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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Tucker Carlson getting fat - video    03/06/25  (32)
If you had to give a piece of US territory the size of Crimea up, which one?    03/06/25  (12)
Can't wait to join our friends in Russia & Israel in war against Europe +Canada!    03/06/25  (4)
Immigration lawyers how has drumpf affected your practice?    03/06/25  (12)
DOGE corruption, UFO files, Epstein List, JFK assassination coverup    03/06/25  (1)
the macho, womanizing often alcoholic writer was an American archetype    03/06/25  (20)
Are Bosnians real    03/06/25  (17)
“ELON EXPOSED BILLIONS IN CORRUPTION” how many arrests? “ZERO BUT    03/06/25  (23)
NVDA is on sale today bc of Chinese panic, just go buy it by the truckload.    03/06/25  (69)
Anyone ever feel like you're in some fake and gay contest that y're not aware of    03/06/25  (7)
US Employers added more jobs last month than any February since 2009    03/06/25  (1)
The idea that fathers are supposed to “spend quality time” w kids = kike fla    03/06/25  (167)
ADP reports jobs blowout, 2.8% GDP growth, inflation down, market record highs    03/06/25  (41)
I’m leaving my wife and kids this weekend    03/06/25  (102)
THE GREAT TARIFF CRASH OF 2025 (March 3, 2025 - March 3, 2025)    03/06/25  (21)
I fucking hate my wife and kids    03/06/25  (47)
Tucker Carlson: Zelensky sells weapons to Hamas. TBF?    03/06/25  (7)
walked in my wife’s closet and said, “what is this, a holocaust museum?”    03/06/25  (9)
Trump 2.0 already a failure    03/06/25  (29)
My Review Of THE BRUTALIST - Film Is A Warning Against US Jewish Assimilation    03/06/25  (2)
Having kids ruined my marriage, health, and life    03/06/25  (45)
I fucking hate having kids, biggest mistake of my life    03/06/25  (68)
Top Trump allies hold secret talks with Zelenskyy’s Ukrainian opponents    03/06/25  (8)
Having kids in 2023 is the worst mistake you can possibly make    03/06/25  (38)
MASE when was the last time you shat blood?    03/06/25  (5)
Bloomberg: A pile of shoes is all that remains of FTX employees    03/06/25  (17)
i wish i’d never gotten married or had kids    03/06/25  (120)
Posters with babies, how’s it going    03/06/25  (80)
YLS Research Scholar Doxed As Hamas Member    03/06/25  (11)
I would pay good money to watch Trans Olympics    03/06/25  (3)
‘Trump’ has deported fewer than even Soetoro?    03/06/25  (3)
Cryptkeeper cackling "Guess he's not going to take another hotdog from Bozo!"    03/06/25  (35)
Penis burn case opening tomorrow. Asking for 50 million (CSLG)    03/06/25  (76)
Trump 2.0: Measles, Recession, Gay Fairies, no Medicaid, Red State Bankruptcy    03/06/25  (13)
LMAO - Kentucky is utterly fucked    03/06/25  (11)
how do i get entry-level board positions?    03/06/25  (12)
BIG WIN FOR TRUMP: Senate votes to ban trans athletes from womens sports (link)    03/06/25  (5)
Trump is using the tariffs issue to create fear in order to crash the stock mark    03/06/25  (15)
LMAO, Texas measles outbreak spiraling out of control    03/06/25  (7)
According to Trump many of todays abortions will be to newborns!    03/06/25  (15)
REMINDER: drakemallard is very fat    03/06/25  (6)
Tesla sales jump 50% in China    03/06/25  (2)
"I'd like you to do some LGBT stuff in my Lesotho, if u know what I mean" (MASE)    03/06/25  (9)
SUMMARY OF TODAYS FINDINGS: DrakeMallard runs the Voodoo Child account    03/06/25  (42)
"I cant afford the mortgage this month but I pwnd some libs" (Trumpmo to bank)    03/06/25  (4)
If u listened to TBF and held TSLA a month ago, you'd only be down 33%!    03/06/25  (6)
MASE what happened to this place    03/06/25  (16)
Has any POTUS tanked the stock market so quickly?    03/06/25  (18)
Are Bostonians real    03/06/25  (1)
Jared Fogle got his ass beat in prison.    03/06/25  (132)
lol 10 republicans vote AGAINST censuring Rep. Al Green    03/06/25  (2)
TBF - any updates on ur TSLA investment?    03/06/25  (20)
LMAO, drakemallard nuked his own thread about how stock crash was over    03/06/25  (12)
Your 401k now worth 3 dozen eggs. THANK TRUMP!    03/06/25  (10)
REMINDER: TSLA is a car company that sells cars nobody wants to buy    03/06/25  (98)
lmao TDNW's prostitute wife is about to get deported    03/06/25  (15)
TSLA sub 300 watch thread    03/06/25  (26)
DAILY REMINDER: DrakeMallard = Voodoo Child, it's the same autistic fag    03/06/25  (38)
TT: rate this Ukrainian who dodged draft to chase ladybois in Asia    03/06/25  (9)
TRUMP to revoke protected status and deport 240K Ukranian “refugees”    03/06/25  (6)
My Tesla's maintenance costs are out of control (gunneratttt)(pic)    03/06/25  (8)
how to stop neighbors dog from shitting in my yard?    03/06/25  (7)
African Superman 非洲超人 2900 mg tp    03/06/25  (2)
   03/06/25  (3)
JD Vance promises to make killing a cow a Federal Crime    03/06/25  (11)
Insane Clown Posse publicly disavowing SP after recent Hotdog-Spaghetti Report    03/06/25  (12)
Rate this Florida coed - sfw    03/06/25  (8)
Very sad: Beef O’Brady’s removes an inebriated Obeezy for repeated SOTU prot    03/06/25  (18)
Male Anal Sex Expert (MASE) has expertise in ANAL SEX not Ukraine war    03/06/25  (20)
confirmed - women under report body count    03/06/25  (3)
The WLMAS spammer is especially triggered when you attack Voodoo Child, odd    03/06/25  (4)
“You win, Jews.” -DrakeMallard as he cues up another incest porn video    03/06/25  (19)
Who was the 32x even for?    03/06/25  (3)
Peterman examining MASE's anus: "haha oh wow"    03/06/25  (7)
high likelihood "DrakeMallard/animeboi"
; is also "Henry Aaron/Voodoo Child"
   03/06/25  (47)
DrakeMallard/Voodoo Child's mental illness is breathtaking, he's been talking to    03/06/25  (36)
The spammer hates when ur mean to Voodoo Child, interesting.    03/06/25  (21)
REMINDER: DrakeMallard/Voodoo is more mentally ill than arkan    03/06/25  (14)
My pet name for my wife’s pussy is Beef O’Brady    03/06/25  (9)
“What should I name this cartoon abt jewish babies?” “RugRATS. Bc theyr KI    03/06/25  (1)
The Hairline of Dorian Gray    03/06/25  (3)
More Assplay Sir Elon (MASE)    03/06/25  (2)
Jared Fogle is jacked now and got a bunch of prison tats (link)    03/06/25  (1)
Wall Street is embracing Elon Musk more than ever, better buy TSLA now    03/06/25  (3)
chink slut tp get ITT    03/06/25  (1)
Mutilated Anus Still Elastic (MASE)    03/06/25  (4)
Been caught squanchin, once, when he was 5    03/06/25  (10)
*walks in room, sits down backwards in chair* "Asian pussy."    03/06/25  (5)
Musky Anal Suction Equipment (MASE)    03/06/25  (7)
Only the Republican trannies can shit in women's rooms! (Cons)    03/06/25  (1)
Gavin Newsom: "We have to get these disgusting trannies out of girl's sports"    03/06/25  (9)
"Russian and Chinese Dictators pin their future hopes on a Trump victory"- CNBC    03/06/25  (5)
REMINDER: TSLA is crashing and there's nothing you can do about it    03/06/25  (1)
*spreads buttcheeks, inserts cucumber* "I'm MASE I lost to this" whole office la    03/06/25  (37)
"We'll be in touch" GC lied as you pulled up your panties and left the interview    03/06/25  (88)
Stunned Chinese See Cultural Revolution Happening in US (NYT)    03/06/25  (15)
Bussy vs Boistinker vs Mangina (aka Peterman vs Doobs vs MASE)    03/06/25  (2)
On Earth, Elon does the most for humanity, yet he receives the most hate.    03/06/25  (14)
*FBI Agent spreads butthole* “I’m Spaceporn Jr!” *whole office laughs*    03/06/25  (362)
"Squirting Cucumbers Shoot Loads 40ft"- NYT profile of vegan IFNB gym (link)    03/06/25  (8)
is Exile On Main Street the greatest album ever made?    03/06/25  (10)
MASE is being an uppity sarcastic piggie again. Nothing a hard anal won't cure    03/06/25  (32)
Look at it this way, ur 401ks damaged for a decade but 4 trannies cant run track    03/06/25  (3)
Cons while your 401(k) plummets don’t forget epstein list rug pull!    03/06/25  (5)
Marco Rubio watching MASE enjoy ass play at his foam party: "Wow, what a slut!"    03/06/25  (27)
How will the TRUMP STOCK MARKET CRASH impact boomers' retirements?    03/06/25  (5)
Lucy pulling the Epstein files away from Charlie Brown    03/06/25  (7)
*Trumpmos losing their life savings* "I'm so MAF... that Epstein list not ready"    03/06/25  (1)
We’re getting rugpulled on the Epstein list aren’t we    03/06/25  (27)
so libs were smart enough to pull their life savings out of market, Trumpmos? LM    03/06/25  (1)
Peterman to your son's class, "So my white blood cell count was so low    03/06/25  (4)
China secretly worried US will win on trade (WSJ)    03/06/25  (11)
Biden handing over an absolutely BOOMING economy    03/06/25  (37)
Trumpmos - u realize TRUMP IS ON the Epstein list, right?    03/06/25  (1)
Stock Market Crash of March 6, 2025 --- Trump is DONE here    03/06/25  (4)
cant believe how fucking FAT Richard Spencer got    03/06/25  (1)
good morning    03/06/25  (5)
TBF please update us on your TSLA holdings you big nosed k***    03/06/25  (2)
Keeping 5 trannies out of womens track makes Trumpmos feel like they won culture    03/06/25  (1)
Real talk. My Tesla is the best car I have ever owned or driven    03/06/25  (14)
You know the stock market is tanking because the Trumpmos are bumping tranny thr    03/06/25  (1)
fulanos blown out boihole convulsing, transmitting morse code to cooper    03/06/25  (7)
NYT: ActBlue is in chaos    03/06/25  (17)
Kevin Nealon pushing 70 but looks 20 years younger. Love to see it.    03/06/25  (2)
Friend's dog died after eating a trash can full of dirty tampons    03/06/25  (8)
Trump 2.0: Planes crshing, TSLA crashing, stocks crashing, coins crashing    03/06/25  (12)
Wait, you're telling me the stock market doesn't like daily trade wars?    03/06/25  (5)
It's 180 Trump is following through on campaign promises    03/06/25  (5)
US has a $4b trade deficit with Israel, Trump will stop this rite Trumpkins?    03/06/25  (3)
Holding this depreciating asset (tsla stock) to pwn the libs! (TBF)    03/06/25  (21)
It's funny how many MAGA bros are on entitlement programs    03/06/25  (5)
"WELL I GUESS ELON ISN'T RICH NOW" TBF mockingly said as his life savings tanked    03/06/25  (12)
Still literally zero (0) arrests for all this “corruption” elon claims?    03/06/25  (2)
Wow! ICE is now flying 2,000 illegals to Colombia per day on 10 daily flights:    03/06/25  (2)
Collective punishment of libs is a perfectly legitimate use of state power    03/06/25  (14)
Deportation flights CANCELLED because Trump has no dick and balls    03/06/25  (2)
A request for the WLMAS spammer    03/06/25  (13)
Daily THANKS TRUMP    03/06/25  (2)
Zero world leaders fear Trump    03/06/25  (1)
Blacks on Twitter/tiktok are openly calling for white genocide in USA    03/06/25  (9)
TSLA has now clearly crashed below its resistance level. LOL, TBF? U there?    03/06/25  (62)
No recall or intervention can work in this place, there is no escape    03/06/25  (2)
Could you be a world class actor if given the chance?    03/06/25  (7)

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