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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/08/25  (57)
Here's the news story from 2001 showing Israelis dancing on 9/11    03/08/25  (5)
Gen Z Boss and a Mini!    03/08/25  (5)
I'll never love my half asian "children" like I would if they were white    03/08/25  (21)
I forgot to log into my Boom 💥 account(evan39)    03/08/25  (8)
Another fraud shit "month"=March..set ur clocks ahead tomorrow good goy    03/08/25  (8)
Childless women should have to pay an occupational tax of $2500/mo    03/08/25  (11)
I just had an interesting argument with my wife    03/08/25  (10)
Old man was drawing dead in poker    03/08/25  (4)
2 Charts: Net Worth Progression over last decade & projected forward    03/08/25  (12)
Any states offer the guillotine for execution?    03/08/25  (13)
Rich people are truly the most charitable.    03/08/25  (1)
I hate low life whom are retarded, poor and cum from shit backgrounds    03/08/25  (1)
evan39 religious church goers are closeted fags..but hey they separate people    03/08/25  (3)
Bumbs can starve    03/08/25  (3)
Look for my cofounder    03/08/25  (1)
The Cryptocurrency Scam and the Future of Inflationary Bailouts    03/08/25  (41)
Just watched "Clerks" again (evan39)    03/08/25  (3)
lol King Charles converted to Islam 6 years ago    03/08/25  (3)
Good goy;) be sure to set ur "clocks" to 3am at 159am 3/9/2025 gregorian hehe    03/08/25  (11)
TSLA at 350: TBF was a smug asshole, TSLA now at 250: TBF still smug asshole    03/08/25  (1)
New Netflix movie has $320 mm budget- 20% on rotten tomatoes    03/08/25  (19)
"Pee in his butt, bro."    03/08/25  (4)
Fags    03/08/25  (1)
Shabbat begins --> TBF silent --> Shabbat ends --> TBF immediately begins postin    03/08/25  (2)
“Funerals” should be reserved only for great man as obscurity is forever    03/08/25  (3)
evan39 caught w telephoto lens at Seattle Sounders game by uncomfortable parent    03/08/25  (2)
TSLA is up 50% YOY and 460% over 5 years. Lol at the gloating about decrease    03/08/25  (13)
Imagine your daughter being named Unikite Thirteen Hotel by State Of Nebraska    03/08/25  (1)
TBF beings posting right after SHABBAT ENDS (ET), coincidence?    03/08/25  (1)
XO Poll: Does your dick work?    03/08/25  (14)
Poll: why does water evaporate?    03/08/25  (13)
Gene Hackman wandered around house in dementia stupor for entire week    03/08/25  (38)
Food is absolutely incredible, broke my fast early and feel 180 all of a sudden    03/08/25  (1)
Got beat up by a 12 year old Italian kid in a wife-beater this morning.    03/08/25  (3)
Over 40 bros come here to share and debate workout regimens    03/08/25  (86)
Trump fixes inflation, TSLA prices crashing (also TSLA stock, and TSLA cars)    03/08/25  (1)
biglaw assoc tapping out cherub rock drums on desk w/ pen    03/08/25  (4)
*sighs* *taps fingers on desk*    03/08/25  (4)
What's the deal with tetanus shots and boosters? Flame?    03/08/25  (5)
March 2025 Height & Net Worth Wellness Check    03/08/25  (59)
Poaster arrested for taking pics at HS wrestling match. Is this unsurprising?    03/08/25  (4)
“Well he was a lawyer but now he sells mesh shorts to high schools.”    03/08/25  (2)
Has nyuug fucked more girls and is more alpha than Andrew Tate?    03/08/25  (8)
Forced to pick a date Rock music died, it’s gotta be 4/5/94 Cobain    03/08/25  (98)
TSLA has 95% upside says major hedge fund manager (link)    03/08/25  (1)
Man arrested for taking pictures at HS volleyball game. Is this Constitutional?    03/08/25  (71)
Heard a wild speech from the Maid of Honor last night at wedding    03/08/25  (9)
Israel is propped up by a gang of war criminals and blackmailers    03/08/25  (1)
🚨 Autoadmit meme coin is now live on pumpfun 🚨    03/08/25  (23)
Did an irons fitting at Cool Clubs    03/08/25  (1)
Trump may redeploy troops in Germany to Hungary    03/08/25  (1)
Really tired of some of these libs pretending they were cons all along    03/08/25  (1)
Women would rather date a prole chad than a tech millionaire (link)    03/08/25  (11)
Trump overheard saying "gonna drop an Usha brb" before walking into restroom    03/08/25  (1)
Sadly Jay Dyer took his own life yesterday, 3-7-2025    03/08/25  (4)
Asked GF if I’m “the best lover she’s ever had.” Big mistake.    03/08/25  (7)
I'm an absolute sucker for Irish lasses like this    03/08/25  (24)
Kraftwerk - Europe Endless.mp3    03/08/25  (75)
Gavin Newsom didn't learn to read until he was 31    03/08/25  (1)
Tech leaders pivot away from H-1B visas after populist revolt    03/08/25  (5)
How does Johnsmeyer keep getting invited to all these weddings    03/08/25  (1)
It's a free for all! Why care?    03/08/25  (15)
Gavin Newsom is launching his own podcast — and inviting MAGA favorites    03/08/25  (16)
Sexually frustrated dykes trolling men online    03/08/25  (3)
This whole thing is a jewish scam from top to bottom    03/08/25  (2)
I cant believe this is it    03/08/25  (4)
Just watched "The Firm" again (evan39)    03/08/25  (25)
"my six figure salary enrages them!" bellowed the MGTOW in his guy fawkes mask    03/08/25  (78)
"We don't want any goddamn blacks in this neighborhood!" the Realtor said coyly    03/08/25  (8)
'sex with men for mo-ney' to the tune of Dire Straits 'i want my mtv' refrain    03/08/25  (6)
TBF where the part when we make money on your epic stock picks    03/08/25  (2)
UCLA law professor calls for violent military coup    03/08/25  (3)
Mia Love dead from brain cancer at 49    03/08/25  (11)
kikearoni , great kike moniker    03/08/25  (2)
“Which one is your daughter?” “Oh, none of them. I just love volleyball    03/08/25  (2)
worst thing about the stress of work is knowing it means nothing to anyone    03/08/25  (3)
TD Cowen Analyst: "TSLA downgraded to a 'sell' with a $130 target." (VIDEO)    03/08/25  (14)
Steven Greer briefs Trump on UFO's and REAL E.T.'s    03/08/25  (3)
Dubai visa MFEs- how do random Indians or whatever start restaurants in Dubai?    03/08/25  (2)
Independent girls high school volleyball scout tp    03/08/25  (6)
Get all of these Russian agents out of the government    03/08/25  (1)
Vance using his child as a human shield    03/08/25  (6)
Who will be publicly executed by RFK for roles in seed oil cancer epidemic?    03/08/25  (5)
so jewish whores drag young men into here to be sacrificed by jewish demons?    03/08/25  (1)
"The grand scheme" = When has this ever mattered wrt wageslavery    03/08/25  (1)
literally cant remeber last time i smoked weed    03/08/25  (11)
Wife is pissed because my dotter likes pokemon.    03/08/25  (19)
pheromone drenched HS girls volleyball shorts    03/08/25  (2)
kevin mccarthy ripping up biden's state of the union speech like a stupid cunt    03/08/25  (8)
I love how hate of turdskins is basically going mainstream    03/08/25  (52)
Series of ~5 year chapters in my life that are entirely unconnected    03/08/25  (7)
people reading history of US in 2020s will just assume you were gay    03/08/25  (4)
We need Brave New World style hatcheries    03/08/25  (1)
i want to do for HS volleyball girls what Leni Riefenstahl did for the Nuba    03/08/25  (1)
Trump’s Affinity for Putin Grows More Consequential Than Ever (NYT)    03/08/25  (7)
I have bad news. Your test results are back, and you are gay.    03/08/25  (2)
PDiddy be fuckin all dem mens anuses n sheiiiit    03/08/25  (16)
HS girls arrested for indecent uniforms on the basis of man's photographic evide    03/08/25  (1)
start a monthly girls HS volleyball illustrated magazine, show up w/ telephoto c    03/08/25  (1)
Queef on my penis, babe    03/08/25  (7)
'uh, why have you Tivo'd 12 hours of girls HS volleyball?'    03/08/25  (15)
Hotel rooms are like $500 a night now, how did this happen?    03/08/25  (30)
Does Elon Musk report to an Indian CEO?    03/08/25  (1)
Picture this, fags. You’re alone in a diaper. Going 90 mph. On a loaded freewa    03/08/25  (2)
Who here has a big dick like 7.75+”    03/08/25  (1)
Why can't EPAH find actual hot women?    03/08/25  (4)
Asian chicks are best nicer and cuter huh? ASIA NUMBA ONE    03/08/25  (1)
we gotta do ethnic cleansing over there so we can be ethnic cleansed over here    03/08/25  (3)
Rock songs with iconic intros that don’t repeat again for the rest of the song    03/08/25  (22)
Massacre of Alawites continues in Syria. 1,000 dead    03/08/25  (1)
America=nothing but one big Ole $CAM    03/08/25  (1)
When takes loads of retard cum get it all free..if they mess this up lol    03/08/25  (1)
*enters room eating Snickers bar* 'You guys talking about sex w/ men for money?'    03/08/25  (1)
I can't fulfill my wife's sexual needs    03/08/25  (14)
I've looked at Jung's "Red Book." This guy is a schizo moron    03/08/25  (3)
Guys are pussies in america..women can get paid to fuck then paid again    03/08/25  (5)
Mainlining is Bossier City, LA nice for a midwest town?    03/08/25  (1)
“Hack of Trump’s Venmo Reveals Numerous Payments from Putin.” (ProPublica)    03/08/25  (1)
Johnny Somali update - link    03/08/25  (1)
Any good documentaries on Inuits or Siberian peoples?    03/08/25  (1)
   03/08/25  (12)
Once you have 2 kids, you realize non-first borns aren't really loved.    03/08/25  (16)
This is all a mistake; I was supposed to have been born Black :-/    03/08/25  (1)
Yes or No - Trump will annex land as a territory or 51st state by end of 2nd ter    03/08/25  (2)
How a Gay Retard Spammed a Law Board with Weeks Old NYT Links (NYT    03/08/25  (2)
How Trump’s ‘51st State’ Canada Talk Came to Be Seen as Deadly Serious (NY    03/08/25  (3)
need edit of Tucker telling 'demon' story w/ Exorcist theme in background    03/08/25  (1)
Housing prices are coming down    03/08/25  (1)
With Drones and North Korean Troops, Russia Pushes Back Ukraine’s Offensive (N    03/08/25  (3)
really can't get past Tucker Carlson's insane 'demon attack' story    03/08/25  (15)
USAID was paying gays to buttfuck?    03/08/25  (3)
I'm at the Club! finna fuck bitches!!! (Mainlining)    03/08/25  (9)
Inside the Explosive Meeting Where Trump Officials Clashed With Elon Musk (NYT)    03/08/25  (2)
As Measles Continues to Spread in Texas, Cases Jump in New Mexico (NYT)    03/08/25  (2)
Pretty robust business-giving in Syria - link    03/08/25  (1)
No mom he’s not a reverend. I said irreverent. Yeah, to both sides    03/08/25  (2)
"i'm a loser and a sucker and we DO need to normalize indian hate" (jd vance)    03/08/25  (4)
More Than 140 Killed in Clashes Between Syrian Forces and Assad Loyalists    03/08/25  (2)
Trump Offers to Reopen Nuclear Talks in a Letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader (NYT    03/08/25  (2)
A Meteor Crashed Into Mars and Sent Shockwaves Racing Across the Planet.    03/08/25  (4)
Russian Kursk offensive doesn't exist?- link    03/08/25  (6)
A Haunting Coda: The 7 Days Gene Hackman’s Wife Could No Longer Care for Him N    03/08/25  (3)
Elon Musk Is Making Republicans Sweat and Giving Democrats a New Target (NYT)    03/08/25  (2)
Bourdain and Batali’s Assistant Spills Some Secrets (NYT)    03/08/25  (2)
Texas Company’s Lander Dies on Moon the Day After Toppled Landing (NYT)    03/08/25  (3)
Trump’s Foreign Policy May Be Crude, but It’s Realist (NYT Opinion)    03/08/25  (3)
America Is Pushing Its Workers Into Homelessness (NYT Opinion)    03/08/25  (2)
Justice Dept. Doubles Down on Request to Break Up Google (NYT)    03/08/25  (2)
XO Poll: Does your wife work?    03/08/25  (26)

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