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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Dear Elon: I don't honestly care what Dersh or Randy Barnett think about anythin    01/02/25  (1)
Dug a grave today. Taking Q’s    01/02/25  (7)
Just Created a Seeking Profile and HOLEE FUK    01/02/25  (130)
Reptiles: Will you be okay when Trump completely pardons all of the J6'ers?    01/02/25  (14)
Dear Elon: I've never followed Ilya Shapiro reacted to any of his tweets    01/02/25  (1)
Reminder: Indian avg IQ = 81; Mexico = 87    01/02/25  (4)
what are some 'fun' things a nihilistic 39 yr old can do?    01/02/25  (43)
Trans woman expels Cornish hen and ketchup from neovagina to simulate abortion    01/02/25  (12)
Now that CFB playoffs have opened up, how many SECs made the semis? Asking for a    01/02/25  (1)
Rate this video of Elon DEEPTHROATING w sustained EYECONTACT Jews    01/02/25  (7)
"need you to send those tax comments asap. happy Chanukah btw"    01/02/25  (2)
Notre Dame vs Penn State football- Papists v rapists    01/02/25  (2)
So the trick with women is to basically ignore them after the first message?    01/02/25  (5)
So no traditional SEC ttteams made the semifinals?    01/02/25  (1)
Can’t believe MASE and Karlstack broke up    01/02/25  (6)
You had a wonderful life    01/02/25  (3)
OldHLSDude Entering his 78th Year - taking questions    01/02/25  (117)
Elon is spamming everyone's X feed with garbage, trying to bury real voices    01/02/25  (5)
Luis singing Phil Collins Throwin It All Away as he flings used rubber    01/02/25  (8)
Redditors are morons (evan39)    01/02/25  (1)
Not a single SEC team in the final four of the college playoff. Lmao    01/02/25  (4)
evan39 can we "request" article write ups?    01/02/25  (3)
D'Angelo made 3 classic albums decades apart and then said fuck it    01/02/25  (4)
Korea rhymes with diarrhea    01/02/25  (9)
Vivek’s Ideal America    01/02/25  (1)
Sorry, this is the fuck store    01/02/25  (66)
XO Jews: “Elon secretly hates all whites and loves all Indians!”    01/02/25  (28)
ITT: Men that physically discipline their children    01/02/25  (25)
we really missed out not having more sec teams to lose playoff games    01/02/25  (5)
just paid a chick staying with me to leave me alone for the day    01/02/25  (4)
🚨 Terrorist attack on Autoadmit 🚨 (nyuug shitting up another 20 threads)    01/02/25  (11)
When I kissed my wife as the ball dropped in NYE, I pretended she was discofries    01/02/25  (4)
What's your retirement number    01/02/25  (14)
Brian Kelly crying into his gumbo.    01/02/25  (1)
So the FBI is back initiating terror attacks?    01/02/25  (18)
watching the bitterness & cynicism creeping into MPA is a horror unto itself    01/02/25  (8)
'bout as dead as the sec," ur AAA guy tells you, "wanna jump?"    01/02/25  (1)
Predict ND v GA    01/02/25  (12)
Karlstack, what was your relationship like with your dad?    01/02/25  (11)
Catholics vs Convicts in CFP semis    01/02/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 MPM DAY 1: ROUND OF 64 🚨🚨🚨    01/02/25  (766)
Karlstack you are still fucking 180 bro    01/02/25  (4)
Just purchased my 1st gun. What else do I need to buy?    01/02/25  (32)
longtime notre dame fan, doodikoff, is very excited about the cfp semis    01/02/25  (2)
Does anyone want NATURE pics of XO Iceland? (RSF)    01/02/25  (14)
Cock Worship and Pussy Chasing - humanity’s carnal pursuits    01/02/25  (1)
Proximo: Marcus, you are now a free man    01/02/25  (1)
i'm now fully ready for cock.    01/02/25  (6)
King Elon furiously stuffing andouillette into Trumps iiiithole in hell    01/02/25  (1)
death star from star wars is basically the modern office tower in space    01/02/25  (9)
There are certain posters who it’s hard to picture functioning in real life    01/02/25  (45)
Satan is trying to drive you to despair    01/02/25  (5)
if anglos are so great why do they create self-destructive social systems    01/02/25  (41)
Stalin tp with pussy juice all over his chin and fucking redhead twin girls    01/02/25  (2)
Michigan fans: please spread 'em and prepare thy anus    01/02/25  (4)
Jews really hate Christmas    01/02/25  (3)
lol @ this michigan alabama game wtf    01/02/25  (7)
Why is the (((Stock Market))) being MEAN to end the year?    01/02/25  (22)
wtf is with these US special forces guys obsessing over ukraine/getting involved    01/02/25  (1)
“Does your cunt stink/dick not work? Don’t wanna get AIDS? Fat as fuck?”    01/02/25  (7)
lulzy how nyuug SPRINTS out of his own threads if asked abt Korean passport    01/02/25  (129)
REMINDER: Board retard TBF believes Nick Fuentes is a Jew for opposing Elon Musk    01/02/25  (1)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    01/02/25  (135)
GunnneratTTTurd is doing everything he can to assist Karlstack in MPM    01/02/25  (3)
does Delta Force recruit from JAG ever    01/02/25  (10)
nonstop ads for cunt stench products now    01/02/25  (38)
Videodrome: Long live the new flesh.    01/02/25  (14)
So Musk admitted that Tesla 'cars' are spyware platforms sending 'telemetry'?    01/02/25  (15)
Karlstack is really leaning into his role as Censorial Shabbos Goy Turbofaggot    01/02/25  (24)
King Elon and the server farms of Muskton Abbey    01/02/25  (1)
kirby smart is such a histrionic bitch    01/02/25  (1)
the uncomfortable truth: benzo is morally and intellectually superior to elon    01/02/25  (3)
H1B brilliance at work: Cybertruck auto-locks passengers inside when it explodes    01/02/25  (9)
Tesla - Ensuring all roads lead to Elonium — Literally    01/02/25  (1)
one book to place on desk for 2025?    01/02/25  (5)
race war now    01/02/25  (1)
I joined a DINK/SINK group on facebook    01/02/25  (350)
Whok voting for Faggy Homo Up My Butt in MPM    01/02/25  (2)
Waiting for glamorous Bollywood version of Autoadmit’s rise to prominence    01/02/25  (2)
Never thought I would leave my wife and family but I’m thinking of it now    01/02/25  (20)
Lidar, radar, ultrasonic, infrared, microphones - the Tesla story    01/02/25  (1)
which is more degrading: sports, politics, or semi-pro competitive eater youtube    01/02/25  (1)
WEF elite want misery index high failed deteriorating infrastructure & dysgenics    01/02/25  (11)
do you people really still go out on internet dates    01/02/25  (5)
xo is majority minority yet still white nationalist. america will be fine.    01/02/25  (22)
Eugene Fama explained how people become mysteriously rich in the early 70s    01/02/25  (16)
libs took the beautiful and natural rainbow and turned it disgusting    01/02/25  (3)
fulano runs a dozen alts that are recognizable    01/02/25  (13)
The US is a Rockefeller human farm    01/02/25  (7)
Goddam fulano you talk a LOT of shit    01/02/25  (30)
What was the point of blowing up a cybertruck?    01/02/25  (20)
I can't stop watching this retarded video    01/02/25  (4)
belinda carlisle = hottie    01/02/25  (8)
Oh becky, he's a Pajeet in the sheets and he shits in the streets!    01/02/25  (2)
Hardest part of eating healthy is avoiding SALT    01/02/25  (12)
Trumpmos didn't want hard working latinos doing landscaping so voted for PAJEETS    01/02/25  (1)
LMFAO - Kash Patel is ALSO an anchor baby like his pajeet-brother Vivek!    01/02/25  (12)
If STOCK MARKET doesn't go up this month I'm gonna go back to Covered Calls    01/02/25  (38)
If I didn't have family responsibilities, I'd just smoke weed all day    01/02/25  (2)
Anyone who communicates with people from here off board or IRL is a huge loser &    01/02/25  (4)
Stupid as shit bitch bois hate surveillance state but love TSLA!!!    01/02/25  (4)
"Jane Street? More like Jain Pajeet haha"    01/02/25  (3)
BIGGER FOREIGN PIECE OF SHIT: Karlstack or Elon or Kash or Vivek?    01/02/25  (1)
“It exploded intentionally this time!” (Musk)    01/02/25  (8)
distance from black dysfunction is the most artificially scarce good in america    01/02/25  (1)
lol at Patrick Mahomes not making it to Pro Bowl    01/02/25  (5)
America vs. what ELON MUSK and VIVEK dream of America becoming (link)    01/02/25  (3)
displaying your eager, hungry rump to a strange man for the first (& only) time    01/02/25  (1)
"Everything that guy just said is bullshit. Thank you."    01/02/25  (1)
"excuse me sir, I..." *gets rejected by The Box*    01/02/25  (53)
Jane Street quant finds persistent delta in verbiage between xo and autoadmit    01/02/25  (1)
The ideal country would be 63% white, 37% Indian and Chinese    01/02/25  (1)
“Do your own research” = pull up shit you agree with on YouTube    01/02/25  (11)
Guest just blew up my cybertruck and shot himself. Turo denying claim. Advice?    01/02/25  (4)
On a mostly abandoned toxic website, IRL unpopular dweebs hold a popularity cont    01/02/25  (20)
Dry January (alcoholic)    01/02/25  (4)
"Gonna need you to inspect this too," said MASE, spreading his buttocks    01/02/25  (81)
LET'S GO IRISH    01/02/25  (2)
Rate Chelsea Davy, 39 (PIC) . Prince Harry Goofed    01/02/25  (13)
brutal post re Tesla    01/02/25  (3)
🚨🚨🚨 VOTE CUCUMBERS AND/OR POERKAN FOR MPM 🚨🚨🚨    01/02/25  (10)
Nothing fucking matters. You toil away and suffer for nothing.    01/02/25  (2)
"Fuck that homo shit," said Whok to the guy fucking his anus    01/02/25  (2)
"We NEED to end birthright citizenship. Kash Patel must go back" (Trump)    01/02/25  (5)
🚨 “California’s 9/11” happening right now 🚨    01/02/25  (2)
The Bolivian Jimmy Stewart    01/02/25  (1)
Math fags: why do we square the sum of the errors in OLS?    01/02/25  (14)
Is your T high enough to jerk off to /r/SeductiveMomBod    01/02/25  (12)
I joined a groyper discord server    01/02/25  (6)
What is the life outcome of the girl who eskimo kissed nyuug    01/02/25  (4)
bitch I fuck. I fuck bitch you bitch.    01/02/25  (3)
Bloody bitch bastard    01/02/25  (1)
You saved your little brother’s life    01/02/25  (1)
That kike really opened a strip mall sushi w a mongolian chef    01/02/25  (8)
You are now in Bedford Falls    01/02/25  (1)
Neutron stars are pretty cool - link    01/02/25  (6)
Reminder: TT and nyuug are anchor babies    01/02/25  (2)
nebraska's football facility was turned into a walmart overnight (link)    01/02/25  (3)
Who will win the Pedo Bowl? Pedo State or Pedo Priests?    01/02/25  (1)
the Official Vivek apology watch thread    01/02/25  (4)
Why is Ohio State favored by 1.5 against the Ducks?    01/02/25  (25)
"Well Jenkins, looks like we got ourselves a case of TUROrism" *soyface*    01/02/25  (1)
Earl the way you flirt with Box is fucking pathetic    01/02/25  (11)
Does spaceporn still post here?    01/02/25  (11)
Danny Trejo's in your backyard. He has a large box.    01/02/25  (11)
IN THIS HOUSE We are Extremely Chinese    01/02/25  (5)

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