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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The Tamil Richard Hammond    01/05/25  (1)
Massie is like Robespierre. The Incorruptible!    01/05/25  (25)
disco fries is probably a sodomite    01/05/25  (1)
Hopefully Israel gets those hostages back soon    01/05/25  (10)
The company that makes Unraid is worth more than Microsoft and Redhat combined    01/05/25  (12)
The Marathi James May tp    01/05/25  (1)
Why Are So Many Christians So Cruel?    01/05/25  (6)
Buck can you remind me why the "elite" are so petty, evil,& depraved again?    01/05/25  (3)
Frequently told I resemble a Gujarati Jeremy Clarkson IRL    01/05/25  (1)
Dan Crenshaw >>>> Massie. Sorry xo MADBOIS lol.    01/05/25  (1)
Just almost died in England    01/05/25  (34)
Poasting online on the 12th Day of Christmas’s Eve tp    01/05/25  (1)
Would you rather win high school state championship, play on a .500 college    01/05/25  (10)
Russian and Hahol fight to the death hand to hand and film it    01/05/25  (47)
Sometimes I say imo; sometimes imho    01/05/25  (2)
It's been close to 8 years if me derogatively being called Jewish on autoadmit    01/05/25  (4)
Why did Robert Baratheon let himself go    01/05/25  (63)
Rank all the Rocky movies ITT. Include the Creed movies if you want    01/05/25  (20)
Summon TBF    01/05/25  (2)
The first job of the poaster is to endure the hatred of kings    01/05/25  (1)
Passport bros Filipina wife wants divorce after 2 years    01/05/25  (9)
Loool that the fake news Paki rape gang story is already dead and never existed    01/05/25  (6)
Doodikoff is a creepy 50 year old Jewish guy and has the "ick"    01/05/25  (3)
Lifehack: buy a juicer and make your own banana juice    01/05/25  (4)
People's music taste is predictive of their personalities though    01/05/25  (31)
The only people who actually "improved" the internet for you are the people who    01/05/25  (4)
Reminder - most Apex Chad of the 20th Century (Steve McQueen) had Flip wife    01/05/25  (5)
Romans and Greeks had "sumptuary laws," but you don't even know what those are    01/05/25  (1)
Biden to bestow nation’s highest honor on Soros, Anna Wintour    01/05/25  (46)
Colfax Ave. property was sold to Boom Car Wash LLC for $2 million    01/05/25  (35)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    01/05/25  (33)
U open k-cup and tiny CGI Steven Seagal head pops out &bellows ME WAN THE PUNANI    01/05/25  (2)
<Adrian Dittman has joined the server!> TDittman420: HAWKTUAH <Adrian Dittman wa    01/05/25  (4)
Oh yeah? And is this "Balatro clown" in the room with us now?    01/05/25  (6)
99% of Americans can recite the lyrics to Beat on the Brat, <0% read Article III    01/05/25  (1)
Anaconda (1997)    01/05/25  (1)
Taking questions on the French Revolution    01/04/25  (61)
anyone here tried to write a book / wrote a book    01/04/25  (101)
Jack White retired from music to reupholster furniture    01/04/25  (4)
Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra    01/04/25  (1)
Business idea: scallop farm (sells for $40/lb. retail)    01/04/25  (7)
Alphabet's new Chief Financial Officer, Anat Ashkenazi,    01/04/25  (2)
Was U2's "Rattle and Hum" actually underrated?    01/04/25  (2)
Can anyone explain Web 1.0 throwback bulletin boards    01/04/25  (1)
Get a girl that looks at you like gunnerattt looks at jcm.    01/04/25  (5)
I want Massie as Speaker of the House    01/04/25  (1)
On 1/20 all of this shit better end    01/04/25  (4)
Can anyone explain Westerners    01/04/25  (2)
RATE this UVA College Student (pics)    01/04/25  (13)
At what age did your kids learn to read?    01/04/25  (34)
Half of US tech firms run on laggy backend mainframes managed by H1Bs    01/04/25  (1)
Anyone else ready to take some weed edibles tonight ?    01/04/25  (12)
Anyone here tried to bring I/O lag down to absolute zero on their NAS array?    01/04/25  (1)
Rate this video of Elon DEEPTHROATING w sustained EYECONTACT Jews    01/04/25  (13)
Liberal Jews Online INSISTING that you DISAVOW and HATE Elon/Trump    01/04/25  (1)
Shitcock Holmos    01/04/25  (6)
REMINDER: Karlstack is a tall, decently built, blond / blue eyed white man.    01/04/25  (14)
Dead bedroom means divorce right?    01/04/25  (2)
XO Jews: “Elon secretly hates all whites and loves all Indians!”    01/04/25  (33)
Did karlshit finally retire. what was he even doing here lmao    01/04/25  (5)
How much does a Fortune 500 plant manager make?    01/04/25  (6)
Musk goes buckwild under an assumed name against whites    01/04/25  (184)
Karlstack frantically prancing to the toilet: "It's leaking out of my bussy!"    01/04/25  (25)
Libs remember when you controlled social media and didn't get randomly banned    01/04/25  (1)
OJ Simpson literally destroyed Kris Jenner's vagina    01/04/25  (22)
Remember when Trumpmos pretended to care about BigTech suppressing speech?    01/04/25  (7)
Sam Hyde at his best    01/04/25  (3)
anyone else have depression haha    01/04/25  (8)
Any dumb niggers in here?    01/04/25  (3)
Elon: I must ban all accounts so twitter is just me and my many alts!    01/04/25  (2)
Is Hinge premium worth it?    01/04/25  (4)
trump: "we love israel don't we?!" xo poaster: "holy shit it like 1939 germany"    01/04/25  (21)
Any poasters on RAYA, the dating app?    01/04/25  (4)
Feels like the end - a new “anomaly” flagged every day now    01/04/25  (4)
Why is nyuug so mentally ill    01/04/25  (7)
I feel like a failure.    01/04/25  (1)
Adrian Dittman hehe spamming all streams with non stop trans hate    01/04/25  (1)
Rate this video of flooding on NYC subway car (vid)    01/04/25  (2)
Remember when people thought Pete Buttfag would be POTUS? Lol    01/04/25  (4)
Imagine sending your kid to Harvard and they end up at Deloitte    01/04/25  (27)
it is kind of funny that trump named his kid baron    01/04/25  (4)
A Tesla in every drive way. An Adrian banner on every street lamp    01/04/25  (1)
5 H1-B Pajeets murder man, dump his body in NJ forest:    01/04/25  (2)
TSINAH is tiktok/ig famous (link)    01/04/25  (2)
phil "bitchtits" mickelson    01/04/25  (3)
Does anyone really think cowgod is a better poster than Karlstack?    01/04/25  (12)
if u go online & tell the truth they put you in a mental hospital & torture you    01/04/25  (1)
"hi mykonos. hi cher. hi adelle. hi rihanna." (luis feeding his stray cats)    01/04/25  (65)
Any Protoss/lifehacks for meeting women to suck/fuck & spiritually brutalize?    01/04/25  (5)
Rate this girl explaining the heat death of the universe - video    01/04/25  (2)
“where da manager at?” (black women and sassy gay guys like tsinah)    01/04/25  (1)
Just Created a Seeking Profile and HOLEE FUK    01/04/25  (179)
Luis getting a haircut (TikTok)    01/04/25  (2)
Anyone here actually like Bell peppers?    01/04/25  (32)
Who are the Top 3 pro athlete rapists of all time?    01/04/25  (4)
I fucking hate my wife and kids    01/04/25  (46)
Determined to see how successful/sexy I can be without being forced to fuck puss    01/04/25  (2)
cup of black coffee before sitting down to read at 9pm    01/04/25  (1)
Are there seriously no Hunt: Showdownmos on XO    01/04/25  (46)
have a feeling a lot of XOers resemble moby    01/04/25  (11)
xo is a bunch of unimaginative motherfuckers who all look like Jon Lovitz    01/04/25  (66)
sardines in olive oil from the tin are one of my fave snax    01/04/25  (3)
Hypo: $5 million if you can beat 1 player from each NFL team in fist fight    01/04/25  (14)
RATE This WGWIG (Bikini PIC)    01/04/25  (16)
rate this Wharton slut sucking off a ghetto black nigger    01/04/25  (36)
Brian Peppers sliding into your gf’s DMs    01/04/25  (1)
Feels cathartic to just embrace my new incel identity. So what?    01/04/25  (1)
"...and my girlfriend sucked 36 dicks!" "In a row?"    01/04/25  (3)
Posting from my phone while still covered in this college guy's cum    01/04/25  (1)
how bad is boars head genoa salami sandwich everyday for 30+ years    01/04/25  (4)
So rather than building wall, Trump will get big unsecured Greenland?    01/04/25  (1)
Imagine sending your son to Harvard and he ends up marrying an azngirl    01/04/25  (1)
anyone else getting more pumped about Greenland?    01/04/25  (21)
how can anyone who's ever been to costco not think we need to deport 100 million    01/04/25  (22)
crying for no particular reason but it feels good, like i'm releasing anxiety    01/04/25  (19)
Cumming on a large cock in less than an hour    01/04/25  (5)
Anyone here actually look like Brian Peppers?    01/04/25  (4)
lol how is Magic Johnson still alive?    01/04/25  (16)
Trump: "White Americans have too many problems, I like winners like Hindus"    01/04/25  (25)
Anfernee “Timothee” Hardaway-Chalomet    01/04/25  (4)
Musk isn't Dittmann right now    01/04/25  (1)
evan39 is in heat. any board Chad's ready to do the needful?    01/04/25  (5)
Weird trend in gay porn (evan39)    01/04/25  (24)
At 445 Days, 46 BCE Was The Longest Year In History    01/04/25  (10)
*closes xo tab* *live studio audience boos*    01/04/25  (15)
Girl is drafting “Rules of Engagement (Boundaries)” right now    01/04/25  (5)
The Legend of 1900 is unironically the most underrated movie ever    01/04/25  (3)
Fuck you bloody saar fuck you bitch bastard fuck you fuck    01/04/25  (21)
"my son is a mute. he has trystero 21" (julia)    01/04/25  (9)
I'm weirdly attracted to men.    01/04/25  (2)
"Time" vaporizes and everything is a lie    01/04/25  (22)
update: aubrey plaza is single again guys    01/04/25  (22)
how much money would one need to come up with to make an offer for this bort?    01/04/25  (11)
Face/Off but it's "cowgod" and Paul Town    01/04/25  (3)
Libs on other boards call you a "bot" if you disagree    01/04/25  (4)
How big was the biggest you've ever taken?    01/04/25  (3)
Zurich my friend. I love you 🥰    01/04/25  (30)
Joe Buck in a faggy turtleneck with his gay homo boyfriend Troy    01/04/25  (1)
I’ve had sex with genetic females of every age from 15-39    01/04/25  (8)
*Lib "male" puts arm around distressed shrew at Election Night party*    01/04/25  (93)
I don't want to go to the gas chamber. I have headaches.    01/04/25  (5)
Why did historical "humans" independently produce "pyramids"    01/04/25  (10)
He watches me every shift. Tonight, he left a note. (Evan39)    01/04/25  (48)
I can think of at least a Dozen AZNgirls in Asia who are just Shrew Living on IG    01/04/25  (32)
Nasdaq Inc. is traded on Nasdaq    01/04/25  (2)
Keith Woods and Paul Town discuss Clique Theory    01/04/25  (32)
Never thought I would leave my wife and family but I’m thinking of it now    01/04/25  (33)
seeking christ dot com    01/04/25  (1)
John Rocker was right    01/04/25  (1)
Guy I met literally only wears Green Day shirts.    01/04/25  (1)

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