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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Gov Vivek promises a copy of the The Upanishads in every Ohio School    03/05/25  (1)
🚨 SCOTUS sides with Trump on foreign aid freeze 🚨    03/05/25  (27)
Posters with babies, how’s it going    03/05/25  (9)
Your Birdshit Wife suggesting you name first born son "The Congo"    03/05/25  (1)
Sega Game Gear Regrets    03/05/25  (7)
courting fob pajeetas: stupid or shrewd?    03/05/25  (6)
JET BLACK CONGO    03/05/25  (2)
Life magazine cover of barefoot 'Kash Patel' sworn in on the Bhagavad Gita    03/05/25  (2)
Norman Rockwell Painting of Vivek Ramaswamy raping Zach from Saved by the Bell    03/05/25  (1)
What has been done is beyond crooked    03/05/25  (1)
I love how hate of turdskins is basically going mainstream    03/05/25  (44)
Imagine how 180 it must be being named "Raj Rajamani"    03/05/25  (2)
Life magazine cover photo of Vivek Ramwaswamey shitting in Nebraska cornfield    03/05/25  (1)
If I moved to India, could I make bank as a phone scammer?    03/05/25  (7)
Me: Solved full quantum gravity, Riemann, P v NP, and BSD    03/05/25  (2)
Architect threatening to sue me for using her plans    03/05/25  (18)
USAID had $32m Program in Philippines to teach ppl to say "Sir" over and over    03/05/25  (3)
emergent jewish monikor 'vibe check' minyan itt    03/05/25  (2)
CHINA is the sole SUPERPOWER    03/05/25  (2)
What does "ketamine" do anyway    03/05/25  (14)
Mississippi or Oklahoma are your options or leave america    03/05/25  (9)
Good morning. China threatened us with war today.    03/05/25  (61)
13 yo black boy with Brain Cancer, of all things I thought was impossible    03/05/25  (1)
Sean Baker's next film "loosely inspired" by Kamala's prostituting days    03/05/25  (2)
If US pulled support for Ukraine why still meddling in the negotiations?    03/05/25  (73)
Holocaust musical idea: autistic Jewish boy can only speak in songs    03/05/25  (3)
wtf trumps speech killed a dem congressman. So dark    03/05/25  (7)
Me Also Suck Elon (MASE)    03/05/25  (1)
'Shoeless' Vivek Ramaswamey in Field of Dreams    03/05/25  (10)
We watched the movie Fantasia like ten times in elementary school    03/05/25  (1)
TX teacher names kids "faggot of the month" & "most likely to be a terrorist"    03/05/25  (46)
USAID provided $25m in funding for Richmond, VA NAMBLA-run adoption clinic    03/05/25  (2)
Daughter won student of the month. Taking questions.    03/05/25  (13)
“And if the courts don’t stop us, we’ll just reverse all of our decisions!    03/05/25  (1)
Say what you will about Dems, but their signs at the speech were genius    03/05/25  (7)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    03/05/25  (159)
lol at this comment on cowshit’s latest 32x opus    03/05/25  (11)
Karl Rove's secret life REVEALED: gigolo for wealthy AZN women, "Karl Rove"    03/05/25  (2)
NSAM out of retirement with a message for Trump loyalists    03/05/25  (42)
Penis burn case opening tomorrow. Asking for 50 million (CSLG)    03/05/25  (50)
The Xbox Series X and the American Southerners Mind    03/05/25  (4)
dbg would you go gay for Patrick Mouratoglou    03/05/25  (1)
Will Millennials be hit by a wave of dementia due to Marijuana use?    03/05/25  (11)
How much will crypto whales pay for pre access to quantum cryptography?    03/05/25  (11)
Very few people know what a Nebraska is    03/05/25  (13)
Very few people know what a Nagaland is    03/05/25  (1)
I want to congratulate Trumpmos on their LGBT accomplishment, first tranny VP!    03/05/25  (1)
Koreans Americans are fantastic dentists    03/05/25  (2)
Imagining ruining a handful of lives just so you can sports bet on a sick game    03/05/25  (3)
RFK Jr just released HHS statement on the benefits of women swallowing cum    03/05/25  (6)
God put his forsaken mountainous wall there for a reason    03/05/25  (1)
the bboom "this wasnt years ago" thing is exactly how my brain works    03/05/25  (2)
Tim Cook: Apple builds with Chinks because no Whites are smart enough (lin    03/05/25  (34)
I won the whatever    03/05/25  (2)
An autistic African sociopath with a ketamine addiction if you can keep it    03/05/25  (6)
How much will crypto whales pay Trump to manipulate the market?    03/05/25  (1)
“go fast and break things” self driving tesla: “on it”    03/05/25  (1)
OOPS no tariffs on cars, OOPS USDA employees reinstated    03/05/25  (1)
What was done to the women? You must fix them! We must fix them    03/05/25  (4)
Disco loves Durant    03/05/25  (2)
For those here that think Texas is "cold" doesn't know what cold is    03/05/25  (5)
Spread your seed! Are you afraid of the pussy?    03/05/25  (6)
Just trllions in fraud medical welfare "payments" missing ljl    03/05/25  (1)
Trump’s speech killed . . . . a congressman    03/05/25  (2)
Jews stop trying to steal my sun and bury it with a nigger    03/05/25  (1)
Jew pretending to be non-Jew pretending to be a Jew online tp    03/05/25  (8)
LMAO at knowing what Charles is thinking about in this clip.    03/05/25  (4)
Sorry Jews, the Holocaust didnt happen. Wish it did, but it didnt.    03/05/25  (270)
Pube Man    03/05/25  (1)
Never thought I was a boob guy until meeting a 30s chick w no boobs. Ljl    03/05/25  (28)
Boom Car Wash LLC Locations: Denver, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Scottsbluff    03/05/25  (1)
Calling Big Blinds LLC of Council Bluffs Iowa    03/05/25  (1)
Go to Council Bluffs, Iowa right now    03/05/25  (7)
'In This House, We Hate Turds' yard signs appearing across heartland    03/05/25  (3)
Go to Omaha, Nebraska right now lol    03/05/25  (4)
ricky    03/05/25  (7)
FACT CHECK: u.s. has ONLY given $100 BILLION to Ukraine    03/05/25  (27)
*smashes infant sized novelty lollipop against wall*SAY PWEASE IN DA WHYET HOWSE    03/05/25  (5)
Basic economics of tariffs (MAGA morons don't click)    03/05/25  (29)
Texas is awesome    03/05/25  (16)
Seems like women would rather ruin lives than admit that they were wrong    03/05/25  (57)
bboooom, don't go to TTThailand let's have xo meetup at Bloomington, NE communit    03/05/25  (1)
We love you Eron Muks    03/05/25  (1)
Healthcare is absolutely farcical thanks to libs, rate this 180 vid (link)    03/05/25  (2)
bloodacre & Beastie Boys throwing you in a van, shipping you to Donbas    03/05/25  (2)
Did xo create the phrase "bald fraud"    03/05/25  (2)
ITT: jcm has fun creating AI images featuring xoxo-inspired prompts    03/05/25  (279)
***OFFICIAL Trump Joint Session Address March 4 2025***    03/05/25  (300)
Trump proposes $4.5 trillion in tax cuts    03/05/25  (5)
penitent, trad Catholic with Ash Wednesday markings ...    03/05/25  (1)
XO is for low iq politics discussions only now    03/05/25  (24)
Czech Republic announces "Atoms for Peace" nuclear program (link)    03/05/25  (1)
Birth Control stopped your wife from realizing you were the wrong man for her    03/05/25  (1)
We gettin Thiel money we gettin Thiel money La La Hale Hale Hilo we gettin Thiel    03/05/25  (1)
You've been visited by the Obese Baby Vance of Red Envelope fortune    03/05/25  (1)
What's the most hurtful thing that someone has ever done to you?    03/05/25  (1)
Jafarriors gather itt for mystical blessings    03/05/25  (1)
The 2 Minutes Turd Hate    03/05/25  (1)
My God. The minerals.    03/05/25  (8)
Mistah Poutine mawum says you cannow haf all ub Youcrane. Save some foh Zesky    03/05/25  (2)
Get money, fuck pussy and spread seed was and is your only "job"    03/05/25  (5)
is SXSW gay af? where to stay if near 6th Ave    03/05/25  (2)
trade wars are kinda fun imo    03/05/25  (1)
AG Bondi: We need time to delete Israel from the Epstein files    03/05/25  (20)
"Mom, Ricky's off his meds and calling it Jizzrael now"    03/05/25  (3)
Jimmer Freddette, in a wig and dress dominating WNBA tryouts    03/05/25  (2)
Jawline Statutory -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/05/25  (15)
women have all kinds of blood shit piss mucus and cum in their fetid cauldrons    03/05/25  (2)
Xo is just a bunch of rich fuckers complaing online huh?    03/05/25  (9)
Hey “blackpillers” can we get an update abt how “The Jews” are controlli    03/05/25  (18)
The Bobby Bacala of Biglaw    03/05/25  (3)
Jizz Stain    03/05/25  (1)
One of the few good things about Trump is how hard he's fucking over veterans    03/05/25  (1)
LINK: reverse big willie and double reverse big willie style threads now BANNED    03/05/25  (2)
What happened to Biden? Where did he go? What is he doing?    03/05/25  (17)
Fake it l&get your money!.spread your seed    03/05/25  (1)
Rate my next watch    03/05/25  (13)
What is Trump’s beef with the CHIPS Act?    03/05/25  (9)
CNN: Trump speech had a 69% approval rating    03/05/25  (12)
Very stupid events caused for very stupid reasons    03/05/25  (1)
DeepSeek is better than ChatGPT for caselaw    03/05/25  (3)
'tariffs' already leading to reindustrialization, new factories popping up daily    03/05/25  (1)
Dat difficult life grappling with high level concepts for the benefit of the ppl    03/05/25  (1)
Cum Butt    03/05/25  (1)
Trump to US Automakers: I'll give you ONE month before I rape you    03/05/25  (1)
penis burn case tp    03/05/25  (1)
Said some “off-the-wall” shit on a date now she never wants to see me again    03/05/25  (45)
Trump's economic priority - make stagflation great again    03/05/25  (1)
Safeway has eliminated self-checkout and I now must interact with humans.    03/05/25  (14)
Retarded question: why are Libs pre-war against Russia?    03/05/25  (76)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
Who is the meth/crackhead doing all the mentally ill spamming this morning?    03/05/25  (8)
Trumpcucks- why do you like North Korea so much?    03/05/25  (5)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
really enjoying the open, vicious anti-Indian racism against Vivek    03/05/25  (9)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
what goes on in the mind of brown turd saying 'I'm English.'    03/05/25  (4)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)
COPS = SHIT    03/05/25  (1)

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