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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Steve Bannon is a genius    07/02/24  (17)
what should i do to make more money    07/02/24  (19)
Anyone here refer to his GF/wife's snatch as her "cooter"?    07/02/24  (15)
I think it’s time for someone to kill gunneratt tp.    07/02/24  (4)
Rep Golden (D-ME): Trump will win the election and it will be fine    07/02/24  (4)
Lab friend chasing the Democratic car-cus    07/02/24  (1)
rate physiognomy of guy who shot Father Coughlin's POTUS candidate Huey Long    07/02/24  (11)
so terrence howard is getting schooled by some real math scholaron joe rogan    07/02/24  (2)
anti-natalist populism tp    07/02/24  (1)
Boston Dynamic Robot Dog ($75,000) vs. Chinese Unitree G1 Robot Dog ($2700)    07/02/24  (3)
KARMA SUSHI was involved in a LOLSUIT in 2022...    07/02/24  (9)
Are airpods really bad for you?    07/02/24  (14)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome    07/02/24  (4)
how soon after passing bar can I start suing frauds for $$$    07/02/24  (1)
Everything I want Rupinder gives to me Everything I want He gives it but    07/02/24  (2)
How can you not like populism    07/02/24  (3)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    07/02/24  (61)
SCOTUS decides APA SOL accrues from date of injury, not action; libs irate    07/02/24  (11)
Tsinah clowning on Cslg after cslg disrespected him years ago is 180    07/02/24  (156)
if these DEM INTERNAL POLL LEAK numbers are accurate they will replace Biden    07/02/24  (1)
bloodacre defending clsg is lmao pathetic    07/02/24  (8)
77 People killed in Stampede in India (link)    07/02/24  (3)
No one else predicted NY would hit dat cancel on the sentencing hearing but me    07/02/24  (2)
Crazy thing is INDIA is actually gonna become SUPERPOWER    07/02/24  (20)
I'm not gay. I have relationships with trans women. And sex with trans men.    07/02/24  (5)
GRRM waiting to finish Winds of Winter to avoid distracting from McCain funeral    07/02/24  (2)
Dooblev Beats His Racket Against His Knee (VID) #tennis    07/02/24  (2)
🚨 🚨 New Jewish war crime just dropped 🚨 🚨    07/02/24  (78)
NY DA: "The real sentence are the friends we made along the way"    07/02/24  (2)
no one actually believes the job market is "good"    07/02/24  (16)
communicating with a porn star is an "official act" of the President now?    07/02/24  (1)
Why does TDNW hate CSLG so much?    07/02/24  (1)
So XO is 0 for 3 on opening restaurants    07/02/24  (40)
Does NY State have to ask for a sentence?    07/02/24  (2)
My garden is doing really well (TSINAH)    07/02/24  (9)
#Remigration    07/02/24  (6)
BIRDSHITS built their countries arnd lazy stupid lies....    07/02/24  (1)
DOJ postponed Flynn sentencing hearing for three years, then didn't show up    07/02/24  (3)
Ruined an otherwise PERFECT date by mentioning my “Favorite Song”    07/02/24  (1)
I wanna just go work out but every gym is like an MLM cult now    07/02/24  (12)
do you think CSLG is a genuinely bad person?    07/02/24  (107)
hmm good point but the gay jewish movie disagrees    07/02/24  (1)
Jews and blacks are doing you a favor, you're just too dumb to see it    07/02/24  (10)
If Dems put Gretchen Whitmer on the ticket does that lock up Michigan?    07/02/24  (1)
Mongol Chef Shouting IRASHAIMASE As Repo Man Collects Cases Of $12 Water Bottles    07/02/24  (1)
America died when Bill Paxton died in 2017    07/02/24  (2)
Odds there's a Karma Sushi lawsuit if you do PACER search rn?    07/02/24  (22)
Tractor Supply Company pledges to be racist and environmentally unfriendly    07/02/24  (50)
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/02/24  (11)
Just bought a 2008 Toyota Tacoma with bed extension cover 1800000    07/02/24  (4)
Breaking: Trump demanded DOJ prosecute Comey and Clinton...    07/02/24  (1)
Taking XO ST TROPEZ Qs for 15-20m (RSF)    07/02/24  (5)
Alex Pereira moves to #2 in pound for pound, bumped Jon Jones to #3    07/02/24  (6)
Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe's letter to Obama: "Don't nominate Sotomayor"    07/02/24  (15)
I'm basically the Paul Scholes of my over 40 soccer team.    07/02/24  (15)
High school cheerleader falls asleep and gets decomposed by millipedes (time lap    07/02/24  (7)
Hot high school cheerleader "boiled alive" in modified tanning bed (hospital pic    07/02/24  (28)
Wow Kamala nominee odds skyrocketing on PredictIt    07/02/24  (38)
Andrew Calder at Kirkland is 45 and made $25M last year    07/02/24  (20)
MAGA, what are you feeling right now    07/02/24  (18)
Time to face the facts: Gunnerattt is a fucking moron    07/02/24  (110)
what they have done is so satanic, so unforgivable. the only restitution is thei    07/02/24  (2)
Judge Merchan sets Trump’s sentencing for September 18th    07/02/24  (14)
HS cheerleader parasailing impaled by jumping marlin    07/02/24  (11)
I am excited for two open conventions    07/02/24  (6)
Cons what’s your theory on why SCOTUS didn’t save Trump in 2020?    07/02/24  (2)
2 teen cheerleaders on jetski decapitated by pier (bodies stay on jetski)    07/02/24  (2)
coelacanth floating past, chortling, "How those legs working out for ya?"    07/02/24  (14)
Where is HAtp?    07/02/24  (6)
KJP: "his" team says cognitive test isn't warranted. it was a bad night.    07/02/24  (1)
your wife holding paint card against the wall as you take instagram photos    07/02/24  (1)
*sprays Lysol in TSINAH’s faggot puppy’s eyes*    07/02/24  (32)
Post pics of hot filipina bitches w big asses    07/02/24  (15)
Pay for Lawyers is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A. (NYT)    07/02/24  (62)
Libs: Trans must be seen, heard, and respected! Also libs: STOP THINKING ABOUT T    07/02/24  (2)
"Karmas a Bitch" neon sign now for sale on ebay (link)    07/02/24  (1)
Trump will finally get rid of Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, all of it!    07/02/24  (2)
LMAO, TSINAH claiming he's "no longer fat" despite denying fatness for years    07/02/24  (9)
Jake Tapper: Dem Governors are revolting    07/02/24  (22)
Where has JOE been since Debate?    07/02/24  (9)
Luis Diesel feat. Damn Daddy - Hizzle Dizzle.mp3    07/02/24  (1)
MPM contender’s sockpuppets tell him to keep fighting as they huddle on biz bo    07/02/24  (1)
BREAKING: Big Mike gathering black fundraisers for KAMALA    07/02/24  (8)
it's not about détente, or even total victory. it's about vengeance for what    07/02/24  (1)
Birdshit Birdshit can't you see, sometimes My Pipe just sodomizes thee    07/02/24  (5)
Breaking: PUTIN admits Russian Army running low on Assault Rifles!    07/02/24  (1)
cons: if trump is so great why didn’t he finally beat medicare?    07/02/24  (4)
luis how does one join your group 2 cool kids group?    07/02/24  (6)
stores at 3rd st promenade in santa monica are 50%+ vacant, its insane    07/02/24  (2)
Furk this shit, I think I'll get out of CRYPTO    07/02/24  (25)
correction tp is a closet lib    07/02/24  (17)
List great poasters despite sub 125 IQs.    07/02/24  (15)
most hurtful thing is that libs lied re: biden’s cognitive deficit    07/02/24  (7)
Dems will 100% blame election loss on Biden's age & not unpopular policy    07/02/24  (2)
Biden to sit down with George Stephanopolus for interview to stop the bleeding    07/02/24  (1)
Thoughts on Trump’s plan for America’s 250th anniversary?    07/02/24  (1)
Negrobill To NiggerBeater42: Email Me, Brother    07/02/24  (1)
Trump should call on Joe Biden to step down in order to solidify Biden as nomine    07/02/24  (1)
*Jill Biden holding pillow over Joe's face*: "There, there, its almost over"    07/02/24  (1)
xo poster meeting 'hawk tua' girl    07/02/24  (2)
New poster NiggerBeater42 is killing it. Bright posting future ahead    07/02/24  (5)
Hunter Biden now serving as acting POTUS    07/02/24  (8)
Who will QUEEN KAMALA pick for VP Nominee?    07/02/24  (40)
Biden plummetting in battleground polls - link    07/02/24  (18)
Disgusted with Dem elite treatment of Biden after everything he has done    07/02/24  (1)
I'm getting the urge to climb Teewinot Mountain    07/02/24  (1)
Wasnt anti Semitic before the genocide. Now 100% support another holocaust    07/02/24  (1)
XO's Actual Hatred Of Other Poasters Is Seriously Mentally Ill & Feminine    07/02/24  (4)
Looked like '24 was going to join '96 '04 '12 as boring election    07/02/24  (3)
Someone describe the various xo "crews"    07/02/24  (73)
Birdshit hatred of QUEEN KAMALA tied to Sexual Frustration    07/02/24  (1)
Black Hawk Tuah    07/02/24  (1)
Mort of the Deal    07/02/24  (1)
Trump +11 in new post-debate poll    07/02/24  (27)
REMINDER: If Biden stays in the race, he needs to debate TRUMP again on Sep 10    07/02/24  (6)
Why is publicly displaying a penis legal in context of a gay people parade?    07/02/24  (1)
OceanGate co-founder now pivoting company to pursue a manned mission to Venus    07/02/24  (21)
jew.exe is consuming more system resources than required    07/02/24  (223)
How long will Hawk Tua continue    07/02/24  (5)
Israeli Kike National Security Minister: "Yeah we rape and torture Muzzies"    07/02/24  (1)
Bump this if you don't care what the DNC says: you're still RIDIN' WITH BIDEN!    07/02/24  (5)
LEAKED: Biden internal polling post-debate shows close election    07/02/24  (6)
Anyone see this "Adam22" cuckold BBC situation all over Twitter?    07/02/24  (25)
Curb Season 12: Larry David opens sushi bar on Ventura Blvd to compete w CSLG    07/02/24  (64)
Sherrod Brown will be dem nominee    07/02/24  (3)
Is this chicken raping the dog or vice versa? - link    07/02/24  (1)
Who's HOTTER? Hawk Tua Slut or Kamala Harris?    07/02/24  (1)
Willie Brown looking at events unfold: haha wow holy shit nigga what    07/02/24  (1)
White House next year serving jerk chicken tikka masala    07/02/24  (3)
Reminder: Kamala polled ~0% in 2020 primaries    07/02/24  (21)
xo jews/asians willful delusions about the south/'are country'    07/02/24  (5)
Reminder that all dems were terrible and had 0 support until Clyburn kingmade Bi    07/02/24  (1)
Buttigieg in stirrups, asshole dilated, delivering shit-covered gay baby    07/02/24  (41)
"THIS IS HOW WE DO IT" shrieked boner police in Montell Jordan voice as I fucked    07/02/24  (39)
"Pete" is outpolling Biden.    07/02/24  (2)
will the real 40 y/o jewish pedophiles... please step forward *drum roll*    07/02/24  (1)
20% Of JEWISH Biden Supporters Say Trump Is Pro-Israel    07/02/24  (1)
Rate my REVISED 180 Gorgeous CHINA Itinerary    07/02/24  (39)
New POTUS of Netherlands named Dick Schlong    07/02/24  (8)
Koreas, Japan, Vietnam just OFFSHOOTS of Gorgeous CHINA    07/02/24  (3)
RFK Jr barbecued a dog    07/02/24  (26)
XO HUNTER now joining White House meetings with dad post-debate    07/02/24  (3)
If CSLG was a good person he would have gotten benzo a job a long time ago    07/02/24  (44)
Bbboooom caught doing a racism - 7 shot    07/02/24  (1)
Only remarkable thing about Hawk Tua girl is no tattoos    07/02/24  (11)
Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred.    07/02/24  (30)
Correction tp has shaken up the posting scene and made this a better place    07/02/24  (7)

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