israel blackmailed Bill with Lewinsky Tapes (link)    06/27/24  (19)
Halfway through chemotherapy (4 of 8 treatments done)    06/27/24  (12)
Petr Yan is 180000000    06/26/24  (2)
Matt Stafford’s wife cucked him with his backup QB at Georgia    06/26/24  (79)
Ricky, poast UFC 303 takes    06/26/24  (2)
my mixture of personal demons, on balance, in balance    06/26/24  (3)
Correction TP is whokebe having a mental breakdown (link)    06/26/24  (34)
Watched Interstellar last night for the first time, had never heard of it    06/26/24  (2)
Shittier Poaster: Karlstack or the Jewish Pedophile correction tp?    06/26/24  (5)
Board Jewish poasters (RSF, CSLG, correction) are out of control lately    06/26/24  (5)
Steve Sailer is not very smart lol    06/26/24  (40)
when im obscenely rich in like 8 wks my life prolly wont change much (benzo)    06/26/24  (1)
protestants shocked to learn that there’s another book of Bible than Romans    06/26/24  (1)
Two thugs approach concealed carrier while he’s fishing (vid)    06/26/24  (4)
Fucked a White American 8.5 the other night. Barebacked. Taking ?s    06/26/24  (76)
she died at home, a Sprinter conversion van, surrounded by her youtube audience    06/26/24  (4)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/26/24  (175)
MAINLINING HERE...let's form a Nightcrew alliance (secretly) & wipe out XO nerve    06/26/24  (1)
this is how washed college aged women in Portland look    06/26/24  (9)
just gonna write legal briefs and make 600k for the rest of my life    06/26/24  (1)
beginning to believe jews really are superior    06/26/24  (3)
you simply cannot give in to cancel cultu...brb firing my writer & friend.    06/26/24  (51)
Cockmeat sandwich time, you know the drill - link    06/26/24  (2)
RATE Tucker Carlson's response to Australian reporter's question re: whites (lin    06/26/24  (5)
Israel would probably be a 180 place to visit if Arabs ran it not flame    06/26/24  (4)
IsraeL: weak, defenseless and poor    06/26/24  (1)
so trump lost jobs and appointed deep state judges who told him biden won?    06/26/24  (1)
PREDICTIONS: who shits himself on stage first, Trump or Biden?    06/26/24  (1)
chubby effeminate mexicans with statuesque bubbly brunettes    06/26/24  (1)
Rank by prestige for guy in 40s: $100k car, 6 pack, Norwood 0, thin wife, 4 kids    06/26/24  (48)
I do all my best work severely depressed    06/26/24  (12)
Got a funny practical joke planned where Azazel carries off your secondborn    06/26/24  (1)
You can save a lot of money but letting your wife date other men.    06/26/24  (15)
*dick pics trump sent to ivanka get leaked* xo poaster: "holy shit 12D chess"    06/26/24  (2)
Illegal immigrant family vs black bear: guess who wins    06/26/24  (8)
"I was born with prey eyes. It's over." "Have u considered learning to code?"    06/26/24  (2)
should i smoke weed and play civilization 5 instead of working the rest of the w    06/26/24  (4)
Are wild animals stressed out all the time? Worried about food and being eaten?    06/26/24  (11)
butch lesbians will put you on heavy game    06/26/24  (1)
kino    06/26/24  (3)
lol don't be afraid to send pix of ur forbidden body, beautiful lady!    06/26/24  (11)
Not a "Basketball Guy," but is France good at basketball?    06/26/24  (6)
houthis just PWNED filthy kikes in new music video:    06/26/24  (7)
Uruguay is "white"...is it really though?    06/26/24  (5)
What does "within one year of January 1, 2022" mean to you?    06/26/24  (53)
Can I get toxoplasmosis from the following?    06/26/24  (4)
Top 3 David Lynch must see movies?    06/26/24  (16)
Children of Men: NYUUG/South Korea Edition    06/26/24  (1)
"I just think we should-" "You should learn to code"    06/26/24  (5)
Read brief summary of Karen Reed case...did she do it or not?    06/26/24  (7)
Spurs just won the draft, one more big and they have another future dynasty    06/26/24  (7)
you guys are all faggots    06/26/24  (10)
RSF would be easy to slap around like a pedo. He's afraid to shoot squit guns at    06/26/24  (1)
David Lynch vs. Alejandro Jodorowsky?    06/26/24  (1)
what, exactly, is dabbing?    06/26/24  (1)
Lakers tried to trade up to select Bronny James    06/26/24  (1)
Lakers just picked Bronny James at #17    06/26/24  (1)
bpd work wife    06/26/24  (1)
Post the first recommended video on your youtube home page    06/26/24  (3)
Why does Twitter make it annoying to download video/spaces from its site?    06/26/24  (6)
"Call me an unchill fat bald jew one more time..." *whips out spyderco*    06/26/24  (4)
Anyone ever worked with former SCOTUS clerks?    06/26/24  (1)
Just fucked some married shrew    06/26/24  (13)
Truly "based" extralegal assassination    06/26/24  (3)
What do you do with a man who has only put heads on pins for 20 years?    06/26/24  (1)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/26/24  (49)
place smells like old unethical lawyers    06/26/24  (4)
RSF what are the odds your ex-wife is getting her brains fucked out tonight?    06/26/24  (1)
The more I play and watch golf, the more I realize power all comes from feet    06/26/24  (2)
Married white female Rutgers professor fucks nonverbal autistic nigger    06/26/24  (1)
USA loses to Japan in football    06/26/24  (1)
The Legend of ZoZo: Rach’s Awakening 🐳🎶    06/26/24  (23)
JAG, rate this spicy Latina who founds a residency in your specialty of Orthoped    06/26/24  (12)
are ppl actually influenced by xo poasters?    06/26/24  (5)
“The modern world is madder than any satires on it.”    06/26/24  (2)
The suicide rate in Korea is more than double the US.    06/26/24  (13)
Watching Vanilla Sky at Disneyland with LSD, luis, and Ricky    06/26/24  (11)
Are Tempurpedic & Other Memory Foam Mattresses Awful for FUCKING? Or This Flame?    06/26/24  (4)
just bought a golf bag for the range    06/26/24  (66)
are ppl actually influenced by influencers?    06/26/24  (1)
Hot women never have fully charged iPhones    06/26/24  (3)

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